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Isn't it time already to revamp the UI?


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Looking back, Warframe's UIs weren't that much of an impression for the period that I've been sticking into this game. Dating back, I've been thinking of how unattractive those were compared to today... (screenshots taken by other people)

maxresdefault.jpg  j16p86.jpg This one looks okay, but looks too unpolished

uHh3xWf.png This is the current UI

Looking back at them, and about the current UI, I think they are now very outdated compared to those from like, the operator system, the new starchart, etc that looks like they have this "Second Dream" vibe to it. Why not update them and the other UIs so that they can fit in together?

I have this design, (a guy on deviantart with Meteorbios as his placeholder) with all the in-game UI assets, wishing somehow the developers can somehow bring us a new fresh, clean design similar to the focus UI and the new starchart since I was getting a little tired of it tbh although even if it's polished and everything.

W/ probably smth like this or so

3WU7MUB.pngNot the simplest and the cleanest design yet but at least you get the picture

p.s. The one icon beside the mod one is the operator icon (actually an enemy icon but we used it anyways :v)

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

I'll take the old UI over today's any day. At least for camera placements. I don't know how many time you have to point out the fact the arsenal modding camera needs to be changed. I'm tired of not being able to see my stats. 

yea, i hate when im modding my guns or frame and i get Loki skull blocking the stats or mod cards

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I'm sorry, but to be honest, that UI you suggest looks too messy, confusing, gives less information, and my eyes glaze over it. Should be cleaner, more streamlined, relevant information should grab your attention and focus, and the current UI does a better job at that than your picture. Like the current one shows the weapon name and rank, for instance your UI sentinel weapon pic, doesn't tell anything, since they all look so similar, and having those boxes with "cool" details around them with that background picture and see-through box outlines, only blends the categories together, making it more confusing to watch and clearly picture where everything is that you want or can interact with. Going with the "cool" and "look busy" factor only obfuscates the needed information and makes it less practical.

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8 hours ago, SnuggleBuckets said:

I'm sorry, but to be honest, that UI you suggest looks too messy, confusing, gives less information, and my eyes glaze over it. Should be cleaner, more streamlined, relevant information should grab your attention and focus, and the current UI does a better job at that than your picture. Like the current one shows the weapon name and rank, for instance your UI sentinel weapon pic, doesn't tell anything, since they all look so similar, and having those boxes with "cool" details around them with that background picture and see-through box outlines, only blends the categories together, making it more confusing to watch and clearly picture where everything is that you want or can interact with. Going with the "cool" and "look busy" factor only obfuscates the needed information and makes it less practical.

Read the parent post it was just, and only a suggestion on how it could look like. I was thinking if we hover the icons it will show the names, hm formas, lenses, the classic Equip, Upgrade and Appearance options, etc and hovering the stats bar will show detailed information of your loadout.

The details I included is and are to make it feel more 'Second Dream'-like. Though, I'd really appreciate if someone could make even better one than mine did since I kinda half-assed over it.

Or maybe even we can get to change UI themes that would be great.

Edited by BlancVis
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It is time.
It really is time.

Epecially the Esc menu. Not to mention the Codex and oh my goodness the Inventory.
But absolutely everything in the game interface-wise would benefit from a thorough revision.

Even the star chart has a bunch of paraphernalia that's really impeding player experience. For instance, which new player looking to craft the Cronus will know they need to hover over the extractor drone icon in the lower right part of the star chart within the planet's orbit in order to see the drop list of resources? I can guarantee this player doesn't even know what an extractor drone is, let alone that planets condition resource drops.

The list really goes on and quite frankly, the "yes" to this thread's title cannot be yelled loud enough.

Edited by cxll
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