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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Define regular. No one here is planning when they write. I at least know I'm not. I just write when I get the inspiration to do so, and, like others, my character is tied up with someone else's, so it's hard to write until the person you're collaborating with posts too. Add on top of that people who post a lot at once and spend a tremendous amount of time prepping it before posting it, or people who have real life things (it is finals week for a lot of people who are going to school), or other problems like chararacters getting written into corners (like Aigloblam), and stuff won't necessarily get posted every day.

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I know, I know. I am just used to see new chapters from people like Khi, Quinn and the others at least every 2-3 days.  I guess being me really sucks seeing as I have constant inspiration and can't seem to develop a writers block when i need to. It works against me, really, because most of my ideas end up not being the kind of things I want to write. Also, I understand that it is Finals week, seeing as my Finals are this week as well. I guess I just gotta stop being impatient. sorry if I came out mean in the other post. 

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Sorry to disappoint Viking, but I think Winter, as well as the huge event that was our Gradivus Blitzkrieg, has been sapping at our inspiration to write. Winter is also when many people get heavily under the yoke of working or exams or something that makes writing hard.

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sorry guys! as I said, constant inspiration is a b*tch.



The symphony drowned out all silence in Kris's mind, as all he could do was grab his head and fall onto his knees. Trying to center himself, Kris tried to empty his mind, only to be stopped as the music only got louder and sending his mind into turmoil.


''Let me out!'' A familiar voice boomed inside Kris's mind, drowning out the music for a second.


''N-No, not here, never here....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!'' Pain shot through Kris's body, accidentally drawing the attention of several nearby Tenno.


''LET ME OUT!'' The voice shouted again. ''The pain won't stop until I GET OUT!''


''Hey, do you need help?'' A curious Banshee asked.


''Get...Away....RRAAAAGHR!'' Kris's frame retracted from his arms and legs as his finger- and toenails turned to deadly claws, as the claws formed out of his metallic skin.


''Can someone call the Med bay?'' A white Mag shouted.


''Let me out. Let me out! LET US SHOW THE WORLD THE WRATH OF BERSERKER!'' Kris's helmet retracted as his eye turned from blue to a deep red.


''I don't think we should stay near him.'' An observant Rhino commented as he backed away.


''Look at them. LOOK AT THEM! Initiates? HAHAHAHAHAHA! WEAKLINGS! LETS SHOW THEM REAL STRENGTH!'' Kris held control as hard as he could.


''Run...please....Run...So I won't....Hurt...You all!'' Kris said to the group that had surrounded him. 


''Yes! Run! So the hunt will be more fun!'' The voice in his mind slipping out for only a moment, yet for long enough to cause fear in the group.


''Guys, do what he said. If we are lucky, Someone will else will be able to..Gurgh!'' The one who had spoken, an Ember was now held in the air by someone who clearly was no longer in control. 


''Ohai, My name is Berserker and your name is dead meat.'' Berserker smiled, revealing his silver fangs. ''Now, let us play a game. I call it The Hunt. The rules are very simple. YOU, THE PREY must only survive. I WILL GIVE YOU ALL 2 MINUTE HEADSTART, SO START RUNNING!'' True to his words, Berserker stood in the same spot as he watched his prey run away. After the 2 minutes had passed, all he did was smile. 





Kris is currently in a part of the Dojo where it would be easy to trap him while rampaging. his sub-conciousness made sure that he would be somewhere Berserker wouldn't be able to cause serious damage and could easily be trapped in case of rampages.


Edit: Also, I suspect Lotus already having told several strong members of what is happening as Kris/Berserker rampaging has often caused severe injuries and needs to be stopped as soon as possible, preferably within 5 minutes as the longer the rampage goes on, the more damage and more depressed Kris will feel once he is out of it.

Edited by FatViking
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Btw, I wanted to know something. Do you guys think it's fine if a story has action sequences in between character building chapters? Because I decided that I don't want my story to be a mindless action sequence, and I've spent about 2500 or so words just trying to build the characters. Good idea or no?

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good idea of course! a character should always be developed and built!



here ya go viking, a meeting between a ragging Kris and a semi depressed Ans. 


Ans's backstory is happening, way before this just to let yall know! :P


He hadn't wanted to go back but he did. Why? He didn't know he just had a feeling, something bad, horrible was going to happen. He had docked in the cargo area so that he could quickly disembark and being his search for this disturbed feeling. Stalking through the halls with his sword, Ans was certain he was close, it had only been a few moment. A choked scream echoed through the hall quietly. Narrowing his eyes, Ans sprinted forward into an open section of the dojo. Stopping he was shocked to see A tenno with metallic arms and legs holding an ember above the ground with one arm. 


“ONE DOWN!” The Tenno yelled happily, while the ember struggled in vain. 


“Excuse me!” Ans yelled. His voice echoed in the seemingly infinite room as the Tenno slowly turned to face him. A smile filled with silver fangs met him, turning the volts somewhat relaxed stance into battle ready. 


“MORE PREY!” The fanged Tenno said, letting the now limp ember fall to the floor.  Turning to face Ans the fanged one’s smile widened. Raising his head, Ans drew his katana slightly. Stopping the fanged one looked ready to turn and run, but he didnt. Instead he launched himself at Ans, defying the speed at which a Tenno could normally travel, but Ans was ready. Quickly stepping to the side and whipping out his blade Ans took one step forward into the fanged one and cut. He had not attacked to kill but to immobilize, cutting at the muscles of the arm and leg. Turning back Ans was shocked. The fanged tenno was standing, glaring at him menacingly. 


“Bad move.” Was the only thing Ans heard before he was launched into the air by a flying kick. Almost losing his grip on his sword Ans crashed against the wall. Opening his eyes just in time Ans was able to dodge a clawed fist slamming into the wall where his head had been. Rolling and flipping to the side Ans regained his footing and prepared to attack again. Activating Speed, Ans shot forward and attacked at a amazing pace. The Fanged one tried to dodge but started to block and step backwards. After a few moments of this barrage of attacks, Ans could feel Speed wearing off. Backflipping away, Ans watched the fanged one fall to one knee. 


His arms were crossed across his face, they oozed blood, but very little, small cuts could be seen across his body, nothing major, but still there. Taking a deep breath Ans, prepared to sheath his blade, looking back to the fanged one, Ans was meet with a fist. It was a strong punch but not enough to knock the nimble Volt off his feet.  The fanged one was hunched slightly, breathing heavily. He launched forward violently reaching for Ans’s throat. Trying to dodge to the right Ans was too slow. The clawed hand imbedded itself into his shoulder pushing him against a wall.


“You were fun while you lasted.” The fanged one said into Ans’s ear.  Closing his eyes, Ans’s mind was ready to die, but his body wasnt. Bringing the handle of his sword up sharply his bashed it into the fanged ones lower jaw. Stepping back but not letting go the fanged one looked shocked. But not as much as he would be. The volts warframe survival programs kicked in and activated a short range overload. Sucking the energy from the surrounding rooms, the warframe released it violently. 


The ensuing black out drew the attention to many of the stronger Tenno and maybe a warlord or two. 


“Im sorry...” Was the only thing Ans heard before he passed out from the violent overload of power, which had passed through him and his warframe. 

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Khimera's going to have a field day. Insane uber-strong opponent to vent all hell on? Someone sound the alarm...and set up some backups for the computer systems because today is the day a blackout occurs!




Having vented recently and given Ein some friendly advice for the future, Khimera was currently monitoring the Dojo's network from the central surveillance room. His computer skills earned him that position, that and mainly because nobody had the patience to fiddle with Meta A.I. Defense Lock mechanics to keep things secure from outside forces. It also allowed him to be privy of events happening around Aequitas' Dojo at nearly all times. It was really the main reason he'd been able to go down and punish the foolish Initiates earlier, as selfish as that really had been. Still, Khimera held no regret for dispelling rumors about his person and obliterating ignorance. Still...inside there was a deep fury from his awakening that begged for release, something tied to Protocol Indra. Sitting a little more upright as he remembered the unique program installed into his Volt Warframe. One of several created for the Protocol Program of which both he and Scarlet were unwitting participants. She had been blessed with Fortuna, which is what allowed her to become revitalized after burning away her own synapses during her awakening event. He hadn't tried to pierce the strong firewalls protecting the details of Protocol Indra in some time, though fiddling with one's own Warframe was often a suicide wish.


A beeping from the surveillance terminal broke the wasp-colored Volt's thoughts and forced him to pay attention to an event occurring near the Docking Bay. Tapping a few keys Khimera brought up all feeds from the area until he found the source of the alert. Kris...or what held the signature of Kris, was standing and waiting. It looked monstrous and even through video feeds Khi could feel the absolute blood-lust radiating from the creature. "So that's what you were hiding back then...were you subject to experimentation as well?" The Volt mused when a primal roar of murderous glee drowned out all other sounds being fed into the surveillance room.




"Let it." A malicious smile spread behind Khimera's helmet as he moved his fingers like lightning-fast spiders across the terminal keyboard, sending out signals to the entirety of the Dojo and creating a maze of safety passages and closing doors. "I won't get there in time to fight you first, but I can make you come to me." Giggling in an almost maniacal way Khi felt his own killing impulses rise. To say the Volt was competitive was an understatement. In combat simulators he held the record for the most vicious K.O's even if he wasn't the best in the dueling room or in the field. In a 'game' like this Khimera was lord and master and he would have his challenge whether he won or lost, that would never stop him from trying! In seconds the field was set and he opened up the full-facility communications. Leaning close to what amounted to a microphone, Khimera chuckled menacingly. "To all residents of this ship. Berserker is awake and hunting. Initiates are to move behind the barriers or lock themselves in their rooms. Safety Mode is active. Available Council Members and Tenno...prepare for Infested-Style Counter-Hunt measures. Research Labs and Foundry are in lock-down. Take what weapons you have with you and fight. End Transmission." Khimera let out a soft chuckle to himself, entertaining a though of replacing the Lotus on missions if he ever learned how she oversaw all of them at once.


Khimera had neglected to bring with him to the surveillance center a primary weapon, but his Lato Vandal and Orthos would do just fine. Nova-Quinn had finally parted with the beautiful bladed staff in exchange for access to the Volt's Dual Ethers, not that he cared much. He enjoyed using such a graceful weapon for once rather than the cleansing blades of Infested-Bane he so frequented. Leaving his quote-on-quote throne of observance the black and yellow Tenno broke into a swift run for the first hallway he'd set up to ensnare Berserker. With the upgrades, halls were now generally fairly spacious and in particular Khi wanted to get Berserker locked into the Grand Hall or the Drum Hall, both of which had lots of room to spare for fighting. It had occurred to him to use a Dueling Room but that was too closed in and useful for Berserker, wide open space was where the advantage was to be had.


All active non-initiate level Tenno had been sent a map of the Dojo and how Khimera's Lockdown was working to contain the damage that Berserker would do. From the Docking Bay side paths were being blocked off one by one, making a path to the first hall with space enough for several Tenno to fight, leading past the Foundry toward the Mess Hall where it served as a second arena, beyond that was a path leading to the Drum Hall and finally the Grand Hall right beyond that one. Sadly this came with a catch: the Grand Hall's doors were all unlocked. This meant all Tenno taking refuge there would be slaughtered if Berserker was not stopped. It was a gamble of sorts, but if they didn't have some kind of 'bait' Berserker would just tear through the lockdown doors and kill everyone else anyway! This way it truly was a hunt.


2 minutes was up, Khimera had moved into the Drum Hall and was fast moving for the Docking Bay.



There was a blackout that spread from near the Docking Bay, something that showed up on Khimera's mini-map for the Dojo. "Oh? Another Volt aboard Aequitas?" He mused even as he continued his sprint, his limbs feeling tireless as he continued to make his way toward the blackened section on his map. "It matters not, you slowed Berserker and that is what counts." He grinned, almost unable to wait for the chance to take down his opponent with his pent-up furies.

Edited by khimera
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Aw yiss, Berserker VS Khimera :3 Fire VS Fire, Insanity VS pure bloodlust. dis gon' be good.


Edit: poor Ans, he has no idea. Berserker is a fast healer. Although, he did probably buy Khimera enough time to get to Berserker. You know, before he starts hunting again.

Edited by FatViking
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Excalibur stepped slowly into the dark cargo room, his Orthos Prime in a ready position. They hadn't been able to get much from the terrified Initiates, just word of a rogue Tenno with claws.


He cocked his head as harsh laughter echoed around him. "Hahaha! More meat for the slaughterhouse, eh?"


"You'll not find me to be as easy prey as those students were." X replied.


"Really? You think you can fight something you can't even see?"


A footstep. A swish of air. And a resounding clang as the swordmaster easily blocked the claw aiming for his spine.


"As I said, I am not the prey here." X said.


They fought, claw against blade in the darkness. Excalibur narrowed his eyes. His opponent was as fast as he was, and perhaps stronger. X had the range advantage, but that alone might not be enough. He would have to resort to other tactics.


"Really? Is that it?" X taunted. "Perhaps that's why you aimed for the Initiates. They are the only ones you have the skill to defeat."


A growl came from the shadows, as the beastly Tenno's attacks gained speed.


"You must know by now that I am a Prime. That I've been going easy on you..."


That did it. A shrill howl of rage came as the beast struck with all his might, creating the exact opening X had been waiting for. Slamming his Orthos into the ground, Excalibur vaulted over his foe, Before it could recover, it had already been struck three times in the head by the flat of X's blade.


He had expected it to be knocked unconscious. He was not ready when the creature whirled around, swiping and drawing blood across the Prime's chest. 


"Still think you're the hunter, hmmm?" Berserker hissed.





And now I vanish into the ether of the forums, off to play Splinter Cell Blacklist.

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Damn it now there's something I want to write about whilst I'm in the middle of a totally different project. *wrings hands in indecision*



Writing it is... for now. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :D




And my edit didn't save, what the hell? Oh well, edit again!


I'll post my bit of this escapade in the morning, since it's 1am. That is, assuming the story doesn't change much in the interim.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Ghost's head snapped towards the psychic disturbance she felt. "So the angry one has finally shown his face... Very well Lotus I will deal with this insolent brat" She thought before grabbing her Lanka, Twin Gremlins and Pangolin Sword, all of them fully modded out and ready to go. She put them on her mag sheaths before rushing out the door, Her psychic field was already pulsing and strengthening as She quickly made her way to where Beserker was. She blinked as she arrived, seeing X fighting Beserker. She sent a volley of Psychic bolts at the enraged Tenno, coating the room in her psychic powers and rendering her invisible to the eyes of others "Fear not X, Reinforcements are arrived and more are incoming. I can feel their presences closing in." Her etheral voice echoed in the Prime's head as she relayed her thoughts directly to him. She laid down some suppressing fire with her Lanka as she moved around the room constantly, doing her best to support X as he Fought valiantly against Beserker. Between the two fo them they were able to keep him occupied they not able to defeat him as X clashed with Beserker again and again, slowly pushing him back as Ghost unloaded round after round of plasma into Beserker, trying not to kill him if possible. 


(I had a super long post that took me all day to finish and when i did i had to dlete it cause yall posted before me xD all my sads)

Edited by KittyShark
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