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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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So I just had an evil idea for the Ash... but I'd need "permission".


He has to join the clan (since he's already admitted he detests it this is punishment in and of itself). That would remove him from his contacts and "assets" like the people he can bully (such as the Rhinos) and isolate him in a place where he won't be able to manipulate people around him like he could at the Station. Furthermore, while he's there he has to do ANYTHING ANYONE asks of him, no matter how unpleasant, until the Council and/or Acantha decides he's learned his lesson. Also, he'll have no access to a frame or weapons without express permission or in special circumstances (like an emergency), even in training. Finally, he has to have a roomate, preferably someone as annoying as possible. I was thinking NQ or something, but I'm not sure I'm that evil xD


Anyone else have any suggestions I can add to this?

Edited by Jeahanne
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So posted you wished it, POSTED IT SHALL BE!



Aktos and Vulcana wandered around the dojo, looking for where they could register and officially become members of Aequitas. After asking a few Tenno, they pointed them down a few corridors. They walked in the room and there was someone sitting behind a desk. His color scheme was bright and flashy (forgot his exact colors but i know they were bright colors….i think. Not sure :/). He had his helmet on, it was of the Avalon design (or pendragon?) and something had obviously happened to him. His helmet had scorch mark on it, as if he lost a fight with a Volt.


Aktos cleared his throat.” Hello there, my name is Aktos, my friend here is Vulcana.”


Vulcana waved


“We are here to join the clan, Lotus’ orders.”


Without a word, the Excalibur handed them some data pads and pointed them to some kneeling pads so they could fill out the registration on them. A few minutes later, they handed him back the pads. He handed them back another pad that held their room placement. They had separate rooms, but Aktos didn’t feel comfortable leaving Vulcana alone to her own devices. She tended to go a little "catty" if left alone for long periods of time.


“Erm, sorry to bother you further but could you make it so that we share a room?”


Vulcana looked at him, a piercing glare hidden behind her helmet.


The Excalibur tilted his head back, as if he couldn’t believe what he just heard. He waved for him to give the pod back to him, he punched a few buttons on the pad, and handed it back to him. He leaned forward,his hands folded under his chin as if he expected him to ask for something else.


“Thank you good sir”


The Excalibur waved, and turned back to whatever he had been doing before they walked in.


Once out in the corridor, Aktos spoke.


“Well this is exciting, members of Aequitas. It feels pretty great,wouldn’t you agree Vulcana?


He turned to look at her only to see her glowing orange, and charging at him.

“OH S#&$”! Aktos ran like a Loki on Speed, an angry Valkyr hot on his heels

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Stupid black text. Laptop is being a $&*^ right now so i can't paste it to word -.-


EDIT: Since i know it will be asked, Vulcana always had a fixation on cats. She saw pictures of them before her "Valkyr-ification" and had been enthralled by their cuteness and nimbleness. She became a bit obsessed, and she comforted herself with kitty thoughts during her capture. This had a side effect: her obsession become a state of mind because her kitty thoughts involved her actually being a cat. When Aktos found her, he found her meowing, and and clawing at the walls. After snapping her out of her state, he told her to stay there while he took care of some crewman security. When he returned, she regressed back into her kitty state. He found that he left her alone she turned back into a cat. So he hasn't let her out of his sight since (unless there are enemies around). She also becomes pretty temperamental when in this state and since she knows Aktos fairly well, she won't attack him. The issue lies if she comes across someone while she's a "cat"

Edited by DraikoHunter
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Ok, So i got permission from everyone except Kitty...and i don't think shes around at the moment. If she doesnt like how this turns out, Ill be totally prepared to rewrite it some :)

Anyway....Here goes. Zel's last training session.

Zel slowly shifted her weight to her left foot and brought her arms around in slow, wide arcs. Her breath was equally slow. Aigloblam leaned against a pillar a few feet away, observing the way Zel's body moved. For 3 months now, ever since she learned the ancient techniques of "Tai-Chi" from Skirata, she had been performing this meditative dance. As every sinew in her young body pulled in concert with each other, Aigloblam whispered, "Excellent. Now the flames, slowly."

Her breathing slowed even more as the bio-steel of her hands started to radiate heat. Much slower than normal, the heat built, and finally minute flames sparked from her fingers. They did not flicker, even with the movement of her arms through the air. In the dim light of the sparring room, shadows of the entranced Ember danced over the floors, walls, and ceilings, turning her graceful curves into a leaping multitude of Stygian figures. After Aigloblam was satisfied, he spoke again.

"Perfect. Skirata has given you so much more control...I think we should try the final steps again today. You showed great promise last time."

Zel's voice came almost in a whisper, her words barely audible to anyone without the amplifying nature of a Warframe's helmet. "I will do my best."

Aigloblam smiled a bit and said, "That is all I have ever asked of you", as he withdrew behind the pillar. The room had been specially constructed for the kind of heat and flames that were the lifeblood of all Ember Wearers. But even its nonflammable nature wouldn't stop the full fury of Zel, if she lost control. But Aigloblam had seen what Skirata had done with this amazing young girl. He had taught her more control than she had ever known in her life.  He had weaponized her fury. In short, He had worked miracles.

Zel sped up her movements, while simultaneously increasing the power she sent to her heat generators. The flames on her fingertips began to spread in a slow progression. They moved up her arms to her chest and spreading in both directions, Covering her breasts and face at the same time. When the flames slipped over her hips, they seemed to pour over them like water, rushing down to cover her legs and feet. When they had totally engulfed the small Tenno, they intensified. The layer close to Zel's metal second skin turned a deep azure, the rest began to change from red and orange to a brilliant white.

To anyone watching, there was no longer a Warframe practicing, but a ball of purest fire dancing gracefully in the center of the room. It no longer had a solid form. Tendrils of flame spread several feet from Zel, her coating of fire rippling as she sped her movements up. She began to strike out at opponents that existed only in her head. Her legs and arms, covered in brilliant flame, knifed through the air in fast arcs and lunges. Soon they were joined by the tendrils of fire, until an onlooker could not tell where Warframe stopped and fire began.

Aigloblam turned to the door and nodded. It slid open silently and 5 Tenno stepped in. Heus, in his towering Frost Warframe. Acantha in her lithe Nova.  Igilblix in his immense Rhino. Ghost, in a Nyx frame that seemed to glide rather than walk. All of them, save Ghost, carried storage crates filled with spheres of Ferrite 2 inches in diameter. Last through the door stepped Skirata, who nodded to Aigloblam as he saw the movements he had taught Zel being performed perfectly.

They took up positions around Zel, and set the boxes down. Not a single sound had been made during their entrance. Each Tenno lifted a handful of Spheres and locked their gaze on Zel. Ghost stood back a bit, beside Aigloblam, She needed no Spheres.

Aigloblam raised his hand, then dropped it rapidly. Upon this signal, three Ferrite Spheres whizzed through the air, directly at Zel. She turned each of them to ash in the air with what seemed like casual gestures. Before the ash hit the floor, there came a barrage of spheres, all thrown with deadly accuracy. As each of them winked out of existence, the Tenno gathered around Zel realized that she had easily grown too powerful for this technique. Heus stepped forward, drawing his gram and slashing at Zel's dancing form. Acantha let sparkling anti-matter cover the spheres in her crate, while Igilblix engaged his Iron Skin and lept at Zel. Ghost, however, still hung back, but put her head down in obvious concentration.

With Heus' Gram slicing through the air, Zel pulled back, but left a thick mass of flame behind, not giving Heus enough time to alter his strike. The blade cut through the fire mass and exited the other side smoking, its edges red hot. If this had been a lesser weapon, instead of one made by Quinn himself, it may have melted. Before Zel had finished backing away from Heus, 3 spheres came at her head, while another two came through a wormhole that had opened on the other side of the room. Acantha's plan was genius, but Zel had come to expect such from Tenno of this caliber.

Zel jumped straight up, tucked her legs under her body, and sent a wave of superheated flames below her. All five spheres exploded, but much more violent than she had expected. The explosion of the charged spheres propelled her upwards, to a height of almost 12 feet. Before Zel realized how my danger she had been put in, two hands, half the size of her body, wrapped around her calves. Sparks filled the room as Igilblix's Iron Skin took the intense heat of her flames. It was draining fast, but he still had enough time to slam her tiny body to the floor, knocking the breath out of her and making her flames flicker as she lost her previously perfect concentration. Ignoring the new threat, the lightning fast heavy blade of a Gram headed for her head, she blasted another wall of pure flame out of her hands, directly into the chest of the Titanic Igilblix. The force was enough to knock him back only a few feet, not even knocking him off his feet, but it served its purpose of forcing him to let go of her calves. The flame blast served a dual purpose, weak against the Rhino, it still had enough power to launch Zel 12 feet back, sliding along the floor. Heus' Gram slammed heavily into the floor.

Seeing her opening, Ghost focused her mind and sent it into the fight. As Zel stood up, she now faced a squad of frames, 8 in all, Copies of Heus, Acantha, and Igilblix. They rushed at her, and in a moment of near panic Zel almost lost her composure. With a lightning fast foot sweep, she sent an arc of flame rocketing across the floor, at ankle level. The flame passed harmlessly through the copies of her rivals, but it also forced the real Tenno to jump over it. Seeing her real opponents, Zel leaped towards Acantha, only to suddenly find herself crashing heavily into a wall, the sparkling gateway of another Worm Hole now behind her. The room filled with several such openings in reality, and Zel watched helplessly as Acantha zipped between them, disappearing and reappearing seemingly at random.

A foot collided with her hips, as the tricky Nova exploded into being directly behind Zel. With a lurch of her spine, Zel managed to land on her feet on the other side of the room, Just in time for Igilblix to throw a surprisingly fast kick of his own. Acting on pure instinct now, Zel slipped below the kick and slid under Igilblix, launching a fire ball up at him as she slid. It bounced off his armored chest, and went flying straight up into the air. The impact, although very powerful, did not even seem to budge the Rhino. As Zel slid behind him, she clenched her fist out in the air, using every ounce of her control. The fire ball grew in size, and plummeted down onto Igilblix's head. Head wreathed in fire, he could not see. Energy crackled as the ball started wearing away at his Iron Skin. He knew it would hold for quite a while, but while the ball covered his eyes, he also couldn't fight. He tried to pull the ball from his head, but could not grasp its ethereal surface. He realized he was out of the fight at that moment, and stepped backwards till he felt the wall at his back, and stood here, still trying to free his head.

Acantha used another Worm Hole to launch herself to the heights of the ceiling, and began to summon a ball of pure antimatter. When it was finished, mere seconds later, she let it fall straight down at Zel.  While it slowly fell, Zel had to contend with Heus.

Heus crouched in a low stance, his Gram held tightly. He shuffled closer to the Ember as she stood up and continued to dance. When he got within range, he flew into a series of attacks, each of them insanely fast for such a heavy weapon. Zel avoided each, almost casually. From the outside, no one would guess how narrowly she avoided each attack. Heus was perhaps the greatest swordsman in the Clan, and had this been more than training, Zel knew her only hope against him in the end would be to Run.  Just as she began to think about doing just that. Her mind suddenly felt cloudy. Her reaction times were slowing, and it felt as if she was moving around in water. The Gram struck her left arm, and with only the power in that blow, almost a graze, she was knocked to her knees. On the other side of the room, Ghost knelt in concentration, keeping Zel deep in her mind warping power.

As Zel arched her back away from Heus, to avoid a wide flat swing, she caught site of a sparkle of light above her. She saw the ball of antimatter only two feet above her. With both hands she waved through the air, and all the flame covering her body flew to her arms. With a great grunt of effort, she encircled the Antimatter with not just regular flame, but blue glowing plasma, the final phase of her power.

Zel knew this was nearly over one way or the other, and decided it should end on HER terms. She flexed both hands, the fingers splayed wide. The ball of plasma and antimatter rocketed at Heus, exploding as soon as it came within two feet of his chest. The plasma formed a wall behind the explosion, directing all the force toward the powerful Frost. Heus tried to leap out of the way, but the explosion propelled him far from where he stood. His large form crashed into Ghost, who had been about to try blinding Zel with her powers.

Thinking she had a moment to recover before the battle continued, she saw the slight outlines of a shadow above her, and watched as the small form of Acantha fell straight to the floor, an Orthos held straight under her.

The impact of Acantha's feet on the floor came at the same instant as the lights of the room flashed back on. "Enough!" came the voice of Aigloblam and Skirata at the same time.

Zel felt the cold steel of an Orthos blade pressed against her neck, and saw the eyes of Acantha, a fire of her own kind glowing in them. Acantha too felt a blade, The tip of Zel's Zoren pressed against her chest, right over her heart. It was plain that neither Tenno would have made it out of this alive.

Igilblix lifted Heus off of Ghost, all three were out of breath, but laughing.

Aigloblam could not hide his smile. These were Elite Tenno, Each With more field experience than Zel had years of life. And yet she had done well, very well. He simply said, "Good. Meet me in the Grand Hall, tomorrow. It is time," and turned, walking out of the door without a sound. Skirata nodded to Zel, "Well done, Zel,” as he too left the room. Zel turned to the others and thanked them for almost taking her apart limb from limb. She couldn't be any happier.

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