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TWW - Unplayable and mission skipping


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Hey id like to report a bug. This has know happened to my friends and me.

But with the war within quest something will happen making it so  u cant finish the mission part and because u cant abort all that is left is to alt+f4 and when u do this it counts the mission as being complete. Because of this bug I've had 3 friend miss the queens first encounter and ordis escape, and i missed the 4th option for picking your aliment because i couldn't use my beam or any e power after going back to the path after the last encounter with the queens.  

Becuase of this I have been tainted with a single white option as it choice it by default.

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The same thing just happened to me. I quit the 1st mission because I wanted to change my weapon load out and bring my cat. But I could not go back to that mission So I logged out and logged in and somehow I am already in the 2nd mission.

I just submitted the ticket. I am sure it will take sometimes for them to respond to it.

If any of you have the answer from DE, please put it here so that we know what to do to restart that quest.

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My problem appears after I've dealt with the queen and Teshin says to get to my ship, but I can't get anywhere since all the doors are locked and supposedly Lotus says something before you get the green exit marker but no such thing happens for me and I'm just stuck in the Queens chamber not able to exit or restart the mission.

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I was playing the first part of TWW but I forgot to equip something, so I quit the mission and as soon as I got in my liset the game crashed, when I restarted the game it now says "Find Teshin" as the next part in the quest rather than "Investigate something at Lua"

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Okay, so I completed the first mission on Lua. Went to the 2nd on Jupiter, upon starting I wanted to change my setup, so I aborted the mission. Getting back to the liset, upon trying to start it again, it would not let me. Nothing showing under missions/quest tab other than "The war within". Clicking on it did nothing, as no node was listed. So, I decide to re log. Upon doing so, i could continue the quest, however it is now showing me to go to Sedna for the AW mission. Soooo I'm pretty sure i just got ripped off a mission :-/  not cool



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At the end of Ordis's Purge of the Orbiter, I somehow got a Mission Failed screen when I reached the front. The quest continued in the background, however, and I was dropped off at the snowy mountain, unable to move because of that Mission Failed Screen hindering all controls. Naturally I restarted the game, expecting, at best, to be put right back where I were or, at worst, to have to go back to the beginning of the mission to infiltrate the fortress. I was wrong. Instead, my operator woke up in a cave with a bone stuck in their leg and some beast burrowing about intent on eating them. I have no clue what happened in between. And it sucks. This quest was important to me, and I've been waiting patiently for it since release. I've been told what happens in between is important, and now I feel like I'm missing out. I could look it up on Youtube or have someone fill me in, but that's not what i wanted out of this.


I know it's too late for me, and I probably have to find out in some other way to figure out what happend, but please, try and make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen to people in the future. I'm certain anyone would rather have to go back and redo a mission than to miss important parts of the story like this.

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Same damn problem here, can't play the quest since it skips the mission if you abort. I aborted on the first mission to change something and then it skipped to the second mission, aborted again since I thought it was still going to put me on the first part of the mission but put me in the second mission so I thought there might be a reset button on the mission. Nada, now I'm on the third part and unwilling to enter it and play since I missed 2 entire missions thanks to bugs. WHAT'S THE DAMN POINT of playing if you can get into it and abort to complete the quest. Now I don't know how to reset the mission and I'm too tired and pissed off to put up a support ticket and then wait for them to get back to me.

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Hi. I started the first mission of TTW and immediatly after I landet on Lua I quit the mission because I forgot to change my loadout. Then Warframe crashed. When I started the game again the first mission on Lua was marked as finished. I cannot play the fist mission. Did I miss something importend?


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2 hours ago, GhostJak1 said:

I still can't play the first mission, when it loads the map there's no transition from ortis, lotus, or the operator and when I get to the objective marker nothing happens 

Same thing. I restarted the game so many times, that the first mission of the quest (Investigate the Nursery on Lua) have been marked as complete in codex =/ But I don't even started it. I wonder if it's possible to reset quest, because I don't want to miss this part.

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Estuve jugando TWW y tuve dos bugs tremendos! el primero fue al momento de tener que controlar a ese monstruo de calaveras, todo salia oscuro, y me entere que antes de eso nos tenia que salir algo para elegir, a mi no me salio eso, en ves de eso la operadora se quedo mirando a un lado (yo pense que estaba pensando) pero ahi me tenia que salir las opciones y no salio nada, luego dejo de estar asi y segui caminando pero todo estaba oscuro y era casi imposible controlar al monstruo pero bueno, a pesar de todo pude y pase esa parte. El segundo bug fue casi al final, donde tenemos que lanzar nuestro poder a una vasija o como se llame para abrir una puerta, pues le daba a la vasija y se abria la puerta pero no podia pasar, intente de todo y nada, cerre el juego esperando que al abrir ya no me encuentre con ese problema, pero al volver a abrir ya no me salia la aventura! me llego el mensaje con las recompensas, y me salia aventura completada, magicamente se completo :( me hubiese gustado volver a jugar desde donde me quede, ojala haya una solucion ya que veo que no soy la unica!

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5 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Yes we are well aware! It is at the top of our priority list (see SPOILER BUGS LIST UPDATE section in my recent post). Thanks for reporting guys! We want to get you back into the quest with no issues, so we're working hard on a fix. 


Apparently DE is aware of our issue with quest skipping so now all we have to do is wait for a fix.

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The same thing happened to me, except for the "not triggering correctly" part, it was working fine for me. I aborted the mission halfway through and when I got back in the liset the first step of the mission was completed. Support told me that the questing system in the game doesn't allow for any kind of replay or reset of progress (which I found really, really weird considering they have that already for the Second Dream, and I highly doubt that there's no devcode possible to reset our progress or cancel out the quest entirely, so we can restart it). They also said that a restart feature will be added at some point in the future.

Kinda crappy honestly, I'm not coming anywhere near anything related to the game until this is fixed, since I've been looking forward to this quest for a while and I want to experience it for myself, without spoilers.

If you did contact support, and they eventually give you a different answer, maybe even a solution, please send me a message or reply on this topic. Good luck!

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Contacted support again, after the release of a replay function for TWW, they still say they're not able to reset a quest unless we finish it first. Really dissapointed tbh, I guess delaying an update for almost half a year does not mean it'll come without major bugs.

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Hi guys, 

Thank you all so much for your patience! We're aware of the progress stoppers listed in this thread, and we're working on a possible fix for all of them. Please keep an eye out for the next hotfix (hopefully) this week, and let us know whether or not you're still experiencing issues.

Thanks! :community:

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6 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Hi guys, 

Thank you all so much for your patience! We're aware of the progress stoppers listed in this thread, and we're working on a possible fix for all of them. Please keep an eye out for the next hotfix (hopefully) this week, and let us know whether or not you're still experiencing issues.

Thanks! :community:

Thank you for the heads up Taylor, I really appreciate the attention and effort on resolving this issue.

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