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Good Secondary Weapon(S)?



Hey all,


I'm looking for a good secondary weapon to have for all-round usage.

I know the kunai is OP but I'd rather not pick something just because it's broken.


Knowing this, are there any other weapons you can recommend?


EDIT: Don't have access to any kind of clan weapons


Any help is appreciated. :)

Edited by Tagek
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25 answers to this question

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If you are looking for a non-cheap, non-OP secondary, then I suggest using the bolto/akbolto or the bronco/dual broncos.  The bolto is fairly accurate and does a good deal of armor-ignoring damage.  The downside is the bolt takes time to travel.  The bronco is awesome, but you need to be close to your target to get the full amount of damage since it is a handheld shotgun.

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- Aklato : only if you're short on material

- Bolto/Akbolto : nice weapon, good damage, ignore armor. The downside is the bolt takes time to travel, so long range combat is not advised. The Neurodes is a bit hard to get too (it's in Everest, Earth, usually dropped by Councilor Vay Hek)
- Viper/Twin Viper : your dual SMG, easy to get, great RoF but low damage and very ammo inefficient. usually 1 magazine = 1 enemy

- Bronco/Dual Bronco : just like other shotgun, but in secondary slot

- Lex : your secondary sniper. Accurate, nice damage, but high recoil, low RoF. To make it short, the Desert Eagle of Warframe

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- Aklato : only if you're short on material

- Bolto/Akbolto : nice weapon, good damage, ignore armor. The downside is the bolt takes time to travel, so long range combat is not advised. The Neurodes is a bit hard to get too (it's in Everest, Earth, usually dropped by Councilor Vay Hek)

- Viper/Twin Viper : your dual SMG, easy to get, great RoF but low damage and very ammo inefficient. usually 1 magazine = 1 enemy

- Bronco/Dual Bronco : just like other shotgun, but in secondary slot

- Lex : your secondary sniper. Accurate, nice damage, but high recoil, low RoF. To make it short, the Desert Eagle of Warframe


My Twin Vipers can usually kill things with less than have a mag with good aim. Just need the right mods.

And yes, the Lex is definitely a Desert Eagle. Although with it's power I wish it looked a bit...beefier.

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When comparing the Kraken and the Akbolto, what are the differences? (Aside from akbolto being much more expensive :P)


Where do I start?

Kraken: 2 shot burst, aim at chest to get the second shot to be a headshot. 45 damage per bullet. Meaning, with a high enough fire rate increase, you could land a double headshot, making it even stronger than the Lex (though with damage mods being percentage based, I believe in this way the Lex would scale up better). It's a heavy hitter, and fun to use. Color customizing isn't the best.

Akbolto: Dual wielded so accelerated ammo consumption. Armor ignore. Moderate damage (26 I think?). Travel time and drop, have to seriously know how to lead at distance. Decent rate of fire, insane with the Gunslinger mod.

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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Despair, Despair, Despair. Of course, barring buying the BP in the What Stalker? pack, you could either farm and pray to the RNG for a drop or buy the Kunai BP.

I can usually one shot kill with my Despair. <3

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Side-Arms.... Hm.

Lex is as, R4yleonard had said, the Desert Eagle of Warframe. Upsides are that it deals high damage per bullet with perfect accuracy when you stand still, ideal to be what people call the pocket sniper.

Due to it's slow fire rate, unless it can one shot the enemy, you will initially find the weapon to be quite underwhelming. However, as you mod it further with the appropriate damage mods, possibly installing a potato ("potato" refers to either an Orokin Catalyst or Reactor) in the process, this is when Lex truly shines as a weapon that requires not only great patience to utilize, but a truly reliable weapon too.

As you use Lex, you will find yourself frequently trying to aim for the enemy's weak spots so as to one shot the enemy. This changes your playstyle to make you notice and aim for weak spots more, essentially improving on your marksmanship capabilities.

If you use weapons such as Boltor or Gorgon that loses out in long-range combat due to their inaccuracy, then Lex is the preferred weapon to act as an ammo-efficient and reliable backup for your primary weapon.

On the other hand, if your primary weapon is more specialized towards long range sniping such as the bow weapons (Paris and Dread), Latron, Vulkar and Snipetron, you should get a secondary weapon that excels at close to mid-range combat to make up for the Snipers losing out when crowded by enemies.

In this case, weapons like akbolto and Dual Bronco truly shines. Note that to build a dual wield pistol you require two single pistols to build it.

Akbolto (Or Bolto if you do not have enough materials and credits), like the others have pointed out earlier, they deal Armor Ignoring damage, which means that they deal the full damage even to armored targets.

Of course the sound effect is nice too. Bolto/Akbolto are bolt weapons, which means that they fire bolt projectiles instead of bullets. Thus these Bolt projectiles have travel time. Not recommended for long range as Bolt projectiles spread a lot at long range.

Bronco/Dual Bronco offers incredible damage output when modded right, at the cost of a low magazine size. As with all shotguns, they are superior in short to mid range combat but loses out in long range (I am not sure if there is a damage fall-off that corresponds with distance) .

In general, pick a Secondary weapon that can act as back-up for your primary weapons, and you are good to go.

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Side-Arms.... Hm.

... ...

... ...

In general, pick a Secondary weapon that can act as back-up for your primary weapons, and you are good to go.

Very helpful post, thanks mate.

Thank you to everyone else who posted here as well.


I think I will be trying out the Akbolto as I like the idea behind it, and from what I've heard, the sound effects are just plain bad-&amp;#&#33;.

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-Despair & Kunai are the strongest secondary weapons in the game. put Multi shot, 5 damage mods, Fire rate and reload speed, max everything and you'll get the fastest killing machine in the game.


-Acrid is the 2nd best (IMO) it deals poison damage and ignores the armor, it's fantastic.


-Akbolto, they're just awesome and amazing

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Try kunai, they are fun to use, and help gameplay....flow don't run away from the just because they are OP.


If you want something "different" Twin vipers are pretty amazing, I ran alot of missions with just these, they have insane damage.

but they do have very limited ammo, you get to kill perhaps 15 mobs then your out of ammo.


Duel broncos are very strong, Single bronco is pretty strong, but they are flanking weapons, I am not sure if your at the stage where you feel happy in rushing mobs, if your very new to the game in a poorly modded frame then a Lex is better.

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Single Bronco > Dual Broncos.


With a reload speed mod on the single Bronco, it feels like it has an infinite clip instead of the Dual Broncos measly 4 round clip, plus, the huge recoil of the Broncos (both single and dual) pretty much eliminates the fire rate advantage of the Dual Broncos.


Back on topic, good secondary weapons (that aren't the Kunai/Despair/Acrid as per op's request) are the Lex, Aklato, and Akbolto.


-Lex is a high power sniper pistol.

Throw in in a fire rate and reload speed mods after your standard hornet strike+multishot+AP and it becomes a very versatile general-purpose weapon that can both snipe and quickly take out multiple targets if need be.


-Akboltos are a more powerful, but closer range alternative to the Aklatos.

The bolt travel time means they're less reliable at range, but the armor ignore, good base damage, large clip, and high fire rate makes them extremely potent close-to-mid range weapons that absolutely shred through anything even with minimal mods.


-Aklato are your average general purpose pistol.

Not exactly an exceptional weapon, the Aklatos are the definition of average, having reasonable damage, fire rate, clip size, and reload speeds and can handle pretty much any situation you throw them in.

Doesn't have the extreme power cases of other weapons, but doesn't have any extreme downsides, either.

Edited by Haif
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