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Who Here Plays Warframe For Fun?


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No, they don't. The people you find on those planets are either trying to progress to higher level planets or farming specific maps for mats, very few people just randomly decide to run a lowbie mission for the hell of it.

Then I am the only one who plays this game because I simply enjoy the actually game.

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No, they don't. The people you find on those planets are either trying to progress to higher level planets or farming specific maps for mats, very few people just randomly decide to run a lowbie mission for the hell of it.

I do. Ran into the stalker the first time that way and I was on solo. I died.

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Then I am the only one who plays this game because I simply enjoy the actually game.


Except if you're loadout is poor you're gonna one shot all ennemies in low level planet. I don't get what fun you could have just running and oneshotting trash mobs

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I go to places like Kiliken and Venera for the fun of it, each one has his own fun, mine is just killing and relaxing, others have a bigger obsession over hardness or challenge.


I feel its quite challenging to go to higher waves for example, but Ive seen people go way too high, and that may be the reason for them to be asking for a higher difficulty in game.


Yet for me its good as it is :s

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I do, my friends do but quite many seem to like to compete and to me, let them compete. I could not care less, I stopped caring about 3 years ago when I realized that no matter how good you think you are and no matter how much time you waste, there will always be better players so why to bother going all hardcore when I can have fun and it also allows me to enjoy real life as well and not only play all day long.

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