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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Couple of things:

1. Waiting on whoever writes for Kylar to write. I don't feel that I know his character enough to simulate a proper response, and don't want to botch it.

2. With all the discussion on Berzerker and how he was super-OP, I'm feeling a little concerned about how powerful Sophia is. She's basically Venefica without the downsides.

Edited by fishworshipper
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^ Yeah, I was thinking the same. Hyper powerful frames without drawbacks harks back to zerker

What do you guys think? I know how Scott feels like with the nerf hammer of justice...I feel bad telling peeps to nerf their frames.

Just do it gently. "Hey, I'm starting to get concerned about how powerful your character is: he/she just took on a literal army COMPLETELY unscathed"
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Just do it gently. "Hey, I'm starting to get concerned about how powerful your character is: he/she just took on a literal army COMPLETELY unscathed"

I agree with a gentle nerf. Or at least not have it happen very often. The nerf hammer must be used by the just and fair. It's power must be controlled, lest you end up with a underpowered mess.

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Couple of things:

1. Waiting on whoever writes for Kylar to write. I don't feel that I know his character enough to simulate a proper response, and don't want to botch it.

2. With all the discussion on Berzerker and how he was super-OP, I'm feeling a little concerned about how powerful Sophia is. She's basically Venefica without the downsides.

The only downside i saw with Venefica is that she would do anything to anyone. Friend or Foe. And not give a damn about the results or consequences. She was kinda like how i wish to be. Free to do whatever the F*** i want and not care about the consequences. Minus lashing people and making them S#&$ their bodysuits.


On another note: super powerful S#&$ happens when two conflicting sides of the same person merge together into one being. Whatever super awesome S#&$ that happens, happens, then it kinda get's toned down for the rest of their fictional life....sort of. I'm hoping that this happens here.

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Dulcia's heart rate went up as her new home came into view. The dojo was beautiful, but she noticed it had strange protrusions sticking out in all directions. They looked like....Platform Weaponry? This was confusing, but she quickly put it out of her mind. She had orders to report in, and find the one called Aigloblam, Who would show her around and get things settled.

She thought he sounded like a jerk, high ranking or not. But he was a part of this Dojo, this Clan, which is all she had left. As her shuttle touched down her head filled with apprehension. She didnt like crowds, and she certainly wasn't ready to be yelled at by some stuffy instructor.

Dulcia stretched, then walked out into her new home, for better or worse.

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!WARNING! Use of mature language is in this fiction! You have been warned!



He could hear them closing in, their footfalls heard only to his trained ears over the constant staccato of gunfire. The man in the vermilion and orange Excalibur had gone in alone when he received the details from the Lotus. He probably shouldn't have, but the fact that these tainted humans called the Grineer had somehow taken one of few that made him enjoy life, made him frantic and infuriated when he should have remained calm. Just when- His thought were interrupted by the shock wave of an Ogris knocking him off his feet and out of the cargo he had been taking cover behind. The man quickly rolled back into cover that hadn't been blasted apart yet, and took a few shots with his Latron at these pieces of monstrously fused flesh and machines.


Ten fell, but several more took their places. He swore a long string of curses under his breath. "Doctrine dammit! There's no end to them! If only-" His ranting was cut short by a familiar and welcomed beep. His energy pool had enough energy to use his Warframe's Slash Dash twice before needing to recharge, that was the price of the sheer amount of speed and power it was capable of. That was well and good, but he needed more firepower than what he had, or a miracle.


Enough with the waiting then. He quickly snapped out of cover, shooting down several more Grineer before activating Slash Dash to thin the numbers, and use his Gram in close quarters. The man sliced through their front line,and put power behind the single strike he needed. The sound of shearing metal and their screams filled his ears through his Warframe's audio receptors, making him grin under his helmet. He back flipped down the stairs he had come up and into cover, while swiping a box of rifle ammo on the way, just in time to avoid most of the hail of bullets hat had come his way.


The sound of three, maybe four spooling Gorgons came to him from the doorway he needed to get through in order to make his way to his fellow Tenno. He checked his ammo reserves, fifteen rounds, too few to punch through the Heavy Gunners' armor plating, and kill them efficiently. He then took a look at how many rounds he had for his pride and joy, his heavily modified Vasto. Nine bullets left, just enough. If there were pistol rounds on the catwalk, he could probably last until the start of escorting this person back to the very small Dojo they called home.


He quickly closed the distance and sliced through most of the Heavy Gunners' plating, following it up with his Gram, and finishing them with his Vasto. Hiss, click, ping ping ping, went the sounds of his Vasto emptying its casings falling to the deck. He looked back to the catwalk, and saw a welcome sight. Ammunition for his Vasto and Latron. Maybe miracles do happen once in a while.


He briefly took the time to reload his weapons and wipe the blood off of his Orthos, while making his way to where he needed to be. Checking the nearby console, he delved through the information stored within. Yes, important Tenno cargo, he got that part. Now where was she!? There, in a container in storage on Deck Three, probably very very &!$$ed.


Scheduled to leave... three minutes from now. He quickly used her favorite word. "F***." He quickly synced the departure schedule up with the h.u.d. in his helmet. The quickest way through was... going through the floor.


"How am I supposed to do that? Blow a hole-!?" He stopped himself short. He could blow a hole in the floor! There were several Ogris' laying about. The only problem now was not killing himself.


Self detonation, of course! They were explosive for Doctrine's sake! Surely they had a timer! Grabbing all the Ogris' he could, he applied a paste so they wouldn't go anywhere if one of them blew up asynchronous from the others. Finally, he set the timer and linked it to his h.u.d.


Five seconds. He then used another of her infamous terms as he almost immediately leapt backwards several meters fueled by his shock and sudden burst of adrenaline. "F*** me!"


An explosion loud enough to wake someone in cryosleep and a fireball large enough to consume an infamous and bulbous Grineer Dropship blew open the floor leading to Deck Three. He quickly made his way to the hole and looked down. Several Grinner were killed just from the shock wave. He sure was glad that he had shields to save his &#!. It was far too late to say that she had rubbed off on him.


He leapt down the hole, gunning down the few shocked Grineer that were left. It didn't take much searching to find the container he was looking for. The container had massive dents and snarls and curses were coming from within. There was no door to the container. Well, the door that was supposed to work as one had been welded shut for safety reasons.


"What the F*** was that noise!? Oh, you better pray to whatever god you have that you didn't blast me out of the airlock or so help me, I'll rip you fucks in half with my hands when I get out!"


He felt relief wash over him, or maybe that was the aftereffects of the adrenaline. He took hold of the side of the container and pulled, ripping it open to get her out. She immediately pounced on him, pinning him to the ground as soon as a decent hole had been rent.


"Who the F*** are you!?", the onyx and cyan veneered Valkyr roared at him. Her eyes probably hadn't adjusted yet. He simply smiled under his helmet and laughed. "Who else would save your sorry &#!, Viviane?"


Viviane responded with incredulity in her voice. "Artorias?" She quickly peeled herself off of him and offered her hand to help him up. Taking it, he pulls himself to his feet. "Yeah, now lets get the F*** out of here." Vivane responded by smacking him up the side of his head and reprimanding him thusly. "Who the F*** taught you how to use that a word like that, let alone think you can take the lead with me around, #@*&$@?"


Artorias could only shake has head at that and reply that she had been the one to teach him her colorful language, and was the only one among the clan besides her that did. "That aside, we should really get the hell out of here. Come on, you're lagging behind."


They quickly made their way back to the shuttle Artorias had "commandeered" from their resident Banshee user, Sylpheed. With a few Grineer to take their frustrations out on as a bonus. She was bound to be mad, but he didn't care. Not yet anyway. When they were safely on their way back to the dojo, the pair removed the helmets to their Warframes.


Viviane's long golden hair cascaded from her helmet, matching the color of her eyes that burned with life itself, and lending themselves well to her fair skin. Artorias removed his helmet, letting loose his white locks. This paired well with his pale skin and nebula blue eyes. They both idly wondered how the other didn't have armies of the other sex following each other. Then Viviane suddenly burst out laughing.


"What's so funny? Is there a Grineer on a space butterfly out there or something?"

"No! Hahaha! It- its your hair! Hahahaha!!! F***, I can't stop laughing"

"What do you mean my-" Artorias stopped as he held a hand to his hair. It spiked and layered. "Probably from the blast."

"Wait, I thought some fuckin' dumbS#&$ dropped a crate full of Detonite or something. That hole was you!?"

"Yeah, shortest way was down, so I put a bunch of Ogris' on a timed self destruct. Had barely enough time to react, it would have killed me if my shields hadn't held."

"Damn, you're crazier than me sometimes. Have to step up my game. 'Sides, I kinda like it."

"Which one? The sheer stupidity of such an act or my hair?"

"Both, actually."

"I thought you only liked hitting things and blowing up things."

"Then you have yet to scratch the surface."

"I'll find out eventually you know."

"Maybe. We'll see."



It was going to be a long way back, so they decided to both catch some sleep before having to endure the tempestuous rage of Sylpheed at having her craft taken "for the good of the clan".

In a voice, barely heard above the gentle humming of the engines and hyperdrive, Viviane muttered to herself.

"Stupid fuckin' idiot. Hope he gets the message. Its fuckin' awful manners, fuckin' makin' a girl wait like this. He doesn't even know it yet... fuckin' idiot."

Edited by FellArtorias
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Also, I noticed he had a Gram one second and an Orthos the next. I might accept that kind of dual wielding from a Rhino, but I think that would be a bit too cumbersome for a mobile Excalibur.

I noticed that too. It would be kinda impossible for him to wield. Considering Gram is a heavy broadsword, and Orthos is a heavy and lengthy polearm. That would restrict his movement greatly. 

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But at the same time....it will be extremely ineffective. A lot of energy and focus goes into managing the weapons while moving and so does a lot of strength. The hits will not have enough power to do significant damage if compared to each being wielded individually.

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Super Death Poke only works in anime. I enjoyed the story, but to be honest, thee was a bit too much language in it for me.


On a side note, the Valkyr in this thread certainly are extremely violent psychopaths, one way or another. XD

Except mine. She keeps herself in check.

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Super Death Poke only works in anime. I enjoyed the story, but to be honest, thee was a bit too much language in it for me.


On a side note, the Valkyr in this thread certainly are extremely violent psychopaths, one way or another. XD

Not being mean, but I've always wondered why people can't handle indecent language. I'm surrounded by it everyday and so is my mom. Yet she has an issue with it, while I'm indifferent to it. No matter the amount. Even my aunt and grandma can't handle to much of it. They curse on a regular basis -_-

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Not being mean, but I've always wondered why people can't handle indecent language. I'm surrounded by it everyday and so is my mom. Yet she has an issue with it, while I'm indifferent to it. No matter the amount. Even my aunt and grandma can't handle to much of it. They curse on a regular basis -_-

I have never understood that either. I think its because we are conditioned at an early age to think its such a horrible thing...When its just words. I also hate it when parents will let their kid say "Oh Crap!"....because thats no different, they are just substituting one word for another, with the same meaning. If you won't let your child use explitives, don't let them use any at all. My mother throws an absolute fit if i use the F-Word....even though im 31 years old and happen to be more mature and responsible than her. I have a problem when someone uses them in place of more accurate words...but thats really it. Words are just Words....If their meaning doesnt offend you, then the words themselves shouldnt.

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I don't mind swearing. I swear like a sailor myself, but I tend to like people who swear with class. Dropping the F-bomb without any particular reason isn't exactly an enjoyable experience to read. Artorias's post had far too many of said F-bombs. So much so that they ended up detracting from the experience.

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Oh Aiglo, you old coot.

Edit: I completely agree with everything you said. I just called you old because you're 31. Hue.


I prefer "Codger". Coot sounds too ...upbeat. Im a Cynical old Codger ;)

Aiglo... you're nearly twice my age.... damn, you're too old for this S#&$.

It feels awkward sometimes....because other than the aches and pains of having living a very rough life (partly due to there being nothing non-dangerous to do in northern Arkansas while i was growing up) i dont feel old. I feel more at home with Teenagers than some of their parents who are my age. Some people just didn't realize that you dont have to be boring to grow up. :)

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