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Tennobaum Wishlist Exchange!


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1. Hunhow's Gift

2. Ash Koga Skin Bundle

3. Solstice Glyph Pack

4. Rhino Palatine skin

5. Banshe Soprana Collection

6. Xiphos

7. Trinity Deluxe Skin Collection

8. Valkyr Gersemi skin

9. Color pack alpha

10. Color Pack Beta

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays fellow

Thank you @Nate1387 for Orokin Cell decoration!

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imma stop asking for specific things for this christmas like posters all i want is surprises now let ur giftly tennobaum go wild and have a fun and great christmas everybody also send me a msg and we maybe can go for a run in game cheers have a great day

love ya boy from new zealand <3

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On 12/14/2016 at 6:10 PM, Io_Otonashi said:


I guess it's time for my List:

1. Classic Saturated

2. Trinity Strega Skin

3. Izvara Syndana

4. Forma

5. Ash Noble Animation Set

6. Orokin Reactor

8-10. Warframe Slots

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Ign: Io_Otonashi

@Iresark Thank you for the Forma bundle and the Warframe slot

Just gonna reshare. Also @Iresark have your Frost Noble Animation Set :smile:

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Merry christmas everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday if you do or don't celebrate.

My wishlist is mainly cosmetic items!

1) Kuva Cord

2) Zephyr Noggle 

3) Poster Display pack

And if people feel like being a huge help there's a Forma bundle in there too :)

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Happy Holidays everyone! Well I dont have idea if my wish list would be possible

1. I would like too much kavat solstice stuff :)

2. Tons of Formas

3. Honestly, a good boyfriend :3 and lot of love, love, love for everyone ^^


TY! IronWerewolf for my new kubrow solstice look :3



Edited by .Ahmanet.
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Gifts? I love gifts, and gifting, and giftology. Happy people are the best people so tis the perfect season. But what would I want for gifts, hmmmm?


Well, there is always:

1. Forma, love me some puzzle pieces that don't fit together.

2. Uh, forma bundles because maybe one day I can make a puzzle out of them.

3. Could always use some samrof.

4. I heard 形式 are great, and come in handy.

5. Maybe some potatoes, or boosters, both useful for/when farming.


Thanks ahead of time for all the nice people out there for participating in this event, I cant wait till I get to return the favors in the near future.


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Not to be greedy but:

  1. weapon slots/frame slots
  2. reactor/catalyst/adapter
  3. smoke/infested
  4. Any syandana other then Pyra
  5. porta chest

My Biggest Wish Is Hunhows Gift, Please only get me Hunhows Gift if You have the Plat And Dont Mind

Thank You Soooo Much Tennos For your Generosity and Happy Tennobaum!!!!

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