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I would like to congratulate with DE...


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... because they did an awesome job with the latest main quests.

I'm an old Warframe player who stopped playing steadly around 2 years ago more or less and fate brought me back to the game these last few days for various reasons, i did not plan to stay honestly, i logged in just to do a couple stuff and then log back off... but then i got curious about this "War Within" so i told myself "why not go for one last run and discover what's happening, the trailer is quite interesting and might shed some light over the old questions we had back in the days about Tenno's origins."

And so i discovered that, in order to play TWW, i had to complete The Second Dream and, before it, Natah.

Men WHAT A BLAST!! I played the 3 quests 1 by 1 in these days and they were truly amazing, the characters, the truth, the lies, the journey. Everything was awesome, this game needed some lore SO MUCH and i'm glad you finally did it! Maybe it's a bit late for me and i probably wont keep playing back to the old "farm farm" WF is mainly all about but i'll surely come back everytime there's a new quest that adds to the lore because... it's simply beautiful what you did and i'm eager to ear more about it.

So uhm... that's about it :)

i wouldnt probably took the time to write this down if i wasnt truly amazed for what you accomplished with these quests (i'll probably buy some plats just to support a lil more DE and to further show my appreciation of your hard work), i think that's what this game needed: Lore, Depth, Meaning

Keep it up DE!


a veteran Tenno

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1 minute ago, Separius said:

TWW was good, but not year in development good.

Why do people keep saying this?   The entire year of updates we have had were technically part of the same huge update they divided up.  TWW was just the last few months worth.   Overall, the update has been phenomenal.   

5 minutes ago, Mastikator2 said:

Oh and you did check out the visuals in TWW? The godrays, the dynamic shadows. I usually don't find myself just goofing around in games just to look at the graphics but oh my.


When the graphics are just right.


Exactly.   The TWW quest itself wasn't long. The enjoyment, it's in the details. 

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I like Riven Mods


opened a can of worms



*Also Warframe could use like 10 more cinematic quests

maybe some about the old world

more sentient enemies, or orokin

maybe prologue, epilogues, intrologues, and stuff about ordis, or cephalons in general

maybe more about maroo, or Clem, or Salad V


But most of all, A stalker backstory



{Also, why is it that the Zanuka has been largely ignored, stalker got messed with, G3 not so much, Zanuka not at all}

Edited by (PS4)Tomplexthis
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12 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

Why do people keep saying this?   The entire year of updates we have had were technically part of the same huge update they divided up.  TWW was just the last few months worth.   Overall, the update has been phenomenal.

I have got just one word for those who keep saying that. GREED, which is a thing one can never get satisfied with.

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3 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

Why do people keep saying this?

The Witcher 3 was in development for 2 years after it's announcement, and the result had objectively very well polished graphics, huge amount of weapon and character models and animations, hundreds of hours of content, of which were mostly hours long amazing quest chains, humongous amounts of quality voice acting and nice sounds and music.

Compare this to TWW, that has been in development for 1 year since announcement and has what, some recoloured modells, ok voice acting but too much, a quest that can be done in 1h and a new tileset, some bugfixes and code polishing and 4 new weapons and lighting stuff that can be set up by just one experienced graphics designer in just about 10 hours total. Underwhelming compared to the achievments in the game above mentioned.

That's why people keep saying that.

20 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

The entire year of updates we have had were technically part of the same huge update they divided up.  TWW was just the last few months worth.

Citation needed for that last claim.

TWW was announced ~a year ago, this is all what we know. They released what they were ready with during the year. They didn't release the actual update because it was still being worked on, since it's announcement. 

I mean seriously, you are claiming that they announced TWW a year ago and that they just started working on the actual update in the last few months? Come on, that's not how announcements work. You can be pretty damn sure that what we have now was being developed ever since it got announced if not before.

But even if we count the silver grove, specters, the index, lunaro etc. as part of TWW, it still dwarves compared to... let's see... the Blood and Wine expansion of The Witcher 3. Which added ~28 hours of nonstop, nonprocedural, grind free, totally voice acted content to the main game, not mentioning the huge amounts of models that got added, both weapon and creatures.. and environmental. And it only took them ~a year since announcement to release.

Compare that to the tops the total of 1h 30 mins it takes to complete TWW and the silver grove if we ignore the grind for plants.

39 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

Overall, the update has been phenomenal.  

Compared to DE standards, yes, yes it was.

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1 hour ago, Separius said:

TWW was good, but not one year in development good.

Good thing it wasn't a year in development then ain't it.

Also, your comparison to the Witcher is off by miles, if not only for the fact that they had work but in well before the announcement (which is common practice), and TWW was mentioned/announced at the stage of pre-production. If you want a Citation on that, then you might want to catch up on the Dev Streams they have been doing in which they have specifically stated this. 

Another factor to consider is the fact that these are 2 entirely different games, now do I think that puts them even? Nope. I have never considered DE to be an exceptional Dev company, besides their art direction. And I don't know the factual difference in staff and their talent in comparison CD Projekt Red. But I just have a distaste for poor analogies with inaccurate information to boot.

If any, a fairer comparison would be to look at their Dev times for all the content they have in relation to their staff, and even that would be unbalanced due to the fact that they both have had very different starts, and backrounds which plays a lot into their ability's.

Edited by Lynxh
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26 minutes ago, Lynxh said:

Good thing it wasn't a year in development then ain't it.

Also, your comparison to the Witcher is off by miles, if not only for the fact that they had work but in well before the announcement (which is common practice), and TWW was mentioned/announced at the stage of pre-production. If you want a Citation on that, then you might want to catch up on the Dev Streams they have been doing in which they have specifically stated this. 

None of this matters when they made us wait nearly a whole year with actual TWW (the quest) having been [DE]layed more and more. The meme is stupid, but it exists for a reason.

As I said it's a good quest, but not good enough for the wait.

29 minutes ago, Lynxh said:

Another factor to consider is the fact that these are 2 entirely different games, now do I think that puts them even? Nope. I have never considered DE to be an exceptional Dev company, besides their art direction. And I don't know the factual difference in staff and their talent in comparison CD Projekt Red. But I just have a distaste for poor analogies with inaccurate information to boot.

If any, a fairer comparison would be to look at their Dev times for all the content they have in relation to their staff, and even that would be unbalanced due to the fact that they both have had very different starts, and backrounds which plays a lot into their ability's.

Fair enough.

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31 minutes ago, Separius said:


None of this matters when they made us wait nearly a whole year with actual TWW (the quest) having been [DE]layed more and more. The meme is stupid, but it exists for a reason.

As I said it's a good quest, but not good enough for the wait.

Well, after my long break it felt good :)

That's what i wanted to say

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8 minutes ago, Separius said:

None of this matters when they made us wait nearly a whole year with actual TWW (the quest) having been [DE]layed more and more. The meme is stupid, but it exists for a reason.

As I said it's a good quest, but not good enough for the wait.

TSD came out in Dec 2015.

TWW launched it's story in Nov 2016 but most of it's other additions came out months before.



FWIW, that meme makes no sense.

15 minutes ago, Separius said:

it's a good quest, but not good enough for the wait.


1 hour ago, Separius said:

TWW was good, but not one year in development good.

How entitled must a body be to get a full featured content expansion capped off with a cinematic quest for free and then judge it by the length of time it took to launch?

"Thanks for the free meal...Next time, get it out here sooner."

It's the functional equivalent of cutting your nose off to spite your face.

That's not to say that you and the laundry list of others harboring that opinion have no right to it... It just doesn't make any sense given that you got it for free. 

Lastly, it's tacky to drop such rhetoric on somebody's feel good thread... Tons of other complaint threads for you to do that on.



5 minutes ago, Phoenix86 said:

Well, after my long break it felt good :)

That's what i wanted to say

They've been doing some really good work in the lore department for the last year or so.

It all seems like buildup for the sentient's return story arc which is shaping up to be quite good imo.

I just hope the detractors opinions don't sway DE from continuing to release story based content.

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49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

How entitled must a body be to get a full featured content expansion capped off with a cinematic quest for free and then judge it by the length of time it took to launch?

49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

That's not to say that you and the laundry list of others harboring that opinion have no right to it... It just doesn't make any sense given that you got it for free. 

Implying I never bought plat. 

49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

"Thanks for the free meal...Next time, get it out here sooner."

More like thanks for starving me, and then giving me scraps, tasty scraps, but still scraps and instead of moving on I still have faith in you, do your job faster next time.

49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

It's the functional equivalent of cutting your nose off to spite your face.

And thats a nonfunctional analogy. I wasn't being entitled, neither are others who are criticizing the update. It's just us giving criticism. Sorry that it hurts your sense of justice, not everyone are happy go lucky types that ignore problems and are easily statisfied.

49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

Lastly, it's tacky to drop such rhetoric on somebody's feel good thread... Tons of other complaint threads for you to do that on.

As long as I'm obeying the rules I can post whatever I feel like posting, sorry if that upsets you. Hope you'll be able to get over it.

49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

FWIW, that meme makes no sense.

Seven months of [DE]lays say otherwise.

This is pointless to argue about you liked i liked it too, I just wished they spent less time on it. It's all subjective.

Edited by Separius
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Ready your pitchforks - I don't think TWW was as good as some people say.

Also, possible spoilers.


It was certainly not worth a year of development. It surely does not live up to the hype (that was dead long before the update launched).

As for the story - the quest introduces pair of important antagonists, then a few moments later one of them dies (Elder Queen). It's not enough time to develop a character, at the moment of her death I didn't even care much. Hell, to me it felt almost like killing another another mindless clone rather than finishing off an important antagonist.

Our choices that are supposed to have some consequences - some of them felt really vague (the last one), others were basically setting up a background for our character. I'm rather sceptical about eventual consequences (for example choice regarding the Kuva vial - I've no idea what any of those choices do besides of different voices at the end of the quest. Teshin isn't helping either saying that "it could be either a source of power or a poison" - it doesn't help one bit.

Also, Operator is acting like a spoiled brat despite being thousands year old.


If I had any expectations I would be rather disappointed.

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