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Snowday Showdown Effects on Snow Planet Exteriors


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Just a thought but since I've played the game mode I really like the snow effects and was wondering if this could be applied to the exterior of frozen planets like Pluto or Venus, it wouldn't have to be a 100% chance or anything (Maby just random occurance) but I think the effect could be pleasant enough too look at to make the tiles seem a little different and offer a change of pace after seeing the same set so many times.

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13 minutes ago, Raniu said:

B-but it's snowing hard on both the planets you mentioned already D:

I have recently played on both and they both have very mild weather effects at best compared to the PvP mode and on a few tilesets I've even seen snow only snow around doorways for some reason

I'll take some screen shots

Edit: I did see some effects on the older tilesets after a few attempts it's just really buggy and doesn't seem to show 100% of the time (I also see lightning indoors on these tiles for some reason)

Edit 2:

The normal snow effect for these planets if any


What the tiles normally look like:


The fact that I saw some effect on these tiles has me hopeful that they might be working on adding the improved snow effects in in the near future since I think they're recycling the rain on sedna to do it (only explanation I have for the lightning effect when I do see it.

Edit 3:

Old and new effects together (Old is the right new is left and background you can clearly tell the difference)


The new effects are clearly much better and it seems they probably are planning on adding them to normal gameplay so that's nice

Edited by -Amaterasu-
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Ah, so you want the snow from Snowday Showdown to appear together with the new blizzard on Corpus Outpost tileset?

I thought you haven't noticed the snow or something. The weather on said tileset is indeed new. I thought it was a permament addition?

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39 minutes ago, Raniu said:

Ah, so you want the snow from Snowday Showdown to appear together with the new blizzard on Corpus Outpost tileset?

I thought you haven't noticed the snow or something. The weather on said tileset is indeed new. I thought it was a permament addition?

No, I wanted it to stay as a permenant addition and thought it wasn't already added all the screenshots I took here were today It just so happens I have bad luck and only just recently got to see it in regular gameplay.

it seems they are adding it and it's just very buggy right now so if that's they case I hope they can get it working since the effect is really nice.

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