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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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*cough cough* heheh



He had spent enough time in space. He was eager to get back to the dojo, people needed him, the dojo needed him. He had spent enough time lounging at the station. He missed Juliet, the foundry, everyone. He had been depressed but now, he felt a lot better. 


Quinn was heading home.




The Ai of the foundry was notified a few moments ago.


“The master is coming home Juliet!!!” It declared happily as the Osprey went wild. Flying around and beeping happily. 


“I should probably get rid of those mantis men, shouldn’t i?” The AI said in an odd tone, while the sound of scream were heard in the back ground, stopping Juliet in his tracks. 




IM COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by QuinnsWing
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i feel better writing now, though my laptop is now dead, i shall see you all later, and someone please continue this for me, with Quinn coming back.  :D




The snub was on its way home. Quinn was happy, he had found some new things to build and create, but he was sad also. He missed everyone, Khi, Ein, Acantha, Juliet, NO, everyone! His snub was at its fastest speed, only a few hours till he got home. He fiddled with his frame, tweaking little things here and theres, nervous. He was gone for awhile, and he didnt know how they would react, or treat him for his absence. Almost knocking one of his new weapon off the table, he grabbed them quickly. The Stilettos. They where amazing just like the twin vipers. Already forma’d and potato’d, Quinn was expecting them to destroy soon. 


“I just want to be home.” He said to himself quietly, looking around the empty snub. With a deep sigh, he went and sat in the chair, falling asleep. 


A few hours passed when he heard an alarm, he was home! Jumping up he started to dock and waited impatiently. After the few moments he docked and proceeded to gather up his gear, weapons, and new items. Hesitating at the door, Quinn didnt know what to do. He wanted to see everyone but he didnt want them to be angry with him. With a deep sigh, he pushed the button and let the door open into the bright dojo. His home. 




More for Ans and the foundry Ai later, if you would all like.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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!WARNING! Contains sexual implications and the word 'arse'.



   This was by far the easiest high paying job that this Executive had ever overseen. All they had to do was get in, administer the drug to the colonist water supplies, and get out relatively unharmed. So far, there was no sign of the Tenno, so Zwick told everyone to go about their regular duties in no rush. A total of fifty million credits were going to him alone. Fifty... Million.

   Zwick suspected though, that the drug was Orokin based. But why would he start asking questions now, since whoever was paying everyone here? He was getting paid a lot. Especially not to ask questions. Finally, he could take a vacation to Abraxos, where the women-




   Cyrille and Artorias stood a safe distance behind Viviane, who apparently could literally kick her way into a compound under the promise of a snuggle. Now if only they could get her to do that every other time they needed to bust into a compound or bunker. It would have saved a lot of time and explosives. She also didn't need to add the 'Lord' part, that just made Artorias feel strange. The shocked crewmen that Viviane didn't shoot down were methodically killed by Cyrille and Artorias.

"Cyrille, you go east. Viviane, west. I'll keep going ahead. Destory any trace of the drug you find. If you find the Tenno, regardless of what state they're in, be sure to bring him or her back."

   A synchronized affirmation of his orders were relayed back to him. The trio forged on ahead separately. Artorias encounted little resistance. In fact... It looked as if the Corpus' movements were... sluggish. It was against Corpus policy to move slowly or shuffle from one action to the next as they were.

   What the hell was going on? It was no skin off his back, sure, but he wanted to know the reason behind this. He didn't have to look for it long, because in the last room at the end of the compound on the thrid floor, the answer was everywhere. Corpus were on the floor, in chairs scattered about the room, and the large couch. The room was also extremely plush.

   In the very large bed, laid a woman with long orange cream hair. Only Tenno had such silly hair color. Or teenagers trying to look cool. She could have been either judging from her physical age. If he had to take a wild guess, this was the source of the drug, or someone behind it.


"Yes Tenno?"

"I think I've found the Tenno we were looking for."


"She's... Uhhhhhh... I'm not sure how to put it..."

   A voice as smooth as silk with a slight accent spoke to Artorias.

"I think the term you're looking for is 'orgy'. Are you new? Come, let me see- Oh. A Tenno."

   The woman slowly stood up, letting the sheets of fabric roll off some of her form. By the Doctrine, she was as endowed as Flagrans! Her cerulean eyes scanned Artorias, as if appraising him.

"Have you come to kill me?

"Are you...?"

"Yes, I'm behind this masterpiece. I follow my own Doctrine. 'Make love, not war'. That is not to say, I haven't killed anyone before. Such as people trying to kill me, or others for fun."

"I have never killed for fun. I only kill if other people are shooting at me, or if I'm ordered to. I don't torture."

"There was once a famous Human poet long ago. He said something like... Ah! 'Methinks thou dost protest too much.' The fact that you're-"

"I've never tortured or killed anyone slowly, and I'm not here to kill you. I won't kill another Tenno... Unless you give me reason to."

   The woman slowly made her way towards Artorias, making every movement slow, smooth, and deliberate, further revealing her body. She started circling him.

"Oh? Like?"

"Not cooperating with my Clan to fix this."

"Hmmm... Now why should I?"

"Its unnatural. People should... 'fornicate'... only when they're ready to make that choice. For themselves. I would also appreciate it if you didn't stand BEHIND-!!"

   Artorias jumped. She had just squeezed his arse and ran her hands over him! Fast. Way too fast.

"Ooh. Nice and firm. I'm gonna enjoy when we-"

"Not going to happen if you don't fix what you did...?"

"My name is Clare. And why not?"

"You'll have to get through her first. A victim of your drug. Play nice."


   That never got old. Clare was tackled to the ground by a very angry and clingy Viviane. She started clawing at the poor woman, tearing into her flesh and hair.

"Get away from him you demon! He's mine!!"

"Ow! Can't we share!? I'm sure he has enough for both of us!"


   Viviane coldcocked Clare. Then she started to move for her Brakk. Too far. This was going way too far.

"Viviane. Enough."

"But she-"



"Let's get her out of here. You did clear the place out, right?"

"Yes... Even got that Executive."

"Excellent. Our job is done. Are you still there Lotus?"

"Yes Tenno. Extraction will be where you first came in."

"Thanks Lotus. Severing Connection."

   The blip in Artorias' audio receptors confirmed that the connection between Lotus and himself was cut. He sighed. He felt exhausted. Too much running and getting his arse felt today. Why did women that were attracted to him always feel the need to have their hands on it? It was bizzare.

   Artorias grabbed some sheets and wrapped Clare in it. It was time for this person to work with Demeter to solve this mess. He was also looking forward to sleeping in his bed instead of the brush or some cave. The duo met up with Cyrille outside in the craft, and proceeded to the Dojo. He sighed in relief as he sat in seat, falling asleep.

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Whoop Whoop Whoop!!!


here more for Ans. This poor soul.



Ans had watched the wounded enter the dojo, some leaving quickly others carried in. It disturbed him to see them in such a way. Trying to find peace, he headed to the memorial hall to meditate in his normal spot. Behind the statue. After Kris had torn through the hall, Ans was one, left without a place to meditate and two, horrified at such a thing could happen. But the Foundry Master had fixed the statue, leaving but one crack to show what happened that day.


Settling himself down, Ans relaxed and fell into a state of peace. His mind clear he let the images of the day come back to him. The wounded, the hurt and that one person. Kris. Red flashed behind his eyes as that name was remembered. Calming himself once again, Ans reminded himself of what he was here to do.  Relax. Muscles relaxing, mind wandering, Ans let things come back to him. Happy memories, sad, despairing all came back, along with the memory of his blade, breaking it, but not regretting.  A thought flashed into his calmed mind, the Foundry Master, could he fix my blade?


Getting up slowly Ans drew his broken blade. The edge was clean and taken care of, the end was  clean break but still saddening. Sheathing his once glorious blade, Ans wandered in the dojo, looking for the foundry. 


Edit: that one typo X_X thanks Fell

Edited by QuinnsWing
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I had fun writing this snippet, writing out Darius and his mood made me laugh even.


During the time he spent waiting for the foundry master, Quinn, Darius had loafed around his room. His eagerness and relief had run out when he realized he could do very little without his Warframe. Darius shuffled over to his plain bed and flopped onto it. He let out a heavy sigh of boredom when someone knocked on his door.

Darius sighed again, this time out of annoyance (he had, of course, only just laid down). He opened the door and there stood Stephen, his helmet in the crook of his arm. Darius stared at him expectantly, his eyes pleading for news of the foundry master.
Stephen hesitated, he just had to stare at Darius. He seemed so much like a Tenno child that just had its favorite toy taken away, mopey and begging.
“Yes, Darius, he's back.” Said Stephen, at this Darius's whole expression lit up. He uttered one single cry of joy and ran past Stephen, intent on finding the man that would restore what Nakarn had taken.

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Stepping into the Darkness

Cathy was walking relaxedly, skipping slightly every time she took a step. She held held the herbs in her hand, the small packet glinting from the moonlight. She and Aiden had eaten at a nearby restaurant, enjoying the ambiance of the open roofed place. The food had been great and that greatly bolstered their spirits. She felt at peace in this station, as if the worries of the system all faded away in this small station.


Aiden had mostly stayed silent throughout the trip, occasionally spouting some deep, philosophical ideas regarding the world. Cathy had gotten used to her friend’s strange view of the world, and she sometimes found it quite interesting to view it that way. They both regularly got into debates regarding the purpose of intelligent life and many other things people their age refused to think about.


They reached a balcony that jutted out over the forest around them. Cathy leaned against the railing, basking in the soft breeze that blew through the station. Aiden sighed and looked out into the distance.


“Hey Aiden,” Cathy asked.




“That lady back at the shop. Why did she give us that advice?”


Aiden shrugged. “She might have just felt the need to give us sagely advice. She's old after all. All old people like sharing their experiences with youth.”


“I guess so, but I can't shake the feeling that she was trying to say something deeper than that.”


Aiden smiled, his blue eyes twinkling like the stars in the night sky. “If that's the case, then we're just going to wait and hope that we understand.”


Cathy grinned. “Maybe we'll understand when we become as old and wrinkly as that lady.”


Aiden laughed. “Maybe. Imagining you all wrinkly and old, waving a staff at children will be a sight to see!”


“I won't become an old bat!” grumbled Cathy. “Not for a while, at least.”


“Well then, I'll just wait till I see Granny Cathy in action,” smirked Aiden, turning back towards the pathway. Cathy stuck her tongue out at him and followed him.


They were mostly alone, the people in the station having retired to their respective homes or ships. A few people dotted the streets, but it was next to empty. Over the course of their wanderings, Aiden had lost his way. The short and narrow streets of the station made finding their way back to the ship quite difficult. Cathy walked close to him, probably out of fear. He held her forearm reassuringly.


They walked silently for several minutes, the only sound around then were those made by cicadas. They were in a cramped alleyway, with trash cans and scraps of paper littering the roads. Cathy knew that they had reached the lower decks by accident, and she made to turn around while they were suddenly jumped by five people.


They appeared from the shadows and quickly subdued Aiden and Cathy and dragged them further into the alley.


He struggled against his captors as Cathy screamed, but powerful arms had locked his own. He could smell the breath of the man behind him, and it stank of alcohol. He frantically looked around to see two men pin Cathy against a wall. She was still screaming when one of men walked forward and slapped her. Aiden felt rage bubble from his core. He struggled against his captors with renewed vigor, but one of the men rammed a fist into his gun. Aiden bit back bile as he winced in pain.


Cathy had stopped screaming and she was now looking at the men wide-eyed. “Good, the *@##$ stopped screaming,” leered the man who had slapped her. Aiden felt his rage burn even more fiercely at the way way he had addressed Cathy.


“Let her go!” he shouted to the men, to which he received a cacophony of drunk laughter. “Take whatever you want, but just let her go!”


“Oh don't you worry, sonny boy. We will be taking what we want, and there's nothing you can do about it.” chuckled the man as he ordered his men to search their pockets and take their belongings. One of them exclaimed as he held up the packet of herbs.


“What is this?” he asked Aiden, when Cathy looked too terrified to respond.


“Herbs,” was his simple answer. He made sure he let his blue eyes bore deep into the man's, asserting his confidence.


“Herbs, huh? Guess they're not worth much”, said the first man, snatching the packet from his accomplice and throwing it against the wall of the alley. The packet burst open and the herbs fell to the ground, useless and inedible. Aiden shouted in frustration.


“Oho! This one's got spunk!” cackled the first man as he rammed his fist into Aiden's gut. He wheezed as air whooshed out of his lungs and he saw stars. When he regained his vision, he saw the man standing in from of Cathy, who was shivering with fear. Her shaking worsened as he fixed her with a lecherous gaze, letting his eyes roam up and down her body.


“We will be taking your money, and her.”


Aiden snarled and fought against his captors, who were forced to push him against the wall with their sheer body weight. All he could see was red as the man continued.


“It's been a while since I've had a young one. This is going to be a special night, boys.” The other men laughed, too drunk to understand the heinous crime they were about to commit.


He let his hands travel to Cathy's waist, towards the fasteners for her pants. Cathy began to cry and shake violently, screaming for help. Her pained sobs were the only catalyst Aiden needed. He needed to protect her. At all costs.


With a mighty bellow, Aiden pushed the men restraining him, sending them tumbling to the side. He used his new found strength to land a heavy punch at the man who had found the herbs, shattering his jaw with the force of his blow. The man howled in agony and crumpled as Aiden quickly stepped over his body, zeroing in on his new targets.


The leader was seemingly in a trance as he slowly undid Cathy's pants, oblivious to Aiden's actions. The two men restraining Cathy balked as they saw him charge towards them, the bloodlust clearly visible in his eyes. This got the leader's attention.


“What the-”. He was never able to complete his sentence since Aiden grabbed a hold of his neck and slammed it against the wall next to Cathy. His terrified friend shrieked and ducked as Aiden landed a barrage of punches against the leader's body, wanting to beat the scum to a pulp. The wall behind the man was coated in a sheen of blood. He wasn't moving, but Aiden wouldn't stop. He would be torn to shreds for attacking Cathy. Aiden winced in pain as one of the men landed a heavy blow to his midriff, and he reciprocated by swinging around and pushing the man away violently. He saw Cathy shriek and duck underneath another man desperately trying to avoid getting caught. He needed to get them out of here fast. He turned around, landed a punch at her attacker, and grabbed Cathy's arm.


“We need to move.” he said to her, looking into her frightened eyes to give her some reassurance. That seemed to calm his friend down as she nodded, wiping away her tears. He tugged on her arm as they both broke into a dead sprint, trying their best to outpace the footsteps that were giving them chase.


Cathy was soon ahead of him, her shoulder-length dark hair forming a fluttering halo as she sped up to the fastest she could go. They ran blindly through alleyways and streets, trying their best to give the pursuing men the slip. They turned around a corner to a dead end. A wall barred their way, standing ten feet tall. Aiden grunted in frustration as his mind came up with a means of escape. He could give Cathy a boost and let her get up the wall and to safety. He could force his way up and get out too. Quickly making up his mind, he ran to face the wall.


“Jump on me and get over the wall. Fast!”


She obeyed, lithely using him as leverage to hoist herself up the wall and over. Before Aiden could climb up himself, he heard footsteps behind him and instinctively ducked as a fist flew towards his face. He was met with a howl as the man broke his wrist against the wall. He heard Cathy scream his name from the other side.


“GO!” he bellowed, rolling to avoid another set of swings as the remaining men tried to attack him. He heard her footsteps run away from him.


Aiden kept backpedalling, searching for an avenue of escape as three of the remaining men relentlessly assaulted him. Almost by instinct, his body moved on its own, blocking and dodging punches and kicks thrown at him. Now that Cathy was safe, he simply wished to get away from these men.


“You fight like a girl!” roared one of the men as he swung at Aiden, narrowly missing his chest. The blow landed on Aiden shoulder and he knew that he'd be bruised all over after this fight.


Another man laughed, as he swung a half broken bottle immediately after the first, the jagged edges cutting gouges in his arm. Aiden screamed in pain as he rolled away, clutching at the bleeding wound.


“We should probably take him instead of that *@##$!” leered the first man, cracking his knuckles as they advanced slowly towards Aiden. “She was a keeper, but you just might do, you p***y!”


Aiden felt overwhelming rage as they casually mentioned raping Cathy. He felt an urge to maim, to dismember.


To kill.


With a vicious bellow, he charged at the men, pummeling the first man with as much fury as he could. He couldn't care less about his own safety, for all his intent was on hurting these men. Scum like them should not exist.


With a vicious strength that he did not know he possessed, Aiden attacked the men, recklessly slamming them into the narrow walls of the alley and grunting as he took a barrage of blows himself. The men were weakening, slowly relegating themselves to blocking Aiden's mad assault. With a savage grunt, he felt the skull of a man crack, the earsplitting sound followed by his limp body crumpling to the ground. He immediately jumped over the first body and attacked the second man. The terrified man waved his bottle frantically at Aiden, hoping to gore him with the multiple sharp ends of his weapon. He managed to keep Aiden at bay for a while.


Spit frothed from the young man's mouth as he savagely bellowed, using an opening in the man's wild swing to close the distance and grab a hold of his throat. He pushed the struggling criminal against the wall, landing heavy punches against his face. Six punches later, the man's body went limp. Still seeing only red, Aiden let the man's body crumple to the ground, completely oblivious to the many wounds on his body. He turned around just in time to see the last man swing at him with a dagger. It was aimed straight at his head, and with a stab of fear, Aiden knew that he couldn't dodge the blade in time. His feet felt dead, and he winced as he saw the blade glinted in the moonlight.


An earsplitting boom echoed through the night as Aiden heard a body thud to the ground in front of him. Ears ringing, he opened his eyes to see the man crumpled on the ground, his head completely blown off. The sudden realization hit him with overwhelming force. He had killed, not once, but multiple times. He didn't regret his actions, and that feared him deeply. Numb, he turned towards the entrance to the valley where a man stood still, the barrel of his gun smoking from it's last shot.


He saw the man slowly walk towards him. “Son? Are you alright?”


Aiden looked back down at the body of the man in front of him. The sight of the headless body and the blood everywhere felt like a kick in the stomach. He doubled over, retching furiously as an overwhelming force hit him in the head.


Aiden crumpled against the floor of the alley, drinking in the dusty smell as he faded into darkness.

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With a frustrated sigh Khimera walked behind the group as they proceeded through the Grineer battleship picking off the enemies that the others left behind. It wasn't an extermination mission, but already there weren't that many enemies for him to deal with and the other three Tenno had run far ahead of him to the reactor to obliterate it. Absent-mindedly the white and light-blue Oberon laid down a Hallowed Ground down the ramp behind himself, catching a few weakened units in the radiant blaze. Still, Khi let another sigh bubble from his throat as he let his shoulders sag, half-heartedly bringing up his Brakk and blasting a few shots at a Shield Lancer, his Wyrm taking the final blow...again. It had been like this for weeks now and it wasn't exactly pleasant feeling for the once-Volt.


To put things in perspective; Khimera had been attempting to not use his powers as frequently as he had when in his previous Warframe. He wanted to show he could make due without wiping entire fields repeatedly with a single power. The derogatory 'uber-spammer' nickname had been floating around or something of that nature and it was disheartening to think that by activating his powers to achieve victory, particularly Reckoning, in repetition was frowned upon. He had also come to notice that his damage output even with his weapons was pitiful compared to before. Foes were getting stronger but he was not, and even in testing new weapons he simply didn't conform to the kinds of modifications that were so common for maximizing the utilities of weapon damage. It was true, however, that Khi had a tendency to pick whatever looked 'coolest' in his own opinion, but it still didn't feel good to be left behind by squadmates just running to the mission's end. Even the massive blue Rhino in the group had outpaced him, which was just sad at this point.


A small blip alerted Khimera to the Lotus speaking. Without even listening to her he knew the reactor was finished off and he hadn't even made it to that room. The waypoint on his HUD changed to the extraction, causing the Oberon to switch directions and take another path. Not a minute went past before the other three in his mission squad ran past him like a freight train. Grumbling to himself Khimera holstered his Brakk and drew a sickeningly colored pair of Dual Ichors. Unlike his other two weapons, this thing was both an Infested Technology weapon and colored very far from his own color palette. Dark grey blades with marrow red striping, the handle started black while the twisting part connected to the pulsing organs was a bloody flesh red. No, he wasn't going to kill fellow Tenno, but he was going to enjoy taking his time and eviscerating the Grineer they left behind.

Some ten minutes later Khimera arrive at extract, his Warframe splashed with blood like some twisted druidic creature that had just come back from a hunt, his three squad-mates staring at him in horror. They had originally planned to chew him out for being so slow, but now they could only remain silent as the Lotus chimed in on the comm link. "I can detect no other life-forms Tenno, please extract." Behind the Oryx helmet Khimera smirked, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. If these newer generation fools weren't going to get the job done, he would. Healer or no, his powers would come in handy if he wanted them to. Screw what others thought, he could make it work. On another note, however, he hoped Zen was around so he could cuddle the fluffy thing. He needed someone to let him wile away the time while he sorted out his cares.

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