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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Now, for the third part, lets give Marcus and Ralph the spotlight, shall we?



Marcus had just finished pinning up more 'decor' on the side of a Grineer tent, when he heard...


*Gunfire* "Neira! NEIRA! RUN! 26 Troopers ARE RIGHT BEHIND YO-" Ralph's voice was cut off by more shots, much louder than before.


     Sirens started blaring as Neira cut off comms and stamped her foot angrily into the ground. She spun on her right heel, obviously ticked, shouting, "Damnit Marcus, I thought I told you NOT to hang their bodies everywhere! Go get Ralph, meet us at extraction. Janna, on me! Make us a tunnel."


     Marcus shruged, turned back towards the prison, hopped a broken stone support beam and vaulted into the trees using some stored energy. A sniper went off behind him, where the Captain was. That shouldn't be possible. Neria didn't carry a sniper, only Ralph did. Disregarding it, he sprinted from tree limb to branch, from branch to vine, and vine to limb, tracing his path of kills back to where Ralph should have been camping, a small, grassy knoll, below the treeline, but above the village. Arriving to his destination, he sighed, then hissed slightly. 


     Turns out, Neira was right. Leaving a trail of bodies as a warning really DOESN'T help. This time, though, someone was actually in deep Sh*t though. Marcus didn't like what he saw; 10 Grineer Troopers, a Bombard, and a Scorpion, all crowded around... 




     The moment he shouted, all 12 heads spun to the trees, and opened fire. Instinct and training kicked in, time slowed, thoughts became lucid, actions became reality. Dodging the  volley of lead and shells by jumping from the tree where he was perched before, he readied his knees in the air to roll to the left, hoping to stop the manuver behind the large boulder in his peripheral vision. He never touched the ground. Or, rather, not where he wanted. Two seconds before he would have landed, the Scorpion's hook/whip lodged into his left shoulder, and dragged him out of the air, straight to the group of Grineer.


Moments before landing, one thing crossed his mind. A trick he learned from a couple of LOKI's back at basic training. "Improvise"


     As he was forcefully thrown into the ground, he stuck a hand out, grasping the Bombard's right leg as he slid by, still being reeled in by the Scorpion. Turning over partway in the slide, Marcus took a knife from one of many sheathes on his person, and lodged it in the heavy Grineer's ammo pouch on the side of his armor. The results were fantastic. The knife stuck an explosive shell or two, the impact caused by the Bombard falling on his side, creating a massive explosion, sending most everyone partway down the hill, killing everyone except Marcus, or in Ralph's case setting them on fire. Marcus twisted in the air and landed gracefully on one foot by the head of the Grineer Scorpion.


     Deciding to relish this moment, he smashed his foot through the skull of the Scorpion, letting the 'pride' drip all over his right boot. After his first sadistic act was over, he took the time out of 'decorating' to kill one surviving trooper, who had broken his neck upon impact with a tree, but had not died after sliding down the tree trunk. As Marcus finished slitting the throat of the mangled trooper, he found Ralph, moved but 5 feet from his original, unconscious position on the floor of the now burning forest. Ralph was laying face down, his Vauban slightly scuffed from the Grineer, and now, Marcus's explosion. The fire that was on Ralph's shoulder had died out in the time taken to finish off the survivors of the blast. Checking him over, Marcus found no serious wounds and was satisfied with his work.


    Trying comms, Marcus proceeded to check in with Neira and Janna, 


"Hey boss, I got Ralph. Well, he's out cold, but not dead. Where am I bringing him?"




"Captian? Captian Neira? Janna? Guys, come on, last time you did this I freaked out."


This is when he heard Janna screaming.

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Hmmm....Or we can make Aiden meet Rask at the dojo. He's supposed to train Ein, and can therefore supervise Rask's training as well. 

Thanks for the compliments 065

Awww maaaan, i was all set on sending an injured crew into space, slowly dying from lack of resources and leaving only the chosen ones to appear on the derelict.

BTW, Im calling my intro story fair game as of now. If anyone just so happens to be on Rask's home planet on his Birthday, with Neira's squad, you miiiiight wanna help Janna. Just a tad. Here is my Main Charicter list for my story:

Neira - Captain, Trinity ; Broken left leg, with Rask

Janna - Scout, Ember ; MIA, screaming

Ralph - Support, Vauban ; Currently unconscious, with Marcus


Marcus - Scout, Excalibur Prime ; Confused, with Ralph


Rask - Unknown, Human ; About to kick &#!, with Neira

Edited by IceBurnChaos
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Here's the continuation of my last post. I wrote and edited it while tired and semi-distracted, so I hope it makes sense and is ok. Feedback on edits would be nice, but regardless, I hope you all enjoy it.


She hadn’t realized until this moment, staring up at the meaningless pattern of uncountable stars glittering above her, what a relief giving that forgiveness would be. She let the calm settle over her, content to enjoy her reprieve while it lasted.


With all the high ranking friend's you ended up with after the Berseker episode, An application was simply a formality. We didnt need paperwork to know that you belonged with us. We are honored to have you. *bow*


For the second time...One of Us, One of Us, One of Us!

Edited by Aigloblam
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With all the high ranking friend's you ended up with after the Berseker episode, An application was simply a formality. We didnt need paperwork to know that you belonged with us. We are honored to have you. *bow*


For the second time...One of Us, One of Us, One of Us!

What he said.

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Awww maaaan, i was all set on sending an injured crew into space, slowly dying from lack of resources and leaving only the chosen ones to appear on the derelict.

BTW, Im calling my intro story fair game as of now. If anyone just so happens to be on Rask's home planet on his Birthday, with Neira's squad, you miiiiight wanna help Janna. Just a tad. Here is my Main Charicter list for my story:

Neira - Captain, Trinity ; Broken left leg, with Rask

Janna - Scout, Ember ; MIA, screaming

Ralph - Support, Vauban ; Currently unconscious, with Marcus


Marcus - Scout, Excalibur Prime ; Confused, with Ralph


Rask - Unknown, Human ; About to kick &#!, with Neira

Don't worry then. Aiden will be waiting in the derelict ship. Take your time with your story. We'll make them all meet up in the derelict ship ;)
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A dark figure sat in the throne of the Formorian Flagship, chuckling evilly as he eyed the Dojo that had dared to slay his mentor and master. He would eradicate it from existence for their crime. He tapped a few buttons on the console next to his throne as several dark figures lept from the shadows to take their places in the ship. He knew Tenno would come and he had plans in place to stall or kill them as need be. The sensors showed a snub headed their way with three Tenno in it. He smirked as he waited for their new guests to arrive "Soon Tenno... Soon you shall all die!"


(more to come later :P)

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A dark figure sat in the throne of the Formorian Flagship, chuckling evilly as he eyed the Dojo that had dared to slay his mentor and master. He would eradicate it from existence for their crime. He tapped a few buttons on the console next to his throne as several dark figures lept from the shadows to take their places in the ship. He knew Tenno would come and he had plans in place to stall or kill them as need be. The sensors showed a snub headed their way with three Tenno in it. He smirked as he waited for their new guests to arrive "Soon Tenno... Soon you shall all die!"


(more to come later :P)

Curse my Procrastination....I had seriously in depth plans for fitting some massive weaponry on the exterior of the dojo, to protect against invaders... but now i cant do it because it will look like im just doing it in reaction to your post.

If i had just done it yesterday when i had planned on it...it wouldn't be this way. *sigh* man im stupid sometimes.

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With all the high ranking friend's you ended up with after the Berseker episode, An application was simply a formality. We didnt need paperwork to know that you belonged with us. We are honored to have you. *bow*


For the second time...One of Us, One of Us, One of Us!

^-^; thanks guys

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Hm, that does seem like a good idea! I've got a rough character idea figured out, I'll probably wind up developing him further as I write him.


I can find you in the same infested ship I'm stuck in. That could work.


Sure, if it's not too much trouble. I'll work on a quick post if that's okay?

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Dun worry kitty, he wont kill them... maybe... probably...


Im guessing you've been planning it since this post

There will be a teaser involving several new characters of mine coming soon. The ideas... hheheheheheehehehehehehehe this shall be GLORIOUS

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Hm, that does seem like a good idea! I've got a rough character idea figured out, I'll probably wind up developing him further as I write him.



Sure, if it's not too much trouble. I'll work on a quick post if that's okay?

No worries man. I'm waiting on three people now lol. Wrath's gyroog, Ice's squad, and your guy. Airon's story will be put on hold till all of the plots collide. So don't worry about rushing it.

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