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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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When the door opened Aero went straight and activated her tail wind ability and went through the door at the other end. Without noticing the strange warframe and the cat like creature in its arms. When I went past the strange warframe the creature jumped from its arms on on to the decorative flaps of my Zephyr warframe and held on. I stopped at the other end of the and something went flying over her head doing multiples front flips before landing on the levitating rock on the ceiling and then an unknown warframe knocked it to her and jumped on to the rock.

When I called to the strange warframe above and

asked "What are you doing up there? And who are you? "

It replied "I'm getting Zen down and I'm Einhrajar, but you can just call me Ein and what about you?"

To which I said "oh I'm Aero

When Ein jumped down after chasing zen around the rock multiple times, Zen immediately jumped onto my head and started playing with my flaps. I smiled underneath my helmet when Zen did this it brought life back to the world which was just logic and numbers a second ago.

I said "It seems to like me"

Zen just might like me. I said. I decide that I needed one of the things as a pet. Then I heard a nova off to one side start splitting her sides like an idiot having to remove her helmet to just breath.

(OOC this is from Einhrajars POV)

Finally I thought when I caught zen who used to be busy chasing the poor djinn around. When I went through the door my ocular sensors widened as I saw an unknown zephyr fly past me I automatically clutched zen closer to my chest but I felt nothing. A dozen thoughts flew through my brain (for a lack of a better word) as to why zen wasn't in my arms anymore the most prominent and most logical was that Zen had jumped onto the zephyr.

So I barreled back through the door what I saw shocked me because zen was flying through the air doing several front flips coming to rest on the levitating rock. Everything left my mind as I barreled towards Zen accidentally knocking the zephyr over as I jumped up and onto the rock. Then the Zephyr below me having recovered asked "who are you and what are you doing?"

To that I replied "I'm getting Zen down and I'm Einhrajar, but you can just call me Ein and what about you"

To which the zephyr replied "oh I'm Aero"

Zen was proving un cooperative to my efforts to get it down. When I finally got it I felt like zen had let me catch itself. Once I got down Zen once again jumped from my arms and landed on Aeros helmet and started playing with the dangly bits.

When this happened she said "it seems to like me"

My story for my new character (yes i have ran it past khi)

So what do you guys think?

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So I made this for my brand spanking new Loki and Latron Prime. I am slightly sad about getting Loki though, as I had to sell my Excalibur ;(

But anyway, on with the mischief!




Not all Tenno fight where you can see them. With some, you only know they are there when a bullet goes through the skull of your comrade, or when one of your squad mates is decapitated before your eyes by an invisible blade. All Tenno are to be feared. But the few who fight a shadow war… These are the ones who bring terror to their foes.


Every soldier is afraid of being ambushed. Being under sniper fire? Not a few soldiers soil themselves when that happens. The Corpus crewmen were no different. Patrolling one of the few remaining Corpus Outposts on Pluto, they expected to be attacked by a huge force of Grinner. They don’t expect to be picked off one by one.


High in the slopes of the mountains that surround the outpost, a lone figure rested a rifle on its bipod. It wasn’t a normal sniper rifle, rather, it was a modified DMR. It was still powerful enough over the 500m distance. The Latron Prime rarely lacked power. The Tenno aimed carefully down the modified scope. The sights were altered so that a telescopic sight could slip over the normal iron sight to increase its accuracy of long range, as and when necessary. That it was adjustable was no bad thing.


Martin sang an old ditty to himself as he lined up the sights on an unsuspecting crewman. He was using special ammunition that, whilst it was less effective against armour, was more effective against shields. He should have little trouble.


“In Dublin’s fair city, where the girls are so pretty-” A crewmen’s head exploded inside his helmet. “I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone.” A MOA collapsed in a shower of sparks. “As she wheeled her wheel barrow, through streets broad and narrow-” A crewman received a new airway. “Crying, ‘Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!’”


“Do you have to sing that dam Irish folk song whenever you go on a mission?” An irritated female voice sounded in his ear.


The Loki grinned, “But of course my dear Lotus,” a MOA fell into four pieces after a bullet went through its central housing, “Its part of my charm.”


“At least you stopped singing those dreadful Old Earth pop songs,” she muttered. The Lotus immediately regretted her words as Martin launched into a rendition of Uptown Girl, all the while putting rounds into the vital parts of the Corpus below.


When he finished the song for the second time, and finished the last of the Corpus, he slung the rifle and began to make his way down the mountain to collect the data he had been sent to get. As he did so, the comm. channel to the Lotus crackled into life again.


“I swear, if you don’t stop singing those songs, I will send someone to wipe them from your head,” she snapped at him.


“What, even this one?” he replied cheekily, before launching into song.


“Oh no! Not that one!” The Lotus nearly yelped. She tried to close the link, but Martin hacked through, forcing it open, before singing the song out loud throughout whatever facility the Lotus happened to be in. 


In Avalon, the entire population was startled as every single speaker in the entire station came to life, and a tenor voice came through. For about twenty seconds, every person froze, as a One Direction’s ‘Best Song Ever’ was sung very loudly, if slightly out of tune, by a mysterious voice, before being cut off abruptly. The people and Tenno alike stood there staring around and at each other, before returning to their tasks, very confused as to what just happen.



P.S I got Kalenath's permission for the Avalon bit. Please don't yell at me.

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In Avalon, the entire population was startled as every single speaker in the entire station came to life, and a tenor voice came through. For about twenty seconds, every person froze, as a One Direction’s ‘Best Song Ever’ was sung very loudly, if slightly out of tune, by a mysterious voice, before being cut off abruptly. The people and Tenno alike stood there staring around and at each other, before returning to their tasks, very confused as to what just happen.



P.S I got Kalenath's permission for the Avalon bit. Please don't yell at me.



Did you get the Empress' permission?


She is... not pleased...

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Oh God... a singing Loki and cross-over's to Kale's every changing plot twisting universe...


...this is going to get... interesting.


*runs off to hide in a bunker, within another bunker, within another bunker*

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Not… Pleased…


“All I want to know is this: ‘Is it going to happen again?’” Empress’ Eliza –the ruler of the small colony of survivors that currently comprised Orokin- was not happy. Not at all.


Someone had hacked the Lotus’ com feeds. That wasn’t supposed to be possible. But, empirical evidence said that it was. So, it was. The song that had played over every single speaker on the station had freaked more than few of the residents out. When her people get upset, Empress Eliza got upset.


“It shouldn’t have happened the first time, Empress.” The tech who had been running down the faults quailed as the patented Imperial Glare Mark 1 hit him full force. “I mean… it’s a closed system. The signals bounce so many ways… It’s not supposed to be possible!


“Well, it is.” Eliza growled.


Michelle was trying not to smile. Her mother’s anger was really not a laughing matter. Neither was the result that had occurred when unprepared residents had taken the impromptu concert as some kind of attack and fled. Three people were in the infirmary with trampling injuries. The tune hadn’t been bad. The singing could have been better, but the tune wasn’t that bad. Unfortunately, Empress Eliza had a bit of a anger management problem when her subjects were harassed.


“When we have any information, Empress…” The tech swallowed hard. “I will get it right to you.”


“See that you do.” Eliza snapped and left the room. The tech stared at Michelle, his face pleading.


“It’s okay, Tech Rinas.” Michelle said with a sigh. “Mom’s had… a bad month. It came through the Lotus, didn’t it?”


“Yes, Ma’am.” The tech cringed, but Michelle just patted his arm.


“Patch me through.” Michelle said with a nod. The tech swallowed again but did as instructed. “Do I want to know?” She asked mildly.


“It will be handled.” The voice of the AI merged with what had once been a human woman was calm and precise as always, but now held the hint of exasperation. “That particular method of hacking will no longer work and that particular individual…” She paused as Michelle hissed.


“Do I want to know?” Michelle asked again.


“No.” The Lotus replied. “It will be handled.”


“Good.” Michelle said with a sigh of relief. “Mom is… not one to tick off.”


“I am halfway tempted to bring that person here so he can… explain to the Empress in person why her station’s systems were just subverted for his juvenile prank.” The Lotus said sternly. “But then again… I think there are better ways to fix that problem.”


“I don’t want to know.” Michelle said quickly. “Carry on.” The com line faded and she and the tech shared nervous glance.


“The Lotus… is not pleased…” They chorused and winced in unison.

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I am now very scared for Martin's well being.


Have no fear. They wouldn't KILL him.


Um...actually... you might want to fear.


A few virtual centuries (about 10 minutes real world time) of having to write on a chalkboard one billion times 'I will not hack the Lotus' systems' might change his outlook on some pranks.

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Have no fear. They wouldn't KILL him.


Um...actually... you might want to fear.


A few virtual centuries (about 10 minutes real world time) of having to write on a chalkboard one billion times 'I will not hack the Lotus' systems' might change his outlook on some pranks.

So you'll break his sanity rather than his body.

Please tell me that Mag is nowhere nearby. Please?

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We haven't overloaded bones with our gargantuan thread have we? We couldn't possibly, could we?


Ooooo, finally met the three... and they didn't even drop me a brakk piece. I swear, these deathmark characters.




One last visit to make.

Nyght silently sauntered along the pristine corridors towards his next call in, comfortably cloaked in a fine sapphire robe over his Under-suit layer, his Dakra sheathed over his back loosely. The doctors had finally given him full clearance from their care, with only a line of advice to hold off of getting into anything so 'big' again. He'd spent most of the off duty time meditating, and this same meditation had led him to his current string of goals.

          Over the past couple of days, with the help of a couple of technicians, he had set about combing the Corpus information networks in a search for the frozen planetoid he'd been recovered by them from. His hope was to 'retrace' his steps, in a manner, and see if he couldn't find the remains of downed and splintered Ark. From there, who knows what he might find. He might find nothing, Corpus engineers & surveyors having picked the site clean of anything of potential value in their everlasting pursuit of profit. But for the chance to find just something of his old clan, his old life... it had to worth an attempt.


Of course, there was one problem; even if the technicians could get him some leads or co-ordinates, he couldn't just go. He was without his frame or firearm, the only piece of unscathed equipment being MoonShard. And so to the Dojo Foundry it was, to find out if the AI system had been able to patch damages done. Whilst severe, the damage was actually minor in comparison to the others, so he hoped that it might be fixed slightly earlier. Then again, other, longer standing members of Aequitas would likely take precedence, so he really didn't know what to expect.

      Ontop of this, he had managed to lose both of his loaned firearms to enemy fire. Undoubtedly, this might make matters less favourable, losing the clans assets. The AI would hopefully be fairly neutral on the matter, but if the Foundry's master had returned... then this would be an awkward visit & first impression.

 One last visit to make...



Guess this means I ought to get in contact with Quinn then, given Quinn is back/coming back to the dojo.


And Kal's crazy world leaking in... oh dear spirits...

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Hasn't it already been established that this universe and Kal's are one and the same when Sophia referenced Nicholas during her talk with Nyx?

Nope. Never intended.


Spikey does dabble around a bit with Kal's stuff, but it is never intended to completely merge them together.

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Not exactly. Many nuances to consider before accepting it.


Don't. Just... don't. Trying to keep all of our various worlds straight would drive anyone insane. Trying to consolidate them all? Just consider mine an alternate reality that occasionally intrudes.


Not to mention that, while Kale's universe is awesome, it does break or heavily stretch cannon quite a lot.




I try to stay in canon. I really, really do... I swear! *has fingers crossed behind back*

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Critical Decision:

Aiden woke up in the med bay in a bleary haze. He felt sick to his stomach as he recollected the state of his attackers. How there was blood everywhere. How he had done that to them. He slowly raised his head off the small bed and turned around. Damien's bad was empty, the sheets pressed clean. Where did he go? He suddenly panicked, remembering about the reason he was here. Cathy!


He tried getting up, but slowed down as he felt an aching pain in his midriff. He vaguely remembered feeling heavy blows landing there, but he had completely ignored the pain because of his anger. He forced himself off the bed, landing gingerly on his feet. He was covered in a swathe of bandages around his torso, but he seemed to be fine everywhere else.


Checking to see if he had any tubes attached to him, he slowly walked out of the room, relieved slightly as the blast of air from the decontamination blew off any dregs of sleep that he had. Now wide awake, he walked towards the crew quarters where they all stayed. No one was to be seen in the narrow hallways that permeated the ship and Aiden was left alone to his own musings.


Why had he not felt bothered after killing those men? He felt absolutely no regret for his actions, only relieved that he had managed to protect Cathy. Am I evil? Do I enjoy killing? He looked at the moving floor pensively, questioning his own morality. He stopped abruptly as he was knocked backwards following a squeal. He was suddenly blinded by a mop of dark hair as someone hugged him. He realized that it was Cathy.


She moved back, looking at him with concerned etched on her features.


“I'm sorry,” she said, pointedly looking at his bandaged chest. “You okay?”


He nodded, relief coursing through his being. She was safe. “I won't lie. I've been better.”


She nodded understandingly. “I didn't know you could get off the bed. I was just going to get Damien and try to wake you up.”


“Damien...is he fine now? How long have I been out?”


She leaned against a bulkhead, a customary habit for her. “He managed to fight it off. He's busy trying to restore his lost strength.” she said with a grin.


“How long have I been out?” he repeated.


“Nearly a week now. Keira nearly went into a fit after we got you back. Poor lady had yet another thing to worry about.”


He chuckled lightly. “I need to apologize to her. Wait...what do you mean by 'we'?”


She looked serious now. “After you...stayed back to fight them, I ran to the nearby pub and managed to get someone to help. We couldn't climb back up that wall because it was much lower on the other side, so we had to work our way around. When we reached the alley, two of those men were down and the last was about to stab you. That's when the man fired the gun. You fainted immediately after. We managed to get you back to the ship.”


Aiden looked melancholic again. “Those men?”

She hesitated, but decided that honesty was the best way to deal with it. “Four of the six dead on sight. One died in treatment. The other is missing.”


He felt woozy as the breath was knocked out of him. He had killed five. Five, living breathing souls. He looked back down at his hands. He was a murderer. There was no escaping it.


Cathy took in his reaction calmly. She knew Aiden more than well enough to know that he was in a lot of pain. He never looked for comfort and concern, even if it was completely justified. He preferred to think it through himself. She hated him for that. He didn't have to put himself through so much pain alone. After all, the Three Terrors were a team.


“Hey,” she said softly, pushing herself off the wall. “Aiden,” she said, after he didn't respond. “Look here.”


He looked up to see her standing really close to him. Her deep brown eyes bored right through his. “You don't have to feel guilty. You didn't do anything wrong.”




“If you hadn't done anything, I wouldn't have been here to talk to you. If you hadn't been there...” her voice hitched and Aiden looked worried.


She pulled him into a fierce hug, exhaling deeply as she did. “Thanks.”


She turned around and walked off quickly. “I'll see you in a bit. Damien's probably still sleeping. Kick him off the bed for me,” she said with a playful smirk.


He was even more confused as he trudged towards Damien's room, in no particular rush. Cathy's words rang true to an extent, but he couldn't explain his bloodlust. He felt an overwhelming, almost primeval satisfaction as he ended their lives. He always had the chance to run, but he chose to stand his ground and fight. He felt the urge to hurt, to maim, and he had let his urges take control of him.


He looked down at his hands again, the small scars being the only proof to his deeds. He was dangerous. He needed to stay away from the others.


He walked past Damien's door, into his own room. He programmed the locks shut and sat down next to his bed. He brought his knees up to his chest, closing his eyes and wishing to just fade away in the darkness.


He sat there for several hours. Many times, he heard people knocking on his door, but he didn't bother to respond. He analyzed his own actions and how people around him might consider him to be. No matter what he did, he wasn't able to get the image of the dead men out of his mind. All he saw was blood and carnage, brought on by himself.


During his musings, he must have fallen asleep because he was taken by surprise when the door to his room opened and the lights were turned on. Blinking rapidly as his pupils contracted, Aiden heard two sets of footsteps walk up to him. Somehow, he knew who they belonged to.


“You done sulking?” asked Damien, his features a mix of anger and pity. He looked much better than Aiden had last seen him. Hazel eyes peered back at him from angular features. From his own reading, Aiden had concluded that Damien had some features of people in the Middle East on Earth. His friend knelt in front of him and so did Cathy.


“You both need to stay away from me.”


“And why is that?” asked Damien.


“I'm...dangerous. It's not safe for you to be near me.”


“Aiden...” she started softly, clearly worried.


“Bullsh!t,” barked Damien, clearly annoyed. He always had a very short fuse, and Aiden had lit the match. “Just because you killed a few scumbags who tried hurting out friend doesn't make you a monster. You protected her, Aiden. A monster wouldn't do that. Get that?”


He sighed. Damien was right. “I guess so.”


“Good. You've been in here for nearly a whole day.” said Damien.


He just kept looking at them, his face an expressionless mask. Their words seemed to echo vaguely as his slumbering mind tried to pay attention.


“Look, it's not your fault. You had to defend yourself. If you had willfully wanted to hunt them down and kill them, I still wouldn't blame you. Cathy is like my sister, and I myself would kill anyone who threatens her. We're all grateful that you fought man. Don't beat yourself up.”


“He's right,” said Cathy with a cheerful smile. “Besides, the Two Terrors and the Depressed Loner doesn't sound like a good name does it?”


That actually made Aiden chuckle, and for a moment, his heart felt weightless. The relief of not feeling pain for just a moment was truly refreshing. He sighed, a deep sound that drained all his pessimism. They were simply trying to help him.


“You're right about that. I just...feel...wrong.” he said emptily, looking at them closely.


Damien nodded at Cathy and they both sat cross-legged in front of him. “Look Aiden. I wasn't there, so I don't have any right to say or even comprehend how you should feel. But you just have to move on. You managed to save her life from it, and you should just move on.”


“Aiden, I feel really bad for putting you through this,” said Cathy, tearing up slightly. “If I knew how to defend myself...”


“Hey, we all need to learn to fight. No one needs to feel bad about anything, alright?” nodded Damien.


Aiden nodded. “I've been thinking about something. But I don't know if it is a good one or not.”


Cathy leaned against his room wall. “Shoot.”


Aiden sighed before continuing. “I was thinking about joining the Tenno program. Become a soldier. Fight in the war.”


Cathy looked pensive. “Are you doing this because you want to get away from us?”


He wanted to disagree, but the truth was exactly that. He nodded. He was taken aback as Damien laughed.


“What's so funny?” he asked his friend.


“You seriously think we'd leave you alone if you go off to the program? Hell man, we're coming with you!”


Cathy nodded kindly. These two were her only family. She'd stay with them for as long as possible.


“There is one problem with it. If we all decide to go, Cathy will be separated from us.”


Damien and Cathy stopped smiling. “Why?”


“The Orokin segregate the males and females for the program's duration. Some stupid rule. You and I would be working together, but Cathy would be separated from us. I don't want that.”


“That's fine,” said Cathy, taking both of them by surprise. “I know you both don't want it. I don't either, but look at the alternatives. We work here, ferrying crap to the front lines for the rest of the damn war. Not exactly something I would call fun.”


“Besides,” she said after a pause. “If we all finish training fast, we can get together again, and we'd all be skilled soldiers. I don't see any harm in it.”


“Cathy,” started Damien. “Are you sure?”


She smiled. A part of her was sad that she would separated from her closest friends for several years probably, but her optimistic side told her that they would all be back together sooner than later. “Yeah. I am.”


Damien crowed as he clapped his hands together. “That's settled then. Mr. Sulky here is going off to fight in the war, and we're keeping him company. I'll go tell Keira.” Before anyone could stop him, Damien nearly ran out.


“He seems excited.” muttered Aiden, to which Cathy burst out laughing.


“Understatement of the century.”


“Cathy,” he said after a few minutes of silence. “Are you sure?”


She smiled once again, but this time it was laced with sadness. “I am. Look, Aiden. You both are my family. I don't have anywhere else to go. So if it takes a few years of separation ensure that we can stick together no matter what, I think its a sacrifice worth making.”


He nodded. “I'm sorry.”


She shook her head. “Don't be. I'm making this decision.” She got up, pointing towards the door with her head. “Let's go find Keira. She'd probably be losing her mind after Damien's done with her.”


He winced slightly as he got up, stretching some sore muscles as he did. Together they walked out of his room, shutting off the lights as they went.




One week later...


Keira stood at the bridge of the small shuttle that was ferrying the children to the Orokin ship. The large, gold sheathed ship loomed in the distance and Keira was slightly worried. When Damien had said that they had wanted to join the program, she didn't want them to go, but after further explanation from Cathy and later Aiden, she understood that the children really wanted this. They were not her family, and she didn't have a say in their decisions. All she wanted from them was their promise of staying safe.


She had talked to Aiden a few days ago. The poor boy was really troubled with the events back on Earth and so was Keira. For someone so young to have five kills under his belt was something no one needed to suffer with. She had gone to inspect the scene herself and the sight of those bodies gruesomely beaten up made her see Aiden in a completely different light.


She was shaken from her reverie as Obix walked up to her. “Ma'am, they've provided us permission to dock. ETA 60 seconds.”


She nodded, turning around to look at her second-in-command. His steely features were now outlined with age lines and silver strands had started sprouting from his balding scalp. She herself was growing older every day, and she felt it in her bones. “Are the children ready?”


Obix laughed, the gruff sound surprising loud in the narrow confines of the shuttle. “Ready? They're practically pawing at the door to get out!”


“It's understandable. They're off to do something completely new.”


They walked down to the hatch as the shuttle docked with the massive ship. By the door stood Aiden, Damien and Cathy. They were all silent, with little to no belongings between them. The Orokin said that all trainees should not carry any belongings with them, except for a small bag with heirlooms or relics of any kind. Keira knew that each of the children had a group photograph with all the crew members of the Chimera with them. They were sad that Cathy would be going off on her own.


“So kids, I guess this is it.” she said with a flourish. “You all ready?”


They nodded in sync. “We're as ready as we're going to get.”


Keira sighed. “Take care of yourselves. Try to stay in communication with each other and us if possible. Everyone's going to miss the Three Terrors.”


They all shared a laugh at the mention of their group name. The door opened and a pale man in an ornamental suit walked in, flanked by two soldier wielding carbines. Aiden felt an extreme sense of pomp and pride from the man.


“Captain Keira, I presume?” the man asked in a sneering drawl, not even bothering to look at her when he spoke. The three of them hated the man almost immediately, but the captain took it in her stride.


“I am. And you are?”


“My name is not important. I am a representative of the Orokin Hierarchy and Chief Officer of the Tenno Program. Are these the candidates?” he asked, pointing at Aiden, Damien and Cathy.


“They are.”


“Very well then. I shall escort them to the facility.” he said, turning around on the balls of his feet and walking out, the soldiers followed him silently.


“What a bunch of stuck-up pricks!” laughed Damien and Aiden chuckled alongside him. “You ready?” he asked Cathy.


She sighed. “Yeah. Let's go.”


Before they left the shuttle, they all turned around and hugged Keira warmly. The surprised woman hugged them back before biting back tears.


“See you around Keira!” shouted Damien boisterously, making a mock salute as he walked out of the shuttle.


“Almost forgot. Bye Obix!” came the loud shout from the docking tube to the ship, to which Aiden and Cathy laughed. Even Obix grinned.


“See you around, Terrors. This ship isn't going to be the same without you.”


Together, Keira and Obix watched as the children disappeared into the ship. Deep inside, she knew that this was for their own good. Tenno were meant to fight, and she had no doubt that those three would kick the Sentient bastards back to the extrasolar hole where they belonged.

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"Weapons down guys," The last Tenno was a Rhino hefting a Hek shotgun in his burly arms. The Excalibur and Mag do as he says. "We are not enemies, Tenno. I suggest you do the same."


I narrow my eyes and keep my weapon on them regardless. "I have business with that Corpus scientist." I say without emotion. "Step aside."


The Rhino looks at me. "That is quite strange comrade," he told me. "We have business with this scientist as well. Less hostile than you of course."

The Corpus looks to my Raknis Helmet then at the Rhino. "What clan do you belong to Nekros?"


"I serve none but the Lotus." was my curt answer. "As do you, Rhino. Are you going to step aside?" I hear the clack of weaponry being raised. The Excalibur was armed with a Braton, standard equipment but deadly in the right hands. I glance briefly to his companion. The Mag had a Vectis, a powerful single shot rifle. Judging from the way she wielded it I probably would be in trouble if the Rhino uses the Hek at this range. I still had my Soma though to even the odds. Still...Those odds weren't very good either way.


"Andal, he doesn't want to talk." The Mag spoke softly. "I don't trust him."


"Either way Rune, we don't move until Boss says so." The Excalibur was reasonable it seems. "Sides he doesn't seem to be all that bad. He's just trying to make ends meet you know."


I am wealthier than you probably, I muse to myself.


"Enough." The Rhino's command was stern. He looked at me again. "We do not want to start a fight here, brother. Please come with us."


"I do not want conflict either." My reply was sardonic. I gesture my Soma at the incoming Grineer a few clicks east. "But I'm not sure about them."


"Tenno skum!!!" The Grineer war cry confirmed my suspicions.

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