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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Darius sat up, stretching, still groggy from his reprieve of drama.


He looked around, gave Eden a nod of acknowledgement who returned it with a stifled scream.


He got up, and started wandering the dojo, leaving Alane,  Nakarn and Eden behind for the time being.



Edit: This'll probably lead up to something related to the foundry, the AI starts asking questions, etc.

wait wat? my Ai?  im not even back yet!

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Jeahanne told me to wait for you, lol.


I'm just really...


Bored :l

No I suggested you do. I didn't TELL you too lol


And I think I'm confused somewhere...


So Team 1 is: Acantha, Kris, Kylar, and who?


And Team 2 is everyone else, right?

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After receiving the second briefing, the only thing Lyc could think of was that he had been caught again. How was it that obvious? Was it the tumbling, or his way to speak? Shrugging off the thought he cheered up, remembering he had been assigned the front. He didn’t like being behind and he always ended up shooting people on his own team.


A few minutes later…


The shuttle finally landed, dropping them at two small entrances that weren’t  guarded. Team One took the left one, and Team Two took the right one, which was a little further in the asteroid.  Strange… the hammah b***ard  is not that careless… He was the first to enter, to find a Seeker showing them his back. He’s guarding so people don’t go out? What the hell? He poked the Seekers shoulder, and as he turned around he grabbed its Kraken and punched the Grineer right in the face, breaking his skull and pinning Lyc’s fist, blood running down the Rhino’s forearm.


“Thanks for the gun pal” He said, kicking the clone out to free his hand. Turning around, he asked the Nyx’s.”Feel anything?”

Both shaked their head sideways, negating. They continued forward, deeper and deeper into the asteroid, silently eliminating the useless clones that showed up in their path. It took twenty minutes to finally locate the physic dampeners. It was the smaller one that talked, almost in a whisper.


“I got it”


“Then go ahead and tell Teammie one! Im f***ing bored here!”


Right as he finished shouting a Sawman came walking. The Cal’ behind him quickly reacted and shot it in the belly with his Bruston prime cutting it in half. The poor Grineer started crawling, towards a control panel, decided to sound the alarm. The Prime got closer to finish him, but was cut off by Lyc’s arm.


“Let him make them know we are here lad, there are no distractions if we go unnoticed, and the first part of our job is finished” The Grineer kept crawling towards the panel, and Lyc was wanting to have a bet over if he would manage to get there before he bleeded out or if he wouldn’t. Finally he managed to sound of the alarm, and was immediately headshotted by the Rhino.


“Sorry if you wanted him to be yer kill”


And it starts

Edited by OmegaMK1
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You guys are real busy with that battle. Not really something that is in character for Akinos to get into, but I have but one little side story that goes parallel to it.


This is happening as the Tenno enter the Grineer ship, here, as was said, Corpus forces are also present. Of course, they are doing what they do best: dying. While other Corpus too, do what they do best: get profit.

It was a busy day.Then again, when wasn't it?

The men had been a bit unhappy that they had to be on patrol, but when they heard the action was going to be live on all screens, they actually preferred it so. The great event would probably be enjoyed the most on one of those extra large screens from the processing plant.


In any place but where he had ended up, anyway. All the executives badgering him for information were starting to really get in his nerves. He'd decided to just keep his snipetron on the table for the rest of show. It had proven effective, but some of them just could not be dissuaded. Too much money was at stake. Some of those madmen had gone straight to the plat, with really outrageous bets.


The company's "special event and day-off" would actually get more profit than a day's work. And it was all because of the smart work of... who the hell knew? He was claiming the credit, he had instructions to do so, but Mr. S would not talk about his external sources. 


All he knew was, well, the way they got the cameras placed. Not much of a big deal. An assault force was headed that way, they'd gotten info on "the Catch"'s existence without much difficulty. They needed scout proxies, and Mr. S loaned a significant part of his modified stealth cam proxies. In return, the Company got eyes on. But let's face it, that wasn't the meat of it. No Corpus would bet without information.


And information they were given. Not the assault team, of course, that wouldn't be "sporting". But every employee in the company got all sort of pictures, reports, weapon lists and even a small "personality" page on the main runners of the events, "team Betrayer". Bets were placed on kill tag, death tag, and, hell, a variety of other things. There was a "backwards flying headshot" tag. Not something lots bet on, but the house took all bets, so if one of those killing machines decided to do that, someone was going to retire early.


He couldn't bet though. Since he had gathered the information, it wouldn't be fair. Or that would be the case if he was indeed responsible of that, which was what everyone believed. Oh well.


Mr. S's proxy had indeed said, back in the day, "this is job security versus pay, pick one".  And if people believed he could make profiles like that of the Betrayers... He had more job security than anyone from the Board. It was a good choice, at the end of the day. It sure beat being like his brother, with Grineer and Betrayers everywhere looking for him, and not even a good regular pay grade. Sure, Nef had some very profitable business on the side... But THAT, was a headache of an entirely different category.


"And here comes... Team Betrayer!" Announced the speakers. It was time to stop thinking so seriously, and enjoy. He had placed bets by way of a friend, regardless of the restriction. And, even if he hadn't, this was still very interesting to see.


Not many got to see Betrayers fight and lived to tell the tale, after all.

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Ghost cannot talk by the way. The only way she can communicate is using telepathic powers to 'speak'

Ghost: Nyx, Vespa helmet, Lanka, Twin Gremlins, Ballistica as back up and a pangolin sword

iiiiii forgot what Idhren has... or even who she belongs too... I think she was Khi's? now sure now ._.

Ghost is also an exceedingly powerful Nyx. She essentially emits her own emp field because of how strong her psychic powers are, and She can't ever turn it off. It's a completely subconscious ability and thus requires no effort or energy on her part. She can strengthen it or weaken it as need be. So to anything other than a Tenno at the moment she is a blurred form, electronics can't see her well either. Once the fighting begins she will be nigh impossible to track or see. at least once the dampener is down, though her figure will still be blurry looking to enemies. 

Edited by KittyShark
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*cackles* She's no slouch, but's it's been a loooooong time since her last fight where she couldn't make herself unseeable, also for mind speak it's best put in italics since they are technically thoughts :P I assumed Ghost will almost certainly get injured during this and possibly give Idhren the motivation to truly put her powers to the test.

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And now, a little from me... although it's not really in-depth or action packed, it has a little something about Mike.




Az's snub landed at the decided location, right next to two other snubs: Another regular dull-grey snub, and a third, much larger, gleaming white and blue snub that had clearly been modified with corpus tech. 'That's right, there are rumors that miss Aztrid is an ex-tenno. Of course Lotus started those just for this part, getting from the fringes of the system and into corpus airspace unnoticed.' She thought, wondering just how far Lotus had planned every detail of this mission.


She got out of the snub, walking over to the 'corpus' one and knocking on the walkway on its back, waiting until it was opened to stand face-to-face with Mike.

"Hey Az, nice to see you again." Mike said as he opened his helmet, glancing over to what appeared to be two changing rooms. "The red room is yours." He then added.

"Hi yourself, and that's good to know, I doubt that you would fit into tight dresses made for my measures." She responded, walking past him and retracting her new Gauss helmet.

Mike couldn't hide his slight blush as he walked into the blue room.


Az got out of her frame in the red room, a device in the wall taking it and storing it inside it. Then she took off her second-skin suit, feeling real air on her real skin for the first time since... well, she wasn‘t sure. She looked into the mirror on the wall opposite to the storage locker in there, tracing her fingers up and down her body. She thought about the countless battles and the wounds she had sustained over her lifetime, and smiled slightly as she thought about how she always had seemed to improve just enough for no single type of wound to become a permanent scar, ever since she had started training, when she had been only ten years old. She looked at her young face surrounded by the ocean of red that comprised her hair, losing herself in her own gaze for a few moments.

Then she got out of her thoughts and opened the storage locker, seeing two sets of clothes. ‘Right, one is for the ball and the other is in case we have to become our Corpus personas.‘ she thoughts, feeling the synthetic polymer fabrics of each set. Then she took out the ball-set one article of clothing at a time, examining them and putting them on in the right order: Underwear, undersuit(complete with hidden Kunai), the oversuit that was made to look like a dress from old earth, the latest fashion in the high spots of Corpus right now. She looked at it in the mirror and examined the black material, seeing the subtle red lines of rubedo that were embedded in the fabric for the visual effects, after all, what girl wouldn‘t want a slightly glowing dress? After that, she put the accompanying black-corpus boots, fitted with magnets on the soles just in case. Finally she went on to the finer details, using a small device that Lotus had left there for her, coating her fingernails in what seemed to be a perfect silver nail polish, but was in reality tiny supermagnets that were just strong enough together for emergencies or something else. She smiled as she inserted the scanner chip into the silver polish on the first finger on her left hand, thinking about the real task at hand: Getting members of the board excited by her. The thought made her laugh a bit.


Mike, in the blue room, got out of his frame and undersuit in the same way as Az had done, and saw his scar-ridden body. He smiled lightly, as he recalled how he had refused to heal them himself, and didn‘t want anyone to take them from him. He then looked at the palms of his hands, watching the writhing and nearly liquid skin there, bristling with nanoids made from his strain of the technocyte. His ‘gift‘ from being born a tenno before measures were taken to prevent the technocyte from mutating from the fusion of two versions of it. He traced his right hand all across his face, the nanoids in his palm leaving it and repairing all that had to be repaired, removing the scars from his face and neck completely. He then smiled at his reflection, his skin now smooth as a baby's buttocks, his short brown hair not seeming un-corpus-ish enough that he'd have to do something about it.

He then covered his hands up with black polymer gloves that were secretely lined with alloy plates on the inside, to hide his palms and to protect others from his grip.


Then he got into his ball suit: underwear, undersuit and then the oversuit, the real ‘suit‘. It was similar to what people like Salad V and other Corpus higher-ups woud tend to wear, apart from the coloration and the lack of headgear and equipment, there were no electronics allowed at the ball after all. He then looked at his mimicking outfit in the mirror, observing the black and red patterns that swirled all over his outfit. He had never felt more ridiculous in his entire life.


The flight into corpus air-space was probably the most uneventful journey either of them had ever taken, both of them waiting as they‘d near the hidden outpost that was the center of the event. “Alright, anything about our characters we need cleared before we get there?“ Mike asked her. “Hmm... Yes. You have to remember to kiss me regularly, for the cover, mister Mikhail.“ Az said nearly emotionlessly, seeming as if she was looking at every single monitor of the ship at the same time.

“Alright... Maybe we should do that once or twice now, so we can get that part convincingly?“ Mike then suggested, a light red barely visible in his cheeks.

Az merely nodded and agreed with that. “The sooner we get in character, the better.“



There, any comments?

Edited by Pyjamalama
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While you guys work on your super confusing, mega fan-fic, I'll just finish up my story of 3 idiots + 1 Nova


And then there were two.....


Samuel, the Rookie Excalibur, and the mysterious Nova


Well, the Nova, whose name was Kiana, was nuking it up with M Prime while those 3 pillocks were screwing around, trying to see who was the biggest.......She couldn't even say the word in her head. Anyway, she was glad that 2 of them had already gotten kicked to different spacial zones. It was just the rookie Excalibur she had to worry about now, and that Loki had been terribly, terribly, terribly right.


He was a spastic psychopath


"Hey, ugly chick, yeah you, wearing the ugliest frame I've ever seen, let me get some kills. Yeah, thanks."


"You don't know what I look like underneath this frame," Kiana responded," and may I just say that with that attitude, you will die alone?"


"Uhhh......whatever bitc- never mind"


Kiana decided right then and there to  dedicate herself towards making this Excalibur pay dearly for his vulgarity. The immature %&^.




Good thing she had an ability that would serve her purposes well: Wormhole. No one could resist its pull (It's just so shiny!), and she knew the perfect way to set it up. She positioned it on a cliff edge, the exit of it, of course, pointed out over an abyss. It was at just the right angle so that if the Lotus used her powers of influence to bring the Excalibur back up, he would go through the wormhole again and again.


Samuel, upon seeing the wormhole, slash dashed over to it almost instantaneously (don't judge him, it's just so shiny!). He inspected it, then removed his Skana, his sacred blade, from its magnetic sheath and...........unceremoniously poked it into the magical doorway (Great. Glad to know the keepers of balance live up to their reputation). He withdrew his blade, examined it, confirmed it was completely unharmed, sheathed it, and promptly charged through the wormhole.


Samuel never got up.


(This Spoiler is just a mentally challenged person's extraneous attempt at making up for his suck-ish stories)

Morals of the story:

1) Don't be a jerk.

2) Shiny stuff is bad.

3) The 2 previous morals are made up. 

4) 90% of people on the internet are liars (in reference to #3).

5) I lied, it's 75-ish%.....or is it? (in reference to #4).

6) If you haven't figured this out, then this really is a moral: DONT BOTHER READING THIS.

7) If you're reading this one, you haven't learned anything. (in reference to #6).


The End!

Edited by OptimumBow0
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And now, a little from me... although it's not really in-depth or action packed, it has a little something about Mike.




Az's snub landed at the decided location, right next to two other snubs: Another regular dull-grey snub, and a third, much larger, gleaming white and blue snub that had clearly been modified with corpus tech. 'That's right, there are rumors that miss Aztrid is an ex-tenno. Of course Lotus started those just for this part, getting from the fringes of the system and into corpus airspace unnoticed.' She thought, wondering just how far Lotus had planned every detail of this mission.


She got out of the snub, walking over to the 'corpus' one and knocking on the walkway on its back, waiting until it was opened to stand face-to-face with Mike.

"Hey Az, nice to see you again." Mike said as he opened his helmet, glancing over to what appeared to be two changing rooms. "The red room is yours." He then added.

"Hi yourself, and that's good to know, I doubt that you would fit into tight dresses made for my measures." She responded, walking past him and retracting her new Gauss helmet.

Mike couldn't hide his slight blush as he walked into the blue room.


Az got out of her frame in the red room, a device in the wall taking it and storing it inside it. Then she took off her second-skin suit, feeling real air on her real skin for the first time since... well, she wasn‘t sure. She looked into the mirror on the wall opposite to the storage locker in there, tracing her fingers up and down her body. She thought about the countless battles and the wounds she had sustained over her lifetime, and smiled slightly as she thought about how she always had seemed to improve just enough for no single type of wound to become a permanent scar, ever since she had started training, when she had been only ten years old. She looked at her young face surrounded by the ocean of red that comprised her hair, losing herself in her own gaze for a few moments.

Then she got out of her thoughts and opened the storage locker, seeing two sets of clothes. ‘Right, one is for the ball and the other is in case we have to become our Corpus personas.‘ she thoughts, feeling the synthetic polymer fabrics of each set. Then she took out the ball-set one article of clothing at a time, examining them and putting them on in the right order: Underwear, undersuit(complete with hidden Kunai), the oversuit that was made to look like a dress from old earth, the latest fashion in the high spots of Corpus right now. She looked at it in the mirror and examined the black material, seeing the subtle red lines of rubedo that were embedded in the fabric for the visual effects, after all, what girl wouldn‘t want a slightly glowing dress? After that, she put the accompanying black-corpus boots, fitted with magnets on the soles just in case. Finally she went on to the finer details, using a small device that Lotus had left there for her, coating her fingernails in what seemed to be a perfect silver nail polish, but was in reality tiny supermagnets that were just strong enough together for emergencies or something else. She smiled as she inserted the scanner chip into the silver polish on the first finger on her left hand, thinking about the real task at hand: Getting members of the board excited by her. The thought made her laugh a bit.


Mike, in the blue room, got out of his frame and undersuit in the same way as Az had done, and saw his scar-ridden body. He smiled lightly, as he recalled how he had refused to heal them himself, and didn‘t want anyone to take them from him. He then looked at the palms of his hands, watching the writhing and nearly liquid skin there, bristling with nanoids made from his strain of the technocyte. His ‘gift‘ from being born a tenno before measures were taken to prevent the technocyte from mutating from the fusion of two versions of it. He traced his right hand all across his face, the nanoids in his palm leaving it and repairing all that had to be repaired, removing the scars from his face and neck completely. He then smiled at his reflection, his skin now smooth as a baby's buttocks, his short brown hair not seeming un-corpus-ish enough that he'd have to do something about it.

He then covered his hands up with black polymer gloves that were secretely lined with alloy plates on the inside, to hide his palms and to protect others from his grip.


Then he got into his ball suit: underwear, undersuit and then the oversuit, the real ‘suit‘. It was similar to what people like Salad V and other Corpus higher-ups woud tend to wear, apart from the coloration and the lack of headgear and equipment, there were no electronics allowed at the ball after all. He then looked at his mimicking outfit in the mirror, observing the black and red patterns that swirled all over his outfit. He had never felt more ridiculous in his entire life.


The flight into corpus air-space was probably the most uneventful journey either of them had ever taken, both of them waiting as they‘d near the hidden outpost that was the center of the event. “Alright, anything about our characters we need cleared before we get there?“ Mike asked her. “Hmm... Yes. You have to remember to kiss me regularly, for the cover, mister Mikhail.“ Az said nearly emotionlessly, seeming as if she was looking at every single monitor of the ship at the same time.

“Alright... Maybe we should do that once or twice now, so we can get that part convincingly?“ Mike then suggested, a light red barely visible in his cheeks.

Az merely nodded and agreed with that. “The sooner we get in character, the better.“



There, any comments?

That ending = LULZ (ouo)


Edit: What I mean to say is "Great job!"

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