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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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!WARNING! Kind of long, and sort of descriptive in its killing. 

No swearing, as this is the past Artorias



   The lights of the streets that made up the Red Light District below looked as if they were pulsating tonight. A sign of things to come. I looked down from atop the high rise kilometers above. Then I looked towards the pilot who had dropped me off in the Helios. She flinched.

   I didn't care. If I had room to care, I wouldn't have been doing this job. 'For the Glory of the Tenno', they called it. Such a despicable lie. They would get theirs soon enough though.

   I looked back down, letting my thoughts swirl around. Everyone would know. Occasionally killing the weak to keep those in power strong is commonplace among most, if not all societies. Actively seeking their deaths because they breathed the same air as you? What arrogance.

Did they believe themselves GODS? Free from any and all rebuke?

   Chances are that they did, but even the dead know that Gods aren't untouchable. The pilot spoke to me, fear lacing the very core of her words. "Um... Sir? I was told to drop you off here, but you don't seem to have a parachute or Plastirope." I liked her voice for some reason... It soothed me and suited her build quite- No.

   If I have time to 'like' her, I have time to get to work. Anxiety and concern crept into her voice as she spoke yet again. "Sir?" Concern. For what? What I was going to do?

   Or perhaps concern for my well being, despite her fear of me? ...A first indeed. "Sir?" She was getting more worried as I continued to look at the Red Light District. I decided to answer. "I don't need either of those."


"If you're curious..." There. An abandoned apartment room that hadn't been used. No one was watching it. If I was lucky, I would be able to use it in my escape, as a shortcut back to the Helios, it just depended on one thing. I looked down at my forearm to watch the holographic display materialize and keyed in a few sequences.

   It was nearly time to make the drop. I looked up and closed my eyes. I stepped closer to the edge of the building, the front of my armored boots just over the edge. Perfect for what was needed. There was always something that made me feel so... free, when I did this.

"You'll keep looking at that building I'm marking on your H.U.D in your visor... And you'll wait for my signal." Seconds later, I could hear the familiar sound of a destination marker being added to the woman's visor.

"What the-!"

   The Platevisor, already in place, further set itself to my helmet, making a refuge for my breath during the drop, and marking me among the Tenno. Someone who had no name. Some nameless kid who was found among the wreckage of war and murdered bodies. Someone who was known only to the higher class by the name of his Warframe. In the few seconds that it took for the visor to set, and the young woman to be distracted, I fell not by accident, but of my own volition.

  Straight as a rod, angled towards my intended target. ...Yet relaxed. As if floating down from the sky, instead of rocketing towards the ground. This feeling would always accompany this action.

   Our name was Michael. Named after the Archangel who hunted down 'heathens' and slew Satan, or so it was told in an old Human religion. ...Funny how these things worked out. I could briefly hear the woman's voice calling out. I linked the camera on the Helios to my feed to see if she had been stupid and graceless enough to fall over the edge.

   She had flung her helmet off in panic. She was the most remarkable woman I had ever laid eyes on. She was standing near the edge, a shocked expression on her features. She might have been surprised, but that didn't take away the beauty that the three moons painted her in. Such stunning raven hair and golden eyes...

   I can feel the ground suddenly getting closer now. I switch off the display, now focused on my mission. Using my momentum, I grabbed the slender girder that was jutting out of the building that was badly in need of repairs, spinning around for a few seconds before slowly tightening my grip to make as little sound as possible. A few seconds later, and I would have missed it, suddenly building up my speed as I broke the sound barrier, and rocketing into the ground with the force comparative to a thirty-three tonne bomb. And inflicting severe civilian casualties.

   The target would have died as well, but that wasn't my modus operandi. Not that they would care... much. Silently, I distributed my weight among the shoddy tiles. A cat would have made more noise. I then kneel, and take my trusted rifle from my back and into my hands.

   The only, and most likely last of its kind that the Humans had made in response to the Tenno's superior armor and shields. It only had one round, or explosive rod in this weapon's case, to fire from its chamber. It was seventeenth century Human in appearance, and looked as if it would only cause mild stinging if shot, if it even hit or fired correctly to start with. Yet it could shake an entire Technocyte Bunker to its foundations and bring down the infamously heavily armored and shielded Kodiak bomber craft. The Humans called it the Lance of Longinus.

  I can see where I have to aim. 400 meters away, my display told me. Well within the Lance's reach. The target passes by the window on the third floor. A party, probably intoxicated, can't even feel my killing intent.

Not yet anyway.

   That's what high-class merchants were like, those avaricious serpents. The target makes to pass for the window again, and stops, her face in profile. Then she sees me. Far too late. I pull the trigger and a fluid motion, simultaneously run towards the building.

   The explosive force from the Lance crumbles the building I was in moments ago as if made of rice paper. I tense my leg muscles, readying myself for the jump. Leaping through the window whilst spinning sideways, sending shards of glass everywhere, I use the momentum to unsheathe my sword and swing at the same time. The sword glides through three of the guests' midsections, killing them and sending blood in a graceful arc. I pivot and use the kinetic energy to add force to my downwards strike, cleaving my next victim vertically in half.

   By now, there's only one left. I pounce on my target before she has the chance to scream, and wrap my hand around her throat, shutting off access to precious oxygen, cutting into the tender flesh with the talons on my gauntlet. I tear out the woman's trachea, silencing her before it even began. ...It was three-and-a-quarter seconds that this happened in, my timer told me. Slow. By now, I could hear the sirens of law enforcers rushing to the scene.

   I rush back to the ruins I used for all of five seconds, and saw what I needed amid the overgrowth of the backyard. A Plastitrine. Good thing that things made of the stuff hold up for centuries. I'd need that resilience. Propping it up against a building that wasn't destroyed, I plant my feet against the mesh, and dug my taloned gauntlets into the building that was most likely going to need repairs after what I was about to do.

   I propelled myself off of the Plastitrine, towards the high rise building. I established a com-link between me and the pilot. "Are you still there?"

Silence. Guess no-


...She didn't leave. Perhaps... I could learn to change. Change is good. In moderation. My Platevisor parts from my face.

   I like that feeling. I feel... free again.

"...Look to the stars, girl."

And there I was. I had just cleared the top of the building. She could see my face, which I had revealed to no one until now. My blue eyes looked into her gold ones, her long raven hair, flying in the wind. It must surely have been terrifying.

   I landed, my armored boots making no noise.

"...Amazing. Horrible... Yet so amazing."

"What is your name, girl?"

"...Morrighan. And yours?"

"I have no name."

"They have to address you as something."

"Michael. The Hunter."

"That's not your name."

"Isn't it?"

"That's the name they gave to your Warframe."

"Then what is my name?"

Silence. Perhaps I had pushed too-

"How about... Artorias?"

Silence. Morrighan broke it.

"You don-"

"I like it. It sounds... more unique and comforting than 'Michael'."

"Then its settled! Your new name is Artorias!"

How could she be happy, since she knew what I was? I got into the Helios and waited.

"Where to, Artorias?"

I had nearly opened my mouth to say 'Back to the ruins we rendezvoused at', when she spoke.

"If you have no place to stay... You can stay with me, I guess."

"Even knowing I'm a murderer?"


...This was turning out to be an interesting first... relationship.

Edited by FellArtorias
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Ooooo interesting story.

Thank you very much. It makes me happy to see you happy that you're happy. I had a relatively good day today. :3 Now I get to sleep for five hours, and then wake up to drive for an hour in traffic, to go get my Endocrine stuff done. But not before waiting for forty-five minutes before they entertain the thought of seeing me. Then drive back in what I assume will be more traffic. D:

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I was bored, so bored, so I wrote stuff

One would say that being a Corpus executive would be fun. The chance of becoming practically immortal through the most advanced medical technology available, hundreds of thousands of people working under your command, Legions of MOAs to use as a personal army and bodyguards and the possibility of being picked as a new board member when some of the older ones decided to leave the game and seclude themselves with their profits.


But all that glitters is not gold. Tenno were actively killing executives trying to preserve some archaic balance, Grineer had been conquering colonies ever since that blasted Harvester thing appeared and Alad V was back. He was like a parasite, the moment he was thought to be dead it seemed to just be a body double that was killed. Or a Clone, but noone wanted to investigate that madman. The fact that he had sliced apart still living Tenno for his experiments was bad enough, but the fact that he tried to sell his abomination to the rest of the Corpus just made the board and executives sick.


Fortunatly, Wikis Trak had none of the problems with the Tenno that most other executives had. He was a member of a small group of executives, who instead of seeing Tenno as betrayers and something that should be experimented on, Saw them as customers. After all, Tenno spent large amounts of credits and platinum to get Corpus made weapons and leisure items. The movie 47 Tenno versus the sentients hadn't been a box office hit but the sales of the holo-discs had skyrocketed once they had started selling to the Tenno. Just a week after they had put the holo-discs on the market, they had sold over 50 million copies to the Corpus and over 1 billion copies to the Tenno, for a full profit of 12 trillion credits. That had made Wikis really start to focus on selling to the Tenno, and now he was one of the richest executives in excistance. He had even managed to set up quite the lucrative buissness deal with the de-facto leader of the Tenno, the Lotus, about selling the Tetra, a recent model that the Corpus had almost instantly rejected, but the Tenno were buying in bulk.


Just looking at the numbers rise made Wikis's heart soar. Soon he would reach the same status as Frohd Beks son, Darvo had amongst the Tenno as one of the main suppliers of weapons. He knew however that he would never get the same love from the Tenno. Darvo just had this natural charm that Wikis didn't. But he didn't need the charm. He had the money and the political power to influence the Corpus mindset. Maybe he could even influence the board to stop the selling of Tenno cryo-pods to other Corpus, and instead sell them to the Tenno themselves. After all, the Tenno would probably be more than happy to buy their brethren back at a high price. Hell, it might even be so profitable that he would be given a board seat. The possibility excited him.


There was a small problem though. There was someone with better connections to the Tenno than even Darvo. Someone who knew Tenno society and was more likely to get the board seat. The Illusive Mr. S. Althought no one had ever seen the real Mr. S, the man had a distrubing insight into what Tenno liked and what they wanted. But that was the only thing really standing in Wikis's way. ''Nothing else stands in my way, and by the Lotus I will get that board seat.'' Wikis thought. ''Oh god, I am picking up bad habits from dealing with the Tenno so much.'' Was Wikis's last thought as he started watching his profits again and dreaming of that board seat. Soon, everything would be coming up Wikis.

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Wow...just...wow. That is an amazing insight into a Corpus Executive I actually find myself liking. Seriously, why not sell cryopods back to us? It makes sense doesn't it?


Edit: just realized I accidentally left the skype group Of Ash and Fire Crew. -facepalms- I just wanted the little blippy noise to stop. I apologize.

Edited by khimera
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Wow...just...wow. That is an amazing insight into a Corpus Executive I actually find myself liking. Seriously, why not sell cryopods back to us? It makes sense doesn't it?


Edit: just realized I accidentally left the skype group Of Ash and Fire Crew. -facepalms- I just wanted the little blippy noise to stop. I apologize.

Wow...just wow. So I wasn't the only one to do that...but that was with the CMC skype group.
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The cold, run down bar on Sedna was not Katherine's idea of a good time. She would much rather be studying the recent breakthrough they had made on Prime Warframe technology. It had been a challenge to keep their discoveries secret, but it would all be worth it. She was fascinated by the ancient culture of the Tenno, though she scoffed at the rumors spread by her colleagues that said the old warriors were still around.


That being said, she did not deny that they had once existed. The parts they had found were certainly from some kind of never before seen Orokin technology. If she could just study it for a few more days...


"Hey Kat!" 


Her thoughts were shattered as Michael swung an arm around her. His breath, fortunately, did not reek as much of alcohol as she expected.


"Join the party, why don't you? We are gonna be rich, after all! No time like the present to celebrate!" She gently pushed his arm away.


"While I appreciate what you are trying to do Michael, your idea of a celebration and mine are very different. Also, someone has to make sure you drunken louts get home okay."


"Please? I could introduce you to some of the guys. One is a masseuse, maybe he could help you 'unwind'." He winked and grinned.


"Michael, the last man you introduced me to staged a mugging so he could play hero. I think I'm done taking dating advice from you for a while."


He winced. "Are you ever gonna let me live that down?"


She laughed. "Not likely." In truth, she had long forgiven him, but as his best friend she was still obligated to tease him whenever possible. The two were soon so caught up in conversation that they paid little notice to the cloaked figure sitting in the back of the bar, sipping a glass of water.




"Those two are the top scientists working on the project. Protect the others if you can, but they are the top priority"


The man spoke quietly, so as not to arouse suspicion. "Understood. ETA to Grineer arrival?"


"They have already landed. They will be here in three minutes." The voice of his Guide informed him.



"What about him?"


"Are you kidding? He's old enough to be my father."


"Hey, some ladies like a few grey hairs. Him?"


"...He's sleeping. In his own vomit."


"Fair enough... Her?"


Kat shoved Michael so hard he almost fell out of his chair, but she couldn't hide her laughter. "What is wrong with you?"


He grinned as he climbed back into his chair. "Just throwing it out there. You never know until you try, am I right?"


The mood was broken when the door exploded inwards, shattering into splinters. Four hulking clones in heavy armor stormed in, pointing guns at the frozen patrons.


There was a pause as everyone got over their shock. Then Katherine found her voice.


"What is the meaning of this? We've paid our yearly tribute to the Empire, why are you here? We have nothing left!"


"Dr. Katherine Hallman, you and your research team stand accused of treason against the Empire, and hiding Orokin technology that could aid our expansion. Come quietly or be executed here and now, your choice." 


"Where's your proof?" Michael shot back. "You can't just barge in and arrest someone without evidence!"


All four Grineer gave barking laughs. "All right, human. If anyone wants to stop us, let him speak now!"


Silence. Then the mysterious man in the back slammed his empty water glass down with a thud, gaining everyone's attention. He rose from his seat and walked towards the soldiers, his cloak obscuring his body and sending dust up in small clouds from the filthy floor. He stopped in front of the Grineer captain, his head only coming up to the others shoulder.


"I will." 


He spoke calmly, as though there were not several assault rifles pointed at his head. 


The captain snorted. "And who might you be, little hero?" He made to shove the cloaked man, a gesture which was somewhat lessened by the fact that the stranger did not budge an inch.


"Did you think the Grineer were the only ones with spies watching this project? That we would just stand by and let you seize Prime technology?" The man moved so slowly it was almost imperceptible, his hand resting on the hilt of his Skana Prime.


"Did you forget the Lotus has eyes everywhere?"


The captains eyes widened in realization a moment too late, as Excalibur's cloak was flung into his face. He threw it off only seconds later, just before a sword plunged through his chest. He coughed blood as he looked around, his vision fading as he saw the corpses of his men, slain in a mere eyeblink by the Tenno's hand


Excalibur stepped over the marine's bodies, ignoring the terrified, awed stares as he stepped out the door, to greet at least a hundred armed Grineer as more ships began landing.


"Reinforcements are on the way. Hold the line, Tenno."





So that's what X has been up to! He's been securing the new Prime for us, whatever it may be. Personally, I'm fine with either Loki or Rhino. 

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