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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Nice story Mr. jammies!


Really cool insight into the cloned 'tards.

Well, the cloned 'tards and not. Who knows, might make this 'normal' Ballista an important character. (Normal as in: Not a 'tard thanks to beneficial mutations.) Hmm... do you think they serve potato salad on grineer ships?





Divinity, pretty decent short-story. Well written and including canon dialogue. 

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I had toyed with the idea of a Grineer specialist actually joining our side. Its not Totally against canon...we have worked with them before. But i decided it was just too far of a stretch, since that Grineer would need to be severely "Augmented" to stand a chance of survival where the rest of us Tenno go.


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Blargh. I can't take it any more. While Aiden is recovering, I will add more to his backstory here alongside the Silver Fang. Hope you peeps don't mind.This is how Aiden's story begins. Set in pre-Collapse Tenno society. Spoiler'd for safety's sake. Take the lore with a grain of salt if you will.

The woman called Keira sighed as she stared at the proverbial mountain of paperwork on her desk. Ever since the council had agreed upon the Tenno program, hundreds of transcripts went past her, documents from the hopefuls trying to cure their afflictions. The Orokin made it sound like her people would not be able to survive without their intervention, but the truth was far from that.


Tenno had relative control over their mutations, and devised means to suppress their symptoms from a very young age. The Orokin hierarchy gave the Tenno a promise of absolute control over their afflictions and the added promise of power, with the sole condition of the Tenno aiding them in the war.


The Sentient bastards had pushed their way into the Saturn system, slowly and methodically turning Orokin technology against them. In an act of desperation, they had brought the Tenno, the so called “freaks” from the void, hoping to use them as a means to counter the Sentient menace. And that had begun with the recruitment of test subjects to design suits called Warframes. These suits were supposed to channel the strengths of the Tenno, giving them a powerful edge in combat. Hundreds of Tenno had volunteered for the program and all of them on the Chimera had to go through Keira.


She leaned against the wall behind her desk, stretching her sore back. Just moments ago, a solider had reported catching three stowaways in the cargo bay. They must have gotten on when we docked with the Mars station, she thought. She would kick them out when they docked in a new resupplying station. Freeloaders would have to find a way out of there, she thought with grim amusement.Serves them right. Stowing away on a military ship was a crime that should be seriously enforced. This coupled with her frustration with her current situation led to her fuming for a few silent minutes, rubbing her temples to relieve her headache.


She heard a knock on the door. That must be Obix.


“Come in.” she said, slightly raising her voice.


The door hissed open to reveal a heavyset man walking into the room, with three children in tow. All three of them were looking around fearfully and Keira realized that those three must be the stowaways. She nodded at the frowning man, knowing that he was annoyed at finding those children just like she was. He began to talk to her in a brusque and harsh voice.


“We found these three in the storage bay, Ma’am. They were hiding underneath a storage hatch for one of our docking ships. I brought them here immediately.”


She nodded. The Chimera was a big ship, and it used several smaller docking ships to gather supplies and fuel during its travels. They were headed towards the Terminus, the throne of Orokin power. They were planning on taking a quick run through the solar rails after refueling at Mars. Each docking ship had two levels for storage: the upper level for fuel and other essential fluids while the lower level was for storing solid goods. The last docking session was a refueling one, which left the lower bay open for the children to hide in.


“Thank you Obix. I would like to have a word with them in private.” She said, pointedly looking at the door. She saw the big man’s facial muscles clench, but he relented begrudgingly.


“Very well,” he said before marching out of the room. The three children turned around to see him leave, but their attention returned to Keira as she cleared her throat.


“My name is Keira, and I am in charge of this ship. Why were you three hiding on this ship?”


One of the children, a boy, began to speak. “We wanted to get off of the station and travel.”


Keira examined the three children. Two boys and a girl. The one who spoke was the tallest of the three, his face looking back at her confidently. The other boy was standing a little further away, a mop of dark hair doing nothing to hide his fear of being here. The girl was to the right of the tallest one, and she was nervously twirling a lock of her hair.


“Travel? You’re a bit too young to travel, aren’t you? Where are your parents?”


“Our parents are dead. And we’re all almost 10 years old,” said the tallest one, still looking at Keira intently. He doesn’t fear me like the others, she thought.


“Dead? How?”


“My parents were part of another ship. It went missing a few days ago,” said the tallest one. “Someone told me that. I want to search for them and that’s why I left my house.”


Keira nodded grimly. The boy was talking about the Fang, a Tenno ship that was headed towards the Terminus via another route. They had lost contact with the ship a few days ago, and fearing the worst, declared all passengers KIA.


She looked at the other two children. “And what about the two of you? Where are your parents?”


The girly twirled a lock of hair more firmly. “They were on the big ship too.”


“So were mine.” said the other boy.


Keira crossed his hands. Spirits help me! She had three orphans with her. Sending them back to Mars meant that there would probably be no one to care for them. They had already survived for almost a week without anyone’s help. I cannot leave them. It’s not right.


Changing tact, she responded with a kind smile. “How rude of me. I don’t even know your names!”


They seemed surprised at the sudden change in her demeanor. “My name is Damien,” said the smaller boy.


“Cathy,” said the girl.


“Aiden,” said the tallest boy, looking at the others.


Keira clapper her hands together. “It’s nice to know your names.” To the children’s excitement, she said, “I will let you three stay on this ship. But only on one condition.”


Seeing that this woman meant her no harm, Cathy became a little bit bolder. “What?”


“You will promise me to behave yourselves. I can’t have you three running around and blowing things up!”


Aiden nodded eagerly. “Okay.”


Keira got up from her chair, looking down at the children with a warm smile. They trust me now…that’s good. “Great! Now I’ll ask Obix to take you three to your room. I don’t have enough space for a separate room for each of you.”


Damien hesitated, then spoke up. “Do we have to fight with you? I saw the big guns while we were getting into the ship.”


“No you won’t. You said that you wanted to travel, right?” to which Damien bobbed his head. “That is all you will be doing. We’re going to a nice place. It should take us a few more days to get there.”


The children seemed to relax at those words, looking at each other with excitement. Keira called out to Obix and the man walked in through the door.


“Any trouble Ma’am?” he asked, frowning at the children. Aiden protectively stood in front of the other two, frowning back at him. He didn’t like the big man.


Keira noticed their discomfort and attempted to intervene. “I need you to escort them to a furnished room. They will be staying with us.”


Obix looked surprised, his small eyes nearly bulging from their sockets. “But…that is against regulations! We cannot let stowaways just stay in our ship!”


Keira glared at him, boring into his eyes with a fiery gaze. “They are now our guests, Obix. Escort them to a room.”




“Are you questioning my authority, Obix?”


He glared back at her, venom evident in his features. He waited for a few moments before responding. “Very well.”


He brusquely turned around, stomping out of the room. Keira looked back at the children, who were still looking at the door the man walked out of. She walked up to them and kneeled down, eye level with the children. Hey turned around at her footsteps, and she smiled encouragingly.


“Obix is a bit angry with me. Don’t worry, he won’t do anything to you. I want you three to stay in your new room for a while. I need to finish some work and then I’ll come and visit you. Okay?”


Aiden nodded and walked out of the room, the other two following him nervously. Before Cathy left the room, she gave a nervous wave and then ran after the other two.


Keira waved back and walked back to her desk. I’ll finish this work fast and then pay them a visit. She checked the status of their journey. Five more days until they enter the Terminus. She sighed as she looked at the mountain of paperwork in front of her.  Deep inside, she knew that this going to be the start of a new adventure. 

Edited by bejuizb
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a Excalibur frame with was recovered with infested material over the body, a strange kunai, and had a codex scan of the information as follows with a disturbing view into how conscious a subject is long after infestation.


if you crave blood kill yourself with that skana right now but if you crave balance, noble victory, and honor pick up that blade and defend yourself


I remember those words....... my masters words as he spoke of my duty. I wondered if my master could even comprehend what I felt.

of course he could. I remember him slaying a clan of rhinos who had in their nocturnal rages murdered his wife. However, my revenge hinges less on my skills as a sword fighter and more on my willingness to kill myself for another. Yharda if I had moved any quicker I could have saved you from that infested beast.......


It was corpus killing grineer as always and the grineer hiring us as always but not as always those corpus in their genius...... heh that's a funny word

but in their genius they had kept a surprise for both us and the grineer.



unsaveble like you Yharda, my masters wife, and soon I

We all were soon surrounded and while the others were capable enough you Yharda had been in the thicker of all the combat and I in my weakness had wasted time killing corpus on my way to you to stop you from being killed. I could have stopped that monster from bearing its infection into your frame with its mangled teeth and claws.

I could have saved you from having to end yourself with my kunai. It was as if I killed you



I saw that creature and some of the others had collars that seemed to control them and I managed to throw one of my kunai dipped in my void flesh.

I can sense myself in it and only approach my fate. I come as not myself or my teachers student or as Bato the boy who even after stasis remembered his love for you and fought his way to your cryopod with my kunai dipped in my flesh in it and found you. I never forget how you held onto that kunai every night in the dojo, and I watched you sleep with it close to your heart.  I should have told you I loved you. I wasn't just your squad leader I was your link to the past and the arms of your future.


I am doing this as my master did in his rage against those rhinos.......... with my own blood and if I live my permanent sorrow I saw in my masters eyes for not having ended himself to join his wife. Yharda do not wait long I will soon join you. 


I saw the base in the distance an immense dome and I could feel my kunai pulsing in my mind. I sensed the holding pens for those infested would be low probably in the center. I left a timed transmitter that would alert the lotus to a distress signal.......... she would need to see this and if nothing else know why yharda should be truly mourned. I slipped in easily almost as if I was apart of the walls. I watched the corpus move from the vents like a machine they moved. Knowledge from previous raids on other bases clued me in on their obvious defenses. I checked my kunai and rubbed my hand across my chest where I had cut myself to prepare all these blades.................. even if I could not watch their flaming corpses I would atleast be in tune with my kunai long enough to see them die..... in all vengeful fairness of course. 


 I set off the alarm myself I knew the corpus would send out their walkers but I had planted my kunai on all of them.......... along with a surprise.

As each kunai was of my flesh my master an old ninja who himself was the user of an ash frame showed me the old ways known as ninjitsu. I made my way to safe area of vents I'd scouted out sat myself down to focus myself. My senses immediately had a thousand mental images of all the hallways and lab bays my kunai could see.


I thought it almost immediately humorous how quickly machines strapped with explosives blowup. My bombs attached to every walker I embedded with a kunai sent the corpus into immediate panic, and pain. I had then allowed my explosive in the poison bay blow up and the kunai on the lab table unnoticed to be viewer into the....... beauty of vengeance. Choking, burning, dying, and dead corpus were now everywhere. After minutes of skulking and avoiding flames I found the beast in its cage unattended.


I released them all, gave them freedom, and what I called vengeance. I killed all the ones that wanted me more than their masters. They soon understood I was insignificance to their own existence. I had come not only for the corpus but the beast that slayed you yharda......... I just couldn't let it go. I found the beast in the facility in one of the hallways where a bomb must've been as more corpus were grilled here than eaten raw by this creature. I saw the kunai  I lodged in its former eye and lunged at it....... with my hands. It was strong but not stronger than my rage. I ripped into the beast........ I'm sorry yharda I lied............ I ravaged the beast. I fought across labs and took the monsters claws and bites as reminders of your suffering yharda. I let my fists be hammers into its now cracking armor, my legs were now pistons serving to give me the strength to throw the beast, and ninjitsu my sixth sense allowed me to wear my own flesh as more animal than tenno. I was channeled death now, and I needed one final piece for my revenge.


Once I was satisified I had punished the beast I did not let its battered body and whimpering moans give me patience before I took its head from the rest of itself with my arms now shaking at the deed. I opened my frame enough to allow the blood and virus to drip into my mouth and further mingle with my corrupt soul. Once I was sure the voices in my head weren't just your memories but the virus itself I focused my senses to allow my own form of my ninjitsu....... my infestation powers were under my control and the madness was shrouding my eyes but I needed this, craved this, and only dreamed of this waking moment. I traveled through the hallways as a mist and struck every able bodied corpus down with the virus. I was their last memory as you will always be mine yharda. 


After clearing 50 floors I soon swarmed outside and above the base allowing my powers to focus the virus back into me. I sensed every creature with the virus and with my ninjitsu claimed their minds using my virus as link between all the creatures as I linked myself to my kunai. I saw rapid images of all the infested's old lives and mundane memories yharda. I did not let their weak wishes corrupt my thoughts of you. I called every creature under my control to begin destroying this monument to the corpus's intellect and greed. I wanted a massive tombstone to mark my vengeance. Then, using my powers once more I created a mist that emanated from my body and covered the land for miles. I felt myself eating the walls and being inhaled into the domes vents. I heard the building grown under the sheer force I was using to crush in through windows and devour any uninfected corpus. I was avenged. I was almost to my last moments of power........... heh just in time to die as well I guess.


I dragged myself from that base and left this for all of those who cared how yharda died. I loved you yharda and soon I will come to you once more.


the transmission ended soon after but this disturbing report of the base is true as the infestation is abnormally centered in this area only but isn't spreading any further according to bio scans. I recommend a full scale research program be done into this ninjitsu and ways of controlling the infestation. This report also speaks on the still living Master Drake-po who's wife was murdered by the moon rhinos and I assume he should be informed as well as the associates and squad mates of this Bato of this tenno's death. It should also be noted that upon arrival the subject also waved at us laughed moments before he passed out and is currently uncertain if the virus has him dormant or dead. Bato will be recovered and brought back to the dojo along with whatever else the lotus orders after this report is filed properly.


side note: his vengeance from all the that we confirm was definitely final this tenno from what I read in the report used to exclusively do assassinations by himself before his last recovery mission.......... reports say a woman who was always with him discouraged him from so much blood and led him to take the squad leadership role we had offered him before. He died with honor

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I just realized...this a story arc...maining Nova-Quinn....



My Lotus...what have I done.




Nova-Quinn happily trotted to the Dueling Room, humming to herself and only stopping once she saw three people waiting at the door rather patiently. On impulse she immediately shot her arm into the air and waved frantically in greet, grinning behind her helmet. "Hi Zel!" She squeaked in a high-pitched, energetic voice as she walked up to the group. "Why's everyone standing outside in the cold like lost puppies? Into the warm breach that is my brain goo!" She pointed at the ceiling for no apparent reason, confusing all three Tenno in her presence to at least some extent. Thankfully the Dueling Room door slid open with a soft whoosh, sparing them from further brain-tingling psychosis for a short while.


"Oh...more than expected." Emerald said softly as she folded her arms where she now stood in the center of the Dueling area. Motioning for the present Tenno to come in, she moved back a few feet and indicated three other places marked with waypoints for sitting. "I am-" Emerald was cut off as Nova-Quinn jumped into the room, bouncing around excitedly.


"You're the fixy-lady green-person that's gonna put us in my head!" She said, holding her arms out for a hug though she would receive none. Pouting at being rebuffed, Nova-Quinn folded her arms and sat in the center of the three spots. "Who is the green mind-fixy-lady-person again?" Tilting her head, one could practically see a huge comical anime-styled question mark hovering above the quizzical girl's head. Adorable were she not such a force of destruction.


Sighing, the green Nyx rubbed over her helmet as if pinching at the bridge of her nose. "Just call me Mirage and be done with it." Shaking her head, Emerald sat in her designated spot. "As your...spazztic ally has said so ineptly, I am here to help her. You are here to help her. In case it wasn't obvious enough with her behavior, her mind is not all there...something that could grow worse if left unchecked. I'm surprised your Clan's Nyx haven't attempted this, though at least this saves me from getting blown to pieces by Scarlet." It was a blunt reasoning, one that the Scarlet side of Nova-Quinn couldn't deny was a sound excuse, at least enough so much that everyone needed to know for now. "Ah...regardless of that, please sit in the waypointed spots and I shall link us...uhm...and as hesitant as I am to do this...we will go into Nova-Quinn's mind and repair it." Looking up at the three other Tenno, Emerald expected questions from them before they began, and she had all the answers and diversions she needed to get this going. Nova-Quinn would be no more and Scarlet would be but a husk of destructive impulses. Bone and Marrow would remain hers for eternity, even these skilled Tenno could not stop her once in a mind! "State all concerns now or be at peace."

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Aigloblam nodded in silence, taking his place. He knew absolutely nothing of what was about to happen, but knew that all the questions in the world weren't going to make things any clearer for him. He knew that Zel and Heus were going to be present, so he was not afraid. With those two by his side, he felt he could take on the entire Grineer empire and stand a good fighting chance. With Zel's raw, almost unimaginable power, and Heus' almost supernatural skills in combat, he felt safe enough anywhere.

Zel sat where she had been told, then asked "So Fixy-La-...I mean Mirage, How exactly dangerous is this whole mind ....thing? I mean, will we have our own bodies? Is it some kind of dream? If we go into her mind, won't she be able to, um, Read err...Know whats in ours? I don't wanna be squeamish or chicken out here, but i've grown attached to my mind and I don't want it to be all squishificated or whatever. And will our-"

"Enough", Aigloblam said calmly. "At least give her some time to explain. You're babbling again". He glanced over at Heus, who had taken his seat also. He asked "You're not worried?".


Heus shrugged and simply stated "A Tenno is in need of aid. It is my duty to provide that aid. Worrying is pointless." in his never wavering voice. Nothing seemed to break through the stoic shell of this quiet warrior. For that, Aigloblam never failed to be impressed.

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Had it not been for all the wounds & near mortal injuries, the landing in the dojo might have been awkwardly humorous. They had gotten clearance to land easily enough, especially after some stern words about injuries from Kylar & Vulcana were thrown down the Comms.
Then things got a bit strange. Surrounded by medical staff & a few Trinities, the access ramp for the Snub unfolded open. Doctors had rushed forward with various bits of equipment ranging from small medical kits to stretchers, with even a couple of portable medical pods further back in case. All seemed to stumbled and falter when Sophia was brought out on a stretcher, giving Nyght the impression she somehow wasn't welcome. Gasps of shock & agitated murmurs went through the assembly of Medics when one of them asked for Kris's name.
Some brief words & discussion with the Trinities and a handful of their higher up doctors managed to string some kind of fragile, temporary truce; the Medical staff would honour their oaths to heal the wounded, so long as neither Sophia nor Kris stirred anything up.

Nyght had to wonder, what the hell must have gone on for a reception like this. Asking others in his party became impossible as each was separated and carted off by different groups of healers, whilst asking his own band of medics proved equally fruitless; they all evaded his question with excuses such as 'I don't have that level of clearance' or 'You don't want to know'. Eventually, he gave up, with the Doctors insisting he be taken for surgery due to 'Excessive trauma & lacerations'.
Surgery whilst conscious was not at all entertaining.
For some reason, the anaesthetic dose applied just prior to the Surgeons beginning work had not taken affect correctly. As a result, they had been forced to begin with him still awake. The pain had been excruciating, even after the monumental beating Team Two had suffered during the operation. It wasn't the cutting into him that hurt though. The real agony came from the when the Chirurgeon set about removing the various fragment & shrapnel from his body; A number of larger, twisted or buckled pieces were pinning the layers of frame & flesh together, like staples holding a file of papers. Yet more numerous were the smaller, shattered bullets fragments, nestling deeper into his body. His shields and armour had stopped many, but even they had limits under enough firepower. His body and mind convulsed in their torment, as inexorable torturing agony blended with blood loss and medical stimulants, drawing all of his strength to not lash out or howl in pain.

It was only after they had gotten half way through their work that he actually subdued to their drugs and passed into a painless realm of floating dreams, free of the grasp of physics. Here, the torture of healing seemed non-existent, an occurrence to another being in another world. Instead, he drifted through a sea of thoughts, a current of memories, old & new, happy, angry, sad & painful. By the time he awoke, the surgeons had removed all the Grineer shrapnel and stitched or fused most of his lacerations back up. Their only word on him for now was to rest, and take moving around very carefully whilst his altered body did the rest naturally.

From what he heard since then, everyone else was at least alive. The assassin's ship had landed just after he had been hustled to surgery, bringing both Ash's, Acantha & a barely together Aiden. Apparently the doctors weren't even sure he would stay alive, despite being in their care now. Only time would tell, given the extremely critical case his body & frame had arrived in.



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The door moved aside with a rusted, grinding scream. Grineer technology was built to last the depths of space, the coldness of the dark and impact of weapons, but nature was a technology far beyond their grip. Rust and plant-life had already jammed the disused entrance to the service tunnels, but to the focused might of the Oberon, it proved only a minor challenge to his synthetically augmented limbs. Time was running short however, and although he preferred a stealthier approach to most things, his hand had been forced by the call to arms.


Baaral kept moving, forward in an unstoppable gait. He was purposeful without sacrificing cautiousness, yet every stride of his darkly-colored body, the Oberon looked as if it would take an army of synthetic soldiers to slow him down. Noxious smoke parted and twisted as he strode through it, disgusted by its presence. Above him, he could hear the thundering footsteps of the Grineer attempting to rally their forces and locate the attacking Tenno. The maintenance tunnels below the factory were patrolled less and it made the perfect entrance to complete a quick infiltration.


With haste came risk, however.


Baaral stopped in his tracks when he heard a door open down the turning of a hallway, and pressing his back to the corner, he listened to the voices of two patrolling Grineer. No… three. The third set of footsteps exiting the elevator was heavy and solid. Not like the metallic limbs of heavy gunners, but rather ending in large powered armor, a sign of one of the elite few Grineer, engineered to carry the heaviest armaments. A mental command to the scanner he had installed gave him confirmation; two troopers and what appeared to be a Grineer Napalm unit. Their outlines were a shimmering orange through the wall as the scanner received the returning ping.


The Vectis found its way to his shoulder, even as he stepped his body around the corner. There was not time to react, but the stunned silence gave Baaral enough time to aim steadily, squeeze the trigger and part a ruined, jagged split down the center of the Napalm unit’s head. With the crack of gunfire, Baaral knew he didn’t have enough time to load a second shell, and they highly-trained clones seemed to pick up on that. The trooper with the Grakata advanced quickly tearing up his walls and shield with rapid slugs. The second, green-armored trooper raised the oddly-shaped gun that Baaral recognized all too well. The Miter barked off a shot, bouncing off of the wall opposite and narrowly missing Baaral’s head as he ducked, slinging his Vectis on his back again. When he rose, his shields were almost depleted, but the sidearm in his hand was much easier to maneuver than the large sniper rifle.


With a slither, the tail of the Embolist slapped and tied around his wrist, the pulsing sensor beneath his finger depressing as the organic, infested weapon caused the Grineer trooper to call out in warning. It was too late for the clone however as the weapon spat dark, blood and orange gas at him, seeping through the cracks and holes in his armor and causing his flesh to rot uncontrollably. Even as Baaral advanced, he kept the stream of poison on the Grineer as his screams turned into a bubbling death-rattle. Two more barking, rings of metal caused Baaral to shift his footing, but it was not enough in the tight corridor. The first saw-blade skipped dangerously close to his midsection, but the second one found purchase in his shoulder, destroying what was left of his shields and embedding in the flesh below with a dull, painful thud. The impact flushed Baaral against the wall, causing him to look at the wound when his hand fell limp and the Embolist slowly dropped from his fingers.


The blade was half in his shoulder, and half again in the wall, pinning him there. His synthetic musculature and tendons had been laid open and his blood flowed freely, causing his vision to swim. The pain was immeasurable, but still he remained silent. He tried to pull away, but he was stuck in deep. Looking back at the trooper, he saw the clone reloading, but reaching for a radio. As the channel opened, the clone started barking something. Baaral did not care to learn the perverse language of the Grineer, but he knew the intent. They were going to try and capture him.


With a defiant snap of his other arm, he gripped the saw-blade and forcibly pulled it. His arm shook from the pressure for a moment, and had he not been so modified for power, he might have failed. But Baaral was not just some Tenno; he was a protector and instrument of anger. With a scream of protest, the metal saw-blade ruptured from the wall and came clear in a spray of blood. In the same motion, Baaral threw the blade at the trooper in a last ditch effort, his pain repaid in the success of his attack as the blade landed in the stomach of his would-be captor. As the clone doubled over, Baaral moved to the creature, pulling his Magistar off of his back with his working arm and then using it to give his attacker a long, decimating swipe to the side of its arm, shattering the limb and sending the Miter skittering across the floor.


Slumping to its knees, the trooper was holding the shattered limb as blood flowed freely from the stomach wound. Baaral looked down on the trooper from his taller position, although his body was slumped on one side from the horrific wound in his shoulder. Were he in possession of normal lungs, perhaps he would be breathing hard or feeling the aftereffects of shock. But he was Tenno. He was the final answer to the most deadly question.


The Grineer started barking in a panic. His guttural, grating language was like a disharmony of raw noise to the uncaring aural sensors of the Oberon. The grind of the Magistar slowly coming forward and resting on its head, caused more fearful babbling. Baaral watched the creature plead and beg as he lent on the mace and looked at his ruined arm.


In a sudden movement, Baaral lifted the mace off of the floor a couple inches and slammed it back down, followed by an explosion of energy from his body that soared out and up, before returning to him in a sheen of flickering green energy. The Grineer fell backwards in shock as he watched the nearly-severed arm reknit and rebuild, followed by synthetic musculature then the black armor outside. Within seconds, the arm was healed and Baaral raised his hand to flex his fingers. Whenever he healed such a wound, it always seemed that the sensation felt duller; less vibrant than before. Slowly, Baaral turned his head to the trooper before him and slid the Magistar to his main hand again. There was more panicked shouting and the Grineer raised his one good arm to defend himself, but it was not nearly enough for the two-handed swing that came down from above.


With a wet crack and a shower of blood, the Troopers babbling went silent. Baaral brought the mace down again, spreading what was left of the Grineer further into the floor. Another blow fell, then another, stopping only when the anger of the Oberon was sated. Wet with Grineer blood and holding his favored instrument of death, Baaral looked towards the entranceway the patrol had come from. This prison section would not be far behind, but he needs something first.


He needed information.



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"Well that's new!" Kevin remarked as a quadruped attack drone jumped down from the wall. "I thought those prototypes were supposed to be deactivated!"


"My codes were overwritten!" Darvo answered. "You guys can handle this right?"


"Focus on one!" Levi instructed, firing his Burston at the mechanical monstrosity. "Then worry about the other!" The first attack drone was on them as it started firing its hull mounted machine guns.


Cell Levi took cover, popping up to fire back at the attack drones. The second drone went for a flanking run only to be pushed back by Minerva and Kevin's weapons fire. Kevin kept up the heat with his Soma while Minerva supported him, guns blazing in each hand. The second Hyena responded with a wave of ice spikes,  similar sight to a Frost's Ice Wave. Kevin and Minerva dove out of the way. Kevin rolled into a Crewman causing it to whoop angrily. He shut it up with one of his Fang daggers. 


Minerva reloaded then continued on firing clip after clip at the second quadruped.


"Oh hell! There's two more!!" Janice yelled as two more quadrupeds began to advance towards them. The Ember fired her Boltor at one. "Keep your head down Darvo!"


"Great!" Levi reloaded then tossed out some Tesla grenades creating a perimeter. "Kevin, Minerva get over here! I need all our firepower on the-" he ducked a Fire Grenade which roasted a part of the corridor. "Yeah the one with the grenades!"


"Roger!" Kevin turned and squeezed the trigger firing his Soma in bursts to get the mechanical beast's attention. The quadruped turned on the Nekros readying another grenade when Levi fired a burst at what seemed to be its head, causing it to stagger. Kevin emptied his clip into the beast, letting the Soma's high fire rate and heavy caliber rounds to deal the death blow.


One down, three to go.


"Hyena Destroyed, Our Circuits demand revenge." All three drones spoke with a mechanical voice, emotionless.


"Your circuits will be mine after I'm done with you!!" Levi snarled back. "You and your pack are scrap! You hear me!?"

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Welp, Aiden will be out of commission for a while because of his injuries. And coupled with the fact that I can't accelerate the timeline of the thread without jeopardizing everyone's work, his next mission will be in a month from now.

Just a quick note:

Looking at the timeline of this game, a month of recovery seems absolutely ridiculously long. Aiden still has all his limbs and organs, so all his healing will consist of is is pulling shrapnel from his body, setting his bones and regenerating his organs. And this universe is uncounted millions of years ahead of our modern times. It would NOT take a month to regen such wounds. (And I seriously doubt Aiden's someone who gets much mental scarrage from dancing with death)

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"Project Tethra." John said as he sat across Cell Levi after their encounter with Darvo. "It seems that Frohd Bek is working on something big. And Darvo wanted no part of it. Surprising for a Corpus."


"Family matters." Kevin shrugged his shoulders. "Nonetheless those Hyena Prototypes were quite dangerous. More so than the single unit we faced before."


"Either way, you all did well." John nodded to Levi who was itching to get back to work. He did get some new circuitry and components from the Hyena Prototypes they had just destroyed after all. "Get some rest, you all deserve it. I'll deliver what we recovered from Darvo to the Lotus and the other clans." He turned to Minerva who was grinning. "You have my thanks for volunteering to aid us in the endeavor Minerva."


"Oh no problem John," she said with a smile. "It's always a pleasure to work with you."




Kevin sighed as he settled back into his chair. "You okay?" He turned to Janice who was holding a fresh rag to wrap around his left eye. It had been quite a few months since he had lost it. It didn't really bother him anymore but on some nights his eye socket felt extremely cold and it woke him up terribly. One time Kelly poured some water in the eye socket while he was taking a nap. Needless to say it was Serin's idea and Kevin was really not amused.


"Yeah..." she said brushing her fingertips alongside the large scar on Kevin's face. "Just...thinking."


"Thinking about what?" Kevin asked taking the rag to wrap it around his eye.


"Oh nothing...Just, it's our anniversary in a few days isn't it?" 


"Ah..." Kevin nodded sagely. "Yes, well...What do you want to do?"


"Hopefully find a place where Clementine can't get to us." Janice grumbled. "I just want to spend time with you is all."


"That's fine with me." Kevin said, reaching for her hand to give it a kiss. "I love you."


Janice's smile made his heart skip a beat. "I love you too."

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Just a quick note:

Looking at the timeline of this game, a month of recovery seems absolutely ridiculously long. Aiden still has all his limbs and organs, so all his healing will consist of is is pulling shrapnel from his body, setting his bones and regenerating his organs. And this universe is uncounted millions of years ahead of our modern times. It would NOT take a month to regen such wounds. (And I seriously doubt Aiden's someone who gets much mental scarrage from dancing with death)

Death may be a bit wonky from that particular waltz though. Hand to Hand, I can only think of two Characters who could walk away from a fight with Aiden. One of them is Dead, and the other is his son. Aigloblam would live, simply because Aiden wouldn't be able to catch him, and hes smart enough to run his happy &#! away.. Zel could take him...If she were ok with blowing up herself in the process and even then he could probably last just as long as she could. Aiden is a freaking beast.

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Creative juices are flowing...

Here, take this tidbit to, no pun intended (as you will see), break the ice.


Eden trudged through the ice, his body numb from the freezing cold creeping into his body. He pulled his coat tighter around him, glad for the small shelter of warmth the humans on Earth had provided them with. Of course, them only described he and the four others...The rest had died, they screamed in agony on the ship, bangs resounded through and through. Eden could have only guessed as to what they had done to their bodies.

The others were hardly as sane, one of them broke into an all out sprint after leaving the ship, screaming about “it” wanting him. The remaining three were all huddling together for warmth, a wise move on their part. But Eden was having no role in it, he was desperate to get as far away from them as you can on a rock barely the size of a few city blocks.

He had brought along a large amount of provisions, food, extra coats and a thick sleeping bag. It seemed the humans on Earth wanted to act the role of a humane executioner...

He was going to live, no matter how bad the circumstances, he was going to live.

He would.

Edited by EDeN153
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