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What do people do to have fun?




I am not an active warframe player anymore, but I still enjoy myself quite a bit whenever I decide to play.
With all these recent changes to the void I don't know what to do anymore.
Previously I used to log in and entertain myself with a T4 Survival, testing some new loadouts and stuff.
Recently I tried some other Survival but they seem different from the old T4S (even Mot, the Void Survival), I don't feel that "vibe" anymore.
I wanna feel the challenge, I wanna struggle in a mission.
Even Sorties are way too easy. 

What do you guys do to have fun? To actually challenge yourself?

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17 answers to this question

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2 minutes ago, Dwolfknight said:

I take non OP weapons and frames for sorties like todays eximus stronghold. it was really fun until an ash entered my lobby

Nice answer. But that wasn't what I was looking for. 
I wanna struggle with an OP frame and weapon.
Back in T4S after the 80 minute mark every error could have led you to death, even with maxed Ice Chroma and 1M damage Tonkor (ah, Argon Scope).
And there aren't many non OP frames anyway. Even the underrated Zephyr or Oberon can reach the 1h mark easily.

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3 minutes ago, Dwolfknight said:

it was really fun until an ash entered my lobby

*says the guy with an Ash logo haha


to OP- just like @Dwolfknight said. try just making a weapon into something that is fun to use. or making joke frame builds that really work. i currently have a few joke builds and they are great. a Supra with Guided ordinance is fun (if you can handle the recoil), Loki with all the speed/mobility mods so he moves at the speed of sound. stuff tht sounds unorthodox, but really end up working in the end.

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Just now, Davysmartz2 said:

I do raids or nm raids with friends and talk with them on discord everyday or somedays in the week, It's pretty fun doing raids if you get to talk to your friends and play with them :P

Raids are so easy I can't stand that. And people on warframe seem to talk too much. I played ton of MMOs and this is the first time I see anyone talking during a "supposed to be" difficult mission.
Anyway raids can be cleared with ease by spamming CCs, enemies could be level 10000000000000000000000000 but that wouldn't matter when they can't even move.
And I hate having to coordinate with non-english speakers and various problematic players.


10 minutes ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

*says the guy with an Ash logo haha


to OP- just like @Dwolfknight said. try just making a weapon into something that is fun to use. or making joke frame builds that really work. i currently have a few joke builds and they are great. a Supra with Guided ordinance is fun (if you can handle the recoil), Loki with all the speed/mobility mods so he moves at the speed of sound. stuff tht sounds unorthodox, but really end up working in the end.

That would be good, I run with Health Conversion Oberon, Jet Stream Zephyr, ultrafast Loki, 60 rof Grakata, Mirage + Drakgoon with Fomorian Accelerant (my fps drop from 60 to 15).

But I would like something to use my OP warframes and have fun with them, not deleting the whole map with one single button (ah, the old Saryn and Mesa).

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5 minutes ago, Dwolfknight said:

I always loved ash since i first got him 3 years ago, when his shuriken didn't even home into targets, but even i hate ash players if they start spamming

OT: this is one of the most stupid things I keep reading (don't take this as an offense).
Ash is an overpowered frame and the best way to play him is by spamming Blade Storm.
There is no reason to build him in a different way or to use his other powers (except teleporting on friends cause it's quite fun).
And considering the pure damage it deals with the bleed damage he is one of the strongest damage dealing frame with no doubt.

The problem is not with people, it's with Ash himself.
We got so many nerfs lately, Ash's nerf is coming too, just wait for it.

Edited by Prepotenza
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4 minutes ago, Dwolfknight said:

I always loved ash since i first got him 3 years ago, when his shuriken didn't even home into targets, but even i hate ash players if they start spamming

haha yea. I recently decided to pick Ash Prime back up for funsies and I have found that I really enjoy running a Duration based Smoke/Teleport strike (with augment)build with him for some solo play or play with friends.  only BSing when swarmed

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2 minutes ago, Dwolfknight said:

Ohh i've been waiting for quite some time >:)

Btw that won't change much. Whenever a frame gets nerfed a stronger one will wake up. 
For example Auto Peacemaker Mesa got nerfed (now it hits harder, but back then you didn't need to aim), Insta Miasma Saryn got nerfed (now I love her playstyle but back then it used to hit ultrahard in a great range with low energy cost) and then DE gave Banshee the possibilty to stunlock any grounded enemy on the map with ease, hitting REAAAALLY HARD (just before the void change I did a 90 round T4D and I was still able to kill enemies at round 90).
IMHO there is no point in asking for nerfs cause players will always find another way to "cheat". When Ash will get nerfed people will start complaining about Ember (I read a bunch of posts asking for an Ember nerf, lol, she's not even decent, it's an exterminate speedrun frame, nothing more to me) or something else. 

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ITT: People are getting salty over Ash who is actually an easily outperformable garbage.

New Void survival is actually harder than T4S. It's also less rewarding. Scaling in Defences is much faster than in Survivals - you might want to try that one. There are some people willing to so them, so you can find yourself a team to go for 80+ waves and push enemy level above 1000.

And "challenging" is a relative term. For instance, I find solo Survivals with Naramon "challenging", but not in a sense of actually dying - in a sense of getting the correct build and execution down to see how far can I push myself.

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I've seen a three hour Void survival pushing enemies to level 1000, on Niconico video.

The player was using Saryn with Naramon, and he looked like he could go further, but his fingers began to cramp and he started feeling dizzy because of intense focus. 

Maybe a Naramon Melee survival along those lines?

Edited by Ralk1456
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46 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

ITT: People are getting salty over Ash who is actually an easily outperformable garbage.

New Void survival is actually harder than T4S. It's also less rewarding. Scaling in Defences is much faster than in Survivals - you might want to try that one. There are some people willing to so them, so you can find yourself a team to go for 80+ waves and push enemy level above 1000.

And "challenging" is a relative term. For instance, I find solo Survivals with Naramon "challenging", but not in a sense of actually dying - in a sense of getting the correct build and execution down to see how far can I push myself.

Considering the pure damage dealt by the bleed Ash is rarely outperformed in terms of kills. Not to say that Bladestorm autoaims, not to say that Bladestorm gives you invulnerability for the duration.
Ash is currently one of the strongest frame and one of the easiest to play and mod.
There is no point in lieing about his performance.

Well, Naramon Shadow Step isn't challenging to me, I rarely use Loki cause I find him overpowered among the overpowered (personal preference). About Naramon: Do you still stay invisible after entering a nullifier bubble or they fixed that?

Edited by Prepotenza
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