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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Her vision went black for a moment, her head having impacted the wall of the corridor rather hard. She knew it had to be hard because in the blackness she heard a voice, one she hadn’t heard since her long sleep.


“Novice, what the HELL are you doing?




“To think, an apprentice of mine not only falling for the oldest trick in the book, but getting intimidated by some mind-reading parlor trick and losing her will to fight because she forgot her lessons. Pathetic. And to think I took you on as my student.” She could hear the derision in his voice.


“Forget my lessons…? And I didn’t lose my will to fight, Master, I don’t know how…”


“Are you saying I didn’t teach you? Me? What kind of two-bit teacher do you take me for?”


Her mind wandered in the blackness, still unable to quite pull itself back from the mental traumas subjected to it by Venefica’s attacks. Her lessons, what had she forgotten about her lessons?


Suddenly it came back to her, the memory overwhelming her so strongly that during its recovery she felt like she was there, living it again.


She was in the training room again, during the later years of her apprenticeship. It was at some point in one of her rarer training sessions when she worked directly with the Master. Her brother, who usually acted as a mediator of sorts between them, was gone on a mission alone. They’d been working on melee practice for the umpteenth time, even though, through all her progress, her master considered it the place she needed the most improvement. He was exacting, never taking anything less than perfection from himself or his students.


He’d been resoundingly beating her in every sparring session. She was obsessing, every fight, about the best moves, the best combinations, she could use to beat him. She knew his fighting style like the back of her own hand, and could even see some of the places where he could offer up an opportunity for her to beat him, but she never could.


Then, suddenly, he’d looked at her with those piercing eyes and shouted, “Stop thinking so much!”


She started, “How am I supposed to beat you if I don’t think?!”


“Do you know the way I fight or don’t you?”


She stared at him dumfounded, “Of course I do!”


“Then you don’t need to think about it once you’re in the battle.” He sighed, running his hand irritatedly through his close-cropped short hair, “You think technical skill is the point, don’t you. It’s not. Once you’ve analyzed an opponent, once you’ve gotten in their head and learned how they think, how they fight, why they fight, thinking does you no good. This is especially true against an opponent who can get inside your head, both literally and figuratively. Clear your mind, and trust yourself to fight. When the moment comes, and it will come, you’ll get your opportunity to defeat them. Until then, keep your mind clear. Thinking in a fight, past where it is necessary, will only get you killed.”



Groaning, Acantha, freed from the memory, pulled herself to her feet, cursing herself all the while.


“Of all the stupid tricks to fall for….” She muttered, checking the status of the two other fallen Tenno near her. Both were alright, if unconscious, and appeared to be in no immediate danger, unlike anyone in Venefica’s way. Walking down the hall, stumbling a few steps until she got in her stride, she painfully chased the NYx down again.


Her anger had been supplanted by curiosity and confusion, her master had taught her how to fight someone like Venefica, she’d just forgotten. But was she skilled enough to take her down without thinking, skilled enough to rely on her instinct and training to keep her alive? She didn’t know. She didn’t even register the announcements that went out over the dojo’s PA systems as she ran, her mind even blocked out to the call of another Nyx in the dojo; her mentality was focused on other things, nearly to the exclusion of all else. She was thinking, analyzing what she knew of Sophia’s other half before the battle began.


Her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the Nyx stopped dead in the hall, facing what appeared to be the Shade belonging to the Ash she’d seen earlier. The one that had been knocked out by the rogue Tenno in the hallway along with her and the drunk Mag.


“Enough of this Venefica, I won’t let your rampage continue.”


The Nyx, her helmet still retracted, turned to her and just grinned, “So try to stop me then.”


Readying her weapons, she began to silently recite a mantra taught to her by her Master, something to focus on to help clear her mind, something to keep her calm, even in the heat of battle. A wall, composed of essential tenets of the Tenno that she could lock her emotions behind until her fight was over. A wall she could lock her mind behind to help keep the Nyx out. As she advanced, ready for the conflict ahead, she repeated the phrases in her head, a silent litany, a faithless prayer. She stopped thinking, buried her emotions, and focused only on the words and her opponent.


Seek Perfection of Character. Be Faithful. Endeavor in all Training. Be Respectful. Loyalty is the Essential Duty of the Soldier.

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The Shade was actually surprised, as the Nova that approached seemed to be, at last, prepared to deal with telepathy. It was about time for her to get there, that's for sure. But what really mattered was that the Nyx had turned her back to him. Sophia, Venefica, or whatever he'd call her, was clearly beyond any words, if she truly intended to fight that Nova now. She'd have to be shown, not told. And he wanted to be the one to show it, to make sure there would be no oversights in the exposition.


-I will shoot you in the back, Venefica-he announced-She's unlikely to stab you in the back if you turn towards me instead, being a warrior of honor and what not, even though there's always the hope that she will.That left aside, i will shoot you if you don't leave right now, regardless of whether you are attacking me or not. You could probably Absorb, i guess. But i can wait it out. I am not really one to be impatient, given my life expectancy. And i'd be more than glad to wait until your Absorb is over, to shoot you. Your choice.

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The first of the sliders went down under Aigloblam's finger. Increasing the gravity to 200% in the room where the battle was about to take place. His voice came over the PA system "Enough. Last Warning."


The first slider had a max capacity of 250% gravity increase or reduction. There were 9 more sliders.

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A new ship flew into the hanger, its exterior marked with battle scars. The Tenno aboard had overridden the lockdown on the bay doors. It was soon obvious that the Tenno was important. It was in an Excalibur Prime, with a Braton Prime, Dual Vasto and a Dakra Prime. It strode towards the nearest security, and marched in, ignoring the protests of the other Tenno.

Aigloblam was sitting at the controls when the Tenno entered. He spun to face him.

"Who the hell are you?!" He demanded. "How did you get in?" The other Tenno did not answer, instead he strode to the controls and reached for the PA.

"What are you doing?" Aigloblam moved to block the reaching hand.

"If you want this to end bloodlessly, you will let me speak." The prime snapped, reaching for the PA again.

"Sis stop this right now. Don't let Venefica take you again. I don't want another incident like what happen to your last boyfriend. That would be messy." He paused, and seemed to be forcing himself to continue speaking. "If you don't... I will have to enact Protocol Saga Venatione. I don't want to kill my own sister. Go to my ship in the hanger if you don't want to die."

The Tenno stepped back from the PA.

"My name is Kylar. As you just heard Sophia is my sister. You activate the dojo defences and she dies..."

Kylar left the the threat hanging, then walked out of the room.


Edit: post 200! Yay!

Edited by Spikey844
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And now for continuing stuff for the sake of letting Faust and Fenrik get on with training at last.




Faust could not see how Fenrik could remain so determined even in the fact of what he assumed to be a veritable hell. Shaking his head, the bone-colored Nekros followed the Grand-Master out to the Cloister of Passages, amazed by how bright it was in the area for being surrounded by cold stone on a dark world. The twin moons above seemed to be currently casting enough light through a small hole that it reflected perfectly off the sheer, smooth rock walls so that it was as if the trio of Nekros were in a grand hall of a dojo. However it was easy to see the largest archway was lit by what seemed like torchlight, quickly leading down into unknown depths.


Walking over silently to stand by the archway, Crowley removed his helmet revealing that even this open area somehow had air to breathe and speak. "Below is the first trial of Inferno, Pride. Then Lust, Anger, Greed, Envy, and so on until the final floor at the very bottom of Vis. It is there you will see me again. Until that time...pray you have the strength to make it beyond even the first test." Smirking, Crowley turned back toward 'Inferno' and descended, seeming to vanish after only a few feet.


It was surprising for Faust to see his master's face, though he noticed hints of technocyte encroachment in the form of metallic plating that was starting to form on Crowley's cheeks. Was that normal for someone who had lived as long as Crowley, bound to his Warframe? Somehow it seemed painful, even though the Grand-Master had given no indication of being in pain. "Pride? It seems cliche that the trials are named for the seven sins but still...maybe it's a hint?" Faust posed to his fellow apprentice, having forgotten they were as rivals now vying for Crowley's place as Grand-Master of the Dead. Again the young Nekros shook his head, moving to the archway and suddenly feeling heat radiating from the stairwell down. The 'torches' along the wall were carved gargoyles that held flames in their mouths looking rather menacing. Still, they were far from terrifying like the Infested could be.


Sadly, even as Faust thought that the gargoyles morphed before his eyes, becoming bas-reliefs of Chargers whose eyes radiated the same glowing light as the flames before. Shuddering, the apprentice began his descent, getting more convinced that Vis was a place of the supernatural rather than the real and logical. "Pride...I haven't known pride in my life...not until Master chose me but that in itself was short-lived..." Faust was lost in thought when he found his descent stopping suddenly, turning into a long hall filled with the images of powerful looking Tenno, renaissance-style paintings depicting legendary warriors atop fallen foes or having found themselves leading fellows into battle. It was humbling for Faust to see so many great Tenno in great circumstances, doing great things. "Could this...ever be me?" Faust mused in melancholic tones as he wandered down the hall, phantasmal whispers beginning to play at his ears.


"What kind of Nekros are you? So squeamish around the dead. You can barely prepare the bodies of your fellows...you can hardly defeat the weakest Grineer grunts...what kind of Pride could you possibly have in your abilities?" They were harsh voices, biting things, specters that sought to tear down all self-confidence. Pride...the easiest to pass and easiest to fail. For those with no confidence in themselves and their abilities it would sap them into nothing. For those overzealous and overly proud of their abilities they would find themselves torn asunder by a maze of ghosts finding the tested's abilities lacking and laughable. Only in understanding one's faults and merits in balance would one find themselves unharmed by the first trial.

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Twin moons...their either on the Gyroog's homeworld or Mars...


No, they are not. They are beyond the Solar Rails. So help me if you try and make a barren wasteland world where Vis was built the Gyroog's homeworld the wrath I'll have my Nyx and Valkyr rain down.

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Heus watched the footage of the Berserker wrecking the dojo for the umpteenth time. This was his home. His place of solace. That... thing destroyed the memorial of his master. He sought revenge. 


I'll bide my time... then I'll cripple the bastard for what he's done..


Heus re-wound the footage, contemplating his vengeful mission.

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