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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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 I've been shunned for that very thing simply because of my age, my estimated maturity because of my age, my estimated maturity because of my grade level, and my race. Just asking because i don't feel like going through that again. I might lose it if i do. I swear people can be straight @$%holes for no rhyme or reason simply because that person doesn't have the same social status, or by looking at them. I've surprised many people because they judged me the second they saw me, and didn't expect me to be the way i am. Despite my appearance, i am quite nice and level-headed but i have random moments consisting of: angry outbursts,sudden shyness, sudden happiness, random outbursts of things out of the blue, and many others. Once again i've gone on too long and i must get back to thinking.


I need to work on my rambling. I've been accused of being a know-it-all because of it and i tend to get off track. Do not hesitate to put me back on track if this happens. Back to thinking. 

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I was thinking in the shower (the best place to think IMO) about what I could write next. I started thinking about Kris making a speech to the Tenno of Aequitas through Lotus where he literally just told them he would return to the Dojo once the jungle was free from Vay Hek  and accept his punishment...and then I kinda trailed off before I could make the speech.

Hmm. If he were to return he will be killed. Even if Lotus ordered it, Kris would die. 

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No i have not and i shall try them as soon as i can. Also, hypothetically of course, would any of you shun someone who joined this thread if they were in middle school? Once again, hypothetically

We'd strap a plasma charge on that person and toss them out the air lock!




Oh no, sorry. Wrong security protocol. You are fine.

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Blah, I don't know what to say about Kris. Acantha is done with him, and assuming he chooses the right path will support him to at least some degree, but I don't know how the others would handle it. Even if he WAS allowed back, it would be a constant battle to keep people out who wanted to hurt him. More than that, getting people to work WITH him again with any semblance of comraderie would be nigh on impossible. The core of the issue I think rests on the fact that he pissed off an entire clan in a very massive way. A very large and powerful clan. He also managed to tick off others outside of it as well... it is a conundrum, and one I don't think a simple speech of apology would do much towards granting him forgiveness. Actions speak louder than words after all, but what he could do to prove his sincerity is beyond me...


And Draiko, he angered more than just Heus, he angered just about EVERYBODY lol

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Poutine's the greatest frickin thing you can make with fries lol. I moved to Canada a year and a half ago and I just tasted it 4 months ago. I had a mouthgasm...

But what IS it? lol


*edit: Bah I just googled it lol

Edited by Jeahanne
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And oh yeah. I felt the urge to type out the very last chapter of my story for some odd reason. I went through it and realized that it helped me solidify my plot. Something cool to think about eh?


Here it is. Let me know what you guys think. 



 5 Years Later




She stood in front of the monument, the child playing with the folds in her clothes. Vines had grown on it since she'd last been here; they made the monument feel at one with the place. She looked down at the young boy playing by her side. Not a worry in the world, she thought with amusement. Suddenly the boy walked up to the monument. He ran a little hand over the names carved on it's sides. He looked back at his mother.


“Can I sit on top?” he asked with a sweet voice.


Rin laughed as she picked her son up and sat him down by the statues on top of the monument. The boy happily examined the cracks on the surface of the statues. She heard someone walking up to them. Turning around, she wasn't surprised to see Dale walking up the hill. The rays from the setting sun beamed into his face, making him squint as he walked up to her.


Looking at the boy, he smiled.


“Little guy likes that spot.”


Rin nodded. “He's really inquisitive. I just let him wander around and see what he wants.”


Dale walked up to him. “Hey there buddy!”


The boy looked up with glee. “Uncle Dale! Look, vines!” he said pointing at a vine that had grown all the way up to the pedestal. Dale eagerly looked as the boy chattered about the things he saw.


“You like them Ray?” asked Rin, to which the boy nodded. Ray, Dale thought, that's what the kid is to her. The key to happiness, a ray of sunshine. He remembered that fateful day nearly half a decade ago. The day their future was in question. Plants and trees grew everywhere, beauty was plentiful. Peace was abundant.


Ray wanted to be lifted again, and Rin happily obliged. The little boy leaned on her shoulders and soon fell asleep. Dale stood there quietly, lost in thought.


“Rin,” he suddenly said. “How's the school doing?”


“Great!” she replied with a smile. “The kids are learning a lot of things every day. Their curiosity knows no bounds.”


Dale chuckled in agreement. “Kids soak up knowledge like sponges. It's amazing.” He looked down at the sleeping child. “You know, the little guy looks a lot like his father every day that passes.”


Rin nodded. “He's a little hero. Saved his friend from drowning in the pool last week.”


Dale walked up to Ray and ruffled the boy's hair gently. “My brother would have loved to be here,” he said after a while.


Rin looked at him with a grave smile. “He would have loved to play with him.”


They both looked at the setting sun. The blazing ball of light made the monument a silhouette. Dale couldn't see any of the details, but he knew what was there. He'd been visiting this place every three months, just to catch up on old memories with friends. The others had all gone to do their own things. Alex was a combat instructor now, training the Guardians and supervising the defenses of the colony. Vivian was teaching medicine to eager young minds, gladly sharing her knowledge with anyone she saw. Cerise was a sculptor, and Dale had the pleasure of owning one of her models. It was an exquisite rose, carved with precision and grace. Linzi had gone off as a frontier guard, and Dale hadn't seen or heard from her in weeks.


He looked at Rin, who was too busy immersed in the beauty of this place. She was now teaching little children, and from what he'd heard, she was a damn good one at that. He was happy that she'd found something that made her happy. He knew that Oron was afraid of ruining her life, btu she was strong. She'd pulled through. Not exactly, he corrected himself. The pain was still there for the both of them, but Ray was the reason she was still around.


Losing Oron was too much for her, but she wanted to be there for her son above all else, and Dale was really glad about that.


As the sun starting dipping into the Horizon, Dale looked up at the statues on top of the Monument of the Fallen. Four Tenno were shown protecting a small child. One Volt crouched down, his daggers drawn out defensively. One Vauban, his rifle aimed at some distant threat, one Banshee with her bow drawn, and one Rhino, roaring defiantly at the sunset.


Dale couldn't see it but he knew what the inscription under the statue read.




They walked down the hill as the last rays of the sun disappeared into the horizon. Rin was happily rubbing her sleeping son's hair, and Dale was reminiscing their time as kids. Oron, your dreams cam true. The world's a beautiful place now. I wish you were here to see.


He looked back at the monument, a serene smile on his face.


...Till the End.


I'll be honest, I had the feels when I typed this out. 

Edited by bejuizb
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Blah, I don't know what to say about Kris. Acantha is done with him, and assuming he chooses the right path will support him to at least some degree, but I don't know how the others would handle it. Even if he WAS allowed back, it would be a constant battle to keep people out who wanted to hurt him. More than that, getting people to work WITH him again with any semblance of comraderie would be nigh on impossible. The core of the issue I think rests on the fact that he &!$$ed off an entire clan in a very massive way. A very large and powerful clan. He also managed to tick off others outside of it as well... it is a conundrum, and one I don't think a simple speech of apology would do much towards granting him forgiveness. Actions speak louder than words after all, but what he could do to prove his sincerity is beyond me...


And Draiko, he angered more than just Heus, he angered just about EVERYBODY lol

I know.


I think i know how he could prove it: Restrain himself and some select few members of the clan to keep from killing him and force Berserker to come out and apologize. It might not be sincere since it's coming from the entity that nearly destroyed the clan but it could show that Kris now has some degree of control now over Berserker, since he grew claws and everything in the forests of Earth. He also calls things "weaklings" and "prey" now without a second thought. Is this a form of control over Berserker? Or is Kris accepting Berserker's existance and running with it?


Just a thought.

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I see it more as, even if Berserker really is gone, that doesn't mean others are going to take Kris's word for it. They might see those claws as the opposite of Kris taking control, they might see them as Berserker taking control of HIM. More over, even if Kris really isn't a threat and never will be again, if other people don't trust him (and they don't) in order for them to feel at all safe around him again he'd have to have someone constantly monitoring him. I doubt Kris would want that any more than the people who'd have to baby sit him. Also, even if the clan does accept him again, it would mean being on constant guard to keep anyone who would want to hurt him out.


I hope that that came out right... and I understand what Draiko said right... x.x

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''You know, F*** THOSE GRINEER!'' Kris thought as he ripped another lancer apart. ''F*** all of this. this jungle, this goddamn toxin injector thing, this @(*()$ heavy. F*** ALL OF YOU!'' His rage was amplifying as he slaughtered the Grinner who tried to stop him from ruining the toxin injector. ''First time in 8 months, I speak to Lotus. I ask her what those Aequitas people still think about me. She says I will be killed if I ever try to return. F*** IT! She even @(*()$ recommends I stay in this jungle forever. I WOULD RATHER EAT A SAND SKATE!'' Three Eviscerators fell down with their own saw blades in their heads. ''I know this place like the back of my hand AND I AM SICK OF IT!'' A Trooper lost his head to a rage-fueled fist landing on the helmet. ''I WILL MURDER ALL OF THESE @(*()$ GRINEER IF IT MEANS I CAN @(*()$ LEAVE THIS PLACE!'' An unfortunate butcher was reduced to a pile of limbs and flesh as the raging beast rampaged through the area. ''I will never understand why she won't let me leave to accept what is coming for me. Am I of some importance to her? Am I special somehow? Or is she just containing me here in fear of a part of me that no longer exists?'' The toxin injector finally fell, its contents ruined by the lake of anti-toxins below it.


''I wonder when that god damned Nyx will find me. After all, I bet she wants to cause me harm that makes me scream for death.'' Kris ran to the next site, fury and bloodlust merging as he charged the Grineer defending the second Injector Kris was going for. ''DIE, YOU WEAKLINGS!'' He shouted as he started his work, nay, his art. Within seconds, the Grineer were falling in a symphony of shouts, gunshots and death gurgles with Kris as the Conductor of the show. His handiwork would be well visible both on ground and from air as large pillars of smoke started rising from each site he destroyed, a build up for something grand indeed. The smoke was the ominous beginning to his largest piece of art, The killing of hundreds of thousands of Grineer so that no more Tenno would have to be sent to Earth.


''FEAR ME, FOR I AM MURDER INCARNATE!'' He shouted as he slaughtered the Grineer at the third site. Each strike with his claws was perfectly placed to render through the armor of his foes as his Rapier followed suit, delivering the killing blows to the unfortunate clones. Each Grineer death only fueled his hate for the wretched creatures, his hate for the weak empire they stood for, his hate for the Twin Queens. The longer he fought, the harsher deaths the last Grineer at each site got. Sick of these weaklings, one would assume Kris had given up and handed control over to Berserker, but that was far from the truth. Berserker was dead, Kris was reborn. Each site bore the marks of an Artisan of Death, not the signs of a rampaging brute. A beast, yes, but this beast was no brute.


''None of you will survive this deployment.'' A calm voice echoed around the fourth site. Then the Grineer started falling apart, as if some invisible force had cut them all apart. The survivors never got the chance to report the attack to high-command as a horde of forest animals attacked, ripping the Grineer to pieces. Last to the scene was the artist behind all this destruction, riding on the largest of the Tigers and holding onto a silver Rapier. The toxin injector on this site met the same fate as the ones at the sites before him, in ruins in a large pond of anti-toxin.


Lotus was worried. After she had talked to Kris, she had recieved the report of him missing, Having disappeared right from under the noses of the squad she had constantly guarding him. Not long after black pillars of smoke had started to rise above the foliage, signaling something ominous as the pillars rose within half an hour of each other. At this point in time there were 10 pillars rising, inspiring fear in the Grineer and the same in the initiates in the forest as they feared some sort of a ghost had been angered by the operations going on in the jungle. Some initiates had even reported a humanoid figure wearing a cape seemingly made of feathers just before they reached a destroyed injector, the source of one of the pillars of smoke. Only one person could be responsible. ''Kris, what the hell are you doing?'' she said quietly to herself.


''Lay thine weapons on the ground and thou shalt live another day.'' The Grineer, in panic, searched for the source of the voice. ''Keep thine weapons and thou shalt die a peasants death.'' The tone of the voice caused fear in the so-called elites. ''Very well, thou shalt die as thine brethren did.'' The commander fell first, an ancient looking arrow lodged far enough in his skull to kill a fully clad Tenno. Several arrows followed the first one, each finding their marks easily. ''Suffer as the breath of the devil himself curses the bones thine bodies are made of.'' The Grineer fell, one by one until only one was left. That one had thrown down his weapon in order to survive. A man walked towards him, dressed in a suit made of leather and fur with a cloak of Ravens feathers. ''Thou hast chosen wisely.'' The man said to the terrified clone as he started breaking the toxin injector. ''Thou shalt be spared.'' The injector fell into a pond and the toxin turned from its green color to a white one as something destroyed it. The Grineer looked at the spot where the man had been a few minutes ago, only to see that he had disappeared. ''This jungle is haunted.'' The Grineer thought as he placed his weapon against his head. A loud bang was heard a few seconds later as the Grineer committed suicide out of sheer terror.

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Berzerker doesn't strike me as the apologizing type (or as the type you can force to do stuff, for that matter).


I think the best way for Kris to prove himself is to do something important, like saving some Tenno from a particularly dangerous enemy (not sure if destroying the entire Grineer army on Earth is a good example, considering he actually seems to be more unstable now than before). Lotus could probably send him in such missions around the system and he'd build a sort of reputation, while at the same time staying mobile, to avoid everyone who wants him dead.


The other solution is to side step the problem entirely: get a new frame and a voice modulator, and be someone else entirely. But maybe that just isn't his style.

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If they wanted to keep anyone from hurting him out, they would need Ghost to monitor for that Nyx that's after him. That also might mean purging Heus if he can't keep his terrifying hands off Kris.


Berserker could be taking control of him, that's another possibility. He might be biding his time, waiting for someone. Or waiting until Kris gets that Rhino. Since it cloaks itself around Warframes he could possibly sneak onto a snub and go on a killing spree in the dojo, the cloaking would make him virtually undetectable and he be an even more dangerous killer than before. Especially since everything that happened to him last time won't work a second time....i think.


I think i've just given everyone here nightmares so i'm going to take my over-thinking self back to Firefall to shoot stuffs.


EDIT Well Viking's story just blew my entire theory out of the water. Zerk's dead , and Kris ain't about to take S#&$ from nobody. He's king of the forests now. 

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