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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Writer's block sucks, but here's what I have for now. I hope it's ok...




Acantha sat on the edge of her bed with a blanket wrapped loosely around her, staring into space. She’d been discharged from medical bay quickly, having suffered some of the least severe injuries of any of the involved Tenno, but her warframe was still in dire need of repairs, having saved her countless times during the fighting and chaos from harm. The medical staff had quickly stripped her of it when she’d arrived for treatment, sending it away to be repaired by the foundry’s AI since Quinn was still away, and then ordering her to do nothing more strenuous than resting for at least twenty-four hours.


Rest, however, wouldn’t come to her.


Without a sound she pulled the blanket closer around her and flopped back onto her bed, staring sightlessly at the ceiling. She knew that many of those who had joined her on the mission were badly injured, the most severely of which was Aiden, whose condition was still so critical that even the most experienced of healers were unsure if he would survive. However, despite her worry for the Rhino, her biggest concern was for Kris and Sophia. She wasn’t sure how long the temporary truce that was allowing them to stay at the Dojo would last.


Her eyes drifted over to one side of the room, where the faint outline of a Djinn could be seen in the faint glow emanating from the holographic screen that he was laying next to, powered down and “sleeping”. The Nova smiled fondly. She had grown quite attached to the Sentinel, and was glad he’d suffered so little damage during the fighting. The small machine, despite his inexperience, had acted valiantly in during the rescue. He had likely saved lives with his actions, especially in having followed Galen’s orders to evacuate the others without her.


She rolled over, away from the dim light, and pulled the covers more closely around her as she closed her eyes. She was still worried, but she was also thankful. She’d met many good people here; people she could rely on. For now she had to rest, but as soon as she was able she would return to the sides of those who had fought with her, and do as much as she was able to ensure that they would recover in peace, even those who had earned the wrath of her clan.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Welp. That's three bits of good news today. I am going to Red Lobster after my eye appointment, a long-awaited chapter is just around the corner, and prime trading. HELL. YES. I LOVE TODAY. Also, I loved your part in ending the rescue mission, Jea! You too Bejubud. One of the reasons I love collabs is because (most of the time) it brings out the best and brightest in people story-wise. That and seeing it all tied up in a nice little tie. Keep up the good work everyone! Also, laptop should be fixed by the end of the week. :D

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It's what I've got for now guys. Enjoy!




   Artorias' eyes adjusted to the darkness as his eyes flickered open. He barely had time to register where he was before a voice spoke to him. But he could tell he was tied up. Upside down as well.

"Ah. Awake, are you? Good."

   The voice sounded so much like his own. But it was filled with such venom... he couldn't remember any of his children who-

"Trying to figure out who I am, are you? Wow, you're a really bad father. I'll save you the trouble."

   With a snap of the stranger's fingers, the room blazed to life. Looking at him with such venom was what could be described as a mirror image. There was a small difference though. He had heterochromia. One was as blue as Artorias'.








                                                                                                         The other was golden.



   The shock on his face -because the feeling on his skin and the lack of the opaque HUD confirmed that his helmet had been removed- must have registered with his son, because he laughed. His laugh.

"I've been hunting for you for a long time. Lotus has been hiding you from me. Yeah, I'm your bastard boy. By-"


"You remember! Well that's one thing out of the way."

"You have her eye color. How come everyone but me and my clan knows that I lost my memory!?"

"You didn't lose your memory, you damned idiot. You had someone put it away in a part of your brain that serves as memory storage. So you could forget all that you did. Before and during the war."

"I remember the Techno-"


   The young man's voice rang out.

"Wrong war, you thrice-damned dumbass. The one where the Tenno killed one another, and you threw over the Council!"

   What the hell? What is he talking about? He would remember-

"Except you don't, because you can't! Well, used to not be able to, it would seem now. That war lasted for quite some time you know. It came to a standstill becuase of you... until that witch died and you decided to spark it again. You know, that crow bi-"

   He was interrupted by Artorias letting out what he had been repressing for some time since his revertion. His intent to kill.

"So help me Doctrine, if you speak one more ill word about Morrighan, I don't care if you're my son or not, I will rip you in half from head to scrotum!!"

   The room grew silent, and it looked as if suddenly all the color around them grew muted. Then the color came back as suddenly as it had gone.

"What's your name, before you probably kill me?"

"Nier, you stupid bastard."


"...Did you give yourself that name, or did Theresa give it to you? Or was there a chance-"

"She named me what you wanted, even though she hadn't seen you in years! You left her! You left us!"

"I can't remember what happened then right now, so give me a refresher."

"Screw you!"

"Probably going to happen, Right now in fact, much to my chagrin."

"What the hell are you-"

   The air was split by two famaliar voices.

"There he is Vivi! Go get him, that guy is trying to hurt your Art!"

Art? What in the evil cannibalistic ducks did Cyrille just shorten his name to!!?


   Viviane pounced on Nier. Knocked out cold from the looks of things. Viviane raised her fist.

"Stop! Don't kill him Viviane!"

   Cyrille looked at him quizically.

"I have some questions for him."

"You do know that you trying to be serious looks funny when you're upside down, right?"

"Probably. Now can you let me down?"

"No dice."

"Okay then... Cyrille, tie him up. Viviane, if you let me down, I'll let you ride on my back until we get to the next colony."


   Well, with one problem solved, it looks like another has risen. In the form of a bastard son. Oh did Artorias have questions.

Edited by FellArtorias
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*a dying tenno lays in a ship and hes bored having to bleed out*

how do you describe your own death; I'm musing for my own sense of purpose as my lack of blood has deprived my cynicism glands.

I recall saving some one who's life was probably worth less than mine, naturally, and as usual it fell to me to protect the others sadly that forced me to be truly generous and make sure no one destroyed their transport while leaving myself

to die

awe struck I imagine an audience would be. Sadly no audience would applaud a slowly dyng tenno, I mean an explosion would be nice about now I mean the bodies all around the broken or missing legs, and the rather poetic way the blood is now overwhelming the purple pattern of my Excalibur frame. I mean don't get me wrong fighting off all those squads of grineer, plotting to overthrow the lotus for her betrayal to us in refusing to tell us of our past,and the ultimate dream of conquering all life and rebuilding the tenno empire were great goals to aspire for.  Personally I'd like my end to be less sober, no.............less NUMB.

Yes that's it. I want to feel alive when I die someday...... or some minute as I'm almost certain my blood shouldn't be OUTSIDE my body....... I hope not otherwise ive been doing it wrong. I mean yes I could shoot this nice old red barel near these ships I COULD climb into and MAYBE survive, but how often do you get to die. I'd love to be an expert on dying spectatculary after all stalker murders, grineer dominations, and corpus vivisections are....... dull.

I mean I could shoot myself but my shields are still up and that would be sill unloading a full clip into my head and not even scratchin where a grinner scorpion and sliced a gash into. I always wondered why we don't carry bombs I mean ninja from what I learned of our past had them. If I still had my legs I'd definitely try to save myself but idk maybe I would be standing hear setting up some elaborate moment of last heroics. Hmmmm I just noticed that this ship is designed for cloaning........... I wonder if I SHOULD blow it up. I think I have a problem cause I'm thinking way too hard about explosions. Maybe the lotus was right and I am a rogue element waiting to snap. Then again I could just be annoyed with having to die all battle wounded without knowing if even had a past before waking up again. Surely I wasn't this witty before I imagine I was also very handsome.

that's a funny word HAND-SOME. heh......haha.......hahahahahahahahaha.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

enough melodramatic laughing time to die really awesome like my life.

 that ship is leaking gas........ I wonder if I shot that oddly colored barrel how big the explosion would be.......

lets find out


The ship does explode in what the dead tenno's allies would say overwhelmingly a huge bright light................. it seems the ship was full of chemicals for the cloning process which upon the right amount of heat had a tendency to create what many grinner roared at each other describing a BIG BOOM.

It was by many accounts very "awesome"

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.............he's lucky he doesn't have to pay child support. Who knows how many more children he has.

Since the Tenno are just about gone due to the war with the Orokin and themselves, no such thing exists for Tenno (God help poor Artorias if Lotus decides otherwise). As an aside, he has as many children as I wish to reveal. Which could be a few more, or dozens more. I won't know until I do. The concept of Artorias having 30+ children that he doesn't know about amuses me to no end. :3

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He heard whispering coming from somewhere in his right. Grudgingly, Aiden opened his eyes slowly, squinting as the brilliant white light dilated his pupils. He heard the two people talking beyond the screen that hid him from the rest of the world. A cocoon that let him stay in his dreams. The whispering was getting slightly clearer now, and so was his vision.


He risked the pain and tried to move his neck towards the sounds, and was truly surprised to feel his head turn very slowly, with very little pain. He felt his cheek graze the soft cloth of the pillow and he breathed a sigh of relief. He had faded in and out of consciousness several times, being completely unable to decipher what was reality and what was a dream. The white flashes had reduced and he was left running after the elusive figure through the forest.


He managed to understand what they were talking about and he was pleased to hear the voice of Acantha, the Nova who had helped him get back to his feet. He heard the voice of the woman who called herself Arina as well, eagerly telling Acantha something.


“-tissue regeneration is truly astounding. He is recovering at least five times as fast as he should. I managed to obtain some samples of tissue from some of his wounds. Fibroblast contents are extremely high and his body seems to be allocating a substantial amount of them towards wound repair.”


“Hang on, you're performing tests on him before he's even healed?” asked the voice of Acantha. She sounded angry.


“Yes, yes, but only to understand his physiology,” defended Arina. “His body has a truly remarkable adaptation to the infection by the strain. It is to be expected that everyone would have different...side effects, but his seems to actually make him stronger.”


“Whatever it may be, I don't want you prodding his wounds with any of your tools Arina. Aiden needs to heal, and maybe then he'll give you permission to continue doing your tests.”


For some inane reason, this made Aiden chuckle. Ignoring the sharp stabs of pain that erupted as his expanding chest caused his ribs to ache painfully, Aiden reveled in finally being able to make sounds. His wheezing laugh caused Acantha and Arina to pull the retaining curtain away. They saw him looking at their general direction, a tear of mirth streaming down his face.


“You're awake!” exclaimed Arina, immediately rushing towards a bank of medical readouts, eagerly observing readouts of several of his vitals.


He nodded, and was relieved that his body was co-operating with him this time unlike the last interaction with his caretaker.


“I'm...fine.” he rumbled in his deep voice. Aiden's own voice felt alien to him. Even in the forests of his dreams he had not uttered a word, and it truly felt relieving to be able to articulate his thoughts once again.


Acantha stood by his bed, smiling happily. “Seeing how much you've recovered since I last saw you, I wouldn't be surprised to see you whilring that giant sword in a week!”


Aiden grinned as much as he could since a huge swath of bandages covered the entire left half of his face. He vaguely remembered his helmet stopping Kril's hammer from flattening his skull.

“So,” continued Acantha, “how are you feeling?”


Aiden's grin became an expressionless mask. “I...don't know,” he croaked, still unsure of his voice. He cursed himself for sounding so weak.


“That might be mentally. But what about physically?” enquired Acantha, pointing to his body. Aiden craned his neck to see a sight that made him flinch slightly. His body was almost completely covered in bandages, a few of which were red from bleeding wounds. His left arm was supported by a cast and a splint, keeping it completely straight and every part of his skin that was exposed was littered with smal, angry scars.


“It doesn't hurt.” he said. “Not as much as before.”


Acantha nodded and started to talk but she was cut off by the visibly excited Arina. “You are truly a medical marvel. Your body managed to set itself into overdrive and repair itself even though you should not have had the strength to live. It's a wonder you haven't died yet!”


Acantha flinched at her lack of tact, but Aiden paid the excited woman's words no heed. He knew that she meant well.


“I made a promise to not die. If I gave up, I wouldn't be able to keep it.” he said grimly. For some reason, Acantha knew he wasn't talking about the promise he made to Team 1 back at Kril's ship. Aiden's blue eyes had a mysterious shell over them, masking his true intentions. But she had been around people near enough to know when they were hiding things. She brushed it off for later as Arina continued to chatter away.


Aiden cleared his throat to stop her from continuing on explaining his physiology and its effect to him. “Arina...I might be smart, but I do not understand a single thing you're saying. It would be rude of me to let you keep talking since I won't be able to do your statements justice.”


That shut the woman up. She blushed furiously at Aiden rather chivalrous way of silencing her and seeing her reaction made Acantha grin. Aiden looked at the Nova and then back at Arina.


“Could I have a moment with her please? I need to know something.”


Slightly taken aback, Arina nodded and walked away, dragging the curtain close behind her.


Aiden looked at Acantha with a grimace. “I was supposed to be dead.”


Acantha sighed. “You were.”


“How did I end up here?”


She paused, arranging her words carefully. “Aktos, Galen and I came to get you out. With their help, I was able to get you onto Galen's ship and back here.”


Aiden looked furious. “I told Ghost to leave me there.”


“I know, but I didn't listen to her.”

“So you risked the lives of two others alongside yourself all for me?”


“Yes, I did.”


Aiden's voice rose. “I did not wish to put any of your lives in danger for me. You shouldn't have come after me.”


It was Acantha's turn to scowl. “So we should have just left without even trying? What kind of people do you think we are?”


“You are all great warriors, people I am proud to have the pleasure of calling 'friend”. That is why you should never risk your own lives for mine! I am not worth sacrificing the lives of others!”


“Aiden, whether you like it or not, you are one of us. You might be new, but you are still Tenno. Our brother. And we never leave our own behind.”




“The way you're talking right now makes me want to believe that you did want to die back there. Am I right?”


Aiden looked stunned. He tried to talk, but decided to let his jaw slacken. Acantha knew than she had hit a nerve there. Before she could respond, he continued talking to her, a dead expression evident on his face.


“Thank you...for saving me.”


She was completely taken aback by the sudden change in his persona. “No need to thank me. You're family, and we never thank each other.”


He nodded grimly and turned away to look into the ceiling, the defeated expression still there in his expression. She knew that their conversation had come to a close.


“I'll see you around Aiden.”


Acantha walked out of his cocoon, but he paid her no heed. Aiden remained lost in his thoughts, her observation ringing deep into his core. Had she been right? Did he want to be left behind?


He let his body succumb to the flashes of white, and he found himself running through the trees once again. He found himself by the burning valley once again.


Did he want to die?


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Sooo, this is going to take a bit more work then expected.


Feel free to keep posting here and I will try and clean up the thread as you go.

I honestly suggested moving the archive because of the work actually separating the thread would take. So yeah, take your time, if you try to do it all in one sitting they'll have to find a new mod while you recover :P.

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I honestly suggested moving the archive because of the work actually separating the thread would take. So yeah, take your time, if you try to do it all in one sitting they'll have to find a new mod while you recover :P.


It'll be fine. I am locking the IC thread until I am done moving stuff though.

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Eden was dreaming...He was on a long road. Paved black as the blood that ran through his veins, he'd been walking along the same road for an indiscernible amount of time. It was just a flat expanse, a flawless dreamscape with a far horizon marred only by the road. That was all it was, he was just walking along it, no detail repeated and no end was in site.


Suddenly, he transited from his spot on the road to the end of it. The sky quickly morphed to accommodate the flux..


He looked around, his eyes fell onto the corpse of a women in her early thirties. Her throat streaked red and her body torn open. He fell to his knees and held the corpse. His tears fell onto her bod y.


This was her. This was his legacy, his blood.


His daughter.


He screamed and mourned, they built up in his throat and erupted from his chest. They sounded like the world being torn apart, like a man mourning his daughter.


He closed his eyes and remembered the two words he only ever heard her say, he didn't just mourn her, he mourned what would've been his life and her future.


The corpse dissolved, he remembered it was a dream, he pushed back the depression and agony of losing his daughter. He got up and awoke from his dream.


His last thought in the dream still echoed as he woke.


“But then again...They, no, I am a part of this hive mind.”

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!WARNING! Dialogue Heavy! Also blatantly states the word sex and bashes on ducks. Don't like? Don't read.



I'm doing art for the characters! :D Still trying to sort out flesh-colors with pencil though.




   Artorias watched Nier's eyes slowly flutter open. According to Demeter, he had only suffered minor injuries. That was good. His son dying was bad. Artorias had questions, after all.   He needed to know more. If Artorias had learned anything about Nier in their short conversation, one way to get him talking was through the Tenno Civil War, Theresa, and Morrighan. Nier started to groan. Probably from the headaches. He would have those for a bit, nothing a little Asp wouldn't fix though.

"Take your time son. Just don't take too long though, I doubt Viviane will be distracted by running her hands through my hair for longer than ten minutes."

"What the... Where am I? I'm not in some weird father-bastard son bonding/torture room am I? Ah Shrike!! My head!"

"Yeah, you'll have those for a bit. No, we didn't chip you. Yes, you were knocked to the ground and nearly had your head become one with the cave floor. No, we're not in some weird father-son bonding/torture room. We're in a storage room in one of the little colonist hamlets."


"Ooooohhhhhh... I like this look."

   It took all of Nier's willpower not to laugh at the mini-bun that Viviane gave Artorias. Probably because he didn't know what his father would do. Like those colonists back on Thob- Probably not the time right now.

"Thank you for your helpful contribution to the conversation, Viviane."


"I know it's hard for me to look serious here, what with my hair like it is right now, but I need some things answered."


"...How was Theresa towards you?"

"She raised me, if that's what you're asking."

"Did she love you as a mother?"

"She freakin' raised me! What do you think!? Geez, she told me you were a tactical genius, not some mushy idiot."

"What did she think of Morrighan?"

"She thought she was the loveliest woman to chat, go to the market and grow flowers with. What do you think? She got a little bit angry when it came to that woman!"

"What did she think of you?"

"You mean did she compare us? Oh plenty of times. I wasn't as strong, smart, fast, or as cold as you, or so she said. But I had instinct. She told me off several times when I got into a fight because people-"

"Would make fun of her hand, or call you a mutt. ...Right?"

"Yeah... She was a good parent. Unlike you, who left her to-"

"How did Theresa die?"

"That's a bit-"

"Did she die in pain? Was she bitter in the end?"

"...Screw. You."

"I'll ask again. How did Theresa, your mother, die?"

"Doctors said broken freakin' heart! You happy!? Huh!!? Are you satisfied she died alone with no one at her bed but me?!"


"...No. I'm sorry to hear that. She loved you very much, I can tell just from looking at you and hearing you speak about her so fondly. I cannot say the same for myself, because I can't remember my parents or who raised me. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I want you to know that I am sorry."


"Did you or her try and see me?"

"...She didn't. Said it would cause you pain. And problems."

"Yeah... I remember that night."

"She said you two pleasured the night away. Had some variety too."

   Oh sweet Universe. She told him about that?

"...There were... some... questionable... things that went on that night."

"Do tell. She never told me in great detail. Only that she felt like she had gone to one of the cities on one of the three moons that night."

"Maybe not with Viviane around."

"What with me not around? I'm going to be around you forever~!"

   Why? Just why?




"Hell no. If you think that again, you'll be getting more than a headache."

"Alright alright fine. Geez."

"Back to the things at hand though. You said Theresa didn't try to see me. I assume you tried to?"

"Yeah. But you just looked like you had your hands full, what with you and your large family."

"How big were we?"

"The second most influential body of Tenno culture at the time other than the Council. All I'm saying about that."

"Oh sweet Founder."

"What, relieved?"

"No, kind of scared."

"...I always thought that when I found you, you'd be on the run or something. Some kind of cold, calculating, murdering son-of-a-two-cent-duck. But when I did..."

"...Don't like ducks either huh?"

"They eat each other. What more do I have to say?"

"Nothing more about ducks please."


"So... What was I like when you found me?"

"Pretty much the same as you are now. Family and morally oriented.Speaking of which, are you and her-"

"No. At least I don't think so. She's making the moves here, and that's due to the drugs. Which reminds me, we have to get back to the mission."

"What now then?"

"You go to our clan dojo with Demeter."

"That's it?"

"It's all I've got for now Nier."

"You do know that I could escape, right?"

"You could have five minutes ago.

"Can't believe you saw that."

"I'm your father, what did you expect?"

"To look up when you're being hunted in a narrow space."

"Fair point. Alright, Demeter and the ship are outside."

   Nier and Artorias walked out of the storage room, Viviane attached to Artorias' head. Demeter and Cyrille looked up, and the latter waved.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Demeter's going back to the Dojo with Nier and give him proper medical treatment."

   Demeter pouted.

"I already did."

"Nanomachines don't count. He's having headaches"

"Shows what you know. Do you want anyone to come back?"

"...No. This feels... different."

   Demeter looked at Artorias quizzically and spoke.

"Wait, you're going to do this thing with someone who wants to ride you like a bull, and someone who specializes in running and gunning?"


"Eh, you've had worse ideas."


   Nier interjected his opinion.

"Having me for a kid."

"You aren't a bad idea Nier, I just didn't know until now."

"You and my mother had sex for twelve hours, what did you expect?"

"Child support knocking at my door. Or someone with a gun."

"Can't fault you for that, 'Art'."

   Artorias' eye visibly twitched. He was either going to be addressed as Artorias, or nothing at all.

"Hahahaha, relax relax. Alright, let's get this show on the road."

   The trio watched the craft take off. Before he got lost in his memories again, Artorias contacted Lotus.

"Hey Lotus, I have a question for you."

"Go ahead Tenno."

"Can you do a scan for signs of a Warframe?"


   The connection between Lotus and Artorias was broken. Five minutes later, the voice of Lotus came back.

"Tenno... Your hunch was correct. There is in fact a Warframe on this planet. It's extremely close to your location, I've marked it on your HUD. I fear the Corpus have already found the pod, or are about to. Hurry Tenno."

   Joyous. Artorias had to fix what amounted to entire colonies humping one another, while trying to find a cryopod with a hostile faction very close to it. All the while with a three-man team with one of them wanting to do what he and Theresa had done that night. Freak. Ing. Glorious.

   Oh well, he's had worse ideas.

Edited by FellArtorias
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