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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Here it is. I need you to let me know if I need to do grammar edits, since I pretty much decided to post it as a rough draft :P


Hope you like it!


Fear Me

Fear Me


Live for me…


Aiden’s eyes snapped open as a new feeling took control of his senses. An overwhelming urge to survive, to uphold his promise made him roll to the side. Kril’s hammer slammed into the mining machine, barely missing him. The force of the impact ruptured the shoddily built machine’s fuel tank, and the inky darkness of the tunnel was destroyed by a massive explosion.


Aiden felt the force of the explosion throw him away. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Kril fly backwards into a supporting beam, his hammer landing several feet away. Aiden grimaced as he landed on his broken arm, rolling to reduce the force of the impact. None of the Grineer were firing at him for some strange reason.


Slowly, he got up, bracing his weight on his legs. His back was burning from shrapnel that had penetrated his Warframe, and his vision was returning to one eye. The Grineer who were covering Kril were blinded from the explosion, and the lieutenant was lying hunched against a wall. Part of the tunnel had collapsed from the destruction of the support beam, shrouding most of the tunnel in dust, and Aiden used the few moments spared from the chaos to reorganize his thoughts.


Live for me…


The memory had haunted him for years, and it had returned when he was about to die. It was as if the fates wanted to remind him of his promise to Cathy. His body was in pure agony from the harsh beating it had gone through, but his sheer will to survive numbed it significantly. He slowly limped towards the two halves of his sword, scattered from the blast.


He winced as he bent down to pick up Harbinger’s pieces. The giant sword had split around the middle, leaving two deadly sharp three foot blades. He held both halves of his beloved sword in a reverse grip. It was destroyed, but the halves would serve him well nonetheless. He looked at the two dozen or so Grineer slowly getting up, trying to find Aiden in between all the dust.


Aiden felt rage build up inside him. Damien…he saw the man’s face on all the Grineer, and the thought alone fueled his bloodlust. He readied himself for a blitz, concentrating his replenishing energy reserves towards his legs. He did not have enough for an Iron Skin, but he would not stop. He would keep his promise.


For her.


With a feral snarl, he charged forward, rocketing towards the Grineer soldiers, who panicked as they saw a giant form fly towards them from amidst the swirling dust. Aiden clenched his fists in anger, letting the feeling eradicate all his agony, letting adrenaline fuel his senses. A massive fist collided against a large Grineer, and the force of the impact caved the soldier’s chest cavity in. Aiden quickly held onto the body in front of him, rapidly turning to use it as a shield against the incoming bullets. The body shook as a barrage of lead slammed against it, futilely trying to reach him.


He found his next target and charged towards it, holding the rapidly deteriorating shield in front of him. He threw the corpse with all his might as he came within melee distance. The Grineer soldier was fast enough to duck beneath the flying body, but he was not ready for the two sword halves to penetrate his neck. The Grineer gurgled futilely as Aiden spun, decapitating the soldier. He was moving subconsciously, with the primary intent to kill, to maim. To live.


He snarled as he darted towards the next Grineer, zigzagging as he rapidly built momentum. The soldier firing at him balked as he saw the giant form running towards him with inhuman speed, his bullets bouncing off the armoured form. He had resigned his fate when Aiden swung his whole body, ripping him in half from the combined swing of the sword halves.


He darted in between the Grineer soldiers, dancing through the bodies, stopping at nothing. The Grineer fell fast, not standing a chance against the unstoppable force that was Aiden. The halves of Harbinger tore yet another soldier in half as Aiden saw Kril get up slowly. He was next. He ducked under a rocket fired at him by a large red Grineer, and through instinct, threw one of the halves at the soldier. The jagged shard lanced through the Grineer chest, pinning the astounded soldier to the wall of the tunnel. His agony was ended moments later when a massive fist impacted against his armoured skull, pulverizing it immediately.


Aiden heard the sickening sound the soldier died, and he turned around pulling the half from the dead man’s body. He charged towards the last two Grineer as the body crumpled to the ground, bobbing and weaving as he dodged the barrage of bullets fired at him. He bellowed as he swung both his arms, both blades deflecting bullets as he crouched down for the killing blow. With a massive burst of speed Aiden slammed his shoulders into the Grineer soldiers, throwing them against the wall. One of them died instantly, his neck snapping from the force of Aiden’s blow. The second died as Aiden slashed his neck open with his swords.

All of them were dead, except Kril. He turned around to narrowly avoid being crushed as the giant hammer pulverized the body. Aiden backpedalled to create as much space as he could between him and his target.


The lieutenant seemed unfazed by the effect his hammer had on the body of the soldier, looking at Aiden with all his anger. The Tenno had somehow managed to fight back despite being disabled. Kril cursed the Tenno for their unpredictability. The explosion had blinded him for a few minutes and his cybernetics had managed to keep him relatively unharmed. Now this Tenno would face his wrath. He would crush the man with his hammer and show him the power of the Grineer.


But something was different. Previously, the Tenno fought conservatively, preferring to dodge and avoid conflict as much as possible. But now he stood in front of Kril in his heavily damaged armour, both blades crossed in fron of him. His posture showed defiance, a trait Kril admired in the Tenno. He simply did not know when to quit. Nevertheless, this fight was now over.


With a furious shout, Kril slammed him hammer on the ground, smirking inwardly as the wave of fire blazed towards the Tenno. Aiden was ready, and the moment the hammer had impacted against the ground, he ran around Kril, keeping a circular path. Kril’s ranged attacks were generally straight lines, and he was free to attack from any angle he desired. Aiden swung his blades at the lieutenant, but backed off as they clanged against the shaft of Kril’s hammer. He immediately moved to another area, hoping to whittle down his defenses from a series of blitz attacks.


Kril snarled as he tried to pin down the Tenno, but to no avail. From his experience he knew that Warframes like the Tenno’s should move that fast. The slow, lumbering scum were relegated to absorbing a lot of lead, and doing nothing more. But the thing he was fighting was something else. Its movements were fast, vicious; its movements were primal, almost savage.


Kril raised his hammer yet again as the Tenno charged in for another attack. The hits were fast and extremely powerful. His arms jarred as the Tenno’s blades crashed against his hammer. He moved backwards to ready himself for another attack, but he tripped on a rock and landed on his backside, panic gripping his insides. Seeing the opportunity, Aiden darted in for the final blow. But he was blinded as Kril exploded into flames, the shockwave stopping him dead in his tracks. He squinted as he saw the Grineer get up in a halo of fire, laughing maniacally. The laugh reminded him of the memory…Damien had sounded just like that. He shook as pure, blind rage set in. Kril roared and charged at him with reckless abandon.


Aiden’s body ached in pure agony. Given the chance, he would have collapsed immediately. But he wouldn’t. Narrowing his thoughts on the charging Grineer, Aiden snarled and charged, eager to destroy the lieutenant. He dodge a powerful swing and responded in kind, rapidly slashing at Kril’s legs. The Grineer sideswiped the attack and responded with another swing of the hammer. Aiden grimaced as the rapid change of direction made him dizzy. Kril’s swings were much faster, fueled now by his anger. Previously, the man was overconfident, but now that he had met a worthy adversary, resorted to letting his anger take control. Aiden danced around the Grineer, throwing in a few quick slashes as Kril swung his hammer at him blindly.


The hammer nicked his back as Aiden rolled underneath a particularly powerful backhanded swing. He roared as searing pain erupted across his back. He dodged yet another powerful swing and proceeded to make some distance between them. A part of his helmet’s armour plating fell off, the cool air of the tunnel hitting part of his face. He looked down at his destroyed Warframe. He needed to end this fast.


Kril saw the Tenno’s eye from amidst the broken helmet and there was something about those eyes that made the heat from his flames seem trivial, almost nonexistent. Defiant, filled with anger, Kril knew the outcome of the battle. The Tenno would not be stopped, even by death itself.


Aiden roared, a deafening sound filled with pure anger, and charged at Kril. The Grineer swung at him but he was too fast. He crouched, forcing the last dregs of his energy to his legs and arms. Rocketing upwards, his fists collided with Kril’s armoured helmet. Kril was thrown backwards, losing his grip on the hammer. Aiden landed another punch on the falling Grineer, his armoured fist thudding against the cybernetic-enhanced torso of the lieutenant. Shocking pain gripped Kril’s senses as his head reeled from the impact. When he regained his sight, he saw the Tenno charge towards him, the giant hammer held firmly in his hands. Before he could move out of the way, Aiden swung the hammer with all his might.


Ungodly pain erupted from Kril’s chest as the hammer slammed into him, crushing all his implants as it threw him against the tunnel wall. He lay hunched against the wall, completely unable to move. Kril had never felt this much pain in his life. Most of it was spent destroying those who disobeyed him, but a new feeling took place in his heart. Something which he had never felt for most of his life. He knew that he would be made again, he was immortal in that aspect, but he was nonetheless overwhelmed by this new motion.




Aiden swung the hammer over his head, crushing the Grineer’s legs with the impact. He heard the lieutenant roar in agony, and Aiden quickly climbed on top of his immobilized body, dropping the giant hammer as he did.


He channeled his anger into his punches as his fists collided repeatedly against Kril’s armoured helmet. He saw Damien’s face, and even if he was delirious from the blood loss, refused to stop. Kril’s armoured helmet was soon pulverized as he silently submiited himself to the Tenno’s overwhelming rage. He knew that he was going to die, and that left a sickening feeling in his stomach. At the very least, he had lost to an honourable warrior. Aiden stopped as a chunk of the Grineer’s armoured helmet fell off, revealing a bloodied eye staring back at him.


Green eyes stared back at red, as Kril whispered a question.


“What are you?”


Aiden looked deep into Kril’s eyes as he unholstered his Lex. He held it pointed at the exposed flesh beneath the eye, staring coldly into the Grineer’s eyes.


“My name is Aiden. Fear me.”


The tunnel echoed with the sound of the pistol going off, the sound soon drowned out by the inky darkness.


Edited by bejuizb
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Quick update from me.


I am currently running on low inspiration, no throwing some at me, but im slowly getting everything in place.


Second, Eden, sorry for the long wait, ill try and get at least a part of the AI talking up. 

No problem, I'll work on backstory while I wait.

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*whistles* very nice, bej. There are some gramatical and spelling issues (toward the beginning, kri should be kril, etc), but they are very minor. I enjoyed it a lot.

Edit; also, very nice new avatar

Edited by Entari0
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*whistles* very nice, bej. There are some gramatical and spelling issues (toward the beginning, kri should be kril, etc), but they are very minor. I enjoyed it a lot.

Edit; also, very nice new avatar

Thanks! I fixed the Kri error.

And yeah, the new Avatar is suweet :p



Bej... Wow, just wow.

Thanks man!

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Dat story be awesome bej



Bej, once again you have turned into Awesome McEpicton!

Mr. Awesome McEpicton is happy at your compliments!


Aaaaaand Goliath did not appear! You sir, raised my hopes and dashed them expertly!

Couldn't make it work man. Sorry.

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Wrath, you gave him NOTHING to work with aside from a physical description of the character. How is he supposed to write about a character that no one but you knows anything about, and that you won't share info on?

Well, I didn't plan for Goliath to be a character! Also, I sent him a few Pm's on Goliath, and he never responded.

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Well, I didn't plan for Goliath to be a character! Also, I sent him a few Pm's on Goliath, and he never responded.

*didnt' plan for Goliath to be a character. Wants him part of a large collaboration story and wrote him in as a servant for a canon-breaking character*


Anyone see the logic in this? I sure don't.

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