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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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I don't mind swearing. I swear like a sailor myself, but I tend to like people who swear with class. Dropping the F-bomb without any particular reason isn't exactly an enjoyable experience to read. Artorias's post had far too many of said F-bombs. So much so that they ended up detracting from the experience.

Yeah, thats my only complaint. It was said often enough that it sounded forced. If it were on screen in a movie or something, it would probably be ok, but with no changes in inflection, its a word thats repeated too often. But really its no big deal.

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I feel like I'm 5 years old. Everyone is in their 30s and  I'm still in middle school. :/

As far as i know, Im the oldest on the whole thread. (could be wrong....bad memory, More aging problems lol)

But what does it matter? We fully accept you as an equal, so age doesnt matter here in the slightest.

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Yup, I'm pretty young as well compared to some of our others haha. But hey, you're mature enough I could've mistook you for an adult! (Parental rants aside lol) Like beju said, as long as you're not a snot! :D

Aj, even listening to you, You sound like you're at least in your mid 20s, maybe more. You could get away with telling everyone you are anywhere from 20-40. Absolutely nothing you say gives your real age away lol

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I really am not offended by the language, but it gets to a point when it feels unnecessary. Anyway, I was in the mood, so here's the next part. :)


  The trio of Tenno strode forwards to the clan hall, where they knew their remaining brothers and sisters would be holding out. Any Grineer along the way were quickly dispatched, usually by Morlan, his calm composure he’d had all his life cracking every time another Grineer fell.


  All three suddenly scattered quickly and silently behind some still standing pillars. Their weapons, loaded. Their breathing became silent and slow. The hunt was on. They let go of their title of Hunter and became animals unloading lead, anger, and death upon the Grineer battalion. Morlan’s Vipers quickly ran out, and he used his Hate, increasing the death toll.


  Silence. Adrazi dropped her Vectis, and Jeny dropped her Strun Wraith, both deprived of ammo. The unnatural silence continued in Morlan’s head as he ran recklessly towards the door. He swung his Hate and tore through the door just in time to see the clan leader, bleeding at the joints and held down by Grineer, have his head get taken off by the Grineer commander’s Amphis. “A trap….”  he realized, before all went red.


  Adrazi entered the hall a few seconds after Morlan, with Jeny tailing her. She pieced together what had just happened and realized they had to fight, now that Morlan had initiated. She held her Kama in her left hand while firing her Lex with her right. Jeny took out her pistols only to find that they had jammed. “Adrazi, keep me safe.” Adrazi was confused at that statement, “Alright….?”


  The next moment Adrazi saw Jeny’s Galatine flying through the air, “Did she get hit??”  She turned around to see Jeny, with her arms stretched in front of her, controlling the massive blade with the power of magnetism. Adrazi smiled as she resumed her defense of the clever Mag. “As long as I can keep her safe, we can survive this. With Morlan as he is now, no one will be able to hit him.”  Then the Bombards stepped out of the shadows, homing rockets firing. Morlan dodged two, but the third slammed into his leg,  knocking him to the floor and jarring him from his state of rage . “Tch! It’s broken. I don’t want to die like this.” Adrazi flew from the air and landed in the midst of the approaching Grineer, and unleashed her sound, the intense vibrations literally loosening the Grineer’s cells, melting them.


  *Chunk* The sound was followed by an explosion. A Napalm had pulled of a shot before falling to Jeny’s blade. The explosive shell hit the immobile Mag in the torso, tearing through it, the blast shattering her dented helmet. Her blade fell from the air, not to be lifted by her again. Adrazi launched waves of sonic energy, trying to let her and her friends escape, but another rocket exploded between her  and Morlan, sending them flying.


  Adrazi heard more Grineer coming. “Morlan! We have to go!” Morlan had raised himself on one leg, “NO!! We have to say Jeny!! His tears matched the ones he saw on Jeny’s face, and the hidden ones, behind Adrazi’s mask. Adrazi was surrounded by Grineer, not close enough to Morlan for him to help. “Morlan, one of us has of report this. One of us has to escape! GO!!” He whispered into his comm, “Adrazi, live.” He smoked and teleported away, and began to crawl, invisible to where their snub was docked.


  Jeny lay there, dying. She could feel the air on her exposed skin, she could hear the shouts in the Grineer language, their guns firing. She could feel the floor reverberate as Adrazi made her escape, towards where she thought the snubs would be. “I can still help…” She thought as her sight faded, her hearing becoming muted. But her sixth sense grew stronger. She could feel all the metal around her, the walls and floors of the dojo, the Grineer armor, the shrapnel, and the Orokin metal of her friends Warframes as the escaped. Adrazi was scared she couldn’t find her way out. Then she saw metal pieces forming an arrow. She realized the creator of this gift, “Thank you, Jeny… Thank you”. She ran, towards her salvation, but away from her savior.


  Morlan had given up. His fractured, burned leg and his grief left him unable to move, despite their, no, his snub in sight. He saw Jeny’s face and realized he was floating. The door to the snub opened and he was put onto the floor of the snub. He looked up to see Jeny’s Carrier, Peek. hovering, concerned. It occurred to him that Shimzee had stayed behind, protecting Jeny. “I guess I’ll be taking care of you now, Peek. I’m sorry. Let’s get out for here.” It’s not your fault, Morlan. Rest, I’ll pilot the ship. “Thanks, little guy.” Morlan closed his and slept after bracing his leg. Adrazi lept into the snub and launched, damaging the landing gear as she escaped.


  Jeny slowly bled out, but smiled as she felt her friends, her family, her loved ones leave. They  went in opposite directions, but they would meet up again, she knew that much. She had one last task to perform, her final duty as a Tenno. She summoned her strength, and shook the station, from top to bottom, rending walls and ceilings. She found the reactors and pulled. Her nose, ears, and her unique eyes bled, the exertion stressing her down to the molecular. She was close, just one more pull.  The dojo was weakened structurally from her efforts, and the subsequent damage to the reactors caused it to explode, annihilating almost the entire Grineer task force, the few surviving ships quickly falling back.


Jeny saw through the blackness and saw her love, reaching down to her, smiling with his signature grin, “I love you…” she whispered into the world, before falling into the endless black.

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Pretty much that. Writing does that to a person. The first challenge would be getting ideas, that are cohesive and not just flashes of epic moments.

Second would be drafting it onto paper.

Third would be proofreading and optimizing.


I personally just skip step 3. Step 2 seems to be just perfect for me :P



Also...I had some family friends over yesterday. They had no idea who I was or how old I was. I decided to perform a test. The result: I'm in my 30's.

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Pretty much that. Writing does that to a person. The first challenge would be getting ideas, that are cohesive and not just flashes of epic moments.

Second would be drafting it onto paper.

Third would be proofreading and optimizing.


I personally just skip step 3. Step 2 seems to be just perfect for me :P



Also...I had some family friends over yesterday. They had no idea who I was or how old I was. I decided to perform a test. The result: I'm in my 30's.

Better than being 22 and looking younger than 18. I can't even go to the pharmacy to buy medicine without getting my license getting run at least 3 times lol

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Pretty much that. Writing does that to a person. The first challenge would be getting ideas, that are cohesive and not just flashes of epic moments.

Second would be drafting it onto paper.

Third would be proofreading and optimizing.


I personally just skip step 3. Step 2 seems to be just perfect for me :P



Also...I had some family friends over yesterday. They had no idea who I was or how old I was. I decided to perform a test. The result: I'm in my 30's.

For me its strange...I will just start writing. No plan, that just mucks things up. I start writing and then the story just....happens. When actual Characters get involved it gets worse, because i have absolutely no control over them. They just do what they want and all i can do is hope to record what they do in an entertaining way. It honestly feels really awkward at times, because i want something specific to happen and the story just tells me "No", and thats that, it never happens.

I'd guess you younger than that...about 23 or so.

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Better than being 22 and looking younger than 18. I can't even go to the pharmacy to buy medicine without getting my license getting run at least 3 times lol

When i do something more than just shave, like when i trim my beard down to just lines over my jawline, I go back to looking 16 or 17 again. But im too lazy to do that usually... just normal shaving is plenty for me.

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Better than being 22 and looking younger than 18. I can't even go to the pharmacy to buy medicine without getting my license getting run at least 3 times lol


I am 20, if I shave or do anything to my facial hair, I still look 20. my voice sounds like the voice of a 20 year old. I look in synch with my actual age.

Edited by FatViking
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I've been told that i speak better than most adults people know. Some of my friends are surprised how i can go from slang to "proper speech" the second an adult starts talking to me. They comment on my vocabulary. Sometimes I forget that i'm talking to my friends and they stare at me like i'm an alien if i start using big words. My voice betrays my age, i have a small mustache with betrays my age, and my parents tell me that my intelligence betrays my age. Apparently, a lot of things about me betray my age.  

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Haha, Draiko. 6ft isn't too impressive. A friend of mine is 6 ft 7. That is worthy of e JESUS CHRIST MAN!


I'm about 6 feet tall, but that was before I started working on my thorasic kyphosis. I might be an inch or two taller now. Makes me the top 0.2% of the Indian population XD

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Projectile? I would just call him "stick". Or "twig". Or "beanpole" :P.


Also, how are you built?

I'm built like a very tall Dwarf....

5'7", 165lbs. 50 inch chest, 28 inch waist.

Needless to say all of my pants are pretty old....Finding 28/30s is rather difficult here.

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Haha, Draiko. 6ft isn't too impressive. A friend of mine is 6 ft 7. That is worthy of e JESUS CHRIST MAN!


I'm about 6 feet tall, but that was before I started working on my thorasic kyphosis. I might be an inch or two taller now. Makes me the top 0.2% of the Indian population XD

0.2% is still several milion more than i see in ...months really. Its boring as all hell here....99% White, MAYBE see a mexican every once in a while. Its annoying, and i find it unsettling.

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