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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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soooo, opinions on my story?

Ack! I missed it, sorry. For some odd reason I left my post typed up for several minutes before actually posting it. (I need to stop doing that...)


Is that a budding friendship I sense between Entari and the Mag? o.o

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The words Alane spoke reverberated around the vast room.


'We can't kill him,' Alane repeated.


'We can't I'm afraid, but we can possibly incapacitate him.'




'The medical bay is utterly pristine compare to the rest of the dojo, I know so. That's how close I cam to death.'


'Oh...So, what do you propose? Using the anesthetic?'


'I don't know what I propose. But there has to be something in there that we can use.'


There was a distant yip, far but still close, followed by a loud crash. There were things in there with them. Darius stood up, he inspected the makeshift suit of armor he had put together from the scraps of Grineer plating at hand.


Another yip, farther away but still too close for comfort.


Darius walked over to Alane, signaling her to follow. Darius was walking towards the noise.


'What are you doing, Darius? There's something over there!'


'Exactly. This armor needs testing, plus I'm wagering it's at most another charger.'


Alane reluctantly followed Darius.


'Fine, might as well have some back up if your ingenious engineering prowess fails.'


'Heh, funny.'


Darius nocked an arrow on his Paris Prime, ready to defend himself if need be. The two traversed a medium-sized mound of discarded MOA parts.


Another noise, the same as before only closer now they knew it was not a yip. It was a full-fledged roar.


The two crept carefully upon a mass of infested flesh that was scattered through with the unmistakable armor of Grineer napalm.


The massive thing had six legs, two of which were held up to where Darius estimated the mouth would be. Alane and Darius looked at each other, knowing from experience this creature was eating.


The thing stopped. It turned its head to inspect something that had intrigued it.


The beast had reared its head.


It had reared its head in the direction of Darius and Alane.


The thing let out a roar so loud, several of Darius's pieces of armor nearly fell off.


Alane was the first person to let out a shot, one small burst of fire right in one of the beast's many eyes.


The Darius recovered his senses as well and let out a shot from his Paris Prime, catching it directly beneath the mouth.


The beast regurgitated whatever it had been eating into a mass of pulped flesh and blood.


One pair of the beast's many arms began scrabbling at the spot where Alane shot it.


Then it stopped writhing and let out a roar louder than when it spotted them.


It was on the offensive now.

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Well, at least someone else will be in the Aequitas dojo... getting lonely in my cell >.<

To the daring rescue of Sir Nyght i go! Since no one else seems to be available and/or give a damn, i guess i have to...



Akinos always liked to keep in touch with certain types of news. News such as the ones that first got him to visit the Aequitas' Dojo. Admittedly, he'd taken his time, to act upon what he knew. But he honestly didn't think they'd keep the guy locked up like a prisoner. Worked in his favor in some way, perhaps. The problem would be to get there.


Apparently, someone in the observation area had decided to do this by the books. No talking to the amnesiac and potentially unstable person in the room until someone got off their butts and declared the man sane. Of course, the better half of the Tenno would be locked up if things were done that way.


-Can i enter and speak with that man?-Akinos asked some of the medical staff that were in the observation room, as he looked at the man.


-Not without proper clearance-one of them started answering, only to see that Akinos had already left the room, towards the hallway.


What they didn't see was Akinos returning, one smoke bomb later.


This might count as clearance, he thought to himself as he teleported into the isolated room. If they don't stop me, with all their sensors and what not, guess i'll have to assume it does.


As he arrived, he took the time to actually examine this Tenno. A quick conclusion was that he was capable, trained, deadly. The main evidence being that he had rolled aside and prepared himself the second Akinos arrived. Admittedly, the air displacement produced by Teleport was noticeable, but many an Initiate wouldn't have reacted properly. So, what he was confirmed, if at least partially.


-Who's there?-the man asked, looking very much at Akinos, if only perhaps because there wasn't that much space in the room.


-This is a Tenno Dojo, that of the Aequitas Clan. You are among friends-Akinos answered-if perhaps a bit rude. But mental instability is less popular around here than usual. Long story. I am Akinos, Ash user. I am not authorized in here, not in the strict sense of the word, but the truth of the matter is you'll die of old age if you have to wait for someone who is.


They could hear a ruckus outside, as people seemed to be piling up by the door, and fiddling with the control pads as they struggled to get it open.


-That'll die down in a while, probably-Akinos commented-I am pretty sure a friend of mine's already caught up to my predicament... And to make it short, they might have to bring down the reinforced, Tenno-Proof door. What do you remember about yourself? A name, by chance?


-I am Nyght-he answered-I had been assigned with my cell to protect a civilian "ark". I don't know what happened with the ark, or my cellmates.


-Nice to meet you-Akinos said, as he became visible-We'll see what we can find out about that. It's been a long time since the Collapse. But for now, i think you'd be best served with an update on the current situation, your Warframe, and some lunch to go with. We'll head for the mess hall after i am done dealing with some paperwork.


At that word, the door opened, and several guards and personnel from the observation room came inside, seemingly prepared to fight. Akinos instead handed them a data pad.


-You should find that everything is in order, signed and authorized by the Council-he said, walking right past them while they examined the contents of the pad-Now if you excuse us, i am getting our fellow Tenno here up to date before my next mission, which is, in fact, extremely time sensitive, hence why i couldn't wait to receive those.


Now, to the serious matter-he said, turning towards Nyght-Which goes first, update, warframe or lunch? From my own memory of waking up from cryo, i'd go for lunch, but you choose. Take your time though. I don't really have anything to do-he added in a whisper, a bit childishly.


Edited by 065tdsa
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I'd say do like I used to and just read in class, but that got me in a lot of trouble and hurt my grades. I did get through a LOT of books though xD

Same here. My teacher went as far as to call me a Bookworm for a class rewards ceremony at the end of the year (it wasn't like a graduation, it was something she had wanted to do and she wanted us to have something to remember her by).


Need to write.....SOMETHING I.... needs......... INSPIRATION!!! *goes off to attempt writing*

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Val swung her weapon horizontally splitting the Grineer Lancer completely in half. Underneath her helm she smiled with relish. The Valkyr sidestepped a Scorpion's wild swing and countered with a chopping motion that sliced the mongrel in twain. This was what she lived for, bloodshed. Though Val was a bit disappointed that she was not killing Corpus, tearing the Twin Queen's soldiers and subjects apart made this mission worth it. This Grineer Galleon had apparently found some resources that The Lotus had been interested in.


The rules were simple: Find their mining equipment and destroy them.


Her cell comprised of Serin, Kevin and Kelly. Kevin, if she remembered correctly was the Nekros that offered her a seat. How kind of him. Kelly was the Mag who kept gawking at her and pulling at her hair. Although Val found out that she was very sweet, and very good at braiding hair. Serin was the Nyx that reminded her who she was and what she had been made to do. Val...wasn't sure what to think of them yet but they haven't shot her yet.




Val's Machete punched through the Lancer's stomach as Kelly slid into cover to reload her Boar shotgun. Serin leaped over her kicking a trooper in the face as she shrugged off her Soma, a withering stream of fire cutting straight into a Heavy Gunner's chest. Kevin supported the Nyx with a fusillade of fire from his Karak taking out the machine gunner in a matter of seconds. Val then took the flank, a scream erupting out of her throat so loud and so horrifying every Grineer that was in the area began to panic.


Val hacked and chopped her way through the Grineer platoon, her fighting style held none of the skill that the Tenno were known for. There was no respite just bloodshed on an animal level. By the time she had beheaded the last Grineer her armor was stained with blood. "Let's keep moving people." Serin admonished both Kelly and Kevin. "We all know Val's the hottest thing in here so let's go we got a job to do."


Kevin just kept silent while Kelly gave Val an admiring nod. Val just turned and headed towards the objective. She smiled cruelly, hoping that there were more Grineer. It would be disappointing if it was this easy.

Edited by Divinity112
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Thank you tdsa. I wanted to do something about Nyght but I couldn't. So thank you!

No need to thank me. I was just passing by, i did the same as any other Tenno with character depth would have in my situation, etc, etc.


And Shade only accepts recognizable currency or trade-able assets.

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FREEDOM! hurray!



It had certainly not been how he imagined 'first contact'. Much less 'formal' or 'professional'. Reflexes had taken over initially, reacting to the lightest wake of displacement.

 A short conversation later, and the Ash, Akinos, had both gotten him out of the observation cell, and an offer of lunch, an update and his ancient frame.


"Well, updates can be done over lunch, and the 'food' rations provided in the cells are less than... satisfactory, to say the least. Then again, I imagine you wouldn't want a potential danger at full strength."


"Lunch it is then." commented Akinos, turning down the corridor to lead the way, Nyght in tow. The halls of the dojo showed signs of being well kept, pristine, but passing by one section, there were signs of past conflict, repairs. Too the trained eye, one could make out not just the scars on the walls, but the faintest remnants of blood stains. There had been fighting here, and harsh fighting at that.


"So, clan Aequitas." began Nyght "What can you tell me? Who leads you? Who were those that held my pod?"

He knew he was far from up to date on the situation, and one cannot be expected to be a keeper of balance if he doesn't know the state of that balance.


"Well, leadership is currently in two places - the clan has it's own council, who manage it. Then, all Tenno take orders from 'The Lotus'."




"Yes. She direct our efforts against our enemies, and also helps most Tenno get back into action after waking up. Evidently, she didn't reach you."

Akinos paused to let Nyght absorb and consolidate the information, before opening the door to the Mess Hall.


The eating hall had a large number of tables, with varying numbers of seats around them. Only a small handful were occupied, but there was clearly room for a much larger contingent of Tenno if there was need. This told Nyght that there must be a lot of operatives out of the dojo, which could also explain his prolonged incarceration.

   Sitting at one of the tables with Akinos, Nyght began to tuck into the slice of 'pie' as he was informed it was. Hunger hadn't been able to encroach on his mind whilst in the cell. He hadn't allowed it too. But upon smelling real food, and tasting it, he finally let it back in, realising just how long it had been since his last good meal.


Akinos continued his update, periodically pausing to eat his own food.

"Your captors are known as the 'Corpus', a faction of profiteers. They employ a large array of robotics to supplement their living crew, and care little for ethics. Hence, their interest in occupied cryopods. If you hadn't escaped, you would likely have been sold off, in pieces..."


"What of the black figure who wounded me? He looked almost Tenno, and yet, not." Nyght trailed off, remembering the shadow cloaked assailant, bearing weapons and armour akin to that of any Tenno.


Akinos momentarily paused, as if not sure what to say. " A black figure? Lots of smoke and shadows? A scythe? "


"Yes. You know him?"


Akinos continued with a brief chuckle. "You my friend, have met our mysterious foe, the 'Stalker'. he seems to have a hobby for hunting down and ambushing Tenno, especially those that are isolated. And given you had just woken, you are lucky to be standing."


The updates continued for a few minutes more, both of them still eating their meals, getting a grip on the new - Akinos, on the new Tenno, and Nyght, on almost everything since this 'Lotus' began waking and rallying Tenno. Eventually, after finishing with lunch, Nyght decided it was time to re-aquire his valued frame and blade.


"So, I'm assuming you have some idea of where my Frame and Blade are, Akinos?"


"Yes, as a matter of fact. Let us get you re-armed, perhaps we'll find something extra whilst we're at it. Going Sword only isn't the best way now, given everyone else has guns."


And with that, Akinos led Nyght away, to find his confiscated equipment.




Good to be out of the cell >.<, getting back towards fighting as well as into the clan.

Should someone else do the next bit, I'm thinking as well as his own gear, Nyght gets hold of something close-mid range as a firearm, something that can be wielded alongside a blade in combat - a Wraithper perhaps?

Edited by NyghttheClassy
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This isn't my best post ever, but I've kept Craven waiting on this for long enough. Sorry for the wait and I hope you can work alright with this. As always, I hope everyone can enjoy and feedback is always welcome. Thanks guys.


A pair of grudging and angry eyes watched a white and black Nova stride through the halls of the Station, followed closely by a hover trolley laden with crates and a grimy Djinn sentinel. Soundlessly, he followed her, watching her every move as she made her way through the crowds towards an unknown destination. Behind him were two others, neither so stealthy as he, as they were clad in Rhino warframes, but useful for their brute strength and stubborn loyalty. They were a pair of brothers, known for their brutality and straightforward approach to anything they came across. If presented with any obstacle, they bull-dozed through it without question. The older brother’s frame was painted solid black, the younger’s was the colors of a summer thunderstorm.


One of the brothers looked at the Tenno, a spark of recognition igniting in his mind, “I know that Nova. Isn’t she the one who…”


“If you know what’s good for you you’ll shut up.” The voice belonged to an Ash, and he was the one who held a grudge against the Nova they were following. His frame was bright red, the red of blood, he liked to think to himself. He’d always claimed that he wore such a gaudy color because he could afford to, since his skill was so great that he could handle the handicap of being seen at all times. The truth was far less flashy. He was, in fact, far from the master he claimed to be, and he wore red purely because it made people remember him and never failed to leave an impression on those he dealt with. He covered his lack of skill by surrounding himself with those like the two brothers behind him, those who were strong but biddable and unconcerned with things like morals, and built up a false persona of strength and skill that he defended rigorously. He’d be damned before anyone found out he wasn’t what he claimed to be. He wanted to be famous, a living legend, and he’s lose everything if he was found out. That was why he was after the Nova. She’d humiliated him, and he couldn’t leave that humiliation unaddressed.


“Get ready, boys. When she comes back, she’s going to pay for what she did to me.” He whispered, watching her disappear into the crowd.






“So where shall we go now?” Qarin commented as they walked through the Station, brushing past numerous other Tenno as they followed the flow of traffic through the halls. She stopped at the edge of the Central Hub, also known as the Atrium, watching the people who passed through it, or sat among the various couches and benches scattered throughout the spacious area.


“I don’t know,” she leaned back against a wall with crossed arms, her helmet dangling from one hand, and watched the Tenno around her in silence for a time before addressing her carrier, having decided on her course. “Little one, go on and go back to the snub. Retrieve my weapons for me, if you would. It might be nice to visit the training hall here before we leave, and perhaps see one of the gardens as well.” The Carrier burbled in assent, and flew off towards the docking bay as Acantha pushed herself off the wall and made her way through the Central Hub towards its far side. She walked quickly, eager to get to her destination and out of the crowds. However, she had only just made it to the other side of the large space when a figure stepped out of the shadows and blocked her path.


“Well, well, if it isn’t that girlie who still owes me an apology,” a voice, sneering and derisive, emanated from the Ash. His visage was familiar to her in the sort of way an image of a rat is familiar; instantly recognizable, detestable, and sick making. His frame was still red, but was now a bright, almost iridescent coloration instead of the more matte color she remembered. However, it still had small black accents with a matching Syandana flowing down his back as it had before. It seemed the Tenno hadn’t taken his last encounter with her well, and was still managing to hold a grudge about what she’d done to him even after all the time that had passed. He stood arrogantly at ease, managing to take up the entire hallway as he stood threateningly in the opening, idly flipping a Kunai knife between his fingers.


Her face briefly showed surprise before she locked her reactions behind a mask of indifference while she thought about how to deal with the new development, her gaze flitting quickly to Qarin before settling on the threat before her. The Ash, she hadn’t ever bothered to learn his name, was known to be arrogant, pushy, and rude. The last time she’d run into him had been soon after Ajkrumen’s funeral, when he’d interrupted her training and pushed her to practice with him in a misguided attempt to show off. His exhibitionist attitude had always grated at her, but with her emotions as raw as they had been that day, she’d snapped, and instead of walking away from him like she should have she’d beaten him quite handily in front of a large audience.


However, things had been different then. For one, the confrontation they’d had before had happened in one of the training rooms. There, a fight like what had transpired was not uncommon and was an easily overlooked, as well as unlikely to be a punishable, offense. However, if the same or similar thing were to happen here there would likely be unpleasant repercussions for any party involved, which she wanted to avoid. Secondly, she had a clan’s honor to think about, which was something that she hadn’t had to consider back then. Getting in a fight with another Tenno would be dishonorable to more than just her now that she carried Aequitas’s name and emblem. Finally, in the last fight she had been alone, and getting defeated would have meant only her own injuries and no one else’s. Currently though, she Qarin to think about, and she was reluctant to drag him into a fight.


These thoughts and more went through her mind in seconds as she assessed the situation and attempted to come up with the best possible strategy for dealing with the Ash. Avoidance seemed the only real option. “Let me pass. I have no wish to deal with you.”


She moved to brush past him, but was stopped as he shoved her backwards, “Well that’s too bad. You know, last time we ‘talked’ all I could see was that helmet. I didn’t see there was a pretty face behind it.” She could feel him leering at her, even though his face was covered. Her only response was to unconsciously grip the edge of her helmet tighter and ball her other hand into a fist, knuckles white under her gloves and her emotions locked behind an impassive mask as she fought to control her anger and disgust. “What do you say we let bygones be bygones, and you just give me that apology for what you did to me before. Then, when you realize that I let you win to make you feel better, we can get to knowing each other better, what do ya say?”


She narrowed her eyes, using every ounce of her self control to avoid a scene like what had happened previously. The faces of her clan mates flashed through her mind, reminding her that not just her honor rested on her actions now. She couldn’t dishonor them with rash words or rash actions, nor could she endanger Qarin by those same behaviors. She had to remain calm. “I have already told you, I only wish to pass.”


He leaned against the wall off to one side of the hallway’s entrance, somehow managing to take up the entire space even though most of his body was to one side. His posture said everything; he wasn’t planning on moving out of her way.


“Come Qarin, we’ll go another way.” Acantha spun on one heel, intending to go back the way she came, only to nearly walk into a Rhino. The tall figure was imposing, and outfitted entirely in black. Behind him she could see another, also a Rhino, but in the colors of a thunderstorm; mainly a near black, slate colored blue-green-grey, with highlights of true black and somber ash-grey. Altering her course, she moved to walk around them, only to have them cut her off like the Ash had.


“Oh, hello boys,” the Ash’s voice, self-assured and superior, sounded behind her. She saw the Rhinos nod in response as she turned her back to them to face the Ash once again.  “So girlie, that apology…” He paused expectantly.


If it were possible for her fists to clench any tighter than they already had, they did then. “I owe you no apology, although you still owe one to the masters you claim to count yourself among. Now move aside. I have places to be and things to do that do not include your interference.”


His voice soured, “What places, your clan? That one that can’t even control its own members? Aequitas?” He spat the name out disdainfully, “I heard one of their own went on a slaughter and they couldn’t even stop him, and before that some big shot went and off-ed himself during some incident with the Stalker. Doesn’t sound like much of a clan to me there, girlie.”


Acantha’s rage boiled over, “Never speak ill of the dead, much less Ajkrumen. If your imbecilic mind held the capability to fathom...”


“Fathom what?” he cut her off, “I don’t think you get it. I could care less about your loser clan or the idiots in it. I don’t let people insult me, let alone embarrass me. You’re gettin’ off easy with just an apology, and I’m not sure that’s gonna satisfy me anymore.” His hands slid down to his waist and she saw him slide the kunai knife into its holster and a pair of knuckles onto his hands. At the same time the two Rhinos behind her stepped forwards, subtly pushing her from the more visible edge of the room towards the more hidden hallway; acting as a wall against her escape and blocking her and the Ash from view with their bulky bodies. Acantha’s eyes darted around the scene, taking in information and considering possibilities. She saw the Ash draw his fist back and change his footing, preparing to make a move, and she felt the Rhinos close in on her as well, probably aiming to hold her still while the Ash did whatever it was he planned to do. Overall, the situation wasn’t looking good.


“Qarin, get out of here!” she called out to the Djinn, who until that moment had wisely been silent. At that instant the Ash’s fist shot out at her. Lacking a weapon, she used her helmet, catching the fist on the inside as she dodged sideways, avoiding the grabs of the Rhinos behind her. She felt and heard the Ash’s wrist give with a sickening noise as her momentum and the leverage afforded to her by her improvised weapon carried her to one side of him and broke his arm. Her helmet had pinned his hand and lower arm against its opening’s edges and twisted them directions they weren’t designed to go as he had tried to free himself while she was moving. He cried out in pain, freeing his now useless hand, and retreated a step or two, allowing the Rhinos to cover him while he cradled his injury.


“I cannot leave you while you need assistance,” the sentinel protested, hovering indecisively.


“This isn’t the time to argue!” she backed up slightly, but there was nowhere to go. Even with the Ash’s broken arm, the odds were stacked against her. She doubted she’d stand a chance alone, and it looked unlikely that enough attention would be drawn by the confrontation for someone to intervene. The yells and cries of pain were easily covered by the normal hubbub of noise and talk that pervaded the Atrium, and the corner they were in was hard to see from the outside. “If you want to assist go and find me help!”


“Like hell!” the black-clad Rhino roared, reaching for Qarin, but the sentinel was small and nimble and easily evaded his grasp to dart away into the crowded Main Hub.


“Leave him be!” Acantha growled, drawing his attention back to her, “Your fight is with me.”


“Damn straight, girlie,” the Ash hissed, his anger evident, “Hold her down. She’s going to pay.”


The Rhinos reached for her again, and she back stepped to avoid them. Unfortunately she misjudged the distance and backed right into a wall. The mistake cost her, as even as she moved to one side to avoid the coming grab, she couldn’t move fast enough. One Rhino got a death grip on her right arm and used his other hand to rip the helmet she was using as her improvised weapon out of her hand, throwing it to the floor out of her reach. She wrenched her arm, trying to get free, but his hold was tight enough to bruise even through her warframe’s armor, and the attempt was useless. He was wise enough to hold her out from his body, keeping her off balance and unable to connect an attack with him from her feet until the other Rhino had a hold of her other arm. She struggled, hey eyes inexplicably drawn away from the fighting by the movement of her helmet as it rolled lopsidedly across the polished floor until she was pushed brutally against the wall, the massive weight of a Rhino on each arm pinning her backwards and leaving her vulnerable. The shove cracked the back of her head against the unforgiving metallic surface, making her vision swim, but she could still make out the iridescent red of the Ash stalking towards her, waves of hatred and rage radiating from him.


“Do you really think you embarrass me, fight me, and get away with it?” he snarled, his voice pitched low to avoid attracting attention but still full of malice. She watched as he moved forwards, judging the distances and biding her time. “You don’t mess with me, not unless you want to pay for it.”


She waited as he pulled his arm back to strike before making a move with the only weapons she had left; her feet. Using the weight of the Rhinos bearing down on her to root herself against the wall, she lashed out, connecting a kick with approaching Tenno. Her aim was good, even if it was asking for trouble, and her foot connected solidly with the Ash’s groin. He howled in pain and rage as he staggered backwards out of her range.


“Pin her feet you idiots!” he hissed at the two holding her, and though she struggled she soon had the weight of a Rhino bearing down painfully on each foot, as well as one’s hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. It took the Ash some time before he could even attempt to rise, and she hoped fervently that the cheap shot had bought enough time for her Djiin to find her help. If it hadn’t, she’d just made the fight far more personal, and she was going to pay for it dearly.


“You $#*(@. Who do you think you are?” The Ash struggled to his feet, panting with rage, before storming up to her, his good fist raised. His first blow hit her in the stomach, winding her so she couldn’t scream.  At that point the Rhino covering her mouth had the grace to remove his hand, allowing her to fight for air and struggle to refill her forcefully emptied lungs. Already gasping, she couldn’t help the cry of pain that escaped her lips as she felt the second impact hit her in the gut. She felt dizzy with pain and lack of oxygen, but fought against it. There had to come a moment to escape, and she had to be ready for it, even if help never came. However, she fervently hoped it would, and soon.

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