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Confusion of Inaros


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Not sure if this was mentioned before... I just started playing Sand of Inaros... I got the vessel... equip it in my gear... and totally lost of what to do next.

There is a glyph of a grineer on the vessel but I can't make out which type of goon it is. (so the game expect us to bring the vessel to every grineer node to see if it has any reaction ya?)

So wiki I go to find the answer. 

I love this game but... I need to rely on wiki too much, which is very bad for how a game leads its players around.

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The game definitely needs more less wiki-dependence... but I personally didn't have any issues with recognizing the relevant enemies. Is the Seeker really that difficult to recognize? I feel like the Corpus one would have been more... ambiguous.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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3 minutes ago, Varacal said:

i dunno, for me, i like that i have to do research, that way it would feel as though the game is holding my hand while im playing

This strikes me as backwards thinking. "I like that I need to use a guide! It makes the game more hardcore!"

Ideally the mechanics and what is actually happening should be self-explanatory.

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