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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Oh awesome! That I didn't know. Sorry ^-^;


*edit: Also, how come SHORT things I write still end up 5 pages? I mean, honestly... can't my inspiration strike me with stuff that's SHORTER sometimes? lol


at least you can write 5 pages D:< the longest post I've ever made would make up at most 2 and a half page in Open Office :(

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I guess so lol


It just means that my posts end up taking that much more time to write and edit though. I mean, I'm kinda picky (although I still end up missing a lot that could make my posts better), and editing long things takes FOREVER. I always feel bad because of that, it makes me feel like I'm making people wait on me.


With short posts you can write them and post them pretty fast, which is a good thing.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Lol well Qarin's introduction ended up two parts, each one 10-15 pages xD


The only reason I didn't write that in one sitting was because I started it too late and COULDN'T finish it without sleep lol


Anyway, post is nearly done. I will be up likely within the hour or after I eat lunch!

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Here's a little 'set-up' for Quinn.



Stephen went over to Darius, who was still watching the two sisters in an enigmatic conversation, catching each other up.






"Seeing as your Warframe was lost to Nakarn, I would like to ask if you are interested in building another."


"Definitely, do you know if you have any spare Ash components?"


"I'm afraid I can't answer that. You'll have to ask Foundrymaster Quinn, who is away at the moment."


"Ah, well if you could at least show us to where we'll be accommodated, that'd be great."


"No problem, follow me."


Stephen walked through the winding halls with Darius in tow. They were truly safe again.




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Well, here goes everything...


Nyght had expected their time to be unrelenting chaos once the alert had been raised, but this was just insanity. And it had started reasonably smooth given their task.


Both teams had dropped into the base via the ventilation shafts, as per usual. Team One had quickly then found themselves good cover, snooping away silently to begin their hunt for both the damper and the VIP, Sophia. Team Two had skirted off at an angle, heading towards the Generator complex, as well as checking for the Psy Damper.


He’d led his abnormal 6 Tenno cell through passages that seemed less used, shadier or run down, having Aktos, their Ash, scout slightly ahead. Somehow they’d managed to stay undetected for the majority of the route to the Generators, despite having a drunken behemoth of a Rhino in the group.




Nyght’s heart skipped a beat, and he turned to see everyone was glaring at Lycanos in either a stunned or scolding fashion.


What? Was only a small one.’ Retorted the Rhino.


Vulkana, their Valkyr, quickly cuffed him over the helm, whilst Aktos and Nyght quickly checked their surrounding areas. Thankfully, no patrols were in the area, so only the Tenno of their Team were audience to the display.


Roughly 2 halls left to reach the Generators. Between them and there though, seemed the equivalent of a private army of lancers, troopers and even a handful of heavies. A faint rumble reaches them, from a distant but huge explosion. Both of the Nyx’s seem to glow with a renewed vigour.


“I’ll take it Team one found the Damper then?” Queried Nyght.


Indeed they have, and it seems to be the only one in the area. Shall we begin? Replied Ghost, Telepathically. He was still getting used to the Psychic only way she spoke.


“Yes, lets. Right, if you and Idrhen can focus your mind control and chaos around the heavies, then-”


“Bah, enough sneaking and snooping! We fight NOW, CHARGE!” Bellowed Lycanos like a god of thunder, surging forwards into a squad of Scorches.

All the others could hear was a booming laugh, punctuated by screams of horror or mewls of pain.


After a moment to absorb what was happening, all 5 of the remaining Tenno sprang into their usual fighting roles. Vulkana had rushed to join Lycanos in his frenzy of mauling Lancers and troopers, whilst Aktos had vanished to the shadows and flanks of the combat, picking on targets of opportunity with precise critical strikes. Both Ghost and Idrhen had darted off to opposite ends of combat, sowing the minds of the Grineer with disruption and madness. The entire hall soon seemed to be one gigantic free-for-all. And then things made a quick jolt for the worst.


Before Nyght had managed to get himself into the thick of the fighting, a large bulkhead door to their side ruptured open with a flash of brilliant plasma blue, the shockwave throwing all in the room but Lycanos to the ground. Moments later, the huge hole in the door began to spew forth bolts of streaking lasers and plasma fire, as squads of Corpus and their packs of Robotic proxies came clambering through.

Nyght began to sprint straight at the new arrivals, before soaring upwards as a firing line took aim at where he was. He landed with a roll behind the front rank, fluidly drawing MoonShard through the legs of an unfortunate Tech.

He let his momentum carry him back to his feet, over the tumbling Tech as a volley of sporadic laser bolts glanced his shields. The Blade Dancer began to practice his ancient trade, his specialty, his Art. He brought the old, gleaming Dakra over in swift, seemingly effortless strokes, each one finding its mark with either a soft suited body or a cluster of chirping machinery.  It had been a long time since Nyght had been able to truly fight with the sword, and he could swear that the blade hummed, nay, Sang, as in glided through air, metal, flesh or bone with equal ease.


Team Two had managed to prize open a path into the generator room, largely thanks to some strange occurrence with the Corpus forces, whose robotics had suddenly rebelled against their creators, without the influence of either Nyx and effectively wiping each other out. Now, they were holding the Generator complex, pinned under a hail of fire from a fresh detachment of Grineer forces.

Four of them held the main entrance, whilst Aktos and Vulkana ran between planting Remote Charges on the Cores and locking up any rear entry points to prevent them from being flanked. Nyght had made sure at least some of those doors could be reopened in a hurry, should they need a new exit.

They were not without injury either; Lycanos had managed to take several hits when his ironskin briefly ran empty, but refused to acknowledge it when Idrhen tried patch it up. One of the Nyx’s had only narrowly avoided the full blast of a Napalmer, instead receiving a patch of singed suit. He himself had managed to get thrown to the floor by the shrapnel of a Bombardier, just as his shields collapsed from the weight of lead banging on their cover. His Frame’s armour had absorbed the brunt of the impact, but even then he could feel the sharp metal shards digging at his chest, the familiar sensation of warm red oozing from the wounds.


He could only hope that things were going smoother for the other team, and that they would find their goal soon...


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