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Conclave Mission Rewards


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So i just started playing Conclave. My first experience when i started playing Warframe was empty rooms in conclave, so just now did i start trying it out, since the new variant seems to have put a spark in it.

I was rank 1, and doing matches not really trying to do the missions, but i finished them. So mail poped up, i had earned 50k Standing, woopdie doo.

Thing is i was maxed out from playing, being rank 1 my max was 25k, i think, so now, i got 0 standing from doing the missions, i have no idea when i'll get a new one, and there's 50k standing down the drain.

Wonder why Conclave is unpopular? Because it's full of bad decisions, just like Archwing. DE has good ideas and implements them, but then decides to paste core pve systems into non-core pve modes. So you get Archwing that you either grind or you'll reach Uranus/Neptune missions facing lvl 30+ enemies with your first wing at lvl 25, you get Conclave Awarding 50k standing to players that only have 25k caps, without no overflow, you have what's already not great matchmaking/host issues on pve, with loading screens mid match if the Host dcs, or if the host has a crappy connection you can't play at all.

You have weird inconsistencies that AREN'T EXPLAINED INGAME AT ALL between game modes, like elemental damages not procing in PvE, different skill behaviors, and none of that is explicit ingame, even in the wiki you have to dig deep for this info, that's why people don't play PVP, because DE also doesn't want you to.

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The first half of this post makes a good point, even if the second half rather spirals. If you aren't forewarned, it can be frustrating to lose out on a big chunk of Conclave standing in this way.

It would be great if the standing reward was given in the form of a medallion, much like the main 6 syndicates have, that could be redeemed at any time.

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