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Lanka - I See Why Nobody Uses This!


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Can somebody who Worships this gun give me a mod build?


15 multishot - 8 forma

12 serration

11 hellfire

9 ap

9 frost

9 fire rate

2 ammo max



Should there be crit+crit damage on this?

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Can somebody who Worships this gun give me a mod build?


Should there be crit+crit damage on this?

It scales quite well with them, if the 20% chance on the wiki is accurate. Remove 2 elemental mods for them or don't, your choice.

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Can somebody who Worships this gun give me a mod build?


15 multishot - 8 forma

12 serration

11 hellfire

9 ap

9 frost

9 fire rate

2 ammo max



Should there be crit+crit damage on this?


Critical chance & critical damage is a must

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I'm not going to bother to quote all the replies to my flux claim, but have any if you who are defending it actually used it? I've got it 5x polarized and loaded with maxed out mods and it's still weaker, shorter ranged, and less efficient than my unpolarized boltor. The only reason I even use it at all is due to the fact that I am a sucker for continuous beam weapons.

Also: anyone who thinks the Torrid is bad has either never used it, doesn't play defense missions, or is a complete idiot.

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It's a freakin' railgun, why does it have a slower projectile than a sniper rifle? D:< It should deal normal damage or piercing damage, and have innate puncture due to projectile velocity. Why couldn't it be like the railgun that the Moa have?

Also... charge indicators would be very nice.

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It's a freakin' railgun, why does it have a slower projectile than a sniper rifle? D:< It should deal normal damage or piercing damage, and have innate puncture due to projectile velocity. Why couldn't it be like the railgun that the Moa have?Also... charge indicators would be very nice.

It has a charge indicator, you just have to be unzoomed to see it.

I, personally, think that the Lanka should have a built-in 5-10 meter pierce effect given the fact that it's a railgun.

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Oof, that's no good for a sniper then... :\

My tiny clan consists of 10 members and we're holding off on building our R&D facilities until the Shadow Clan provisions have been made, so I have no understanding of the R&D weaponry.

Edited by Vaskadar
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Oof, that's no good for a sniper then... :\My tiny clan consists of 10 members and we're holding off on building our R&D facilities until the Shadow Clan provisions have been made, so I have no understanding of the R&D weaponry.

You can "cook" the round and then run around with it ready to fire indefinitely. I find that the best tactic is to prep it to fire while finding a target, then zoom in to precicely aim and fire.

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watch this video:



if this video doesnt convince you how good the lanka is nothing will.

That video was before it did crits.  Now look what it does:



By the way this has no multishot calc'd in, it's only listed in the mods build. 

Edited by lstalri
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That video was before it did crits.  Now look what it does:



By the way this has no multishot calc'd in, it's only listed in the mods build.

Why are the fire, and lightning damage clumped into one for the damage multiplier table?

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Why are the fire, and lightning damage clumped into one for the damage multiplier table?


Those calcs are really outdated cuz acients can take lightning damage now

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Why are the fire, and lightning damage clumped into one for the damage multiplier table?

Because you swap out one or the other depending on your target, not have both equipped at the same time.  And against grineer they're equally useless. 


Those calcs are really outdated cuz acients can take lightning damage now

Here are some updated numbers:


Lanka vs. Dread vs. Snipetron:

http://puu.sh/3t59q.png - corpus head

http://puu.sh/3toY9.png - grineer head <-- edited (Forgot to add scaling resistances to slicing damage.  Oops!)

http://puu.sh/3t5cW.png - ancient leg

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Can somebody who Worships this gun give me a mod build?


15 multishot - 8 forma

12 serration

11 hellfire

9 ap

9 frost

9 fire rate

2 ammo max



Should there be crit+crit damage on this?

i would build mine the same way i build all my snipers.



Split Chamber

Point Strike

Vital Sense

Armor Piercing

Fire Ammo

Frost Ammo

+1 Other, in this case Speed Trigger to shorten the charge time.



well I forma'ed this stupid thing, just to get multishot on, its not getting leveled a 3rd time.... I want 9 hours of my life back! and sorry... still don't get it

I put all max damage Elementals on it, and serration 12


I tryed running a t3 with it solo....  it just takes forever....  I sat there munching ammo packs because I ran dry after about 20 mobs

I jumped down to a T2, seems what this gun is made for, Only issue is my 3x forma deathcube kills level 40 mobs before the charge sound kicks in, I had to come back with shade

Critical Hits. A sniper Rifle without the Critical Damage mods loses a lot of its potential damage.

Lanka is on the same level as Dread, and Dread can onehit nearly everything with a good hit.

Maximum Elemental sounds good first, but the damage difference to critical damage is huge. one extra elemental mod gives you 90% more damage. one critical hit can give you 120% on each of your elements. Its the same that Serration does, it affects everything.



Sure it has 200 base Electric damage, Acrid is doing 100 base damage, and I can squeeze off almost 10 shots in the same time, with almost as good accuracy given this things travel time issues, and its armor ignore


I did some infested defense, and yea you can walk up to a level 142 ancient floating in Bastille and charge 6 shots into its foot at point blank range...  700 - any other gun is better




I loved the response about Ogris, You can't compare this to Ogris because.....  because..... Ogris is a rocket launcher!



This gun has the same charge, same travel, Worse ammo efficiency, deals 400 less damage, is not aoe - is simply outclassed in every way by a lower mastery rank weapon and thats all fine because..... its called... "a rocket launcher"


Sniper Rifles in generell have this problem. The toxic weapons got a buff now, they are by far the strongest weapons.

its only a matter of time until the other weapons will get a buff too.

I would be happy about Puncture on the Lanka.

Rocket Launchers will propably be moved into the Sniper Section i think, so far they have unlimited ammo, i dont think this was meant to be.

oh and realy? 142 Ancient? Most Guns cant scratch them at around level 60. and you shoot them with a pure elemental rifle?



Because you swap out one or the other depending on your target, not have both equipped at the same time.  And against grineer they're equally useless. 


Here are some updated numbers:


Lanka vs. Dread vs. Snipetron:

http://puu.sh/3t59q.png - corpus head

http://puu.sh/3t5b2.png - grineer head

http://puu.sh/3t5cW.png - ancient leg

thanks for that.

you can clearly see how strong lanka is, dread will just outrun it because of its critical modifier...

the ancient limb list is interesting.

all our sniper rifles are situational.

Snipetron: Natural AP

Dread: Slashing damage and high Crit, can penetrate. I love it against infested.

Lanka: Natural Electric (perfect agaisnt Corpus)

Vulkar: erm...cool sound?

but one question: are you sure that Slicing is different to normal? is it realy not affected by the armor of the grineer?


Edited by LazerusKI
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I loved the response about Ogris, You can't compare this to Ogris because.....  because..... Ogris is a rocket launcher!



This gun has the same charge, same travel, Worse ammo efficiency, deals 400 less damage, is not aoe - is simply outclassed in every way by a lower mastery rank weapon and thats all fine because..... its called... "a rocket launcher"

If You read my post carefully, You would have noticed, that my whole argument regarding this weapon revolved around going beyond Your obsession with DPS and effectiveness and consider for a moment the notion of skill and how rewarding it is to oneshot enemies with it.

I have maxed all weapons the game has to offer atm and the Lanka is one of the few weapons which makes the current endgame interesting, because of its learning curve.


Its a devastating weapon against anything corpus. Why bother using a weapon which clearly does electric damage against Infested? You have other weapons for that faction.


People expect way to much of the clan research weapons. Isnt it a good thing, that weapons which arent accessible to everyone dont outclass the regular weapons?

The Lanka has a few advantages over other sniper weapons but it doesnt make them obsolete in any way. It is even worse in some respects compared to Vulkar, Snipetron or Paris.

But it is far from being a piece of S#&$ as the OP said.  Being able to oneshot corpus over lvl 100 is fine with me...

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If You read my post carefully, You would have noticed, that my whole argument regarding this weapon revolved around going beyond Your obsession with DPS and effectiveness and consider for a moment the notion of skill and how rewarding it is to oneshot enemies with it.

I have maxed all weapons the game has to offer atm and the Lanka is one of the few weapons which makes the current endgame interesting, because of its learning curve.

Bow-Type (charge, travel time) Weapons are not made for everyone, you cant just aim and hit, thats why i love them. look at the dread..."it cant ignore armor, its stupid" but if you know where to hit..."dont oneshot everything >-<"


Its a devastating weapon against anything corpus. Why bother using a weapon which clearly does electric damage against Infested? You have other weapons for that faction.

with the new Electricity Resistance you can actually use it, but its still best against the Corpus. Sniper against Infested is always "a thing"...if you cant hit multiple of them with a single shot, its wasted ammo.


People expect way to much of the clan research weapons. Isnt it a good thing, that weapons which arent accessible to everyone dont outclass the regular weapons?

The Lanka has a few advantages over other sniper weapons but it doesnt make them obsolete in any way. It is even worse in some respects compared to Vulkar, Snipetron or Paris.

But it is far from being a piece of S#&$ as the OP said.  Being able to oneshot corpus over lvl 100 is fine with me...

actually...the toxics outclass our weapons. Acrid is the strongest ranged weapon if i have seen it correctly. bolt weapon and stacking, armor ignoring, scaling toxic dot...thats crazy

but yeah...clan weapons should be strong and fun to use, but they should not outclass everything, so far they are on their way to do exactly this. look at the toxics. there is no comparable weapon for now. Our Corpus Arsenal can be easily compared to regular weapons, our Grineer Arsenal is just fun to use, but the toxics...hell they are beasts.

edit: have jsut noticed that the bold only was hard to see, so i underlined it.

thanks Istalri

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^He bolded his response inside the quote.  Had me confused for a few minutes too.  You're welcome.  


but one question: are you sure that Slicing is different to normal? is it realy not affected by the armor of the grineer?

Nope, I forgot to carry over the scaling resistances from normal damage on my resistance table/array.  Sorry.  I updated my previous post, but here's the updated picture for that one anyway:


http://puu.sh/3toY9.png - grineer head <-- edited (Forgot to add scaling resistances to slicing damage.  Oops!) (copypastaOP)


And I never showcased what dread was REALLY good against:

http://puu.sh/3tpPo.png - Infested Charger - Head

http://puu.sh/3tpTq.png - Infested Charger - Body

http://puu.sh/3tpR9.png - Infested Walker - Head

http://puu.sh/3tpUW.png - Infested Walker - Body


What's the difference between those 2? Is the Walker the quadruped (4 legged one)

Also, I just assumed that slicing damage took the same scaling resistance against light infested as normal damage did.  Please correct me if I'm wrong so I can give more accurate numbers :)

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If You read my post carefully, You would have noticed, that my whole argument regarding this weapon revolved around going beyond Your obsession with DPS and effectiveness and consider for a moment the notion of skill and how rewarding it is to oneshot enemies with it.

I have maxed all weapons the game has to offer atm and the Lanka is one of the few weapons which makes the current endgame interesting, because of its learning curve.


Its a devastating weapon against anything corpus. Why bother using a weapon which clearly does electric damage against Infested? You have other weapons for that faction.


People expect way to much of the clan research weapons. Isnt it a good thing, that weapons which arent accessible to everyone dont outclass the regular weapons?

The Lanka has a few advantages over other sniper weapons but it doesnt make them obsolete in any way. It is even worse in some respects compared to Vulkar, Snipetron or Paris.

But it is far from being a piece of S#&$ as the OP said.  Being able to oneshot corpus over lvl 100 is fine with me...

Shouldn't you be a little more than a silver initiate if you have every weapon in the game maxed out? I mean, I just hit gold initiate and I have nowhere near all the weapons maxed and I think only 5 of my 7 frames..

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Shouldn't you be a little more than a silver initiate if you have every weapon in the game maxed out? I mean, I just hit gold initiate and I have nowhere near all the weapons maxed and I think only 5 of my 7 frames..

That's easy to explain. Instead of spending time on the forums he spent more time actually playing the game.

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It desperately needs innate puncture. Combining the Corpus' Sniper with the Railgun Moa weaponry. It would make sense. And then we get a mod that allows us to see through walls when we go ADS. :D



...yeah, probably not gonna happen, but imagine being super-sneaky and killing everyone without being seen. Ever. Sniping them through walls.

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Shouldn't you be a little more than a silver initiate if you have every weapon in the game maxed out? I mean, I just hit gold initiate and I have nowhere near all the weapons maxed and I think only 5 of my 7 frames..

Forum ranks do not represent in-game Mastery rank. 

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I am pretty sure you have metrics...  do they tell you nobody is using the Lanka?


I have never seen anyone using it, I just got it today and I understand why!


its... just ... so bad...

Even with Rapid fire at high level it takes ages to charge, its often seems to lag, the charge sound has gone off and still nothing when you let go...  then you have to charge again!


You get to rank 7, you farm 5 fieldron, you wait 6 days, you potato and Mod it, you wait almost 2 seconds to charge...


and the result is a terrible travel time nuke that needs to lead its target to hit... hits 1 target doing a pathetic 200 electric damage.


Dread and Paris do 150[lolwut?], with alot more reliability.


if it was a "rail gun" with 5-10m pierce.. and more speed on the projectile.

and/or if you removed the charge mechanic.

and it needs Alot more damage.


I mean Ogris has the same charge mechanic, has pretty much the same projectile speed and sniperishness... and deals 500 aoe damage!


Ogris only needs rank 6


why is a higher mastery rank gun, doing less.. alot less single target, when aimed that a Weapon that you just point in the general direction.. and deals AOE...

1) Rapid Fire is a waste of mod slots on the Lanka. Use a dual rainbow/crit build i.e. only utility mod should be Split Chamber


2) That "pathetic" 200 electric damage is base damage. All of your damage mods are scaling off of 200 base damage. Also, Ancients were nerfed to only 50% electric resistance a while back.


3) Dread does 150 charge damage, Prais does a measly 100. Dread also has a 2x multiplier on crit, compared to Paris' 1.5. I'm just gonna say it, yes Dread is flat out better than Paris.


4) The damage output of Lanka and Dread is similar. The main advantage of Lanka is that it relies less on crit which does higher consistent damage with the occasional "nuke" from multishot crit like Dread. Because Lanka deals electric base damage, enemy resistances can cause it to do more or less damage than Dread depending on the enemy, but any enemy that can take 6k damage is most likely a heavy and that heavy is not having a good time with all the AP you're doing.


5) Ogris is an AOE weapon. Lanka takes headshots with all the benefits that those carry. It seems like you compared these weapons on base damage alone without actually modding them for their specific purposes... why?


Long post tl;dr mod it for sniping and then actually snipe with it (spoilers: it kills stuff)

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That's easy to explain. Instead of spending time on the forums he spent more time actually playing the game.


This :)

Ingame Im  a Silver Seeker I think.



Forum ranks do not represent in-game Mastery rank. 

You gents make a lot of sense lol though in my defense I'm a gold something or other in both so I assumed they were linked.




Michael Clark Duncan said it best, "when you assume you make an &amp;#&#33;, outta yaself!"


edit: although rank 7 is gold novice, not initiate so that should have been a dead give away... Whoops.jpg

Edited by Dr.KennethNoiswater
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1) Rapid Fire is a waste of mod slots on the Lanka. Use a dual rainbow/crit build i.e. only utility mod should be Split Chamber


2) That "pathetic" 200 electric damage is base damage. All of your damage mods are scaling off of 200 base damage. Also, Ancients were nerfed to only 50% electric resistance a while back.


3) Dread does 150 charge damage, Prais does a measly 100. Dread also has a 2x multiplier on crit, compared to Paris' 1.5. I'm just gonna say it, yes Dread is flat out better than Paris.


4) The damage output of Lanka and Dread is similar. The main advantage of Lanka is that it relies less on crit which does higher consistent damage with the occasional "nuke" from multishot crit like Dread. Because Lanka deals electric base damage, enemy resistances can cause it to do more or less damage than Dread depending on the enemy, but any enemy that can take 6k damage is most likely a heavy and that heavy is not having a good time with all the AP you're doing.


5) Ogris is an AOE weapon. Lanka takes headshots with all the benefits that those carry. It seems like you compared these weapons on base damage alone without actually modding them for their specific purposes... why?


Long post tl;dr mod it for sniping and then actually snipe with it (spoilers: it kills stuff)

1) I would strongly disagree.  One of the major downfalls of snipers in this game is their low rate of fire (reloads for snipetron and vulkar, rate of fire for bows, and lanka). This mod actually improves this by quite a bit and makes cleaning up light enemies not very difficult if you are capable of accurately hopping from target to target (if you can't, go back to using normal rifles and leave us alone with our OHK OP snipers)


2) Yup.  Just look at the tables I've posted all over the place.  That 200 base damage does wonders. 


3) Again, yeah pretty much.  Just look at the tables I have presented (although I don't know if I've posted one with paris in it...).  Name any target and I will present the tables for Paris vs Dread and show that Dread wins 10/10


4) debatable.  Dreads puncture is quite useful as well. 


5) Ogris is the blind mans sniper.  The end. 

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