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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Let me know if you want me revise it if i didn't get some characters right.


Aktos finished planting the last explosive charge on one of the Cores in the generator room. He and Vulcana ran after the rest of the team. They found them in front of the generator that powered the ship, staring at it in what seemed like awe. It was a crude creation, as it was with all Grineer machinery. There was the sticky substance known as “Duct Tape” holding much of it together. It was also very loud, almost deafening, he had to shout to be heard. 
“How do we take it out!?”
Lycanos, a drunk Rhino whom Vulcana cuffed over the head earlier, answered him.
“We take off the tape, duh!”
Aktos thought about that plan, it made sense to do that, it WAS Grineer tech after all. He teleported to the generator and tried to pry off the tape. Unfortunately for him, the Grineer didn’t leave the generator unprotected. A Ballista trained her sights on the Ash trying to remove the tape from the generator. She whispered in the brutal language of the Grineer.
“I have you now Tenno”
She took the shot, her Vulkar kicked into her shoulder and she flew backward into the wall behind her.
Aktos heard a loud bang to his left, he snapped his head in the direction of the noise and a bullet landed square between his eyes. Or where his eyes would be if his helmet was off. He flew backward off the generator and landed about 10 feet from the rest of his team. His shields took most of the impact but his helmet had a pretty sizable dent in it.
“Really? Again? I JUST had this repaired! Damn Grineer, when i find who did it I’m gonna shove it’s gun down it’s throat. He got up and looked around, he heard a click of a magazine being reloaded and teleported toward the sound. He appeared in a puff of smoke, in the one of ledges above the generator. He switched on his night vision, he walked around the area, a shuriken at the ready, in case a Grineer decided to pop up in his face. He walked past a crate and heard hushed breathing, he turned toward the sound and saw a Ballista, her Vulkar aimed at him. She was trembling violently, afraid of the dark Tenno in front of her. The dent in his helmet was very noticeable and in her head, she congratulated herself on making a Tenno look like a fool. Her joy was cut short when a shuriken landed in her face, cutting through her helmet like butter and piercing her skull, finally settling in her brain. She slumped forward, dead.
Satisfied, Aktos teleported back to the team. One the Nyx’s Ghost, spoke first.
Took you long enough, me and my apprentice were able to play a game of Tenno vs. Grineer.”
Aktos flinched, he still wasn’t used to the fact that Ghost spoke mentally with everyone. He wondered why.
That is none of your business, now does anyone have an idea on how to destroy this generator?”
Vulcana spoke up this time.
“We could shoot it”
This time, the Nyx standing next to Ghost, Idhren, countered.
“Knowing the Grineer, it might explode if we shoot it. Almost everything involving them do.”
Lycanos spoke up.
“If we can’t shoot it, then how the hell are we going to destroy it? Do you have an idea genius?”
You will not speak to my apprentice that way.”
“You have a better idea?”
“Then shut-up”
Lycanos suddenly punched himself in the face, he fell to the floor, snoring.
Nyght, the Excalibur who had been quiet all this time, ran to Lycanos’ side. He checked his pulse.
“He’s all right but was that really necessary?”
Yes, he is drunk and is no condition to be offering decisions on matters such as this. This mission depends on our success and a drunk man’s input most likely won’t help.”
“Well does anyone have any ideas on how to destroy it?”
So the Tenno stood there. Wondering how to destroy the generator that powered the vessel.
EDIT: Suddenly the door exploded in a hail of bullets and rockets. 
"TAKE COVER!" Aktos yelled. Everyone ran behind a large metal crate. Vulcana dragging the unconscious Lycanos with them. 
In line with what bej posted about gunfire on team two's end.
Edited by DraikoHunter
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Alright, I decided to not put Aiden's fight onto this part because 


a) I'm severely exhausted. I've slept for a total of 6 hours in the past 72 hours.

b) I want to take quite a bit of time to get this fight right.


So till then, enjoy the plan for the rest of the mission.




The Nekros slowly shuffled towards the group, the large handgun still aimed at Aiden’s chest. His hand was readily placed on his Lex; if the Nekros fired again, Aiden would be ready this time.


But he didn’t.


He walked up to Aiden, looking up into the Rhino’s helmet. Behind him, he heard Kylar raise his Soma to interfere. The Nekros dropped the hand holding the gun to his side, still looking at Aiden as if he was mystified with his appearance.


“The brightest of them all.”


The Nekros’s voice was nothing but a hoarse whisper, and after uttering those strange words, collapsed right at Aiden’s feet. Acantha’s sentinel, Qarin, flew close to the still Tenno and began performing scans.


“Neural activities suggest that he is unconscious,” beeped the sentinel, to no one in particular.


Acantha walked up to Aiden, looking at the Rhino as she bent down to examine the newcomer. “Aiden, are you alright?”


He nodded. “I’m fine. Qarin’s shield protected me.”


“Technically, that is a Sanctuary, Tenno Aiden. A shield would have been one-sided, and I am far too superior for that,” chirped the sentinel as it hovered at eye level in front of Aiden.


He chuckled. “My apologies. And thank you Qarin.”


“The pleasure is mine.”


Kris nervously drummed the barrel of his rifle. “Now that we got the pleasantries out of the way, can we get a move on?”


Kylar turned around, still holding the Soma up to his chest. “I second that. The more we wait, the more danger we’re putting Sophia in!”


Aiden helped Acantha lift the unconscious Nekros off the ground, cradling him in his large arms. He is far too light for a Tenno, thought Aiden. Something’s not right here.


He looked at Acantha, who was securing her Orthos on her back.  The Nova took a quick breather; they were finally alone, with no living Grineer in sight. She wondered how long that would last.


“Acantha,” said Aiden, “what do we do with him?” he asked.


The Nova shrugged. “We take him with us, I guess. We never leave one of our own behind.”


Kylar snarled. “Damn it all! My sister is imprisoned by a crazy bast@rd and you two are trying to play hero. Leave that guy here and let’s keep going. We’ll get him on the way back.”


Acantha walked up to Kylar and placed a hand on the Excalibur’s shoulder. “What would Sophia do? Would she also leave behind one of her incapacitated comrades in an area brimming with enemy activity?”


Kylar simply turned around. “You’re just slowing us all down.”


Aiden leaned against a wall, still holding the unconscious Nekros. “That may very well be the case. But don’t let your protective instincts take hold of your sense of morality. We know that Sophia holds value to you, far more than she holds value to me. But never let your actions and thoughts overrule your sense of judgement.”


“Our brother is not in a right state. His neural activity, malnourishment, and damaged Warframe are all signs of concern. We must protect him.”


Kris sighed. “You’re right. If we leave him here, we might as well call ourselves bloodless scum.”


With a dejected grumble Kylar stalked off, checking the doors of the room for surprise ambushes.Aiden lay the unconscious Nekros on a flat section of a collapsed wall. He needed to get a scope of their current situation and adjust accordingly. He had silently taken lead of planning and coordinating between the two teams, considering that no one had spoken against him so far. Aiden decided to contact team two.


“Nyght, do you read me?”


“Loud and clear!” came the garbled reply amidst the sounds of gunfire and explosions. “Where are you all?”


“We’re almost at Sophia’s prison. We will be rescuing her soon.”


There was a pause for a few seconds, followed by Nyght screaming into the comms unit. “No offense, but you need to hurry up. We’re barely holding out. We’ve set up shop in the core room. We’re keeping them out for now,but we’re running low on ammunition and willpower. Lycanos is out cold and tensions are running high amongst the others.”


Aiden’s fists clenched. He needed to do something drastic to ensure their survival. “Nyght. I promise you, we will be there soon. Hold out for a while longer. Is Ghost available?”


Yes, I am, came the calm voice of Ghost in his mind. What do you need?


I need you to scan for Sophia. Is she safe?


One moment…Yes, she is safe. She is not in her room now, and there is something wrong with her psyche. I can’t figure it out. She should be about 700 metres to the north of where you are.


Aiden was truly amazed at the Nyx’s capacity to stay calm under duress. Such composure and simplicity were the hallmarks of a true Tenno master.


She isn’t moving right now, and appears to be safe. No hostiles in her vicinity. But….wait. There’s…a large contingent of Grineer marines headed towards Sophia’s prison as well. Kril’s with them, along with many others.


Aiden swore. From what he was told, Kril was a ruthless Grineer lieutenant responsible for the deaths of many a Tenno. Having him hunting Sophia was an added reason for them to hurry.

Thank you Ghost. Just hold out a little longer. We’ll be there soon.




Aiden turned towards the others. “Did you three ehar it as well?” Seeing them nod, Aiden continued. “We need to do something that you might call stupid, but I see no other alternative. I’ll hold Kril and his men off, while you three rescue Sophia and immediately go and help team two to extraction.”


Acantha looked at the Nekros. “What about him?”


Aiden pointed at Kylar. “Kylar has the perfect balance between offense, defense and mobility in this group. I need you to carry him while Kris and Acantha fight. I don’t mean to incapacitate your combat capabilities Kylar, but I see no other choice.”


Kylar walked up to the Nekros and unceremoniously swung him over his shoulders, extricating the shiny hand cannon from his hands. “I can still shoot with one hand.”


Acantha was concerned. “Aiden, what about you? How will you hold them all off?”


Qarin flew towards the Rhino, hovering once again, at eye level. “Might I make a suggestion, Tenno Aiden?”


“What is it Qarin?”


“Proximity scans show the Grineer team approaching us from the west. I’ve managed to bypass Grineer protocols and have acquired schematics for this station. There is one access corridor used for transporting the ore from the harvesting sector to the loading sector, which is where we are. That corridor is the only way through to the rest of the ship. You will be able to create a barricade and prevent the Grineer from advancing further into the station.”


“If that’s the case, then I’ll be able to prevent them from adding further pressure to team two as well.”


“That is correct. I would also like to point out that your chances of survival are probabilistically next to 0%.”


“Qarin!” said Acantha with an exasperated sigh, “try not to be so pessimistic!”


Aiden chuckled as he chambered a round into the Karak. The beaten up rifle seemed to be at home inside this cramped, primitive looking station. “Do not worry Acantha. It is always good to know your odds.”


“And why is that?” asked Kylar who was standing next to the door, tapping his feet impatiently.


Aiden looked back at the Excalibur and Acantha could have sworn that he was grinning inside his helmet.


“So that you can beat those odds.”


He started jogging towards the corridor Qarin had overlaid on his interface. “Go, now. Hurry up and get our people out of here.”


Kris shouted after his disappearing form. “You better join us fast!”


He heard a chuckled through his comms as the Rhino responded with a determined voice.


“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on dying today.”

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Awesome  :D love the storie’s posted here :D


Part II :O


"Your first mission Tenno. Be prepared. Docking in 5 minutes."

I still couldn’t get used to her Voice. I was very cautious when I first met her. Something just doesn’t feel right. But maybe it’s just me being scared of new thing’s. Besides, everything is very new for me. I mean I died as a broken man, woke up with a new body whit fancy machinery inside my body where my lungs should be and was taken to the “Lotus” where she gave me a “warframe”. She also called me Tenno just now. One guy in an “Excalibur” which I met in the capital city greeted me as a fellow Tenno and asked If I’m the new member they  salvaged from the Earth 55. He told me that he heard the news and told me very interesting thing’s and also that I’m now a part of the Tenno – family which are scattered around the galaxy.

"Docking completed. Move on."
I rose up from my meditational sitting stance and walked casually in the direction of the ship’s docking exit. While walking past the weapon  mounts, I took an rifle called “Soma” which I never tried before, a bag with a stack of readied Kunai’s and a Skana – a traditional sword of the tenno’s.
I walked past a mirror and saw myself in my new suit. It’s called “Excalibur” and is mainly focused on swords. It’s somehow very intriguing seeing me in this suit. Eyes not visible, cold metal surrounding my whole body.

"Tenno. Focus on the mission. You can look at yourself later in the Dojo.
Mission is simple. Exterminate all life force, get back to extraction. Good luck."

I took a deep breath and walked out the door.
I found myself in an Grineer ship which is currently headless. One team assassinated the leader before, so it’s the perfect opportunity for me to test myself.
I put my weapons on their holsters and gave my Skana a few swings. I stared walking while recalling every trainings session I had. I was prepared. I stepped through a door and saw a big room whit a circling power core in its center.

TENNO  SKUUUM! A voice shouted from my right field of view. I tightened the grip around my Skana and swung it upwards. The enemy’s sword which came down from above met my Skana. My swing had enough force to stagger the enemy. I used this chance and sliced of his head with an vertical spin to the right, quickly enough to hide behind an pillar to avoid the shower of bullet’s, fired from the Grineer crew.


"Systems locked down, you need to override the system." The Lotus voice ringed inside my head.
"All remaining crew members are located in this cell. Exterminate them. Hack the system and get to extraction."


Well that’s simple, I thought while sheathing my Skana which is still dripping with blood. I pulled out my Kunai’s and finally ran out of hiding. The Grineer were all lined up just a few meters behind where I sliced the enemy’s head. They turned at me and yelled something which I was not able to understand but it scratched on my nerves. Just as one of them tried to say something, a Kunai pierced his helmet, and stuffed his mouth shut, damaging his troat. He dropped his weapon, trying to stop the blood flooding his helmet. He let off one final cry before he sunk down to his knees and suffocated from his own blood. The other crewman now seriously in panic opened fire and started running after me. I ran into the center of the room and decided to try out this suit’s ability’s. I felt the power rushing trough me as I jumped whit all my might and started leaping into the air. It felt like everything was turned down to slow motion. I closed my eyes envision my prey and started spinning around myself while falling. I spun faster and threw my Kunai around me while spinning. It hit most of the Grineer around me, I heard how metal hit synthetic armors, muscles, bones breaking, crying shout’s in foreign languages and blood dropping on the floor.

I landed swiftly on my feet and opened my eyes. Everywhere I looked, I saw death. But it didn’t bother me. It never did. I checked my remaining Kunai’s. One left. So I put it back and pulled out the Soma. It felt quite heavy compared to its size and looks, but it felt also very comfortable.

I heard a whistling sound coming from behind me. I turned around and met face to face with an launched rocket. I wasn’t even able to say anything. I got knocked of my feet and was sent flying across the room, bumping hard against the wall and dropped down on the floor.

"Ouch…. Ouch… ugh come on, I gotta finish this." I stood back up and loosen myself, preparing for the last enemy. I saw something flying in my direction. "Damnit!--" I sweared and dodged in the right moment. The impact and the smoke of the exploded rocket narrowed my sight for a bit. As the smoke cleared, the enemy was nowhere to be seen. I looked around, my Soma readied.

I heard his weapon loading up. I decided fast. I used my last and most energy sucking ability and pierced my Skana into the ground. From my standing point, several deadly Skana’s shot out and marked the wall with slashes and destroyed nearby object’s. One however, was stuck in midair. As it dropped, it revealed the Grineer, which used his weapon as a shield while being cloaked by an unknown device. But now he’s helpless. I ran towards him, slided and cut him cleanly in a half with a spinning motion. He fell to the ground, not moving. I sighed and picked up his weapon. On the handle was engraved: OGRIS. I decided to take it with me to make it into my own weapon. I have to repair it though.

"Mission completed. Excellent work, Tenno. Head to Extraction."
I looked around for something valuable, and made my way to Extraction. Thinking about my newly assigned Dojo.... how will it be?
What I missed to see, was the black and red smoke, which enveloped something in the middle of the power core.



And with that good night :D 1:30 Pm here … 

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I am LOVING how you are all portraying Ghost :D -sohappy- Idhren has been done well, She doesn't talk much to people she doesn't trust which is basically Ghost. Everyone else has to earn her trust before she really says more than she absolutely has to.


EDIT: WOOOO 200th post :D in fact, to celebrate this fact i shall post TWO stories next :D maybe three if my brain keep running.

Edited by KittyShark
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I am LOVING how you are all portraying Ghost :D -sohappy- Idhren has been done well, She doesn't talk much to people she doesn't trust which is basically Ghost. Everyone else has to earn her trust before she really says more than she absolutely has to.


EDIT: WOOOO 200th post :D in fact, to celebrate this fact i shall post TWO stories next :D maybe three if my brain keep running.


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