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Universal vacuum much? Hello?


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"walking 3 extra steps bla bla bla hilarious puns"

That's when you don't make an extent to that and think about: platforms, babysitting objectives all the time, obstacles and enemies.

You will most certainly bring a Kavat when you mean to farm resources, right? You will TOTALLY go back 10m (hilariously enough, not just 3 steps) for that enemy that was killed behind you or that was just hiding like the sissy he is, right? I wonder what that core on the radar might be... Maybe it's a guardian derision, but, idk. Oh wait it was a vitality, how useful.


22 hours ago, Angrados said:


Oh lordy, that explains so much.

Well, I don't even use Vacuum now... so your cries of anguish are falling on uncaring ears. I don't know what you're doing ingame that would require such intense focus and concentration that you cannot break for a single moment to pick up a fallen mod or some resources that you want. I just don't get it, but maybe that's just me being me :/

You're just proving his point, man. Bravo. You sure are a master of very original humor. Look! A GIF XDXDXDXDXDXD


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Take the new Hema weapon for example, 5000 mutagen samples, I absolutely REFUSE to go around and manually pick all of that up, if I don't happen to have a sentinel with vacuum, I'm #*($%%@, I shouldn't have to use a sentinel just to be able to get enough resources to build weapons.

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Universal vacuum would be nice and would not impair anyone, it would only serve to make the game-play experience more enjoyable.

To the people saying "just go pick it up" or "you are being lazy", in any other multiplayer game you would be instantly kick from your group for looting while still in combat. By going for loot rather than actually advancing the objective, you are essentially "punishing" your group. This is a fast paced game and a shooter, meaning that most weapons are ranged and not having a universal vacuum is just ridiculous. It defeats the whole purpose of using the ranged weapon if you have to go all the way over to the thing you just killed, just to collect your "reward", only to then run back to the place your where before/back on the right path.

If it doesn't hurt you or ruin the game and only serves to enhance the experience, why be against it? I really can't think of any logical reasons to be against it.

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22 minutes ago, Daracha-Tendrihan said:

Universal vacuum would be nice and would not impair anyone, it would only serve to make the game-play experience more enjoyable.

To the people saying "just go pick it up" or "you are being lazy", in any other multiplayer game you would be instantly kick from your group for looting while still in combat. By going for loot rather than actually advancing the objective, you are essentially "punishing" your group. This is a fast paced game and a shooter, meaning that most weapons are ranged and not having a universal vacuum is just ridiculous. It defeats the whole purpose of using the ranged weapon if you have to go all the way over to the thing you just killed, just to collect your "reward", only to then run back to the place your where before/back on the right path.

If it doesn't hurt you or ruin the game and only serves to enhance the experience, why be against it? I really can't think of any logical reasons to be against it.

Because some people don't want Vaccum. The reason normally given is that it removes player agency to manage their health, energy, and air backpacks. Which is valid, Vaccum will happily suck up all of that stuff when you are just 1 away from max essentially wasting the pickup. Just you try to Dodge those resources with Vaccum equipped, it is almost impossible. So instead of in-built Vaccum a mod is the more ideal solution. It would satisfy both pro and anti vaccumers. Whether it should be a companion (all companions not just sentinels) or warframe mod I honestly don't care. Vaccum has never been a big deal to me since like u10 or whenever it was that increased our innate pickup radius. 

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2 minutes ago, Drasiel said:

Because some people don't want Vaccum. The reason normally given is that it removes player agency to manage their health, energy, and air backpacks. Which is valid, Vaccum will happily suck up all of that stuff when you are just 1 away from max essentially wasting the pickup. Just you try to Dodge those resources with Vaccum equipped, it is almost impossible. So instead of in-built Vaccum a mod is the more ideal solution. It would satisfy both pro and anti vaccumers. Whether it should be a companion (all companions not just sentinels) or warframe mod I honestly don't care. Vaccum has never been a big deal to me since like u10 or whenever it was that increased our innate pickup radius. 

No one said vacuum needs to suck up globes, I think most people just want it for their resources, there is a difference between ridiculing others, as some posters on this thread have done, and then coming with constructive criticism. You don't make a post like this because you are like "It's my way or the highway" it's made to discuss and raise awareness upon the subject and if more people posted like you did then great, but instead it's just adults acting like kids. Personally I believe they should find a middle ground, because yes, getting energy, health and backpacks are part of the gameplay, the risk, management and timing of getting those things is part of that circle. And I don't think a mod is a good solution for this. In my opinion having vacuum be universal, but changing it to only collect materials, would be better, because as it is now, yes, you can choose to have a mod or run without, but both are bad. If I run with vacuum I am overusing the globes that could have been used by someone else or at a better time, but running without it is almost just as bad as you need to disconnect yourself from what ever your objective is and go pick up the resources, which might jeopardize the mission/another player. Picking up resources is important because why else (other than enjoying your time with the game) would you be doing the missions?

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I'm against a universal Vacuum to all frames. Someone would not like it, someone else just don't want it active because they want to see where the stuff actually drops.

But come on, we literally have an extra slot called "Exilus". It wouldn't be too much of an issue to make an exilus mod that works as Vacuum. It would be as simple as it could be: you don't want spend tomatoes and potatoes on your warframes? Use a sentinel. You don't mind spending them, but you don't want to mess up your build? Use the exilus slot. You don't want to spend tomatoes and potatoes, but you don't mind removing some other mods from your build? Just slap the exilus mod on a normal slot.

Really, they introduced those Exilus slots, but so far the only mod I find useful is Power Drift. I wouldn't mind using a Vacuum mod instead.

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On 12/22/2016 at 2:06 AM, BitterPill said:

Still no vacuum for Kubrows and Kavats. 

Just shove it up the warframe's socket, so it works passively ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME!

And PLEASE, don't give this "Ouh! But it would make something OP" crap, it's game about freakin' space ninjas, not garbage collector simulator - we shouldn't bother with loot gathering process at all, instead all we got is "kinda universal vacuum" which in the end still got nerfed.

Everybody wants this, but It's just not gonna happen. Getting Vacuum for all sentinels was like pulling teeth. Seems like my 5+ kubrows will have to enjoy their stasis a bit longer. :/

Edited by Daemonicvs
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On 12/21/2016 at 7:06 PM, KaizergidorahXi said:

Walking three extra feet to pick up some items isn't going to kill you. Chill out.

Except you know when stuff falls through the floor or goes through the map. Or how the game is supposed to fast paced and hectic then you stop to stare at the floor to pick up resources hoping you found all of them while still being shot. Fun.


Or you know, when something like THIS happens.


Edited by Kuroify
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On 12/21/2016 at 5:09 PM, BitterPill said:

And that's how DE is getting away with every issue the game has.

Considering physically picking up an item by walking over it is not an issue no. It's how most 3rd person action games work. Kill an enemy and it drops something. Walk over it and acquire. Better yet beyond 3rd person action game isometric and top down game also share this method of acquisition. I am against passive all the time vacuum as in my opinion picking up after myself is part of the feel of playing a game. Annihilate and battlefield and then collect my spoils.

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On 12/22/2016 at 0:56 AM, Artek94 said:

Well why don't we remove loot completely then? Might as well, since you won't even notice what you are sucking in.


Don't give these people any worse ideas than they already have. Can't wait till when vacuum threads come back around next month with thread titles "why do we even have to pick anything up" with concepts like just spawn all drops directly into our inventory.

Edited by blackheartstar_pc
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9 hours ago, Daracha-Tendrihan said:

No one said vacuum needs to suck up globes, I think most people just want it for their resources, there is a difference between ridiculing others, as some posters on this thread have done, and then coming with constructive criticism. You don't make a post like this because you are like "It's my way or the highway" it's made to discuss and raise awareness upon the subject and if more people posted like you did then great, but instead it's just adults acting like kids. Personally I believe they should find a middle ground, because yes, getting energy, health and backpacks are part of the gameplay, the risk, management and timing of getting those things is part of that circle. And I don't think a mod is a good solution for this. In my opinion having vacuum be universal, but changing it to only collect materials, would be better, because as it is now, yes, you can choose to have a mod or run without, but both are bad. If I run with vacuum I am overusing the globes that could have been used by someone else or at a better time, but running without it is almost just as bad as you need to disconnect yourself from what ever your objective is and go pick up the resources, which might jeopardize the mission/another player. Picking up resources is important because why else (other than enjoying your time with the game) would you be doing the missions?

No one may have said it but it's a natural extension of logic to assume that when they say universal Vaccum without any caveats they mean as it works now but for warframes. 

There is ridicule on both sides of the fence. Which is sad as this is neither productive nor helpful. I would be willing to say that most of the belligerence people are displaying comes from the idea that an argument is to be won, instead of a discussion is to be heard. But that is getting a bit Meta so I'm just going to stop there. 

Vaccum for only ammo, mods, and  resources could be not too bad. A modified universal Vaccum could work. 

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2 hours ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

Don't give these people any worse ideas than they already have. Can't wait till when vacuum threads come back around next month with thread titles "why do we even have to pick anything up" with concepts like just spawn all drops directly into our inventory.

It's been mentioned before and it's simply not an inherently bad idea.

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5 hours ago, The_Doc said:

It's been mentioned before and it's simply not an inherently bad idea.

I'm going to have to disagree. If the enemies killed do not drop loot for us to pick up killing them at least to me will seem pointless. Part of the fun of gaming is collecting your drops. Doing say a 40-minute survival with no drops or all drops just randomly flying at you with no effort to collect would get pretty boring.

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10 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

I'm going to have to disagree. If the enemies killed do not drop loot for us to pick up killing them at least to me will seem pointless. Part of the fun of gaming is collecting your drops. Doing say a 40-minute survival with no drops or all drops just randomly flying at you with no effort to collect would get pretty boring.

That's just it: to you it's bad, but the idea is not objectively bad.
There are quite a few arguments that could be made in its favor.

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