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Archwing rush missions


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What is with these Archwing rush missions? Been banging my head against the wall known as Kepler for half an hour now and still can't get past it. If you go too slowly, you end up running out of time. Go too fast, and you run into every single wall in the mission. The Corpus stasis mines don't help as they force you to go slowly to shoot them down, thus causing you to run out of time. They are also placed in the worst locations such as just behind a half wall or in the middle of a hallway. Can DE please lighten up on it? Its only the third Archwing mission in game, and yet it's one of the hardest missions I've run across yet, right up there with Exta and interception missions.

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I beat them all with ease, the key is to not go super fast or slow, but find a healthy middle. I found myself usually hitting shift, and only pressing space on long hallways. I got pretty good at shooting the mines necessary for progress before they even came close to me. Sure it's hard, but we all begged for challenge, and I will say it isn't as easy as the rest of the game. Just takes practice. Make sure to not get frustrated, but it's definitely passable with a little bit of effort.

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8 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

I beat them all with ease, the key is to not go super fast or slow, but find a healthy middle. I found myself usually hitting shift, and only pressing space on long hallways. I got pretty good at shooting the mines necessary for progress before they even came close to me. Sure it's hard, but we all begged for challenge, and I will say it isn't as easy as the rest of the game. Just takes practice. Make sure to not get frustrated, but it's definitely passable with a little bit of effort.

This would be ok, if it wasn't the third Archwing mission in the game, especially since it blocks off two missions on Ceres. Why did DE think it was a good idea to make Rush the way they did considering that there is no other mission like it in game. I would be happy if they reduced the number of Stasis mines for Kepler, to help people get used to Rush missions since, you know, its the third Archwing mission in game.

Edited by Kerberos-3
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59 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

This would be ok, if it wasn't the third Archwing mission in the game, especially since it blocks off two missions on Ceres. Why did DE think it was a good idea to make Rush the way they did considering that there is no other mission like it in game. I would be happy if they reduced the number of Stasis mines for Kepler, to help people get used to Rush missions since, you know, its the third Archwing mission in game.

Idk, but I like it the way it is. 

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3 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

This would be ok, if it wasn't the third Archwing mission in the game, especially since it blocks off two missions on Ceres. Why did DE think it was a good idea to make Rush the way they did considering that there is no other mission like it in game. I would be happy if they reduced the number of Stasis mines for Kepler, to help people get used to Rush missions since, you know, its the third Archwing mission in game.

Progression in AW is basically non-existent. Nothing new here 


as for the mission, it's very easy. Basically get gud, you need to know when to normal speed, sprint and afterburn. That's all there is to it. Also take sharp turns if u wanna turn, and use an auto weapon with all dmg mods to take out the mines 

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1 minute ago, GinKenshin said:

Progression in AW is basically non-existent. Nothing new here 


as for the mission, it's very easy. Basically get gud, you need to know when to normal speed, sprint and afterburn. That's all there is to it. Also take sharp turns if u wanna turn, and use an auto weapon with all dmg mods to take out the mines 

Perhaps it is easy for you, but when the game:

1. doesn't tell you how to mod Archwings and Archwing weapons

2. stuffs every single room with as many obstacles for you to run into as possible

3. puts Stasis mines in all the most jerkish places possible

4. gives you a 3 minute time limit, which is only just barely enough for a newb(like me) to get to the loading dock just to watch the last transport fly away

Yeah, sounds to me like DE needs to lighten up on something.

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6 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Perhaps it is easy for you, but when the game:

1. doesn't tell you how to mod Archwings and Archwing weapons

2. stuffs every single room with as many obstacles for you to run into as possible

3. puts Stasis mines in all the most jerkish places possible

4. gives you a 3 minute time limit, which is only just barely enough for a newb(like me) to get to the loading dock just to watch the last transport fly away

Yeah, sounds to me like DE needs to lighten up on something.

Honestly they don't. The game doesn't tell you how to mod archwings and archwing weapons because modding in general is covered during the initial tutorials. By the time you get the archwings you should have enough basic information on modding in general to know at least vaguely what you should be modding for, that leaves the movement basics, which you are free to practice in non timed missions until you are comfortable with the system.

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7 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Perhaps it is easy for you, but when the game:

1. doesn't tell you how to mod Archwings and Archwing weapons

2. stuffs every single room with as many obstacles for you to run into as possible

3. puts Stasis mines in all the most jerkish places possible

4. gives you a 3 minute time limit, which is only just barely enough for a newb(like me) to get to the loading dock just to watch the last transport fly away

Yeah, sounds to me like DE needs to lighten up on something.

1- they don't tell you how to mod anything. it's your choice and it's pretty easy to understand. there's wiki, there's YT videos, there's little tips on the upgrade screen. and there's so little AW mods that even thinking about what to mod isn't needed

2- that's why you have to get gud and know when to move slow or fast

3- a little challenge to spice things up, and very easy to spot and destroy

4- more that enough. if you were good like me you'd finish with 30-60 sec still on timer  


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3 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

1- they don't tell you how to mod anything. it's your choice and it's pretty easy to understand. there's wiki, there's YT videos, there's little tips on the upgrade screen. and there's so little AW mods that even thinking about what to mod isn't needed

2- that's why you have to get gud and know when to move slow or fast

3- a little challenge to spice things up, and very easy to spot and destroy

4- more that enough. if you were good like me you'd finish with 30-60 sec still on timer  


1. at least the game tells you where to mod weapons and Warframes. It doesn't tell you where to mod Archwing stuff.

2. not the easiest thing considering said obstacles make it a chore just trying to find the correct door.

3. unless said mine is behind a half-wall

4. that may be enough time for you, but its nowhere near enough time for a newb.

Edited by Kerberos-3
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4 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Except, at least the game tells you where to mod weapons and Warframes. it doesn't tell you where to mod Archwing stuff.

Actually. it kind of does, considering, at my last remembrance, the same "upgrade" button exists in the archwing loadout screen as it does in the regular warframe/weapon screen. So that's more a case of you not properly looking at your menus.

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You can destroy those mines, you know?

Shoot them as soon as you see them as you are moving forward. If you can see them from far away, start blasting. Don't wait until you're close to do so.

Keep Odonata's first skill active at all times since it boosts your damage when shooting through the shield.

Ignore the enemies. They are not a threat, just a distraction. Fly pas them.


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26 minutes ago, Xaelroa said:

Actually. it kind of does, considering, at my last remembrance, the same "upgrade" button exists in the archwing loadout screen as it does in the regular warframe/weapon screen. So that's more a case of you not properly looking at your menus.

Where is the loadout screen? Game doesn't tell you.

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2 hours ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Where is the loadout screen? Game doesn't tell you.

The loadout screen is your arsenal. That thing you have in your ship where you can change warframes, companions and weapons. The game again tells you exactly where it is during the tutorials. From there, since I'm guessing you also didn't see the following button: select the mode button from the bottom of the screen, then archwing from the following menu.

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I actually agree with the OP here, in part anyway.

This Mission I agree is actually kind of fun as is.  But I've been playing for like 2 years at this point.  I like Archwing stuff enough to have gotten a Vandal Imperator and Prisma Veritux.  It still took me upwards of half an hour over half a dozen attempts or so to figure this mission out the first time.  For us old hands (And no I don't claim to be great at archwing stuff even though I enjoy it, Im sure some of you beat it first try), its easier because we know more about what were doing from previous experience. 

For newbs however, Im rather in agreement that making this particular mission come a bit later in the progression of the new map wouldn't be a bad idea.  DE keeps looking for new ways to *Encourage* archwing playability yea?  But then they throw this mission 3rd in line for AW stuff for newbs, and put it at a really annoying spot on the map in relation to all the other maps on the planet (Have a look yourself, don't take my word for it).  Its like telling new customers to your store that you're here to serve them, then throwing them awash in the middle of the labyrinth of aisles you've haphazardly designed to ensure they see EVERY single product on the shelves before they can escape......  Even if they come out of it with a win, or if they give up and go around that planet the long way, I'll bet they think twice with a groan about clicking on the next Archwing mission they come across.....  Once you beat a dog hard enough once, they'll recognize the implement you used......

To all us old hands this doesn't matter anywhere near as much because we already have everything unlocked.  But to newbies, particularly casuals with a life and kids and a mortgage, this is just yet another exercise in calculated frustration (/Salute DE Currency Department).


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The thing is, Rush is not fun at all. Between the ice mines, the ice beams, and the Corpus overseer mocking you the entire time, I've just completely given up on attempting to do the mission at all.

I have a limited amount of time I can play the game, and I would rather not waste it trying to deal with this ****.

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