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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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(( Took a little bit longer than I thought I would, but I think I'm happy with the result. Bejuizb, if you'd like, you can go ahead and assume that my character is in a nearby room. ))


His first conscious thought was the sudden realization that he was trapped.


Panic washed over him and instinct took control. His fists lashed out, striking against something solid and too close for comfort. He lifted his head, the front of his helmet's horned crest meeting the same solid surface with a clink. Cold, prickling terror inched its way down his spine as he blindly ran trembling fingers against the sarcophagus surrounding him.


Jadoth opened his eyes.


It slowly dawned on him that he was in a cryopod, and he had just woken up in a nearly pitch-black room. He could just barely make out the silhouettes of looming, twisted...somethings... nearby. Whether or not the stationary hulks were hostile, he did not know, but he preferred the risk of a fight. Anything was better than being trapped.


He pounded his fists against the glass of his cryopod again.


This  time, it opened with a soft hiss, and he flung himself into the darkness.


He landed on his hands and knees, head spinning, muscles protesting feebly as he tried to stand. The raised heels of his Warframe - Oberon, he remembered - did little to help his balance, and the next moment he found himself sprawled awkwardly on the smooth floor of the derelict ship.


At least no one was around to watch.


Jadoth gathered his strength before making another attempt to stand. This time, he was more cautious, and focused on getting his limbs used to moving after countless years in stasis. His second attempt turned out successful, and his unsteadiness went away after several shaky steps.


He ambled over to the empty cryopod, searching for any weapons that had been stored with him. To his dismay, it was empty. He checked the holsters at his hips and back - they were empty as well.


Lovely, he thought sourly. The only way things can get worse is if I'm surrounded by enemies.

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Just so you guy know: i'm not a plat user, so no screenshots from me. Because two things 1) i am not in possesion of Ash at this time. I plan on building him again tho (he's that fuckin awesome) when i finish lvling all the frames (minus trinity and maybe Nekros(cuz screw J-2000) ) and 2) me no know how picturz uploadingz work

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Just so you guy know: i'm not a plat user, so no screenshots from me. Because two things 1) i am not in possesion of Ash at this time. I plan on building him again tho (he's that fuckin awesome) when i finish lvling all the frames (minus trinity and maybe Nekros(cuz screw J-2000) ) and 2) me no know how picturz uploadingz work

I can help with that. Tell me the colour scheme, and I'll try prepping him

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Aside from Excal Prime (which i refused to pay to get), Ember Prime (Which im working on), and Mag Prime (Which i have one more piece to go) i have every frame, max level, and almost all of them with one forma, A few of them with many more. So i've definitely been around a while. If trading would open for parts....i could give you all (yes, all) a full frame's worth of parts. Thats why im saving them. :)



Edit: Forgot to say why i'm proud of all that....The only frame i've ever bought is Valkyr, and she doesnt count because i also farmed all of her pieces. I just couldnt wait, and it was my Birthday...so yeah

Edited by Aigloblam
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Saw this thread, decided to write a little something for my character. It's a Vauban, though it is a girl, but just deal with it.




Feet scurried down the shiny metal hallways of a Corpus ship, followed by the cries of MOA units. This was this Vauban's favorite part of the job. The Vauban, also known as Koishi, threw out a Vortex, sucking in or otherwise stalling the MOA, allowing Koishi to unload with her Penta, shredding the machines into shrapnel, allow the Vortex to finish any which miraculously survived.


Koishi leapt over a railing followed by her tursty carrier sentinel, which blasted the occasional crewman which crossed their path. Then, a lumbering tech stumbled into view. Tesla grenades flew through the air, landing next to the large man, stunning him, allowing Koishi to close in and slice him with a snicker snack of her Reaper Prime.


Eventually, she reached her objective, the large reactor core that powered the ship. she tapped on the keypad, triggering the reactor's shield to lower and for Koishi to blast the fuel rods with her sidearm, the Brakk. 


As the last fuel rod was nothing but shattered glas on the floor, the ship shook. The Lotus contacted her with the one sentence she was dreading this entire mission. 


"Ship's integrity has been comprimised." came those words.


Koishi broke into a sprint through the now dark corridors of the ship as explosions rocked the ship. A bridge fell in front of her, causing her to resort to her bounce pads, allowing her to fly over the gap, landing with a roll.


The crewmen ran by her, too focused on their own safety to try and kill her, knowing it would most likely cost them their lives even if they won. The MOA were not as concerned with death. the lasers from a Fusion MOA grazed the very top of her helmet, to be retorted with an almost point blank blast from the Brakk, shattering through it's shield and chassis like a knife through butter.Eventually, she reached the extraction point. 10 seconds left. She grabbed onto the handles as firmly and quickly as possible and the ship broke free, flying off.


Before the door closed, the last view Koishi has were of the dock along with the rest of the ship exploding in a bluish tint. The door closed, and Koishi finally let out a breath for the first time in what felt like ages.

Edited by SuwakoMoriya
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Meh, don't really care. Not much of a writer anyways. The other fact was I accidently deleted the post when I was almost done, I had to rewrite it.

Trust me, don't give up on it. Everybody needs to start from somewhere. I started when I was 13. I managed to write nearly 100k words worht of a story. I deleted in because I felt like I wasn't good enough. Moral of the story: Never give up.

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I didn't really give up, it's more the fact that I have a five second attention span. I might continue the story though, if it's okay with you people.

Absolutely! That makes 5 new guys to this thread :P


Welcome, and Aidan hopes to meet you soon!

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I can help with that. Tell me the colour scheme, and I'll try prepping him

Aktos (Ash) is black with red energy lights (cuz ninja) and and a Locust helm that is black with the eye thingies being red.


Vulcana (Valkyr) is red (from the halloween color pack) with her tint 4 being blue. The naturally black part of a Valkyr warframe stays black.

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