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I. Hate. Wallrunning.


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Mastery is mastery. In all things. One of those things is wallrunning.

Except that you never have to do what you're told to up until then. It's like taking a math exam and finding that there are questions about chemistry. You can kinda see how the two are related, but it doesn't seem relevant to what you've been doing up until then.

Edited by Argoms
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And for those wants to train, you can easily do at your own Dojo, specifically at the Reactor room. The arthiceture of that room allows you to train from tic-tac, connecting wallrun, and stuffs. I was able to circle around in the room without touching any ground three laps after messing around. (Not counting the smaller hallway)

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There is no way it should take you seven ranks of mastery to learn how to wallrun.

There is no way it should take you seven ranks of mastery to learn how to aim.


If you really are having trouble with these tests, go rush some missions in the Grineer Asteroid Base missions. Those maps are perfect for wallrunning and rushing when you learn the maps by heart, which is easy to learn.


For a weapon, grab something that doesn't have travel time, but has decent fire rate. I would use an MK1-Braton.

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getting mastery ranks should be automatic... You already have to go through all the trouble of leveling a bunch of different frames and guns to get your mastery, so why the hell should you have to do tests just to rank up. If anything, mastery tests should only be at the first couple ranks to teach new players some important basics. But by rank 6 and 7, you most likely already know all the basics and most advanced controls. Never in the game are you going to have to wall run, shoot a target, run up a wall, and shoot another target. But by rank 6-7, you know how to aim and you know how to wallrun. No need to put them together on a test that, if you fail, you must wait 24 hours to try again. By this point the tests aren't for educational purposes, they're just frustrating obstacles in your way. 

Edited by Duelshock
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getting mastery ranks should be automatic... You already have to go through all the trouble of leveling a bunch of different frames and guns to get your mastery, so why the hell should you have to do tests just to rank up. If anything, mastery tests should only be at the first couple ranks to teach new players some important basics. But by rank 6 and 7, you most likely already know all the basics and most advanced controls. Never in the game are you going to have to wall run, shoot a target, run up a wall, and shoot another target. But by rank 6-7, you know how to aim and you know how to wallrun. No need to put them together on a test that, if you fail, you must wait 24 hours to try again. By this point the tests aren't for educational purposes, they're just frustrating obstacles in your way. 


A test is a test, not a tutorial.

It is to test if you know your stuff and can actually perform it.

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I've been playing this game less than 3 weeks and find it hard to believe that someone of mastery level 8 hasn't done this stuff accidentally before they take this test.


I understand that dexterity and keyboard layout has something to do with peoples' problems, but as has been said in this thread, mastery is mastery.


Within the first couple of days, me and a friend who started playing at the same time had demonstrated many moves to each other and practiced the moves that we'd been shown by the other. Apparently he can backflip on occasion, but I've not done this yet myself. On the other hand, I showed him the mid-air spin attack and how to link wall runs both vertically and horizontally.We've both got ourselves into strange locations on the maps and we love to make use of novel maneuvering techniques.


So there isn't an official tutorial? Ok, this is a beta issue that is being addressed, but when you get to this mastery level you are made aware of it by the test. After this point you are aware of it and can then practice this for 24 hours before you can retake the test. The first test I did, I didn't even know that there were timed events in the game and completely missed the countdown until it was to late. Give people a tutorial about every little thing in the game? Don't be dumb. Learn from your mistakes and get better.


I wish there was a lot less handholding in games now, but I'm 35 years old and I remember the days when you had to restart the whole game from scratch whenever you died. Now there was a learning curve. Try playing the original Tomb Raider with the waypoints spread so far apart then come back and whine about one feature of this game that you're given time to master before attempting it again. Maybe if games were more about personal challenge and less about flattering egos, there'd be less people with attention deficit disorder.


Edit: Wallrunning is a bit glitchy though... like running straight up a wall when looking and moving nearly parallel to it, not starting the run and falling, trying to run straight up a wall and just banging your nose or jumping in a crap way...

Edited by FractalMind
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I was aware of the input limit on keyboards, and I don't think this is precisely that.  However, I'll admit it could be so I'll give that point.  When I'm doing the sliding jumps I'm literally not doing anything but hitting the crouch button once and then letting go, sliding along, and then pressing nothing but the jump button.  A fair portion of the time the jump does not register.  This happens quite often in other situations, too.  And honestly I know I screwed up a few times due to muscle memory or erratic sort of twitches (for lack of a better term) where my finger doesn't quite respond how my brain wants it too.  Honestly, though, that's just even more reason the grace period should be extended.


There is a reward for success though, another rank of mastery.  It maybe non-substantive, but its still a reward.  The penalty for failure is the 24 hour wait.  That's a fairly big psychological penalty because, essentially, your failure is going to weigh on you for that period of time until you have another chance at success.  You failed, and you can't recover from that.  Its like a missed opportunity.  Its one thing to miss an alert because of other things in life, you sort of write that off typically.  But when you are actively capable of getting it but fail, its an entirely different sort of frustration.  Its disheartening.  That's very important because too much discouragement will result in people not playing anymore.  Now imagine its there, blinking at you every day, and every day you try and fail for one reason or another.  DE wants the game to be played, but if players hit that wall and just give up, it'll lead to less players playing the game.


There is no way it should take you seven ranks of mastery to learn how to wallrun.

There is no way it should take you seven ranks of mastery to learn how to aim.


If you really are having trouble with these tests, go rush some missions in the Grineer Asteroid Base missions. Those maps are perfect for wallrunning and rushing when you learn the maps by heart, which is easy to learn.


For a weapon, grab something that doesn't have travel time, but has decent fire rate. I would use an MK1-Braton.


Chaining wall runs is vastly different than just wall running.  Wall running alone can be troublesome, especially if the terrain is bugged or controls don't respond.  Not everyone rushes in the game and not everyone memorizes maps.  I understand the point you are trying to make, but realize there's a cognitive gap between the basic actions and the rapid combination of both.


I've been playing this game less than 3 weeks and find it hard to believe that someone of mastery level 8 hasn't done this stuff accidentally before they take this test.


I understand that dexterity and keyboard layout has something to do with peoples' problems, but as has been said in this thread, mastery is mastery.


Give people a tutorial about every little thing in the game? Don't be dumb. Learn from your mistakes and get better. I wish there was a lot less handholding in games now, but I'm 35 years old and I remember the days when you had to restart the whole game from scratch whenever you died. Now there was a learning curve.


Edit: Wallrunning is a bit glitchy though... like running straight up a wall when looking and moving nearly parallel to it, not starting the run and falling, trying to run straight up a wall and just banging your nose or jumping in a crap way...


Doing it accidentally and reliably reproducing it on demand with zero errors are two vastly different things.  One might argue that's the point of 'Mastery', and that's fair except that mastery implies training.  Training is given thru tutorials in video games.  Also, advanced concepts like chaining wall runs is something that warrants a tutorial, along with most, if not all, advanced acrobatics they intend you to use in the game.  Sure, you don't need a tutorial for which mods are best in slot for which weapon or how to get the most out of your Glaive, but chained acrobatics is very much something that is not intuitive.  You don't inherently understand wall running from point to point the same as how a heavy attack on the Glaive is different from the heavy attack on a Cronus.


But at least you see what I mean about it being twitchy and unreliable.  I do think that it could possibly be that each person's computer has a unique impact on their ability to wall run, not to mention their own manual dexterity, but that's even more reason to offer something in regards to these Mastery tests.


I'm still of the mind that you should be able to take the test before you take the test.  Not everyone may be cut out to be a top level black belt, but everyone can receive the training to become a top level black belt, including sparring with the instructor.

Edited by NydusTemplar
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I don't really mind there is no 'pre testing' for mastery test. If a player really don't know or not proficient with wallrunning mechanic then play exterminate on Grineer asteroid map and train after you clean the map. Practice as long as you like without interruption.


Tutorial is just a tutorial. Beginner's classroom where we all began but taking time to practice one particular skill isn't tutorial's purpose. DE have been trying to design all maps without forcing wallrunning on players which is good intention. However, it sometimes creates this kind of situation where player who never bother learn how to do it is forced to do it.


I can remember one topic which the OP complained about turning hexagonal puzzle in the control panel being too hard. That one was facepalm worthy. 

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The only complaint I have about wallrunning is how finicky horrizontal vs vertical is.


I'll do some playing with it tomorrow during one of my daily void solos, but camera angle needs to play a little more of a role (if that's even possible), as right now (I'm pretty sure, at least), you can look downwards and go into a vertical run, but horrizontal requires a very specific angle range (due to the fact that you still have to actually *connect with* the wall)- and if you botch that angle, you go into a vertical which will almost always put you nowhere near where you wanted to be (usually a reset, too). Another fix would be slight increase the angle range on horrizontal so it's a little easier to trigger it :/ In one-offs it's not that bad, but when chaining I can't tell you how many times I've gone into a vertical when I wanted another horrizontal. Hell, THAT is EXACTLY why I couldn't parkour through the lava room until recently ._.




Not entirely looking forward to this mastery test, but I still got 2 more before this one will come up.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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While I myself enjoy wallrunning, I do agree that it feels very clunky when you try and do successive wallruns, the controls don't feel intuitive and there's no tutorial/practice course telling you some of these more "advanced" mechanics.

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One thing I would suggest is to go into the options and change it so you don't have to hold jump to wall run. I found it much easier having this way for connecting wallruns on different walls.







I love you sir. This is as good as the time I discovered I could turn off the fov shift on Volt's Speed XD

Now to learn how to better control my run chains.

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Frankly, that the forced wait period is unnecessarily frustrating and doesn't, in the slightest, improve the experience one bit.  I'll not feel good about completing it, I'll feel relieved that I don't have to deal with it anymore.  I won't look forward to the next one, I'll hate that I'm forced to if I want to more forward.  All the forced wait makes me do is hate it.  That's it.  Remove that and I wouldn't be complaining, I'd be running it until I've mastered it.



Since I'm rank 6 ... I'm seriously not looking forward to this Wallrunning test... because I royally suck at Wallrunning. T_T

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Wall running just needs to be less glitchy. It should carry proper momentum and not fling you all over the place randomly when you release space.


Ninja Gaiden probably has the best implementation of proper wall jumps/running in any game I've played. Pressing jump as you collide with a wall makes you flip off it, wall running too long makes you gradually slide down, jump strength and momentum is all consistent. 


For reference, wall running in Warframe would ideally be something like "hold space while sprinting to run along/up wall, quickly releasing and tapping space while running makes you flip off it if vertical or flings you forward with your current momentum, when momentum ends you either slide down if you keep holding the directional key or drop completely if you release space".


As it stands, wall running can't be an accurate and skill-based mechanic at it's current state without that kind of polish.





Edited by Tangerine
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>.> <.< >.> Melee while jumping without sprinting?




I'm talking about releasing yourself from wall running WITHOUT flipping off the wall and going flying without wings.


Anytime you "stop" yourself during a wall run, your character PUSHES off the wall and sometimes will go absolutely Flying......right off the ledge you were trying to get to.


What I want to do, is stop wall running, but drop straight down (or drop down with some minor forward momentum since you were just sprinting a second ago) instead of pushing myself off the wall. The game doesn't seem to allow that anymore (it once did).

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I'm talking about releasing yourself from wall running WITHOUT flipping off the wall and going flying without wings.


Anytime you "stop" yourself during a wall run, your character PUSHES off the wall and sometimes will go absolutely Flying......right off the ledge you were trying to get to.


What I want to do, is stop wall running, but drop straight down (or drop down with some minor forward momentum since you were just sprinting a second ago) instead of pushing myself off the wall. The game doesn't seem to allow that anymore (it once did).

Press melee to end wallrun. It has the same effect that you describe plus extra damage. I use it a lot to abruptly end wallrun animation to prevent horizontal flying.

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The only place I can think of is that one Asteroid mine room with the two levels, catwalks and lava floor. You can make connected wallruns there.


This. I learnt to do it hear and I'm not level 5. I upped my mouse sensitivity when I first started it and that made it harder  so I just kind of did it the normal way and it came to me :)

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The tests are for mastery level.

To be a master space cyber ninja you are required to master the related concepts, such as wall-running, just as you are required to spend time and gain experience in utilizing all weapons and frames that the Tenno employ.

Only the best shall become greatest Tenno ninja masters.

...or Golden Eagles or whatever... ;)

Best Regards,

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It is simple, if in life persons had to do every test without practice or without being shown how to properly execute then many would fail. Adding a practice mode would be essential if they intend to keep the wait period. The TEST is meant to TEST your mastery, you should not have to go now and LEARN how to execute within the TEST that ascertains whether you have learnt it or not. It is backwards thinking and is just plain wrong.


Stop chiding on people just because they have difficulty with something you either suffered through and passed or never had a problem with in the first place. Gosh, the human race is so spiteful its disgusting.

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