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26 million losers? I'm not so sure...


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13 hours ago, Naskoni said:


When you spend as much as I have, for as long as I have, you can tell me what to let go of or how to view companies that practically call their customers/players/users, losers. And not apologize, because that hasn't happened. Not even a fake apology. If you consider yourself to be a loser and view people calling you that as something normal, good for you, not going to argue there. I usually don't let it slip when people I support call me that. I've paid, aplenty, for the privilege to hold such a view.

As for the last stream - I watched it, not a hint of actually addressing the issue, I saw no regret whatsoever, just embarrassment. Basically, "no big deal". As I did in the last prime stream too - how dare they drag her behind to sign documents that she didn't officially call their players losers... the injustice of it! People have been fired for less, but for her there doesn't seem to be an actual limit - how can she regret it if she considers it to be something normal...?

The fact that there was no apology of any way, shape or form tells me they do hold the view of there being nothing to actually apologize for, i.e. the statement, as far as they are concerned, is actually true. The only "problem", as such, is that it was announced so publicly. And then comes the logical question - do I want to continue to support people that supposedly work thanks to, and for, people they actually regard as losers?

As for ME apologizing to HER - ha-ha-ha-ha!

Unfortunately after reading your posts good sir/madam, the shoe appears to fit in your case. Do you believe it to be true? Is that why it causes you this grief?

You speak of time. You are clearly spending far too much time pondering how people whom have no idea you exist in this world view you. 

You are not the center of this or any universe, nor are you owed/deserve an apology. 

You may not be a loser but as far as the vast majortiy of the people in the world you will interact with know(those being the people who will read your words on the internet) your greatest achievement in life will be complaining on the internet on the forums of a video game about something that wasnt even actually said. Those arent the actions of a winner.


I hope the best for you, stress is a killer. 

P.s. it doesnt matter how much of what to who youve paid. Its f2p and youre in the same position as someone who has spent exactly $0 on the game and treated the same snowflake. 

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)thedarkness1962 said:

MMO or Massively multiplayer online. Defined as:

An online game capable of supporting a large number of players at once, typically from hundreds to thousands. 


Sounds like you are the one here that doesnt comprehend the term friend. 

I agree that you are mostly right here, but there is also some gray area to the term. 

What I mean is that you are right that MMO just technically means a game that has hundreds to thousands of people playing at once. 

However, through common usage MMO has started to mean something very specific to a lot of people, mainly because most mmo's are rpg/sandbox games with an open world aspect. In fact, the open world part is the part that most people really sink their teeth into when arguing about this. But the truth is that MMO, like you said, doesn't actually mean open world or sandbox, that is just something a lot of mmo's have classically been. 

This definitely leads to a lot of confusion about the definitions. 

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Oh. I didn't realize some people seriously think they deserve an apology for an innocent, clearly nerve-filled, dry-mouthed slip-up.

Obviously I am way behind the times and completely unaware of the size of the sticks wedged inside some peoples bodies nowadays.


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Why do some people still argue about what Reb didn't actually mean to say and then feel entitled to an apology for something that hasn't been said in the first place?

My god, people are nervous on stage and jumble up things they say. "Oh god, they're human and have human reactions!". God damn, people.

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1 hour ago, Naskoni said:

Given that you are coming from the playstation world it is but logical you have no idea what an actual MMO is - seems you haven't seen nor played any. That level of actual "experience" would also explain your other post as well. It's simply a marketing trick aimed at clueless people like you. There is absolutely nothing "massive" about having 4 people in a coop game. Well, I guess 4 people is a LOT on consoles....  I'm yet to see anyone clueless enough to describe Left 4 Dead as an MMO, but you might do your best to start a trend, ha-ha-ha!

Actually... let me simplify it for you.

Are you all on the same server? Yes? MMO, thanks.

A WoW instance doesn't get played by 2000 concurrent players as well. WF's gameplay is almost completely instanced save for relays (which aren't really that much gameplay) or dojos (which aren't really that much gameplay either). And don't say "But WoW has an open world where thousands of players run around at a time!!!1" yeah just because WF does not have that doesn't make it a not massively multiplayer online game. In fact, by that argument (if you can call it that) you'd define MMO by open world online rpg which just isn't true, Left 4 Dead isn't an MMO because there aren't tens of thousands on the same server. In WF, there are tens of thousands on the same server at the same time. 

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2 hours ago, Tyrhal said:

Actually... let me simplify it for you.

Are you all on the same server? Yes? MMO, thanks.

A WoW instance doesn't get played by 2000 concurrent players as well. WF's gameplay is almost completely instanced save for relays (which aren't really that much gameplay) or dojos (which aren't really that much gameplay either). And don't say "But WoW has an open world where thousands of players run around at a time!!!1" yeah just because WF does not have that doesn't make it a not massively multiplayer online game. In fact, by that argument (if you can call it that) you'd define MMO by open world online rpg which just isn't true, Left 4 Dead isn't an MMO because there aren't tens of thousands on the same server. In WF, there are tens of thousands on the same server at the same time. 

Fun fact for utterly clueless internet trolls:

There is NO server in Warframe that people can play on *wink-wink*. Which is why individual players have to host each and every round/mission. And relays, ironically, are actually instanced, thus they get numbers on Baro-days...

When clueless people throw random terms around trying to prove a moot point...

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