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Who Is Lotus?


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I can not take much mystery, the lotus, the woman who is speaking to us guiding phases, who is she? There are many doubts about it, I also hear her voice telling you to other factions, by chance she is a double agent? She has several tubes behind her head, and her head is shaped like a lotus flower, and these tubes, the shape of the flower roots, honestly I do not know who is the lotus, it is very strange, I need information.

Edited by Pollth
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It's the Developer. Really, Lotus is the Comunity Manager, she bosses you around in the mission and says all the dialog in the game.

And yeah, this is the best explanation i could offer you beside just saying "Ninja" and hoping this would explain something.

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It's the Developer. Really, Lotus is the Comunity Manager, she bosses you around in the mission and says all the dialog in the game.

And yeah, this is the best explanation i could offer you beside just saying "Ninja" and hoping this would explain something.

What ninja?

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She is Captain Obvious' wife


While on a grineer spaceship
"There's a large group heading towards you, it's the grineer"

While on a planet/spaceship covered in fire
"Don't walk into the fire"


While fighting a huge mob of enemies, explosions and bodies flying everywhere
"They know your here"




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I don't know the mystery but I can tell you she will always underestimate the time needed to hack into a grineer terminal.

She needs to take a page out of Scotty's book and say that it'll take twice as long as it actually will. That way, when she gets it done in half the time, she seems to be some kind of miracle worker.

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I'd like to believe that Lotus is a program that organizes all the Tenno.


Cause you know one person would never have the ability to manage thousands of Tenno all at once, and she's never actually been shown in anything more than a static image.

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Voice actor Rebecca, as for what she is in the game is not exactly clear.

Could be an A.I like cortana from Halo series, she has a line during mobile defense missions: "Upload me..." You don't get to upload human being very often unless that's a sleng(innuendo?) for something.

For an A.I she shows quite a lot of emotions: "What do you know...; this got just interesting...;" So could be human aswell.

I guess we will get answers when the game's lore is established.

Edited by Morgax
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Rebecca is Lotus

no, Lotus is Rebecca in Undercover.

She tries to find the best of us to put us into cryopods.

and if we can survive long enough, a new frame is born...

if not...we are captured by grineer, dissected by corpus, eaten by Infested...

Edited by LazerusKI
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Could be an A.I like cortana from Halo series, she has a line during mobile defense missions: 

For an A.I she shows quite a lot of emotions: "What do you know...; this got just interesting...;" So could be human aswell.

Well if you're including Cortana as a comparison, She is proof enough that A.I. can desplay emotions and quirky personalities. In fact if you read the Halo series you learn that Cortana is practically human thanks to a program which clones Dr. Hasley's brain and copies all that she knows into the matrix that makes up Cortana.


So basically, an A.I. can display emotion like behavior :P

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I'd like to believe that Lotus is a program that organizes all the Tenno.


Cause you know one person would never have the ability to manage thousands of Tenno all at once, and she's never actually been shown in anything more than a static image.

I agree.

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However, there is another fact to be discussed. The ship that leads to missions, in addition to the format like the head of Lotus, who is driving is ship? This leads to the fact that our escape capsules when we arrived at the point of extraction is part of the outer layer of the ship.

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she has a line during mobile defense missions: "Upload me..." You don't get to upload human being very often unless that's a sleng(innuendo?) for something.


Well the thingy you carry around and put into the computer is probably some sort of remote hacking device that lets her hack from a safe location.

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I think it's more to do with the fact that the story of the game, the justifications for just about anything that happen within the gameworld are largely unimportant to DE. The game's gotten this far without them having any real idea as to what the 'story' is. Frankly, anything they come up with this late in the game is some sort of bad joke.  I'd love to be disproven, but i'm fairly sure it just never was, and will continue to not be that important to them.

Sort of stupid, really.

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Lotus is definitely not an AI, more like an oracle/advisor settling somewhere in the depths of galaxy or likely from the place every warframe arrives (remember the shuttle bringing tenno on terrain and extracting from missions. Shuttle simply cannot travel on its own in open space, it is launched from either a gigantic ship or from some "Orokin homeland". Also the dojo seems to be located at the place all tenno are receiving their briefing and are launched from) and considering the "Tenno flower" signature on her headwear she is of tenno race, hence the obvious hints. This also proves ALL Warframe wielders aka Tenno are human.

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I can not take much mystery, the lotus, the woman who is speaking to us guiding phases, who is she? There are many doubts about it, I also hear her voice telling you to other factions, by chance she is a double agent? She has several tubes behind her head, and her head is shaped like a lotus flower, and these tubes, the shape of the flower roots, honestly I do not know who is the lotus, it is very strange, I need information.

i find it possible she could be using orokin technology since orokin tech is a combination of organic and non organic my guess is she is a android a ai or lotus is in fact a group of people not just one person that would explain why she or they are able to guide thousands of tenno at once but i would like to know what the lotuses angle is

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