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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Nice story Khi.


And on the Brakk...

More like IF I ever get it - the deathmark enemies like ignoring me. Seen Harvy once in total, and I'm fed up today doing Grineer missions to spend the Grun. mark I got on phobos. Hell, even stalker seems scarce for me, despite dozens of boss raids for rare resources & Frame parts.


I think they hate me... or worse, LIKE me.

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Lol once in awhile I am. I think Stalker keeps trying to get his Dread back from me and failing xD


Harvester just dropped what I needed in like 2-3 appearances, so any other time I've seen him anything I've gotten from him has been spares, and since I have no need for Brakk (I already own it), any bits I get from the new Grineer Death Squad will be extras as well.

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Noice! Barbaric fairy king ftw

Offensive healer ftw. Your team wants heals? They better work for it.

Still working out the kinks in Chapter I Forget What Number It Is Because Girl Scout Cookies and College! Also, I'm trying to make it safer. Not too hard to do, but like I said, still in the works.

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It was too crowded.


The motion of countless people milling about her stirred up the air as they wandered and talked loudly among each other to create a rushing hum and roar of conversation that altered even the steady drafts of the ventilation systems, making the air currents chaotic and restless. The uncertain drafts made navigating that much more tedious for her as she brushed past other Tenno. Hearing a soft tone in her left ear, she turned down a corridor she could only half recognize amidst the distracting cacophony to make her way towards an even more crowded area of the Station; one of its various markets.


Without a word, she navigated the clogged artery, forcing her way past oblivious knots of people in intense discussion with each other, hagglers, merchants hawking their wares, and even a few incredibly stupid, or perhaps desperate, pickpockets. A few moments later she was standing in a short line outside of the stall of a known information broker. What she needed to know wasn’t necessarily privileged information, but she needed to be sure what she learned was reliable. She fidgeted in line, tapping one clawed shoe against the floor as she chaffed at the wait. Patience wasn’t her specialty, and she was itching to get necessary things done so she could go back out into the field and dance again.


Feeling someone coming up to her, she turned sharply towards a Vauban. A mischievous smile played across his face as he stepped into line behind her, helmet in one hand and followed by a frankly ridiculous looking sentinel, outfitted in the most elaborate accessories possible and painted a garishly bright pattern of black and vibrant yellow. “I can’t say I’ve seen you around here before. New to this particularly lovely section of this glorious construction that I call home?”


She smirked behind her helmet as a particularly bulky Rhino bumped into him without apology as he bulldozed his way through the masses of people around him.  The only response she offered was to state, “I dislike crowds.”


“Yeah, can’t say I like them either. Hey, what say you we skip out on the crowded market and go find someplace quieter, maybe have a few drinks?” He asked her unabashedly.


She cocked her head curiously to one side, the small dangling bits on her helmet chiming softly at the sudden movement. “I only need a smith. A trustworthy one. Once that chore is done I intend to go dancing.”


The Vauban didn’t even wince at the apparent dismissal in her voice. “Dancing, I have always had a weakness for girls who know how to party. Maybe I could go with you, assuming I know where to find you a good smith. You do know you’re talking to the best Sentinel mechanic known to man, right?”


“All of my dancing partners die,” she informed him drily, idly waving a hand to spin a small current of air that turned away a particularly foul smell that she had no interest in finding the source of, “and I have no interest in a Sentinel. No machine can keep up with me. I need a true smith, the best money can buy that I can trust to also be discreet.”


The mechanic paused, his flirtatious demeanor disappearing as he thought. “I’ve heard rumor of a good smith. A regular I have came in awhile ago, saying she needed maintenance done an incredibly unique Djinn she’d acquired that she couldn’t take to their normal Dojo Foundry Master because he was out, she didn’t know where. I’ve never known her to lie, and she told me that he was the best smith she’d ever seen, and judging by the equipment I saw her carrying, I can vouch for the quality.”


“Smiths tied to clans rarely ever take outside work.” She crossed her arms, impatient.


The merchant nodded, “True, but sometimes they’ll consider it if the customer has been referred to them or has an interesting enough request, and you look like your request would be interesting. This costumer I have, she’d never let anyone touch her equipment if the person doing the work on it wasn’t trustworthy, and I have no reason to doubt her word about his skill even if I hadn’t see the finished product of his work. If you’re interested you might look him up, he’s the Foundry Master of Clan Aequitas. He goes by the name of Quinn.”


“I might very well do that. Thank you…” she left the statement hanging.


His grin widened again, “Just call me Tinkerer.”


“Tinkerer,” she finished. “So, what information are you here to learn?”


He just laughed, waving a hand dismissively, “None, I never pass up the opportunity to talk with an unfamiliar, pretty face.”


She frowned, unsure of if his flirtatious attitude was sincere or a front.  “I’ll be going then. I’m grateful for the information.”


Moving away, she heard and felt him call out to her, “I never did catch you name!”


“You can’t catch the wind, Tinkerer, any more than you can catch a falcon on the wing.”


He stared after her, confused. “That’s not an answer! Riddles don’t count!”


She laughed, “Just call me Peregrine.”

Edited by Jeahanne
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The Grineer are getting desperate it seemed. I have just been informed that I have been marked for death by their good Councilor Vey Hek. Good, perhaps the mongrels will finally fight better. The Corpus have recently approached me for a series of jobs in support of invading Grineer territory. I take the job not because of any love of the Corpus but because the merchant cult has offered me substantial rewards for doing so. I will still kill them of course. This is Reclamation and any that are found opposing the Master's Will shall die.




My mission takes me to Eris. A snowy outpost once belonging to the Corpus is today's battleground. As I drop onto the landing port already the sounds of gunfire echo through the canyon. I shoulder my Soma as Grineer Lancers charge my position intent on killing me. My Soul Punch teaches one a harsh lesson as his body is hurled into the abyss below. The second succumbs to the Soma's roar as a barrage of high powered rounds punch repeatedly into his armor. I lower my rifle. First blood to me.


I trod across the bridge and head into the outpost where I hear the Corpus undoubtedly fighting for their lives. I hear one of their overseers asking for support and I move, I do not follow the orders of these greedy fools I go where I wish. I watch dispassionately as Grineer and Corpus murder each other in the snow. Already there are corpses, the snowfall is light. I move in without hesitation killing Grineer left and right. A Corpus Crewman slaughters a fallen Grineer with his plasma repeater. I see a MOA get torn to shreds by attacking butchers. It is madness, a scene straight from hell.


The sight of a Tenno is worse. For either side.


I terrify the Grineer into submission, I feed on their fear. Terrify makes each bullet hit harder, my blade takes more blood until I am more fiend than man. I hunt the Grineer without mercy, in the corridors, in the snowy caves, in the hangars. I note that the lights began to flicker.


"You continue to assist our enemies. Your meddling will NOT be tolerated."


The voice is menacing. I ignore it. This is good. Let them come, whoever these Grineer are.


I will show them their innards as I wrap them around their necks.

Edited by Divinity112
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All things in the balance, right? That's what the Tenno were about, especially the Oberon Warframe, combining support and assault; healing and attacking. For every moment of sorrow, there would be joy. With each stab of pain, there would be times of soothing pleasure. With each ray of light, a creeping darkness. A life born would mean a death experienced. Grineer and Corpus held no regard for the balance of the universe, and the Infested were too intent on their primal instincts and alien-minded purposes to understand the Tenno's idea of balance. Cloned flesh and mechanoid creations were not true lives to replenish those lost in their slaughter and research, and snuffing out such existences would not interfere with the balance as it was kept. Of course, as with all things good and evil in equal measure as well. Someone always had to be the dark side, the tainted blackness that stained the purity of light.


Taking off his Oryx helmet Khimera sat on his bed, setting it aside and letting his hair fall around his face. It was still perma-shocked white but had grown longer and shaggier in his time since losing his capacity with Volt. There was no need to keep it cut or styled anymore, there wasn't anyone who cared except perhaps Sandalphon and he was an idiot who couldn't read the mood no matter what happened. Silent, Khi began to peel away the Warframe from his body, going slowly as there was no rush to the process. When finally out of the second skin of sorts Khimera went up to his mirror to look at his body. Khi had never been masculine, even before donning a Warframe, and even now this was true. With all this training it didn't look like he had much muscle at all, yet he could easily put down many of the more skill members of Aequitas if he so chose. Sadly his expertise was in the use of powers, not in weapons so when dueling he was not necessarily the victor. This was frustratingly and particularly true for some of the newly created weapons such as the fetid Phage. However the vile thing projected its lasers it was annoying and epileptic to even view. Lately Khimera felt...inadequate compared to other Tenno, undeserving of his rank and recognition. It was easy to lose himself in simply slaughtering the remaining enemies in the area to forget how he felt, but it was no more than a temporary fix.


Lightly, Khimera picked up a picture of his husband, staring at it for what felt to be an eternity. Still, they had not been reunited even once since his change into an Oberon. Doubts and fears plagued his mind even as he held the picture to his chest, closing his eyes for a single warm tear to roll down his cheek. The Oberon Warframe was proof of the love they still shared, but it wasn't enough, not after being parted for so long. When he finally brought himself back to composure Khimera rubbed his eyes a bit and set the picture back in its proper place, standing up. He wasn't one to leave his room outside his Warframe, though it certainly was an option. Moving to his personal terminal he decided to simply browse the archives for anything to distract himself from his worries.


A soft chittering noise prevented Khi from starting his wander in the sea of information, causing him to turn around and see Zen on his bed, sitting atop the Oryx helmet looking down at it curiously. A soft smile crept onto the Tenno's lips as he quietly strode over and scritched under the blue critter's chin. "I'm glad you followed Ein home, little one." He said softly, crouching beside the bed to look at the critter on his level. As if sensing Khimera was not all in sorts Zen nuzzled his cheek and clambered onto his shoulders, using Khi as a nice place to take a nap. Shaking his head slowly Khi took his time moving back to his terminal so he wouldn't disturb Zen's nap. Maybe he could find something in the archives that would reveal Zen's genetic heritage. Glancing at the photo of Canis, Khimera felt his heart ache. "I'll find you. I promise...so please keep looking for me."


Edit: The first paragraph is a hint at something to come, not to do with Khimera himself personally.

Edited by khimera
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Kylar gripped the table in front of him. He couldn’t quite believe what he had just realised.


“How?” He managed to get out.


“We’re not sure,” replied the medic, “from our scans we think it’s one of three things. At first we thought it was a phantom pregnancy. It’s fairly uncommon, but what happens is that the body thinks it is carrying a child so begins to make the changes necessary for childbirth. It’s also possible that the embryo had a late mutation that caused the body’s immune system to attack and destroy it. But then we checked her warframe…” the medic hesitated, “the amount of power that was going through her systems was staggering, it may have cause damage. She might have inadvertently killed the embryo. We don’t know for certain.” The medic shrugged. “We might never know.”


Kylar staggered out the door. He wondered aimlessly around the medical ward, shrugging off medics who questioned him. He came around a corner to find Gentlecube flitting around fretfully.


“Aha! I found you,” the sentinel said, probably a bit too loudly. “The foundry AI told me to give you a telegram. After going over the damage on your Excalibur Prime, it seems it will take a few months before it is in a combat worthy state. It is possible it may be irreparable.”


Kylar winced slightly. He had used his Excalibur Prime since he had received it after single-handedly defending a stash of warframe cryopods in a Void tower. He had barred the way in a narrow corridor, and held off a fierce Grinner assault for two days and two nights before the extraction team had arrived. He had been found standing on a pile of Lancers, Orthos broken in two, wielding a half in each hand, his Excalibur warframe falling apart. It had taken months for him to recover, but when he had returned to his armoury, he had found his Excalibur gone, and the Prime version in its place.


Kylar thanked GentleCube, and continued his wonderings. After some time, he found himself standing outside one of the many rooms. He went in, not really knowing why. He stopped.


Aiden was lying on the bed in front of him. Even days after they had returned, he was a mess of wounds. He was a lot better then he had been. Kylar had heard that Aiden should be dead a long time ago yet, nearly two weeks later, he was alive and slowly recovering. Kylar sat on a chair nearby. He felt guilt rise up in him. If he hadn’t encouraged Sophia to go on this mission, none of this would have happened. Aiden wouldn’t be like this, having to recover from the brink of death.


Kylar sat there, falling deep into his own thoughts. He sat there for a long time.

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Corpses are all that remain of the Grustrag Three as I depart for another world. Vey Hek had wasted my time but I must admit that I am happy with the new pistol blueprint that I had received from their corpses. That and the Corpus has given me a generous amount of credits for me to spend. I am usually content with the mission being a success, as physical belongings are unneeded by Tenno but  sometimes receiving an edge over the enemy is good too.


I depart for Earth, the Lotus has granted me the task of capturing two targets of particular interest to her. It seems that two Corpus scientists have exchanged knowledge for safety for fear of reprisal from the Collective. Too bad for them, the Lotus wants what they know as well. Earth, I reach back to memories long ago. Once it was the heart of humanity, now it is the home of the Grineer Empire. Parts of it were ravaged by war but there are a sacred few places that are overgrown, the work of the Maker's terraforming projects.




Life is abundant here. Once the maniacal Vey Hek sought to destroy the forests using his Cicero toxins. What followed as a result of his actions was a mass invasion of Tenno. Using the foliage countless Cells raided the forest outposts, destroying the toxin injectors in the process. I was among those valorous operatives.


I must admit that the forests are...far too close for my liking. Grass folds beneath my feet as I creep up to the butcher. My sword punches through his chest. The mongrel dies slowly, gurgling hate and confusion. They cannot even die properly. I clean my blade. There were more patrols. I spot the Corpus scientist among them. One target spotted. I shoulder my Soma. That was when the firefight started as a single shot killed the Grineer point man. A second shot killed the rearguard. I do not hesitate. My Soma roars as I surge forward, killing the rest.


A Tenno drops down along with two more, bearing the sigil of a bear. There was a clan here. I raise my Soma as two Tenno, an Excalibur and a Mag respectively, draw their weapons on me.

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