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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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ok, so. I met pyjamalama tonight (yes we live in the same town) and we started talking about the situation Kris is in, and kinda created a storyline that kinda requires Berserker to be...well...gone. So Berserker will no longer exist. (thanks pyjamalamam, for giving me a reason to metaphorically kill Berserker.)


Also, Kris will be a Rhino...just saying...

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Guy stood behind the dojo's bar, polishing some glasses. It was fairly quiet at the moment, as it wasn't happy hour and most of the dojo's inhabitants were out and about doing their own business. He paced the length of the counter, making sure everyone was attended to, when a Tenno, still in their warframe, took a seat at the bar. 


When Guy turned to give the newcomer his attention, he realized that it was Keiji, finally back from assignment. And to be frank, the man looked like S#&$. There were burn marks in places, layers of armour and paint were stripped from the suit, and there were a few indents on the armour on account of bullets being stopped by the warframe itself. Keiji reached up and unsealed his helmet, setting it on the counter in front of him. His hair was dishevelled, he had a black eye, the bags under his eyes were so dark and deep he made a very convincing raccoon, and his unblemished eye twitched constantly.


Keiji looked at Guy. Guy looked back. Without a word being exchanged, Guy reached under the counter and grabbed a glass, placing a few ice cubes in it before filling it to the brim with scotch. He passed it over to Keiji, and before Guy could put away the bottle, the Excalibur had already slammed back the drink, emptying the contents of his glass with one gulp. Silently sighing to himself, Guy filled another glass. This time, to the brim. Keiji just stared at Guy, who got the signal and reached underneath the bar, grabbing a plastic bag and filling it up with ice. He gave the translucent bag to Keiji, who had already slammed back his second glass of scotch. Keiji glanced at the ice bag, then stared at Guy pointedly. Guy looked away as Keiji unsealed his armour and insert the ice pack over his groin.


"So...what happened --"


"I don't want to talk about it. Not. A. Word," Were the only words from Keiji's mouth.


Guy nodded and poured Keiji a third glass of scotch, in silence.

Edited by CommanderCorgi
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To note on the subject of the trials: They are built upon a mix of the 7 sins and Dante's Inferno. If I remember right the order they're supposed to be in is: Pride, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Greed, Envy, Sloth, and Betrayal.


If you want to separate it into 'rings of difficulty' then it goes thus.


First Ring is Pride and Gluttony, the two easiest to surpass for all Tenno. They are generally 'less present' in the lives of Tenno.


Second Ring is Lust, Wrath, and Greed which present themselves to all Tenno in some form both in and out of their missions.


Third Ring is Sloth and Betrayal, the darkest parts that lie deep in Tenno unconsciousness. Have there not been times where you've not felt like cooperating with your teammates? Simply rushing through a mission to get it done and nothing more? What of leaving them to die for a supposed sleight to your person? These are the levels that will offer the greatest challenge.

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Kevin lowered his new Karak rifle as he looked out of the structure housing the Cicero Toxin Injector. Vey Hek was yelling about Tenno Bones and Grineer Homes again for the umpteenth time. It was irritating. Kevin swore that if he ever found another Grineer settlement he would burn it to the last hovel. "Tenno bones will be the Foundation of Grineer homes!" Kevin mimicked Vey Hek's voice. "I swear I'm gonna shove this Ether Reaper down his throat..."


Adam snorted and shook his head, chuckling under his helmet.


"We've got hostiles on the right flank!" Emm yelled, the COM marked with sporadic rifle fire. "Roy I need fire support!" The steady crack of a Snipertron Vandal going off was Roy's assent. "Everyone check your ammunition! Here they come!"


Kevin sent his assent as beside him Adam reloaded his Braton. "Well, here goes." He said calmly. The Excalibur aimed outside waiting for the Grineer horde that was sure to come out. Kevin did the same. There were six of them in all, against a full force of Grineer they would hold this line. They were coming sure enough. A Grineer Heavy Gunner walked up the ramp aiming her Gorgon. There was a loud crack and the Heavy Gunner stumbled backwards with a roar of pain. Kevin and Adam fired a sustained burst in unison taking her down.


The battle had begun.




"It seems that John's subordinates have gotten themselves into trouble." Theresa's milky eyes opened and the Banshee stood up from her kneeling position. She was blind, had been born blind in fact but her skill and lethality had not changed ever since her awakening. Her transformation into a Tenno had never given her sight back but her senses had strengthened in return. Every day she made her prayers to thank the Makers for their gifts. The Saryn in the room had her helmet off and the redhead was smiling down at her friend.


"Are we going to pay him a visit soon?" Minerva asked. She was very tall, towering over the Banshee that had been her close friend and ally for many years.


The Banshee turned her head slightly, hearing the Saryn's voice. "Yes." She said smiling. "It would be very good to hear my brother's voice once more."


They had been following rumors of the Grineer's operations and of Clan Bellum Forma's own actions against the Empire. Theresa was John's sister and while memories of her family faded, John was the only thing that Theresa could remember during her long sleep. The Banshee let out a single note from her Warframe. Instantly the world was revealed around her. Minerva went to fetch the Banshee's weapons for her. A quiver of monomolecular tipped arrows was strapped to her back. The Paris Bow was strung carefully and slung over the Banshee's shoulders. A pair of Viper pistols were strapped to her hips and finally a Glaive, an intricately designed throwing weapon with very distinct ties to the First Tenno, was clipped to her right arm.


Feeling the reassuring weight of the weapon she had long since used Theresa made a satisfied humming noise. Minerva handed the Banshee her helmet. Theresa put it on and the pinging of each and every system of her Warframe sounded in her ear.


"Welcome Tenno Theresa, initiating full systems check."


"Thank you." Theresa said with another satisfied hum.


Another note sounded and Theresa found her companions ready for battle. "Ah, Tarkus, tis good to find that you are well."


Theresa heard the Oberon's armor plating shift as he bowed his head. "Warlord, it is also good to see you in good health. Are we going into battle?"


"Mmm..." Theresa's smile turned cold under her helmet. "It is time we did, the Grineer think to expand once more. Weeds must be cut from the garden, and it would be good to aid my brother would it not?"


"Yes milady." Tarkus's tone was polite but Theresa knew that he and John were not very close. Minerva sighed.


"Come on Tarkus, its Theresa's brother! We can't just leave his clan hung out to dry can we?" The Saryn's voice was cheerful yet seductive.


"Our argument is not your concern, Minerva." Tarkus spoke calmly though there was a hint of warning in his voice. Minerva grinned and was about to reply...


"Enough." Theresa stopped them both. "Get to the ship, we will be moving into Grineer territory so please focus and stop bickering."

Edited by Divinity112
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So close to the end now. So close. Then i can write!


Progress: Current Page: 151


Pages Left: 25


Pages In Total: 176 (may change, this thread is always expanding.)


EDIT: Merry Christmas to all! PRESENTS FOR ALL! *gives a present to everyone, they are filled with random stuff i stole from Wal-mart*


EDIT AGAIN: Now, it's officially tomorrow and i can say this correctly. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! WOOOOO

Edited by DraikoHunter
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