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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I guess there's time for a background piece while i wait to see the main story arc go forward.


The place was huge, and deserted.


It was a Tenno Dojo, an abandoned Tenno Dojo by the looks of it. And that was what was odd. A fully functional, and very expensive Dojo, completely devoid of Tenno. And not only that, but there weren't signs that anyone had ever lived there. Entire rooms pristine, unused since their construction. It was upsetting, but the Shade floated forth, from room through room and through every corridor. He hadn't come that far to leave without some answers.


Losing his bothersome "owner" and hijacking a snub from the Station were but the easier parts. It had taken months (human months, at that) of research to learn of this place, let alone the way to get to it, being hidden in the Void, of all places. at the end, he'd made it with a combination of various keys he managed to obtain, with significant difficulty.


And now, there he was, and the one thought that he prioritized was "Someone went through a lot of problems not to be found, and i found them. They left clues. Were those for me to find them, or simple carelessness? We shall find out."


And while such a game of cleverness would have plentifully motivated the Shade on its own, the truth was that he went there looking for something else. His origins.


The first he remembered was coming out of storage in the Station, six human months before then. He had basic Sentinel programming, advanced personality core, but he also had something else, a file of undefined purpose. He eventually discovered what that file was: thoughts. His own thoughts, the ability to create them, to reason, to evolve and go past his initial program. He also met others with a similar "anomaly". However, they were all different from him, and each other. They didn't really get along.


He discovered that he was capable of doing things that the others could not, or, rather, would not. When his first "owner" launched a hopeless close combat offensive against a swarm of infested, he didn't follow the humanoid towards destruction, but hid, to be found by a team of Tenno a few human days later, who took him back to the station. There, he'd been assigned to his current "owner". The humanoid was not so bad as the last one, but Rollers would be his downfall, soon, as all calculations indicated. Probably somewhere around Kiste?


However, he'd soon come to be concerned by something else, as he discovered that he'd not been crafted at the Station, as he always assumed. He, and all of the others with similar advanced traits, had been made elsewhere, and then sold to the Station. It was an exhaustive work, but he'd managed to track an advanced hardware piece of his to an outer system Corpus manufacturer with black market connections. It was delicate stuff, not something Tenno could loot, and highly specialized. From that, he was forced to work around different databases, shipping manifests, and snub flight plans, to find that one, empty Dojo.


He was starting to feel disappointed, when he saw a figure turn around a corridor and head towards him. However, a quick analysis showed it to be nothing but a maintenance drone. The Shade went closer to it, trying to determine if there was something special in it. And then it spoke.


-Shade 1-3470-Gamma! I am so glad to see you!-it's voice that of a human, an old man to be exact.


The Shade was surprised. A smart drone wasn't outside of the possibilities, but he expected more. he expected, well, his creator, or creators. But then it spoke again.


-No, it's not the repair drone-it clarified then-This is a recorded message for the occasion that you arrive here, alone, and be the first of your brothers to arrive. I recorded several of these for different situations... but let's get to the point. I created you, and your brothers, to keep an eye on my brothers, the Tenno. I wasn't really surprised by what i saw, although meleeing toxics must be a new way of suicide... Alas, i'm no longer monitoring you. After watching my fellow Tenno for a while through all of your eyes, i remembered exactly the reason i built this place in the Void...


-I can't stand them!-he said after a short pause-You, of all the Sentinels that were programmed, proved to be closer to me on that aspect, hence why i can tell you of this. Anyway, i am in a better place now. Hopefully. I am taking up space exploration! After all, we have star ships, we have cryo stasis, so why not? In the meanwhile, whoever found this is in charge. I dub thee, The Shade, and, In Charge. Make a life for yourselves, and the rest of the System, i'll be back in a quadrillion MPCs to check on your progress. Oh, and just before i forget: No, you can't use this Dojo. The Void Shields will begin crumble down soon after a ship docks. You should have enough time to get out. Ten minutes.  Now, go go go!


Then, the drone switched itself off, it's purpose fulfilled, and so did the lighting and many of the doors. The only lighted path that remained was the one the Shade had come from, which he promptly rushed to go through. It'd take him a little less than ten minutes to get straight to the landing bay, given his hovering speed.


Of course, he arrived there safely, and was off just in time to see the Dojo be torn apart by the strange void energy, that only the strongest Orokin structures could resist for long. He had so many questions left, and they'd have to wait. They'd have to wait a thousand human years, or a quadrillion of Mega Processing Cycles, also known as AI years.


The Shade felt impatient, but he knew he'd have a lot to do until then. He was left In Charge, after all. "Should be easy," he thought as he stared at his System map, "just keep the big fire ball in the middle, and all of the smaller dirt and gas balls spinning around it in order... Wait a second! What's Europa doing, getting away from Jupiter like that! Screw this, I quit! I'll be better off with the Tenno!"



Maybe, maybe...







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Part 3 of the Tale of Aiden. Continued after Jadoth.


Aiden didn't respond to Jadoth's question. Instead he was running many battle plans in his head, determining their odds of success for each situation possible. Attacking it head on would be suicide. We're not well equipped to fight it alone. He looked at the bodies scattered around the creature. They were fresh, judging the blood seeping from the open wounds. Several weapons lay scattered across the room and Aiden knew that these guns must have a significant amount of ammunition left in them. Too many bodies for the amount of shots I heard. I could probably use them. Then again, I'll have to step into the room bodily to get them.


“Aiden,” Jadoth repeated. “What do we do?”


“We can't kill the thing directly, but from what I've noticed so far, it's legs are weak around the joints. Look how it's legs shake when it moves.”


Jadoth noticed the creature's movement for the first time. It was walking back and forth around the room, seemingly hunting for something. It had 10 legs on either side of it's body and the tail hung below it's body, with a barb as big as the Rhino standing next to him. He realized that Aiden was right. The thing's body was too heavy for it's legs. A slight loss in balance would cause it to come crashing down. He also saw that most of the smaller creatures had run off, seemingly chasing something else.


“Now's our chance. There's very few of those things left. But do we have to kill it? I mean, sure we can try, but couldn't we just run away?”


“I'm not planning to kill it. I just want to know its weak spots. There's a railcar on the other side of the room. I think it still works, so we can hop on to it and take it to the shuttle bay.” Aiden pointed at what he was talking about.


Jadoth saw the terminal Aiden was talking about. There were no signs to indicate that it was still functioning. He relayed his concerns to Aiden.


“We're going to have to try. The thing's too big to fit into this corridor, so if things go to hell, run back here.”


“Alright. Sounds like a plan.”


“I'm crap with tech in general, so I'll be the bait and distract it while you work on the terminal,” said Aiden. “Also,” he added, “pick up any of the guns you see lying around. There's bound to be a lot of ammo there.”


Jadoth nodded. He was nervous. Aiden was either very brave or very stupid. Probably both. The Rhino used his limited reserve of energy to create an Iron skin. His silver form looked back at the Oberon.


“Good luck.”


He ran into the room, shouting at the top of his voice. Hearing him, the giant spider-like creature turned around. Aiden picked up a gun off the floor, and seeing that it had ammunition in the magazine, fired a few rounds at it. That had the desired effect on the monster. It screeched in anger and started rushing towards him. Sh*t, that thing is fast! Aiden ran away from the rail terminal, feeling the thundering steps of the monster hot on his heels. Seeing that his way was now clear, Jadoth quickly ran in the opposite direction and started working on the terminal.


“Damn...it's out,” he whispered to himself, “I need to start this baby up again”. He was pretty familiar with how Orokin tech worked in general so he bent down and opened the access hatch. Quickly looking behind, he saw Aiden running around the room dodging the monster's feet and sting. Crazy bast*rd. He turned around and was met with a jumble of wires. I can cycle the primary coils. When they reach full spool, I'll give it the juice. That should probably work.


He managed to work his magic on the terminal and it lit up with a satisfying ping. Just then he turned around to see Aiden in a bit of trouble. A lot of trouble.


The Rhino was cornered and he was now trying his very best to dodge the almost endless barrage of jabs and stinger attacks from the creature. He needs my help now. Jadoth ran a bit ahead and picked up a weapon lying on the ground. The body he picked it up from was relatively large and so was his weapon. He aimed towards the broad back of the creature and fired. He was extremely surprised as he fired a large rocket which exploded on impact with the thing's back. Distracted by the sudden assault the creature turned around and screeched in anger. Jadoth gulped. What the hell was I thinking? He fired a second rocket aimed straight at the thing's face. The explosion must have blinded the monster because it began thrashing about, slamming into walls. Aiden was working extra hard to not get crushed by the flailing creature. The Rhino drew his Galatine and leapt onto the creature's nearest leg. He quickly climbed up the chitinous surface and ran on top of it's back.


“What the hell are you doing?!” screamed Jadoth.


Aiden didn't answer. Instead he ran up to the creature's unarmored face and plunged the Galatine in between it's skull. He had to use every single ounce of his strength to puncture the skin, following which he was met with very little resistance. To the creature, his sword must have looked like a toothpick, but it was long enough to puncture something vital. With a terrifying shriek, the monster dropped onto the floor with an earthshaking boom. Aiden yanked his sword off the creature's head, wiping the gore on it's lifeless body. He calmly walked towards a speechless Jadoth.


“Did you just...?”


Aiden nodded. Inside his helmet he was grinning. There was a very old tale his brother used to tell him as a kid. The story of David and Goliath. How a small man had slain a giant with a simple stone. Although his 'stone' was a 6 foot long greatsword, but the concept was the same.


He placed a grateful hand on Jadoth's shoulder. “I owe you one. If you hadn't fired that rocket, I would have died back there.”


“I have no idea why I did that, but I sure am glad we did. Holy hell, you killed that thing!”


Aiden nodded. “We did”. He pointed to the terminal. “I see you got it working.”


The Oberon turned around. “Yeah, and I think it's best we leave now. I hear more of those things coming.”


The Rhino nodded and they both waited for a railcar to arrive. By the time the creatures arrived at the room, they both were long gone.  





Wrath, you're next. You need to make our cjaracters meet up with your gyroog now.

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Alright, gonna ask this a little more directly - is it normal within this community for players to take control of other players' characters?

Within the other collaborative writing projects I've participated in, each player controls their character(s) and those alone, they don't write actions for characters that belong to other people. I'm not sure if things are a little different here.

Edited by Jadoth
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Yes, certain things tend to be allowed, to make it easier to keep the story going without waiting for everyone at every turn.

Of course, if you write someone else's characters, you have to write them as they are, but that's common sense.

Edited by 065tdsa
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''What...just happened...?'' Kris was confused. One minute this Nyx beat him into a state of unconciousness and the next she was kissing him with passion. He just couldn't understand what was going on. He needed to talk to someone but he couldn't move as his legs responded about as much as the rest of his body, as if all of a sudden there was a disconnection between his brain and limbs. Even Tenno, his Tiger, had no idea why his master just stood there. After a few minutes Kris could finally move as he just sat down, still quite confused. 


Finally, he decided to drag himself into his Snub as he hoped Lotus could help him figure out what had just happened. As he sat down into the pilot seat, he started up the communication device and put himself in contact with Lotus.


''Don't tell me you are still angry over the decision I made.'' Was the first line out of Lotus's mouth as her face appeared on the screen.


''No, no. It is not that. I...I....I am really confused over something that just happened.'' Kris answered, confusion in his voice.


''What happened?''


''I...I...Don't know. Or...I am not sure if it was real. Its F*cking weird.''


''What Happened?'' Lotus asked more firmly.


''Well, there was this Nyx named Sophia, who came to enact revenge on me and beat me until I was unconcious only to wake me up and the KISS me like I was....some sort of a....f*ck...Was it in real life? or was it just a fantasy?...I have no idea what happened...My mind...She ran into the jungle...I don't know...I don't know where she went, she just ran...''


''Wait...You have girl problems? YOU? Have girl problems? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.'' The laughing would have stung less if it was from someone who wasn't Lotus. ''Oh god, I have to tell someone about this.''


''Could you please not?'' Kris asked, his confusion replaced with annoyance. ''I would really appreciate it.''


''I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I have to tell someone. I am no expert when it comes to dating.''


''I'M NOT DATING HER! SHE KISSED ME! OUT OF THE BLUE! AND THEN RAN! And she might be hurt...in the jungle...''


''Aw, look at that. You are worried about her, just like a real boyfriend.''




''I am sorry, I will have some of the guys guarding you searching for her and make sure she is okay. Then you can go back to staying here relatively alone. Like normal.''


''Thank you.'' Kris cut the connection to the giggling Lotus. ''God, I wonder whom she will tell.'' And the annoyance flared up again.


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So something awesome happened that I thought I'd share with you guys. My mom decided to read my story at last. She read it all in one day, all 14000 words. When she finished she had tears in her eyes. 


She said she'd always wanted to write, but never could. I've fulfilled her dreams. 


Damn.....them feels.

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Kylar fell off his chair he was laughing so hard. He had just been contacted by the Lotus who had told him of the conversation between Kris and her. She had still been giggling like a hyena and had lost it when Kylar had started laughing.

"Oh my-" he gasped, before a another burst of laughter escaped him, "Oh my sides are killing me!" Tears were running down is face.

"HAHAHAHA! You should have seen his face! It was a picture and a half!" The Lotus got out before she continued laughing.

"My sister, my own, god dam sister, has given Kris the shock of his life," he spluttered, before going off again like some mad animal. It took several minutes for the two of them to stop. But by that point some of the others on the station had poked their head in to see if he had gone mad, and had left scratching their heads.

"I had better go find Sophia before she does something stupid," he chuckled, "like go back to him."

"That would be hilarious though," the Lotus said, fighting to keep herself from giggling.

"It would," he agreed, "ah sis." He staggered upright, grabbed his weapons, and went to the hanger, still chuckling.

"Get me a recording of that conversation will you Lotus?" He asked. "Could be useful for cheering someone up someday."

"Sending the file to your ship now," she replied. "Don't tell Kris I did that." Kylar could still her laughter in her voice.

"I won't," he promised, before setting a course for Earth.

Edited by Spikey844
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Vulcana walked over to the Rhino that visibly struggling with the door. She asked if he needed any help and was met with a rather rude response.


"Do you need any help?"




Vulcana almost lost it right there, this was the type of person she hated the most: The type that so arrogant that they refused help and insisted on demeaning others. She hated that word almost as much as a reference to her torture at the hands of the Corpus.


"Well, since you don't need any help i'll allow to demonstrate the power of the Rhino." Vulcana almost snarled


"Gladly" The Rhino proceeded to try and lift the door into it's frame but as he was before, he was failing. The door even fell on him once and Vulcana had to try very hard to hold back laughter. After his 5th door-squashing, Vulcana once again offered her help.


"Would you accept my help now? Or will you continue to pursue your futile goal?"


"I don't know what "futile" means but yes you can help me know" He said reluctantly.


"Then stand back, i'll show just how idiotic your claim of "I'm a Rhino" is. The Rhino stepped back, smirking under his helmet.


"If i can't lift that door, then there is no way that she can....."


His train of thought was interrupted as Vulcana casually lifted up the door with one hand and pushed it into it's frame.


"W-wha-what b-b-but how did you-"


Vulcana put her hand up to silence him and simply said. "I'm a Valkyr." then walked off, leaving the Rhino dumbfounded and very embarrassed.



Something i whipped up. Enjoy peeples

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I think so, so long as that person has consent from the character owner.



Yes, certain things tend to be allowed, to make it easier to keep the story going without waiting for everyone at every turn.

Of course, if you write someone else's characters, you have to write them as they are, but that's common sense.

Ah, I see! That clears things up, thanks!


I suppose if anyone needs to control Jadoth, please let me know if it's going to be for actions more significant than minor dialogue or going from place to place. He's a rather odd character to write... >_o (I really hope I'm not coming off as a control freak, I'm just not used to the change in customs)


So something awesome happened that I thought I'd share with you guys. My mom decided to read my story at last. She read it all in one day, all 14000 words. When she finished she had tears in her eyes. 


She said she'd always wanted to write, but never could. I've fulfilled her dreams. 


Damn.....them feels.

That's awesome! :D

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So something awesome happened that I thought I'd share with you guys. My mom decided to read my story at last. She read it all in one day, all 14000 words. When she finished she had tears in her eyes. 


She said she'd always wanted to write, but never could. I've fulfilled her dreams. 


Damn.....them feels.


Here, have all the internet cookies, all the awesome and all the congrats.

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So something awesome happened that I thought I'd share with you guys. My mom decided to read my story at last. She read it all in one day, all 14000 words. When she finished she had tears in her eyes. 


She said she'd always wanted to write, but never could. I've fulfilled her dreams. 


Damn.....them feels.

That's freakin awesome dude. 

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This comes early! I'm waiting on the CMC's third obstacle course to finish. So here!


Jrogar effectively stopped thinking. Two newly awoken Tenno just killed Arachnis. Two newly awoken Tenno just killed a J1-Golem. By stabbing it. The Infested did the most obvious thing once it died, scatter. The fact J1-Golems still existed raised Jrogars hope for the Gyroog. Each of the J1's would have died if the Queen did. Their existance proved the Queen still lived. The best part was that he now knew how long he was an ornament, a little more than a millennium. Why everything important always happened at a thousand years was still unknown, but it had gotten old when the Gyroog were still young.

"Now, those Tenno couldn't have gotten far...


Jrogar made his way through the Derelict, following the trail of Infested. He had gone back to his squad to collect some more Ammo, and a working Ogris. There were many dents in the floor, presumably where the RHINO had stomped. He could almost hear the death screeches of the Ancients, some of them not turned to spores by the time he reached them. The smell of rotting flesh had long since faded into the background, being replaced with the stench of Technocyte.


Less than three minutes later, he could hear the chatter of the Tenno. Jrogar forcibly ignored what they were talking about, as it was dangerously close to Sins in the Gyroog culture. As he turned a corner , he could finally see the Tenno again, a RHINO and some sort of LOKI, the second one was unlike a known Warframe. The fact that it had hooves proved that it was not for just any Tenno. He had seen one before, when he was hunting for Hek. He saw little more than the legs of the Warframe at the time, having Jrogar chalking it up as some sort of deer.

There were three options to get the Tenno's attention, shoot his BRONCO PRIME, talk, or grab one. All three ended with Jrogar being injured, though only one where he wasn't shot. He went for the least sensible approach, he caught up to them and grabbed the odd Tenno's shoulder. In less than a second, Jrogar lost all feeling in his upper left arm, and could feel a VERY large blade in his midsection. He didn't need to open his eyes to know the Galatine was the blade. Once he opened his eyes, he could only see down a BURSTON PRIME barrel. He tried to laugh, but only his green blood made it out. The RHINO was the first to speak.

"I told you we were being followed, but I didn't think it would be by an Infested! Though I've never seen an Infested bleed before, or one as strange as this."

Jrogar could only keep laughing, the blood flow quickly stopping. The haunting sound of multi-voiced laughter began to fill the hall.

"What? You gonna kill me or just leave that in me...I take that back, you probably should leave it in."

The Tenno could only stare as the odd 'Infested' mocked them.


More later.

I don't trust my phone currently.

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