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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Ok well, before this thread derails further, here's the six pages I've gotten done so far. More should be coming tomorrow (I might start it tonight but I don't see it being post-worthy until I've had some sleep).


I hope it's alright. If any changes need to be made just say something. I'm more than happy to edit.





In the immediate aftermath of the battle, Acantha had silently moved off by herself. She’d put her back against the nearest wall and leaned against it. Eventually she’d slid down it to sit on the floor, her helmet resting next to her. It was hard to believe this was the same place that she’d been in not more than a few days ago, seeking comfort in the silence where so many sacred memories had seemed to dwell. There was no silence there now.


The walls and pillars of the grand room were pockmarked and burned in the places where they still stood at all. Injured lay on the floor as people more skilled than herself tended to them. Blood, smoke, bullet holes, and scorch marks marked every surface, including the people who filled the space, and made the previously stark white room seem grungy and defiled. The dimmed lighting caused by the damages to the electrical system and lighting only intensified the feeling. The smell of battle hung heavy in the air, and the cries of the wounded, the concerned, the angry, and the distressed mixed with the authoritative voices of those who were trying to assert order during the chaos in a cacophonous din that brought to her mind images of hell. The whole scene was that of a nightmare. In the course of a few hours this room, this whole dojo, had turned into a dark reflection of itself. Where it once stood as a bastion of peace and safety in the anarchy of a universe full of death and warfare, it now was a scene of utter ruin. Nothing typified that image more than the fallen statue of Ajkrumen.


The once pristine figure that had stood tall as a symbol of strength and hope, a proud monument to the memory of an unparalleled warrior, now lay broken, discolored, and shattered on the floor. It lay amidst the ruins of the grand hall, alongside the recumbent forms of the valiant Tenno that had been severely wounded trying to defend their home. Its shattered form was surrounded by blasted wreckage; blackened by fire, desecrated by war, pockmarked and battle-worn. Where it should have stood tall forever, an eternal monument to what a warrior should be, it was now a sight that, to her, said far more about the state of this once peaceful place than any words ever could. Insane or not, alternate personality or not, she couldn’t forgive Kris for having brought this tragedy to a place and a group of people who so little deserved it.


She had watched the exoskeleton, the outward embodiment of the Berserker, crumble and fall from Kris, and then coldly observed him crumple to the floor. She had wanted to run to him, grab him, shake him, and show him the travesties he’d committed against those who had so easily welcomed him with open arms. She’d wanted to scream at him, to throw him to the floor and make him beg for forgiveness for what he’d done. But she hadn’t. Yelling and shaking an unconscious man was more than just futile, it was ignoble, and so she’d held herself back. Besides, from what she’d been able to gather, it wasn’t Kris, but an alternate personality within him that had caused this damage.


Although she knew that fact in her conscious mind, in her heart the knowledge hadn’t dulled her anger. He had to have known the danger he posed to others when he’d joined this clan, and yet had done nothing about it. It didn’t matter if he was “ordered” to this dojo or not. If it was true that joining this clan had been nothing but fulfilling the Lotus’s command to him, the utter lack of any attempt by him to put up or invent some kind of safeguards or preventive measures to counteract a condition he was well aware of still made him indirectly but equally responsible for the actions of Berserker. In her eyes, his guilt was not mitigated by the fact he had not been the one to pull the trigger, so to speak. He had, essentially, put a gun in the hands of a madman, and had neglected to do so much as engage the safety. He had let this happen, and she couldn’t forgive him for it. It was taking all of her restraint to hold herself back from killing him. She didn’t have it in her to forgive him. She didn’t want to.


Her eyes shifted to Khimera, lying on the floor practically smoking. He had already been swarmed by medical personnel, who were in the process of hoisting him, carefully, onto a stretcher so he could be moved to the Medical Bay. Kris had already been removed from the room. Vindictively, she hoped they’d tied him down, or locked him in a dungeon, or even donated him to the Corpus. Anything that could be done to him would be less than he deserved, in her eyes. Khi, on the other hand, had done more than humanly possible to defend his clan against the monstrosity that was the Berserker. It was something she deeply respected, even if the depths of his power did instill a great amount of fear in her. She fervently hoped that he hadn’t paid too great of a price for his heroic efforts. Of all the injuries she’d seen the warriors fighting the Berserker take, his had been, by far, the worst. She sent out a silent prayer to whatever gods or spirits that might be listening that he would be alright.


Feeling restless and needing something to do, she’d hoisted herself to her feet and begun picking up any of her Dread’s arrows that she ran across that looked salvageable. Along the way, she stopped to help anyone she could, at least until more experienced individuals came along to help them instead. When that was done, she began assisting in the early clean-up efforts. At first she told herself it was just because she’d hoped to retrieve her Orthos from the wreckage before leaving the dojo. She’d lost the weapon when the Berserker had launched her across a room early in the fight, and she missed its comforting weight on her back. However, even after finding her weapon (which was miraculously undamaged, although she had no idea how considering she’d found it buried underneath nearly an entire collapsed wall), she found she couldn’t stop. She took breaks only when she had too, slipping off to her snub to get a scant few hours rest before returning to the seemingly never-ending task of rebuilding the dojo.


It helped that no one seemed to question her about why she was there. She was simply another much-needed pair of hands pitching in to help finish the titanic job that faced them all. There were no questions about if she was a clan member or not, and, after awhile, people even stopped staring at her slantwise and whispering about whether she was going to get bored and blow things up or not. She had no idea why they had the idea in their heads that she’d want to cause more destruction than was already around them, but she’d let the comments go without remark and had shunted her curiosity about them off to the back of her mind. After all, there were far more important things to focus on than gossip. It also helped that when working she didn’t have to dwell on Kris, and all of the various punishments he deserved for his crimes.


She avoided the Medical Bay entirely during this time. It wasn’t because she didn’t want to check on the people who were there, still injured. It was because she’d learned that Kris was there, and she wasn’t sure if she saw him that she would be able to hold herself back from trying to kill him, or at the very least giving him a severe beating. Avoiding him was the closest thing he was going to get to forgiveness from her for a very long time.


She didn’t notice when her stay at the dojo had slid over from days to over a week. She abandoned training and her depression while she tirelessly worked, and even the glad news of Alad V’s death that had finally reached her failed to stir a reaction from her. This kind of exertion was exactly the kind of outlet she needed for her anger, and she threw herself at it with a desperate, furious obsession. However, she’d learned her lesson from the Hunt for Alad V, and never worked herself to the point of collapse. However, she worked incessantly nonetheless.


Occasionally the thought occurred to her that she wasn’t a member of Aequitas. She could just drop what she was doing and return to the Station, perhaps take a mission or two and take out her anger on enemies of the Lotus. Yet, when she thought about leaving and took a look at the destruction around her, she couldn’t bring herself to be callous enough to abandon the people of this resilient clan. Leaving when there was so obviously so much to be done, and when losing even one pair of hands would be so detrimental to those who remained, would be selfish anyway, and she’d already sworn to fix that particular flaw in herself. And so, she stayed.


It was one of the many times when she was on her way back to her snub for some rest when she ran across the Nyx.


The stranger had called out across the Docking Bay, causing Acantha to turn and walk in her direction. "Hello, can you give me a hand?”


"Oh, hi, I didn't see you there. What do you need help with?"


"The Lotus sent me to join the clan, do you know where I can get my room from?" Sophia asked.


Acantha paused, thinking. Having been around the clan’s members for awhile, she’d picked up a few details in passing, but she really didn’t know who handled room and board. Besides, that kind of organization had broken down somewhat in the chaos caused by the battle with Berserker, and subsequent to that people were always in random parts of the dojo assisting with rebuilding efforts. Even if she did know who to send the Nyx to for assistance, there was no way to know exactly where that person would be. The only person she knew to be influential in the clan that could be found with any ease was Quinn, who’d been obsessing over the broken statue of Ajkrumen since the battle had ended. He was almost always in Memorial Hall, either overseeing repairs or staring broodingly at the remains of the memorial to his fallen friend. Not seeing another option, she figured she could always take the newcomer to Quinn, and then have the Foundry Master give instructions on where she could go from there.


"I'll get you somewhere, then I'll tell Quinn that you're here."


"Thanks." The Nyx began to follow Acantha’s lead down the corridor before saying, "By the way, I'm Sophia."




It was impossible not to notice the signs of the all-too recent battle that scarred the walls, floor, and ceiling. Even with the efforts to get the dojo back to normal, the hardest hit rooms were being focused on first, leaving places like that halls that were structurally sound, just not pretty, practically untouched until materials and workers could be spared from crucial work to repair them. Acantha passed them without a second thought, having grown accustomed to the damages in her time working on repairs. Sophia, however, was surprised.


"What happened here? Dojo civil war?"

Acantha sighed. "No, one of the others went berserk. Khimera nearly killed himself activating some hidden system in his Volt, trying to stop the one who went rogue. As you can see, it was hard to stop him."


Without warning, the Nyx stopped dead in her tracks, and stood there frozen.


“Are you ok?”


Sophia whirled to face the Nova, “Where is Kris?”


“You know Kris?” Acantha was confused and startled, she hadn’t expected this kind of reaction from someone who had little to no knowledge of the clan.


"Where is he?!?" she roared, activating her powers. Out of nowhere, bolts of psychic energy materialized around her, pointing straight at Acantha.


She Backpedaled wildly, trying to put some space between herself and the obviously upset Tenno, her thoughts darting between thinking Not again, and I’ve got to calm her down.


“Whoa, calm down.”


Before the words were out of her mouth, she felt Sophia force her way into her mind, wrenching the information she wanted free before she took off for what looked to be Medical Bay. Acantha sat stunned on the floor for a moment, after having been hurled bodily away from the Nyx by the force of the attack.


“Damn it all, STOP!” Her head still ringing, certain, although she wasn’t sure how she knew, that Sophia was not after Kris for good reasons, she tore down the hallway in pursuit of her attacker. Acantha didn’t particularly care what happened to Kris, but this person had had no hesitation in going through her using any means necessary. Acantha had no doubt that the Nyx wouldn’t hesitate to cut anyone else down who got in her way, either. There’d already been far too much blood spilled because of Kris. She wasn’t about to let someone else bring more harm to the people here. This went double if Kris was their motivation. That bastard wasn’t going to be the reason for even more trouble here, or she would kill him. Assuming she got to him before Sophia did.


Skidding down the hallway, she yelled out warnings to the people around her as she chased down her quarry. She would not let anyone hurt this clan again. They’d already suffered too much.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Fantastic read. Now I am literally glad that I am sending Kris down to Earth. (What happens to him on Earth will be , well, good for him.)


Edit: It will be something that relates to him and his relationship with Berserker.

Edited by FatViking
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here is something quick like, really late, i know.


i almost made myself cry writing the first paragraph.... *sniff*


more tomorrow, i promise!




The fight had left no one untouched. The dojo was in chaos, the halls, the rooms, the memorial, in wreckage. Quinn just stood and looked on, empty. He stood in the middle of the memorial hall, looking at the floor where the head of the statue lay. Looking up slowly, Quinn surveyed the whole room, at those running around, those sitting, those screaming, those crying. Letting his helmet retract, his hair black fell in a mess around his face. He was empty, he could feel nothing, this was so familiar, so cruelly familiar. The destruction and pain. Falling to his knees, Quinn picked up what was left of the statue. No one was looking at him, but he was crying, holding the head of the statue to his chest. He could feel the pain of everyone, he had felt it once before. He had never wanted to feel it again, but it was inevitable, sadly. He cried, no one noticed, his tears, streaming from his tortured grey eyes. 


It took him a long time to gain what little composer he could. Standing shakily to his feet, Quinn still held the head of the statue. He wanted to blame someone anyone, Kris. Thats who he wanted to blame, but he could not bring himself to blame that scarred Tenno. They where all scarred, broken, tortured by their past. That is who they are, bound by their broken body and souls. This was how they lived, they thrived, helping each other, healing each other. This clan was a home for the crushed, the pained, the sad. This place was a home for anyone and everyone, no matter who you are, what you had been through. A past held no standing in this clan, you are one of them, even if you weren't, accepted no matter what.


Aequitas dojo, a home to the fallen, the broken, the crippled, a home to all.






ok i lied X_X




Eyes snapping open, Ans looked around franticly. Drawing his blade and sliding off the cot, he leveled the blade to the throat of a Trinity. Shocked the Trinity stepped back putting her hands up.


“WHOOAA there!” She said loudly. His eyes widened when he saw what he did. Straightening up he sheathed his blade and bow slightly to the Trinity, who watched with interest. 


“ I am sorry...” He said when he straightened up. Looking around he did not notice his shoulder, which was covered with a cloth while the nano bots worked. Nodding to the Trinity he went to walk out.

“ No no no nope, you need to stay here.” She said sternly stepping in his way. She poked at his shoulder making him flinch, “This, is why.”


“Fine,” He said reluctantly sitting back down on the cot, “How did i get here anyways?”


“Oh, you were carried, well more like dragged, her by a nova.” She said, while she was turned to take care of some initiates. Looking up Ans was a little shocked.


He had stayed in the med bay even though he didnt want to. He was held their by the trinity, he had no chance to escape. Hours passed and he watches as others were carried in from the fight. Someone said it was over, that Khimera had won, had saved them all. Not moments after, a charred body was rolled past, a few trinity’s were around him, trying to get his warframe off. They were struggling, his warframe was fused with him practically. Standing slowly, Ans picked up his katana. Walking to the door he wedged the blade in the crack. The door with its amazing force, snapped the blade like a twig. Ans wanted to cry, but he didnt. Picking up the broken section of the blade he walked over and handed it to a trinity.


“This might help, be careful though, it could cut through him like butter.” Ans said while the trinity took the broken blade curiously. “Use it to help take off the warframe, it will be better than those machines, more precise and accurate in the hands of a healer.”  His act gained no attention form others, but the trinity knew immediately when she looked in his eyes. Nodding she went to work, slicing the charred warframe with ease and precision. Turning Ans took his broken blade and sheath, leaving the med bay to wander around the dojo, hoping to lose himself and never be found again. But that was not to be. 




P.s i kinda went with what you said khi, with,umm, Khi needing a new warframe...soooo... X_X you know, its late and stuff.....

Edited by QuinnsWing
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For Kittyshark's information: The helmet is not fused to the person's body as part of the rite. Crowley is perfectly capable of putting on the Shroud or Default helmets at his leisure. The same now goes for Faust and Fenrik. Sadly, the rest of their bodies are rather well and fused with their Warframes so no taking them off anymore. ^_^ All 'earthly pleasures' must now forever be forgone by them. -trying to be as subtle about the message as possible-


On another note, Ein shall be visiting Ghost and Khimera and Crowley will be feeling the disturbance to the souls in Aequitas even beyond the reaches of the Solar Rails. My response to that is: damn...Tenno be upset.




The event had been...catastrophic...that was the word that made the most sense. The Dojo was in shambles from the Docking bay almost all the way to the Drum Hall. It wasn't really the fault of the supposed perpetrating Tenno. As Ein saw it, Kris was nowhere near to blame for all of this. In fact Berzerker, as he'd been informed that was the alternate personality Kris had been overtaken by during the event, was not really to blame either. Logic and fact were overridden by compassion in the artificial Tenno even as he peeked into the Med Bay. Kris and Berzerker were made as they were by circumstance, Berzerker had only been doing its job in taking over for Kris, though that purpose may have become corrupted somewhere along the way.


Silent, Einherjar kept his footsteps as quiet as he could though with all the sound it was unlikely he'd go noticed aside from his unique appearance. The first of his stops was Ghost, who was currently in a recuperative Coma after her brush with Berzerker's mental identity. Standing at her bedside Ein's bodily expression began to project sadness and regret. They had not finished their fight, but perhaps if he'd not insisted on fighting to test his own abilities Ghost could have been saved this pain. Taking a moment to pray for Ghost's swift recovering, Ein moved on to the one in far more critical condition.


Khimera. Even now they were cutting off his Volt Warframe with scalpel, blade, and machine, healing him as best they could where it had fused with his flesh. His spur-of-the-moment action of removing his Storm Helmet may well have saved his life. The same helmet was off to the side for Ein to look at, to tear his gaze away from the crippled Tenno. It was beautiful even if its visage inspired fear and respect in others, crafted with great care, not simply foundry-made. Upon inspecting it further Ein found on the inside a small inscription left by the maker.


For my Moonlight.


Those words, though short, inspired a warmth in Ein's chest though from where it sprang forth he could not guess. It was soft...uplifting even in the face of overwhelming sorrow and pain like that which surrounded the Dojo at the moment. "That which combats loss but is not victory." Ein mused as he gently set the helmet down, looking over to Khi's body. "He prided himself on his aesthetics...my poor Master Khimera." While there was no doubt the healers could save much of the crippled Tenno's body there were already scars that would not be undone by a Trinity's touch on the once-Volt's body. An even worse fate occured to Ein: what if Khimera's body rejected Volt Warframes from now on? All his skill, his work, his training in it, would that all be for nothing? Time would tell...but most certainly Khimera would not be taking up a position of battle for Aequitas for a while. That might be pleasing for the Council Meetings, as he would be more available, but Khimera's greatest venting technique was to train, to do battle, to release fury on foes real and simulated. "Somehow...we shall bring you back to the field of battle." Ein spoke softly, leaving to go assist in the Dojo's repairs. With his unlocked first power he might be of some use at least.

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Ghost shivered in her coma, Ein's presence still slightly strange to her but she did feel him, incapacitated as she was. She could feel the horror of what happened to Khimera, the worry, sadness, pain of the others who tried to help him. In her mindscape she sighed as she meticulously purged herself of all the taint left by the Beserker. She was nearly halfway through, the only reason it was taking this long was simply she didn't want to take any chances at all. 

(was gonna make this all horrible and painful for her.... buuuuuuuut i have other plans now :D)

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Good story Jea, my only ask is that Sophia does not get caught before the end of your next story, I still need to explain why she is after Kris.

Edit: she won't kill a fellow Tenno who gets in her way, just those who try really hard to stop her, and then only if she has to

Edited by Spikey844
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Some stuff stuck in my mind.



Az had ignored the increased amount of Tenno who had come to the bar, the lot of them drinking for their injured comrades and in celebration that the threat was over. If Yuri had been there... who knows... maybe she would have helped.


__________________some few thousand years before (thanks to cryo-sleep)______________


A news broadcaster on old Earth was amazed as he sat down and cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt this program for a special report. A person has been born with the Technocyte virus. The lucky child managed, against all odds, to be formed by two Tenno warriors. This proves, without a doubt, that we can evolve. Our species can live on after the virus."


---------------(a few years later)---------------


Az and her little brother, Yuri, had been taken in by the Tenno when she was only 6 years old, Yuri being 3 years old. This process might have been taken with all the other 'first-born' Tenno over the next few years, but they were the first. A royal grand-master had volunteered to train them, no matter what their social-status had been. This was not the first time something had been done for them just because of that, and it wouldn't be the last.

In time, as dozens more Tenno were born, they would be taken to different grand-masters and trained as part of this secret plan. As the Corpus had their internal control and the Grineer had their spies watching some of their own people, these Tenno would be for that purpose. They were given the codename 'The Secret Battalion'.

(Think about them as the Tenno version of the DEA that we have today.)




The training program had been arduous and with no room for respite, but somehow, it had only taken Az and Yuri six years to improve beyond their master, having been born with incredible natural talent and a 'gift' that all of these 'first-born' seemed to share, even though their gifts were different.


The public's eyes still stayed on them for some time, and Yuri, just for fun, decided to give them something. He went over to a parked tank, and slowly but surely, being the first person crazy enough to try it, managed to lift one side of it until the tank flipped on its side. The people were shocked and stunned for some time after this, as he hadn't worn a warframe as he did it.


When their training was finally over, each and every one of them having gone between multiple masters, 'the Secret Battalion' were given the choices between warframes, being the first group of their size to simultaneously qualify for Prime-status. Even more attention was brought to the fact that all of them had declined the offer, choosing normal warframes. They chose that, as their then-leader Az had said: "Primes are a cheap way of gaining strength without deserving it."




As the war then continued, rogue Tenno and those that had crossed the line started disappearing. Some rumors went towards a group called the Stalkers, and yet more went towards the Battalion, as they were known. And even though most people didn't the truth about everything concerning them, the most well-known stories of theirs were of the two members that had decided to be visible and draw any targets away from the others: 'The avenging angels, Azmodiel and Yuriel' as the stories called them, the storytellers likening their prowess and skill to that of the divine, some even daring to say that the two of them could slay some of the Orokin if they wanted to.




When the fall came, the Battalion was disbanded before they had gone to cryo, only the stories and the marks of the Battalion they had left on their weapons were a reminder to young Tenno not to cross the line, or else something more dangerous than an entire Grineer army or a Corpus fleet would start hunting them down.


-----------------------Back to the end of Az's drinking binge------------------------


Az stared into her empty glass, thinking what good that reputation and skill had done her brother, when he had been captured and experimented on. Would he have lived if they had taken primes? Maybe. That guilt clawed at her as she told herself again that there had been no glimpse of recognition in Yuri's eye as she had killed him, he had become a beast from the tests.....


After a few moments more, she set her glass down, finally deciding something as she put her helmet on and activated her link to the Lotus.

"Lotus, deliver a message to all the former members of the Secret Battalion that you can find: Yuriel has fallen, grieve in your own way." she said coldly as she went out of the bar, heading towards the small room that she shared with some unknown Tenno.

"I'm on it Tenno. You take care." the emotionless voice of the Lotus rang in her ears, making her frown. 

"You try killing your brother and feeling good about it." Az snapped at her before closing the comm-link.




Whether she knew about it or not, Az's message struck the few dozen hearts out in the solar system that it was for, many Tenno giving a toast in secret to their fallen ally as they all remembered their secret mission that the Lotus had been more than kind enough to keep secret, as she had been one of the beings that originally assigned it to them: 'Defend and protect the Tenno from the greatest threat, themselves.'




So... you guys just let me know what you think. This has been stuck in my head for quite some time now.

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As Sophia ran, dodging other Tenno in her path, she could not stop the memories coming back to her. Of what Kris had been to her, and what he had done.


Before the Collapse, Tenno Training Academy



Sophia walked down the corridor, trying not to be notice by the rich kids and the cool kids. It usually worked. Not today.


"Hey nerd, where do you think your going?"


Before she could run, they had surrounded her.


"Nerd, what have you got there? Work for a teacher, some crappy book that no one cares about?"


Sophia was shoved to the ground, her books thrown around, her notebook torn up. 


"Whats this?"


Sophia knew what they had found, her poem, her poem to boy she was secretly in love with. They crammed round the torn page in the notebook, and began to laugh.


"For him, really? He's way to old for you, and he's poor. Why would you want to be with him?" They jeered, before they tore it up. Only when they had gone did she start to gather her things. All the was left of the poem was a small piece that, once read, made it obvious who she was dreaming about.


It read 'Kris, for you'.



Three weeks later, the night of Kris' abduction.



Sophia woke. She could her the sounds of struggle, of many on few. She knew what had happened. Kris had thrashed the leader of the rich kids in a duel, and now they were going to take their revenge. She staggered out of bed, and, still in her pyjamas, went the door to go and help him, or get help. She yanked open the door, to find Kylar, her younger brother, standing there. She tried to get past, but Kylar stopped her.


"Kylar, let me go! I have to help him" She all but screamed at him. She was desperate to reach Kris,to help in his struggle, to stop the rich kids. She was carrying a belt that had metal studs running its length to use against them.


"Soph, if you go, they will do to you what they will do to him, and the boys will do worse," Kylar told her as he pushed her back. "You go to the Mentor, they will know who it was, and they will come for you, or they will get the others to do it." A pained look entered his face. "I won't have my sister used that way."


Sophia staggered back, before she collapsed onto her bed and burst into tears. Kylar sat next to her and held her as she cried. He had grown a lot recently, and was now taller then her, making his embrace seem like it came from a bigger brother rather than a younger one. She was still crying when the sounds of struggle faded. Kylar stood and went to his sisters music terminal, and put on a song that he knew she liked, 'Let her go' by Passenger. It was an old song, at least half a millenia that he had found while digging through their grandparents music drive. They had ended downloading the entire lot on his laptop and then copying it onto hers.


The song began to calm her down, and she was soon singing along, choking a bit on the words. Kylar stayed with her until she fell asleep. He closed the door softly and went to his own room, troubled. His sister would probably do something stupid to get Kris back. He would have to keep an eye on her. 



The night of Kris' first rampage.



Sophia woke, senses buzzing. She could her crashing, roaring, and screams.


'Oh god' she thought, 'Kris got free'.


She wasn't sure how she knew this, but Tenno can often tell what warframe they will use while in basic training. She had been told that she had some psychic talent, and she had been slated for the Nyx training program when she was old enough.


"Kris!" she screamed. She lept out of bed, and ran towards the clamor. She was determined to stop Kris, to help him, to get him back to his true self.


"Sophia, stop!" She heard Kylar yell from behind her.


"Stop me!" She hissed, and ran. She heard Kylar pounding down the corridor behind her.


Kylar caught up with her as they found him. Kris was standing in the hallway next to training rooms. He was half naked, his skin covered by some kind of metallic layer that shone. His eyes were blood red.


"AHH, MORE MEAT TO HUNT!" He roared, a hungry look in his eyes. He stalked towards them. They shrank back from him, and he laughed.




There were bodies scattered around him, alive, but senseless or incapacitated with pain.


"Kris," Sophia spoke, her voice hard, "Stop, take control."




"So be it," said Sophia, and raised a strange staff that she had been holding behind her. It looked like a Bo, but the end was capped with a weird device, a spiral that had a crystal in the center that shone with psychic light. She focused, then launched herself in to Kris' mind. She did not know how she did it, it had happened by instinct, but she was facing Kris, no -Zerk- in a mindscape. She was stunned. She had not expected to be able to do that. A Nyx took years to train in how to properly do this yet she had done it with only the most basic of Nyx training, focusing psychic talent.


"What are you doing here? How-?" Zerk was just as stunned as she was. 


"Kris! Wake up!" Sophia commanded. 






"I told you Kris is buried deep down in this mind, you cannot-" Zerk began to say, a smug expression on his face. 


There was a snap, and Kris appeared, trapped, behind bars.


"Very good," Zerk said, clapping slow as Kris tried to free himself from behind the bars. "But he is not getting out, no one could get out of there."


Sophia looked at Kris, before saying in a small voice, "The man I love could."


The silence that followed was so deep, you would have heard a drop of water as a tidal wave. Sophia walked to the bars. 


"You could."


Kris just looked into her eyes, deep into her eyes, searching to see if she was telling the truth, before a new determination entered his and he ripped the bars apart. 


"Zerk," he said coldly, "Out. Now."


"Make me."


Kris proceeded to tear Zerk to pieces. Zerk was weak, and Kris was very, very angry. It helped Kris had a length of bar.



Sophia watched this, before a searing pain hit her head, and she as thrown back to her own body. She found herself on the floor, her brother standing over her, looking scared out of his wits. He look relived as she looked up at him.


"Never do that to me again," he said quietly. Suddenly Sophia cried out, and found herself lifted into the air. Her legs were being crush between a pair of strong hands. 


"What the f*ck are you doing Kris?" Her brother yelled.


Sophia dropped to the floor with a thud, the hard floor unforgiving. Kris was standing above her, eyes flashing from red to blue and back again. With out warning he cried out, and clutched his head. When he opened his eyes again, they were blue. He blinked, then collapsed on the floor. The damage was done though. Sophia had seen in his eyes that he did not care for her as she did for him. Her love for him was replaced with hatred, a hatred that would grow. She had been everything to her and now she knew that it was a hopeless cause. Kris did not love her at all. He left the school a few months later, having passed his final trials, but ever Sophia would remember this night, and the betrayal that came with it. She swore later that if she found out that Kris had lost it again, she would make him beg for death after she was through with him. She would punish him.



Present Day



Sophia reached the med bay, the last place she could sense Kris. If he was inside, she would begin the punishment. A psychic whip formed in her hand as she entered. She was not prepared for the sight that greeted her

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He was woken up by something metallic hitting his head. As he looked up, he saw his sentinel, going back and forth to hit him.”WHY THE HELL DO YOU WAKE ME UP YOU LITTLE SH*T?!  Wait, was I sleeping?” He said as he grabbed the dethcube. Why do I always fall asleep when I don’t have something to do? He looked around, checking his surroundings. Tenno were fixing de dojo, or at least what was left of it. But something made him fell like sh*t.  A statue of a frost prime, rested in pieces. It looked like once it was glorious, but now… “Deth, what’s that thing made of?” He asked as he pointed the statue.”Granite” the sentinel answered without even looking at it. “Don’t we have some in the snub?” ”Yep”


He got himself on his feet, and walked his way to his salvage cargo ship snub. He had all kind of things in there, from a jackal’s power core to old earth comics. He lifted the granite block with his both hands, and put it over his right shoulder.”You shouldn’t be lifting it, better call someone to get you a cargo carrier” His sentinel told him.”Shut the f*ck up!” Was all the answer it got.


He walked to the memorial hall, on which he saw a vauban  on his knees. He yelled at him as he gently SMASHED THAT PIECE OF S*HT ON THE GROUND  placed the granite at his side.”Hello uncle! See what I got for you today!”


Oh an here's my rhino btw


Just 40cm taller and 20cm wider

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