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Is DE ending their MFMF stock frame introduction pattern?


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By channeling moisture and vapor in the surrounding environment, Frost creates formidable defenses and lethal attacks from sub zero conditions.
Ice Wave
Sends a wave of razor sharp, crystallized ice toward an enemy, dealing heavy damage.
Snow Globe
Frost deep freezes any vapor and moisture in the area, creating a protective sphere with brief invulnerability to boost its strength.
Summons a treacherous landslide of ice that instantly freezes and shatters all enemies in its radius.
Frost controls the temperature of water/liquids, while bard frame controls the rhythm of sound. You also have Inaros and atlas.
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6 hours ago, RoboticApplesWithLasers said:

Don't see how the sex of a frame affects whether its theme is trite or not.  My enjoyment of any sound frame will be determined by it being suitably different to all others. I'd take a female unique frame over a male banshee clone.  

it doesn't, the frame is going to be the same regardless however it takes away from it in the fact that we're now going to have 2 female sound based frames as opposed to the originally planned 1 male 1 female sound based frame (The bard was originally going to be male as far as I know)

I never said the frame is a banshee clone I simply said it is what Nezha is to Ember except it's female so it only takes away from the possibility that we ever get a male sound based frame.

DE stated that we wouldn't be getting alternate gender frames so to someone who cares about the gender of their characters this could be a rather important topic to not be able to play as a male sound based frame since their solution was similar themes with an opposite gender, I've seen this argument brought up enough to know there are a good ammount of people who do care about the gender of their character so to make 2 sound based females just takes away from the pool for that theme to be played by those people. I'm not going to argue about the logic of playing like that I'm just saying there's always a portion of any community that does and considering the original plans for this frame it's just dissapointing to me that we lose any ammount of variety with this.

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