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Plausible Reason Why All Versions of Valkyr have the Same Powers


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It's simple, really. Much as the Blood Angel Space Marines of Warhammer 40K, and every last one of their Successor Chapters, can fall victim to the "Black Rage" due to the trauma of the death of their Primarch (the guy they were pretty much cloned from) echoing through the Warp, so too can all existing Valkyrs implicitly be twisted by the memory of Gersemi's torture echoing through the Void.

Why? Well because the Void thus far is basically the Warp, in that they're both hellscapes beyond space and time where science and logic fail, they're both used to power abilities which pretty much mock the laws of nature and physics, and the Void even may or may not have its own analogues to the Chaos Daemons of the Warp if some of the implications of the latest quest are to be taken seriously, so until more information is available, it's not exactly a stretch of an assumption to think that they work in much the same way.

Of course there are still other problems with the theory, like why Valkyr Prime looks more vanilla than Gersemi, which is frankly odd, though not as huge a deal as people are making it out to be, and might even be simple coincidence. There's a bit of poetry in the torture of Valkyr producing something that looks like a twisted mockery of her Prime, after all.

This whole theory also begs the question of why such treatment would affect all existing and future Valkyrs when other warframes certainly go through quite a lot of physical trauma on the regular, but of course what Valkyr went through is a more intimate and prolonged sort of trauma given that she was held captive, cut open, studied, and rearranged for an indeterminate period of time in an attempt to make an obedient super-weapon.

Anyway I'm a bit short on time here, so these are just the beginning thoughts on the concept. Tell me, what are yours?

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I discussed this in-game with some buddies today. I doubt Alad V could overhaul Valkyr's abilities, so her prime's would be similar, at least. Alad V may not have even finished the job. If he did finish, wouldn't he be using Valkyr in some way? (Not with Zanuka, because he was experimenting with Valkyr herself, instead of just using her parts.) Instead we get to use Valkyr in her new state, so with Alad V's likely limitations, he probably didn't do a good job anyway. As for her appearance, I don't know.

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I just assumed she was designed from the outset to look like a war-scarred veteran. She's a berserker, after all, and it's not like she's the only person in all of existence who's been through hell. The Orokin fought a war that spanned their entire empire; I doubt they were short on tortured souls to inspire the design.

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Within the lore, it's important to remember that the Primed variants of all of the frames are, in fact, their prototypical versions. They were the first ones produced, and they, as a result, have slightly more powerful abilities and a more in-tune connection to the Void. I don't think it's unlikely at all that they would have designed a working frame (no pun intended) which they then would have designed Gersemi over, kind of like using an exoskeleton to test system capabilities before releasing it for mass manufacture. 


In my mind, the order of events were thus:

-Valkyr Prime is produced as a prototype for the frame

-After being okay'd by Ballas, they shipped her into production

-The designers layered on actual aesthetics, that made her seem more like her bretheren despite having a more twisted, beserk outlook on things.

-The Corpus capture her, and torture her for years if not centuries. She holds on using Hysteria, as that basically makes her invincible. 

-Alad V breaks her, and here we are.

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Just now, SaurusRex said:

>Plausible Reason Why All Versions of Valkyr have the Same Powers




This is the most valid reason.

However, it is worthy to note that a lot of people were complaining that the lore was being violated by Valkyr P having the same ability set as her non-prime, due to Valkyr's background.

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There's no need to try to reason with her lore, it's just a crapshoot regardless of how anyone slices it. If she was a berserker frame from the beginning and not from Alad's experiments than that storyline is absolute crap.

Know why?

Because rockets both homing and flaming, getting hit by all sorts of weaponry from oneshot kill supras, turrets, detron/sobek/drakgoon shotgun blasts, while getting captured by the G3 and Hunters, ACTUALLY GETTING KILLED, getting melee smacked/stabbed/cut/slapped, by hundreds upon hundreds of enemies is a normal occurrence in the life of a Tenno. Damage happens and repairing happens.

There has to be an actual reason WHY she went berserk from Alad's experiment and if she did get her angry powers from that, then that invalidates Valks primed Origins. There will never ever be a good lore friendly explanation aside from her being an actual different frame from before.

It's all gameplay and priming a frame because it's time to prime a frame. Simply best not to overthink it, especially when you feel "lied to" by "false advertisement" (wtf?).

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I see more people concerned about the appearance of Gresemi and prime than her abilities. We've already seen from the Second Dream that the abilities are much more complex. So much so, that Alad V would not be able to simply change them. Secondly we already have Gresemi which confirmed that her powers didn't change.

So the questions are; where did that first description come from and why does the prime look like that?


Edited by Postal_pat
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Yeah, this is kind of an attempt to meet the obnoxious Lore Orthodoxy, and the adherents of the five or so different versions of Valkyr's lore in particular that are floating around on account of nobody reading the wiki, at a point closer to what one might call "their level." Ultimately, not every game mechanic will get, or even really deserve, a "lore" explanation, or I suspect things like the Tonkor and Nulllifier Bubbles would go the way of the dodo for lack of anything resembling a logical explanation for them to function as they do.

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