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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Sophia strode through the atrium of the Station. She had been on a long string of difficult missions, with no time to relax. She had also run into the Stalker. She had left him pinned to a wall, groaning from the number of times he had been whipped. She had been stopping Hyena production for about the fifth time. She was upset as well. The team she had been with had been some of her close friends. One of them had taken a serious hit from the Hyena and had to be carried to extraction. She was in a critical condition in the hospital, but she should live.


Her legs felt weak as she stumbled into a bar, and she only just made it to a stool. She collapsed onto the face of the counter. When asked what she wanted, she asked for whatever had most alcohol in it. She retracted her helmet, and let her hair down. She was going to need to wash it.


Her drink arrived. It was about 50% alcohol, but Sophia didn’t care. She emptied the entire thing in one go, and slammed the glass back on the counter. The barkeeper look surprised.


“Another,” she said. The barkeeper looked cautious but went to get her another. It did not do to anger a Nyx. Even a tired and half-drunk one.


5 minutes later, the trouble started. By this point Sophia had had about four drinks, and the room was spinning a bit. Sophia was feeling quite a bit better though. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a young Tenno, probably not much more than an initiate, walking towards her. Behind him was a group of other initiates who had most likely been egging him on to go and talk to her. She wasn’t carrying any weapons as you weren’t allowed to have them in the bar, for obvious reasons. If she had been carrying her Dakra Prime, they wouldn’t have tried her, as the sword could only be used by a veteran. She looked young thanks to her warframe. But then, so did the majority of Tenno. Only the oldest showed signs of age. She looked no more than about 20. However, she decided to play along. Who knows? Maybe she could get some fun tonight.


“Leave her alone squirt, she doesn’t like weaklings like you.”


Sophia turned to see an Oberon shoving away the initiate, who she now saw was wearing a Frost. The Oberon was in bright colours, obviously meant so that all could see him. A show off. The Frost was in standard colours, except that he was mostly black instead of the normal white. The Oberon swung into the seat next to Sophia.


“Well now, what’s a pretty girl like you doing all by yourself?” he opened with. Sophia was not impressed, and she slammed down the empty glass of her fifth drink and stared daggers at him.


“I don’t need your arrogant face anywhere near me, so f*** off.”


“I’m just trying to be friendly,” The Oberon said, and then he placed a hand on her leg.


Bad move.


Before he could react, the Oberon found himself buried in one of the walls of the bar. Sophia was blazing with energy

as she stalked towards him. She reached into the rubble and hauled the unfortunate Tenno out, before throwing him into another wall. The Oberon scrambled to his feet, angry now.


“You b****! You’re going to pay for that.” He ran forward, then he stopped in his tracks. Sophia had summoned her whip.


“I’m going to pay?” She demanded as she staggered forwards. “Wrong, buddy, you are going to pay for spoiling my night.”



In the Station Security control room, Kris looked up into time to see the Oberon go flying into the second wall. He was watching the vid feed while the rest of his team got ready. He was glad, and very worried. Glad that he didn’t have to do more paperwork for a while. Very worried that Venefica would take Sophia’s place. Then things would get ugly.


“We’re ready sir,” The voice came over the com system. Kris stood up and ran out the door, whilst snapping out orders to the rest of his team. They had to shut this down fast.



The whip snaked forward and wrapped itself around the Oberon’s arm. He was yanked off his feet by the drunk Nyx, who then summoned a giant psychic hammer. With a grunt, she swung it into the Oberon, sending him flying into the bar, smashing most of the bottles behind it. Sophia staggered towards him. Her target scrambled away, then snatched up a large piece of the bar and swung it at her. It caught her square in the side, and she was sent flying, taking several tables out and sending Tenno flying, including the Frost who had been coming to talk to her earlier.


Sophia finally stopped by the door way. She staggered upright, to see the Oberon running at her with a table in hand.  Then there was a rush of energy, and the Oberon toppled over, frozen. The Black coloured Frost stood behind him, his hand held outstretched. He slowly lowered it.


“Are you okay?” He asked. He walked towards her, and helped her stand. She had fallen over again.


“Well,” she said, “I’ve got a hunk like you with me, of course I’m okay.” She grinned wickedly at him. The Frost was handsome. Short, dark hair, strong face, deep brown eyes that she could get lost in. He looked slightly uncomfortable though. Things were going very fast for him, and he was trying not to do anything that would make him look stupid. Sophia read the edge of his mind, and found that he was shy, that this was his first time trying to get a girlfriend. She found that very cute.


“Sophia, what the hell have you done?” Kris’ voice came from the door as he edged into the room. The bar was trashed. It would cost thousands to repair it.


“Oh heeeey Kris.” Sophia giggled, “Coming to join me?” Kris looked stunned, then he strode forward. He took Sophia from the Frost, and picked her up. Sophia squealed in protest.


“Oh you naughty boy! Your still on duty, you shouldn’t be taking me back to your apartment.” Kris looked at his team.


“I’ll deal with her, you sought out what happened here.” He looked at the Oberon. “And get him defrosted, he has some questions to answers.” He left, Sophia still in his arms. She had started sing.


One of the Excaliburs with Kris looked at the Frost.


“We’re going to need you come with us for witness statements.” The Frost nodded.


“What’s your name, son?” The Excalibur asked.





Kris finally arrived at his apartment. He unlocked it, and helped Sophia inside. He shut the door behind him, and helped her to the bed, where she flopped, still half drunk. Kris went into a side room, stored away his Vauban, and returned to the bedroom. Sophia had climbed out of her own warframe. All she wore was a tight fitting blue t-shirt and a pair of shorts. It left little to imagination.


“What am I going to do with you?” He asked softly to no one in particular. Sophia was lying on the bed. She seemed asleep, but she woke when Kris spoke. She looked up at him. Her eyes were unfocused at first. They finally latched onto him. Before he quite realised what was happening, he was lying on the bed, with Sophia straddling him.


“Hey! What are-” he started to protest, but Sophia lay a finger on his lips.


“You are all mine.” She whispered, before she bent down and kissed him. She pulled back after a moment.


“I am all yours.” She kissed him again, and the world dissolved into the two of them.



I'll let you guess what happens next....

Edited by Spikey844
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bow chika wow wow

you could say that.

I guess i don't need to go through with my psychic pregnancy plans then.


And so, what I had been writing was destroyed...


2 hours of writing wasted :(

Sorry viking *sends cookies as an apology*

Edited by Spikey844
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If you haven't deleted it already, you could put it as a 'What would have happened until Spikey ruined it'



Poor Kris... I rather hope you got Vinking's permission to do all this first though...

It kinda just spilled from me with me fully realising what i was writing.

Edited by Spikey844
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Meh, it wasn't that good anyways. just some paperwork and more paperwork and really boring.


Edit: I could even write it perfectly again, but it was just lazy writing at its best.


Edit 2: Spikey had my permission. as all of you have my permission.

Edited by FatViking
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Sophia felt like Kril was going a couple of rounds with Lephantis inside her head. She knew with out a doubt she had probably the worst hangover in her life. She cracked open her eyes. She didn't recognize the room she was in at first. Then the memories of the previous night came rushing back to her. As feelings began to bounce off the inside of her skull, she felt Kris' arms shift slightly around her. She had been using his chest as a pillow. She turned her head, and watched as Kris' eyes slowly opened. He turned his head towards her, and gazed into her eyes. 


"Morning sweet heart," she said quietly. Kris smiled slightly. He seemed slightly dazed by what had happened. She couldn't quite believe it either. She had gone from getting drunk, to trashing a bar, to sleeping with Kris in the space of about fifteen minutes. It was probably a record. They lay there for a while, saying nothing, just gazing into each others eyes. Finally Kris leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, then rolled away and sat at the edge of the bed. His back had several scars on it. Sophia winced slightly as she recognized the scars were from whip blows. Probably hers.


After several minutes, Kris turned to look at her. There was something in his eyes that took Sophia a few seconds to work out what it was. A combination of guilt and indecision. 


"What are we going to do Sophia?" Kris asked quietly.


"I don't know," she replied, "I didn't mean this to happen I just..." She looked away. "I love you so much Kris. If you were killed I..." She couldn't finish the sentence. She started crying.


"Hey," Kris said softly. He crawled across the bed and embraced her, comforted her until she stopped crying. Then he held her because he felt comfortable, and she didn't try and get out of his grasp. They sat like that for several minutes, rocking back and forth slightly. With some reluctance, Kris let go of Sophia, and stood, walking to where his clothes had been discarded. The bed covers were half on the floor, and the mattress was skewed. Last night had been very... tiring. He started getting dressed. 


"I had better get to work. I did kinda go off duty before my shift ended. I'll probably get a ticking off from my superior," he said. He reached for his boots. "And I need time to think."


"Ok," Sophia said. She too reached for her clothes, and put them on, then stepped into her warframe as Kris went a side room, and returned a few minutes later with his warframe on. They looked at each other. A silent agreement passed between them. They would sort this out later. Kris opened the door, Sophia behind him.






Aigloblam was walking past Kris' apartment, just in time to see the door open. He recognized Kris after a moment. Quinn had told him about his trip to the station. What made his jaw drop was the figure who followed.


It was Sophia.


Aigloblam was extremely confused. Sophia had sworn to punish Kris, yet now it seemed that she was sleeping with him? He shook his head in amazement, then chuckled. -Young people these days- he thought to himself, as he watched the two walk off. He continued on his way. 

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They're pretty cute together to be honest... I mean as long as Venefica doesn't end up killing him lol


*edit: I forgot to ask last night. tdsa, did you want to write anything about Akinos, Shade, Qarin, and Acantha, or should I? I'm ok with whatever, I just wanted to know if you were working on something or of I should since I'm in a bit of a hurry to get Bej's character intro done, and in my timeline that happens after the conversation. ...Maybe I'm just being impatient. Sorry >.<;

Edited by Jeahanne
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Sophia strode through the atrium of the Station. She had been on a long string of difficult missions, with no time to relax. She had also run into the Stalker. She had left him pinned to a wall, groaning from the number of times he had been whipped. She had been stopping Hyena production for about the fifth time. She was upset as well. The team she had been with had been some of her close friends. One of them had taken a serious hit from the Hyena and had to be carried to extraction. She was in a critical condition in the hospital, but she should live.


Her legs felt weak as she stumbled into a bar, and she only just made it to a stool. She collapsed onto the face of the counter. When asked what she wanted, she asked for whatever had most alcohol in it. She retracted her helmet, and let her hair down. She was going to need to wash it.


Her drink arrived. It was about 50% alcohol, but Sophia didn’t care. She emptied the entire thing in one go, and slammed the glass back on the counter. The barkeeper look surprised.


“Another,” she said. The barkeeper looked cautious but went to get her another. It did not do to anger a Nyx. Even a tired and half-drunk one.


5 minutes later, the trouble started. By this point Sophia had had about four drinks, and the room was spinning a bit. Sophia was feeling quite a bit better though. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a young Tenno, probably not much more than an initiate, walking towards her. Behind him was a group of other initiates who had most likely been egging him on to go and talk to her. She wasn’t carrying any weapons as you weren’t allowed to have them in the bar, for obvious reasons. If she had been carrying her Dakra Prime, they wouldn’t have tried her, as the sword could only be used by a veteran. She looked young thanks to her warframe. But then, so did the majority of Tenno. Only the oldest showed signs of age. She looked no more than about 20. However, she decided to play along. Who knows? Maybe she could get some fun tonight.


“Leave her alone squirt, she doesn’t like weaklings like you.”


Sophia turned to see an Oberon shoving away the initiate, who she now saw was wearing a Frost. The Oberon was in bright colours, obviously meant so that all could see him. A show off. The Frost was in standard colours, except that he was mostly black instead of the normal white. The Oberon swung into the seat next to Sophia.


“Well now, what’s a pretty girl like you doing all by yourself?” he opened with. Sophia was not impressed, and she slammed down the empty glass of her fifth drink and stared daggers at him.


“I don’t need your arrogant face anywhere near me, so f*** off.”


“I’m just trying to be friendly,” The Oberon said, and then he placed a hand on her leg.


Bad move.


Before he could react, the Oberon found himself buried in one of the walls of the bar. Sophia was blazing with energy

as she stalked towards him. She reached into the rubble and hauled the unfortunate Tenno out, before throwing him into another wall. The Oberon scrambled to his feet, angry now.


“You b****! You’re going to pay for that.” He ran forward, then he stopped in his tracks. Sophia had summoned her whip.


“I’m going to pay?” She demanded as she staggered forwards. “Wrong, buddy, you are going to pay for spoiling my night.”



In the Station Security control room, Kris looked up into time to see the Oberon go flying into the second wall. He was watching the vid feed while the rest of his team got ready. He was glad, and very worried. Glad that he didn’t have to do more paperwork for a while. Very worried that Venefica would take Sophia’s place. Then things would get ugly.


“We’re ready sir,” The voice came over the com system. Kris stood up and ran out the door, whilst snapping out orders to the rest of his team. They had to shut this down fast.



The whip snaked forward and wrapped itself around the Oberon’s arm. He was yanked off his feet by the drunk Nyx, who then summoned a giant psychic hammer. With a grunt, she swung it into the Oberon, sending him flying into the bar, smashing most of the bottles behind it. Sophia staggered towards him. Her target scrambled away, then snatched up a large piece of the bar and swung it at her. It caught her square in the side, and she was sent flying, taking several tables out and sending Tenno flying, including the Frost who had been coming to talk to her earlier.


Sophia finally stopped by the door way. She staggered upright, to see the Oberon running at her with a table in hand.  Then there was a rush of energy, and the Oberon toppled over, frozen. The Black coloured Frost stood behind him, his hand held outstretched. He slowly lowered it.


“Are you okay?” He asked. He walked towards her, and helped her stand. She had fallen over again.


“Well,” she said, “I’ve got a hunk like you with me, of course I’m okay.” She grinned wickedly at him. The Frost was handsome. Short, dark hair, strong face, deep brown eyes that she could get lost in. He looked slightly uncomfortable though. Things were going very fast for him, and he was trying not to do anything that would make him look stupid. Sophia read the edge of his mind, and found that he was shy, that this was his first time trying to get a girlfriend. She found that very cute.


“Sophia, what the hell have you done?” Kris’ voice came from the door as he edged into the room. The bar was trashed. It would cost thousands to repair it.


“Oh heeeey Kris.” Sophia giggled, “Coming to join me?” Kris looked stunned, then he strode forward. He took Sophia from the Frost, and picked her up. Sophia squealed in protest.


“Oh you naughty boy! Your still on duty, you shouldn’t be taking me back to your apartment.” Kris looked at his team.


“I’ll deal with her, you sought out what happened here.” He looked at the Oberon. “And get him defrosted, he has some questions to answers.” He left, Sophia still in his arms. She had started sing.


One of the Excaliburs with Kris looked at the Frost.


“We’re going to need you come with us for witness statements.” The Frost nodded.


“What’s your name, son?” The Excalibur asked.





Kris finally arrived at his apartment. He unlocked it, and helped Sophia inside. He shut the door behind him, and helped her to the bed, where she flopped, still half drunk. Kris went into a side room, stored away his Vauban, and returned to the bedroom. Sophia had climbed out of her own warframe. All she wore was a tight fitting blue t-shirt and a pair of shorts. It left little to imagination.


“What am I going to do with you?” He asked softly to no one in particular. Sophia was lying on the bed. She seemed asleep, but she woke when Kris spoke. She looked up at him. Her eyes were unfocused at first. They finally latched onto him. Before he quite realised what was happening, he was lying on the bed, with Sophia straddling him.


“Hey! What are-” he started to protest, but Sophia lay a finger on his lips.


“You are all mine.” She whispered, before she bent down and kissed him. She pulled back after a moment.


“I am all yours.” She kissed him again, and the world dissolved into the two of them.



I'll let you guess what happens next....


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They're pretty cute together to be honest... I mean as long as Venefica doesn't end up killing him lol


*edit: I forgot to ask last night. tdsa, did you want to write anything about Akinos, Shade, Qarin, and Acantha, or should I? I'm ok with whatever, I just wanted to know if you were working on something or of I should since I'm in a bit of a hurry to get Bej's character intro done, and in my timeline that happens after the conversation. ...Maybe I'm just being impatient. Sorry >.<;

I figured you were on it, actually. I'll be rather busy in the next couple of days (moving out), so you should go for it.

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