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Support for Keyboard and Mouse in Console Warframe


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ok, so ive got 2 warframe account now, one for PC and one for PS4, got friends on both platforms, and personaly i rather play on PC, better aim with a mouse then a controller

my question for the dev's is this

is there anyway you could put support into the game for a keyboard and mouse so i could use the same setup that im already used to insted of the constant potato aim im stuck with having to be gimped by useing a ps4 controller?

and if thats not an option, then atleast do what all other games the are shooters do on consoles, put in some kinda aim assit, because aimming in this game is horrible with guns, the melee combat is fantasitc with the controller, but aiming a gun......... ugh, horrible, esply when your coming from playing the game on PC where u can actually aim ur weapons and they point exacly where u want them to, insted of it being kinda of in that area and being way off the mark with target tracking

i've tryed all the different sensitivity options for the aiming, but its just horrible having to use a thumb stick to aim with, there is no sweet spot setting that move at just the right speed for aiming, its to slow, or to fast, there is no middle ground if you ask me


and also, for those who will post about certian devices that i could speed $200+ on to make a KB+mouse work on my PS4, not a good answer, the console has USB ports, if you ask me it should be built in support for all games on the platform to give you multi controller options, not just restricted options unless your willing to shell out extra cash for it, i already payed for my PS4, and my PC, and i can use my PS4 controller on my PC, but i cant use my PC controlling device's for my PS4?


well thats my 2 cents



to help further clarify this, do a survival and hit around the 40 minute mark, and number 1, the frame rate starts to chug hardcore because of all the partical effects, thus increaseing input delay, in other words, conttler lag, thus making aiming impossible to do, and this is also with all the graphics options like motion blur etc turned off on the ps4 so that i get the max performance i can, to put it in simpler, the lower the frame rate, the less resposive the controller, no matter what platform your on


2nd EDit:


most of the time i find myself falling back to melee spamming no matter the mission im doing in the end. be it spy, exterminate, arch-wing, survival, sabbotarge, etc

why, simpley because no aiming is required for melee in this game, you just run at the group of enemies, and if your wep have a big enough swinging arc, and you've modded it the right way everything gets 1 shot, right now my primary wep and secondy wep have become nothing more then a way to gain mastery rank, which i will only rank up for the requirements for quests, aisde from useing them in ordered to rank them up faster, once there 30, i stop useing them altogether, which is unfortunate, because some of the guns in this game are great

Edited by (PS4)mrnull1981
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)mrnull1981 said:

and if thats not an option, then atleast do what all other games the are shooters do on consoles, put in some kinda aim assit, because aimming in this game is horrible with guns, the melee combat is fantasitc with the controller, but aiming a gun.........

Aim assist already exists in the options.

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i've had this so called aim assit on in the options since i started playing it on ps4, and there has been none at all, if i aim to either side of an enemy, or just above there, my bullet wiff, they do hit, there is no assit

if they want the aim to be exact, give me the option to use the keyboard and mouse and ill nail it every time

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From a different perspective, I find aiming with a mouse almost impossible to do effectively. I have tried it, and have never gotten into computer gaming because of this. I admit, I grew up on console. While my aim may not be great, I do mange to get my fair share of hits and headshots. My playstyle has resulted in me learning to strafe while shooting. High sensitivity on the aim, edge it when needed, but strafe left or right to get that last little bit in. Takes a little longer, and probably not the kind of thing a mouse user may be accustomed to, but something to consider.


That said, I have no objection to this idea at all. I think compatability for others is a good idea, if there are players who are more efficient with that method. The only additional note I would add, is for those of us who use a Keyboard on their PS4 in addition to controller. I use it mainly to type messages in chat, but I have found more than one occasion where I would like the number input available for other menus, such as when selecting things like mods. Instead of sitting and tapping shoulder buttons to increment numbers (especially when those numbers are upwards of 50's), being able to just type in would be easier on the fingers.

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I love the idea but there are flaws in the system too. Many mice use firmware and drivers to play and setup. I know I could never use my mouse the way I have it setup on PC and it would hinder my performance.

My mouse is setup so I barely move it for everything I do and it's not possible to do that on a console. There would have to be a universal driver installed and then there is the problem of the DPI settings which I could never get the 10k+ DPI I use on my mouse to work. It would hinder the more hard-core gamers more than the average where they'd have to setup for

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