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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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On 12/14/2016 at 10:55 PM, Jharmain said:

I don't really enjoy asking for gifts, but there are some things I want so to make myself feel better I'll stick to the cheaper stuff >.>

  1. Forma Bundle
  2. Any display poster
  3. Display pack
  4. Argon Pegmatite decoration
  5. Orokin Cell Array decoration
  6. Robotics Lockbox decoration
  7. Rubedo Formation decoration

    Edit: Thank you Pegasy, Nate1387 (2), and iseeu2 (2) for the decorations! :D

You have mail ;)

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It'd be great if I got any of the following: 

Forma Bundle (You can never have enough Forma)

Hyekka Gene-masking kit

Krest Gene-Masking Kit

Nesyr Gene-Masking kit

Pyra Syandana

Valkyr Gersemi Skin

And the one no one will buy: Continuity Collection. Don't even know why I'm puting that there, I know no one is crazy or generous enough to buy that for a stranger

I swear I'm not using reverse psychology. 

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1 hour ago, Irvingia said:

I would like to get mirage noble animation set and I would to give my friend, her username is Irvingi, that animation too :3 since thanks to her I got Frost's statue T-T I'm so happy 

That's just adorable. I hope I did it right!

Edit to clarify: I'm kinda tired so I hope I didn't send both things to the same person or something.

Edited by SolidBeast
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My Wishlist -- 

  1. Loki Knave Skin
  2. Solstice Daedalus Armor Set
  3. Koppra Operator Suit
  4. Solstice Salix Syandana
  5. Pataga Sugatra

This community is beautiful -- and if you gift me, make sure you're online so I can pour out my heart to you!

Edited by nightstryke17
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My own wishlist:


1.  Corpus, Daybreak, Lotus, and Twilight color palletes   (Thank you @SolidBeast for Daybreak!)

2.  Nightwatch Dual Cleavers skin

3.  Riv Elite Guards armor set. 

4.  Any of the Kavat gene-masking kits with the time-limited or Nesyr being top preferences.  (Got Argyle, thank you @NightSpider99!)

5.  Sylus Arrow Skin

6.  Not on the market and not expecting it at all but... Frost and Ember prime.  Have some parts of them, but definitely want these the most out of the vault.   >.>

7.  Any thing else!  I'm not picky if, for some reason you choose to gift me something else entirely! 


Thanks to anyone who sends me anything!  I'll try to send something to at least someone who gives me a gift!  Can't afford to do it to more than one or two people though.  >.>


And happy Tennobaum and Merry Christmas!

Edited by Hearsay
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oh man, and here i thought santa wasnt real... XD

but srsly, most of my 'wishlist' is just tennogen stuff that i cant get with plat and the huge deluxe cosmetics and bundles like the kuva/hunhow stuff

of course that loki deluxe bundle does look extra neato

honestly i dont expect much from posting here, but id be happy to reciprocate

EDIT - thank u to ----iseeu2---- for that lump of coal, er ferrite =P

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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