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QoL on Excavation


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Excavation is pretty run of the mill as the fastest way to farm lots of things. What I think is a bit weird is that when you are in a party of four in an Excavation of any level, it's not uncommon to get way more power cells lying around the field than the excavators may ever need (in missions that don't have their spawn rates all over the place, like Hieracon, obviously) even including the power cells taken to the next excavator. Me and sometimes the people I play with will often fill in power cells way after the remaining power has surpassed the time left to finish the excavation for little more than giggles.

As it stands, a team needs to fill an excavator with no more than four power cells to finish the excavation. What I propose is that any power cells inserted beyond that threshold serve as a little buff to the excavator itself. Say, an increase in its armor, health or shields. Nothing crazy, just a little something that gives us an actual reason to sink those extra cells away.

This could also serve to help farming. Extra power cells could slightly increase the chances of getting a rare reward from that excavator, as a reward for managing the excavator's energy beyond expectations, we could say. Or maybe even increasing the speed with which the excavator finishes digging up the ground.

That is all.

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1 minute ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

Have you not noticed how plugging in a power cell restores the excavator's 500 shields already?

OP wants more than just shield restoration and I agree with him.

To OP, how about a mini globe around the Excavation which can increase in its range and resistance the more power cell are used?

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7 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

To OP, how about a mini globe around the Excavation which can increase in its range and resistance the more power cell are used?

What do you mean about range, though?


I haven't been here lately, so i might've missed something added to excavators (?). 
Or am I just ignoring something obvious? XD

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1 minute ago, Railgun_Alter said:

What do you mean about range, though?


I haven't been here lately, so i might've missed something added to excavators (?). 
Or am I just ignoring something obvious? XD

Its my idea on how to improve the excavation by allowing extra power cells to form a mini energy globe around the excavators instead of extra shields, not really in the game :P

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I think that extra cells should increase dig speed.

Also, keeping excavator undamaged should also reward more credits.


And i would love "common" mods to be removed from high lvl excavation droptables.   Because these drop from enemies and ALL players already haver them. its just crap reward really.


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I remember I've seen some neat suggestions (i'm seeing it here, too, but those were topics) like providing extra power will grant the excavator Overshield or providing extra cores will reduce the time at the cost of decreasing Excavator's HP. I agree with any of them

Now... However, i doubt that anything related to making something better or easier or more rewarding on Excavation will happen.

A bit of salt: as we remember, instead of putting Survivals, Interceptions and Defense on the same «time spent : reward» ratio as Excavation, we got Excavation mechanics changes. Now i'm not saying it was nerfed, it's still the most efficient way for rewards than any other endless mission, that's why i think there won't be sweet changes regarding this mode :(

(also, changes regarding Affinity share on Interception made this situation much worse)

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Biggest QoL change for me would be for enough Power Carriers to even spawn in the first place while playing solo :-/

Solo Excavations pretty much suck, and have for some time due to not enough spawn, and the shear distance between most excavators.

As for over charging it, additional cryotic could be a thing!?  

Edited by CCamp88
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The biggest change I would like to have to excavations would be to be able to extract on your own after let's say 5 successful excavations, leaving your team to continue if they wish. I rarely do group excavations because I am unsure whether they will go for a 100 cryotic run or a 3000 run...

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1 hour ago, Prinny13 said:

To OP, how about a mini globe around the Excavation which can increase in its range and resistance the more power cell are used?

Hmm... I mean, that's what a Frost with his Snow Globe is there for, is it not? I've seen the suggestion of overshields here. That would make more sense, I think.

Edited by Gorila_Azul
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1 minute ago, Gorila_Azul said:

Hmm... I mean, that's what a Frost with his Snow Globe is there for, is it not? I've seen the suggestion of overshields here. I think that would make more sense.

Anything that makes babysitting excavation less of hell is good by me :P

Also i always run this mission with randoms and 90% of the time we don't have a Frost with in the team, at these times i wish if the excavators "could" shield us when we over feed it but that's just me :)

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