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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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To be truthful, I mostly lurked. :P


I'd probably post my full-length fanfiction in its own thread - I'm really awful at keeping my stuff organized. But I might post some shorter pieces in here... maybe write about my ingame experiences.

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I will be posting more story later today guys, i want to get some gaming in though. Might be much later, like 1am again. Gonna write a whole bunch to satisfy the need. Not your needs, but mine. I wanna see how i end MY OWN story, mostly cause i tend to surprise myself!

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Using google docs i am now working on Aktos and Vulcana's arrival to the dojo. Could i introduce Hot Chocolate? I think we need more Old Earth food in our stories. 


I might introduce coffee as well, but i don't know how Tenno handle coffee. Don't let Loki near it though....that would be catastrophic.


EDIT Did we introduce coffee already? oh yeah i remember Khimera kicked the crap out of some guys for not filling it up, nvm. I might bring it back though. Also: WHERE ARE THE POTATOES!

Edited by DraikoHunter
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We were going to get cookies, but that kinda fell apart. I think Piranha was going to write Operation Cookie with Ty but things got busy for them irl and they didn't finish it.

Edit: there may or may not be a recipe for curry in the Orokin facility that Kris is in and Sophia is outside...

Edited by Spikey844
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We were going to get cookies, but that kinda fell apart. I think Piranha was going to write Operation Cookie with Ty but things got busy for them irl and they didn't finish it.

Edit: there may or may not be a recipe for curry in the Orokin facility that Kris is in and Sophia is outside...

Curry? I have a better idea: Burritos.

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