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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Have a teaser of something new!


There comes a time in every man's life when he can take no more. When he has lost everything and more... Some men break and fall to pieces, never returning to who they were, Some use this as motivation to do better, to try and put more good in the world so it happens less often, and still others become twisted and vile inside, seeking to make others feel their pain. Then... Then there are those few who do none of these. They choose a fourth option... They choose vengeance... They choose to simply exterminate the reason that made them miserable and they live for nothing else. This is the story of one such man. A Tenno who after losing everything became determine to cleanse the cause of his misery at the source...


In a dark forgotten base on Venus was a single, solitary life form. A Tenno of reputable skill and prowess; yet it wasn't enough. He had been part of a small clan of Tenno, they had lived, toiled and fought together since they all woke from their cryopods and now He was wall that was left. One by one they fell... killed and taken by the hated enemy. Each time the fire in him grew bigger, fueled by his anger and hate. He knew who was the cause, who to kill... now he just had to ready himself for the coming battle... no not battle; This was War.

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Have a second Teaser!


Now he was the last and he would never forget and never forgive. It was time to show them the newest monster they had created, only this one was not under their control. This one would drown them in rivers of their own blood. He stood and donned his warframe, sliding on his helmet next and feeling it lock into place. He had made a few editions to his frame, just in case he failed in his mission, He didn't plan on failing but every good Tenno always has at least one back up plan or precautionary measure. He had cast away his old identity once his lover was taken, he simply added the old him to the list of dead and gone Tenno. Now he went by a new moniker, one more befitting of not only his purpose but also of how he felt emotionally. He wanted them to feel fear and as such he sent out warnings to each and every Corpus leader, Frohd, Alad V, Nef Anyo, all of them. He wanted them to know he was coming and there wasn't a single thing that was going to stop him. Let them stew in their paranoia, let them cower in fear and confusion as they desperately search for the one who would take their heads! Let them know that the Revenant was on the hunt and he would show absolutely no mercy.


Note: Don't read this if you don't want to know till the whole thing is posted :3

Edited by KittyShark
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Nice little bait for the hook there Kitty, very curious to see what may came forth, as i'm sure many others are. Might I offer something 'diversionary', Ladies & GentleTenno?



P1-Hunting the past


A small, loaned Snub from Aequitas gingerly settled down against a background of arctic white, her engines straining to hold a steady descent. The growl of the ship’s engines whined down to a quiet hum inside the cockpit as they shutdown, before going silent as a hatch & access ramp unfolded from its underside.

Nyght slowly stepped down, setting foot once again on a frozen planetoid, one that only held despair and loss in his old memories...


 During his recovery period from the ‘Rescue’ operation, he had set about gathering leads and collecting information, primarily from hacked or tapped Corpus data streams, as well as from databases already existing in the dojo. With the aid of the Aequitas dojo, and perhaps some ‘behind the scenes’ activity from the Lotus, Nyght was decrypting reports and records of Corpus explorative & archaeological activity, in a hope of tracking down the last place he remembered being from before Cryosleep: The ARK’s wreck.

By the time the staff & Trinities of the Aequitas’ bustling medical wards had deemed him just fit enough to go out alone, he had a tangible lead; the reports from the corpus excavation crew that had found his own pod in the ice of a cryptically numbered planetoid.

No time was wasted, Nyght immediately collecting his freshly repaired frame from the Foundry’s AI. It had seemed almost giddy, going on about the foundry master returning home. Nyght wished to meet this ‘Quinn’, but had his priorities set, heading to the nearest Snub hanger with all due haste. It was entirely possible that he had walked past this other Tenno on his way, for all he knew.


That was three days past. Now, here at the present, deep, thick snow crunched underfoot, enveloping his legs to the knee. A bone numbing wind howled down from across high, frosted peaks of a mountainous range, funnelling through the white carpeted valley before him.

  Overhead, from above the tallest of the stone giants, huge, billowing grey clouds gathered & merged, as though summoned by some ancient storm god of old. No doubt the weather here would become even further inhospitable, once those same clouds chose to descend across the frozen landscape.


Nyght began to make way towards slight glint of gold just ahead of him, a marker of the old Orokin era wreckage here. By the data he had, this is the part of the ship that the corpus had found exposed, where they collected his pod from, a valuable prize to profit from. Scanning through the ice encrusted hull, he could see he wasn’t the only collection from that expedition; the remains of the ship’s front portion were barren, picked bare & clean by the Corpus, vultures to a carcass. He would have to find one of the fractions of the Ark instead, further up towards the mountains, if he wanted to find anything of note or aid.

Nothing would come from here. Not anymore.


The cacophonous howl of the growing storm assaulted his hearing whilst the untamed fury of its gale buffeted at his body. Whatever being or unnatural force that had hoarded thunderclouds and storm winds over the mountainous peaks had chosen to let loose his flock, seemingly as though to wipe Nyght from the mountainside during his climb. He knew there should be wreckage from the ship up here from his recovered memories alone, the corpus data only serving to reinforce that. But with the frozen hell-world storm engulfing him, he could no longer see beyond a few feet. 


A deep thunderous cracking from below was the only indication to the shifting glacier below his feet...

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wheeeew. I could have made this longer, but i figured this was a good place to stop and post it at xD Enoy and tell mewhat you think!

There comes a time in every man's life when he can take no more. When he has lost everything and more... Some men break and fall to pieces, never returning to who they were, Some use this as motivation to do better, to try and put more good in the world so it happens less often, and still others become twisted and vile inside, seeking to make others feel their pain. Then... Then there are those few who do none of these. They choose a fourth option... They choose vengeance... They choose to simply exterminate the reason that made them miserable and they live for nothing else. This is the story of one such man. A Tenno who after losing everything became determine to cleanse the cause of his misery at the source...


In a dark forgotten base on Venus was a single, solitary life form. A Tenno of reputable skill and prowess; yet it wasn't enough. He had been part of a small clan of Tenno, they had lived, toiled and fought together since they all woke from their cryopods and now He was wall that was left. One by one they fell... killed and taken by the hated enemy. Each time the fire in him grew bigger, fueled by his anger and hate. He knew who was the cause, who to kill... now he just had to ready himself for the coming battle... no not battle; This was War.


He closed his eyes and remembered... First his clan mates, killed under a hail of plasma and lasers. Over time they dwindled away till only a few remained. Next his best friend, captured and dissected. Third his brother, killed by that monster's creation. Last... his lover, his beloved Simca, Harvested...

Now he was the last and he would never forget and never forgive. It was time to show them the newest monster they had created, only this one was not under their control. This one would drown them in rivers of their own blood. He stood and donned his warframe, sliding on his Storm helmet next and feeling it lock into place. He had made a few additions to his Volt frame, just in case he failed in his mission, He didn't plan on failing but every good Tenno always has at least one back up plan or precautionary measure. He had cast away his old identity once his lover was taken. He simply added the old him to the list of dead and gone Tenno. Now he went by a new moniker, one more befitting of not only his purpose but also of how he felt emotionally. He wanted them to feel fear and as such he sent out warnings to each and every Corpus leader, Frohd, Alad V, Nef Anyo, all of them. He wanted them to know he was coming and there wasn't a single thing that was going to stop him. Let them stew in their paranoia, let them cower in fear and confusion as they desperately search for the one who would take their heads! Let them know that the Revenant was on the hunt and he would show absolutely no mercy.


He walked over to his work bench and stared at his chosen weapons for the hunt. He had several, however for this first hunt, he had a special load out set. He selected his pitch black Dread bow, Black Despair knives and a black Hate scythe, they hadn't always been his but since he was all that was left of the clan, he would use their weapons in honor of them. Each weapon was specially modded and calibrated for maximum damage to the profit mongering killers he was waging war against. With his weapons set he beckoned boarded his snub and headed for his first destination... Kiliken. There he would leave the first real signs of his coming, He had sent them the only warning they would get. Now it was time to cleanse them all from the galaxy. He slipped into a meditative trance as he waited for his snub to arrive, only taking a couple of hours in total before his snub dropped him off and he nocked an arrow on his bow. He blended with the shadows, his frame the same solid black as his weapons even his energy, they would never see him coming this time. He felt a tendril of black lightning flick across his left arm, his energy reacting to how anxious he was for this. The spectre of a Volt slid into the base, an arrow silently removing one camera from existence. No alarms would be sounded, no one would escape.


He turned a corner, his exceptional hearing having alerted him to the robot's presence as he let loose a bladed arrow into it's 'head' destroying it one shot. He had a grim smile on his face as he looked at the sparking machine. One down... 119 to go, His radar kept track of all corpus life forms that neared him. He quickly and silently progressed further into the base, slaughtering all corpus in his path. Noting a small group patrolling one of their bigger halls he slipped into the shadow of a crate and waited for the perfect opportunity to strike. Sure enough one Corpus strayed just a little to far from the rest and was met with an arrow, sending him into their circuitry pits, guaranteeing that if the arrow didn't kill him unlikely as that was, the electrocution would. He swept up behind another Corpus, this one a prod crewman and promptly decapitated him before kicking his head into a crate and stuffing the body in along with it. Swift, deadly, efficient, just how he liked it. He activated his speed ability and blazed forward, Hate already biting deep into the flesh of a corpus crewman, piercing the heart for and instant kill. With a flick of the wrist he split the body in twain and spun, flinging the scythe into the head of a Corpus tech, taking him out even as he completed the spin, despairs out and already flying from his finger tips like they had wings, riddling the remaining two corpus with deadly holes, ensure they died with no chance to alert anyone. After retrieving his scythe and what knives where intact he continued on, still hungry for more blood and death. Just to be extra spiteful to them as he killed them he began slipping data chips into their consoles and computers, each one filled with some kind of destructive virus that would ensure they would get nothing from this base except the confirmation he was after them. He smirked ruthlessly shocked an elite crewman, frying his nerves and boiling his blood with a single bolt of lightning.


Soon there were only ten left, those sitting in the communications room, blissful unaware he was headed that way. He snuck into the vents and eye'd the routes he could take to get in, and decided to go for the middle one. He dropped down, landing in a crouch in front of all ten corpus crewmen, his voice soft but filled with malice and the promise of death. "The Revenant has come" He proclaimed before lightning surged from his body, overloading every machine and damn near liquefying the corpus from the sheer intensity of the attack. He knew the attack would send out a silent distress beacon and with his Hate he carved into the walls of the room across from the main door the words; "It has begun"

Edited by KittyShark
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Hey Wrath, just curious. You said you had an idea for something involving Aiden. Mind letting me know what you've thought of? And I haven't seen any posts from you recently, apart from small derails...any updates man?

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Another intermission. Will there ever be an end to these? (I hope not!)





Bigger Guns


The Grineer patrol marched through the desert terrain, aware that enemies were close at hand. But their mission was nearly over. The dozen chained human prisoners that they dragged along with them would please high command. The fact that they had lost six soldiers to an unseen marksman would not.


Another Grineer fell, a smoking hole in his helmet and the survivors hurried on, pulling their prisoners behind them relentlessly. No one would ever accuse most Grineer of an overabundance of brainpower, they were not made for that. They were made to be cannon fodder. Big, strong and mostly stupid. Which was the main reason none of them noted that all of the humans they had captured were extremely physically fit and none had even broken a sweat in the long march. Then again, being under sniper fire was always a distraction. Another Grineer fell but then the survivors were close enough.


“Base.” The surviving Commander reported. “Under fire from enemy sniper. Coordinates sent.”


The enemy sniper had been detected, but he was too far away to hit with the remaining weapons available to the patrol. The sole Ballista in the patrol had been the sniper’s first kill. The two Bombards had been next. The Commander smiled widely as all of the artillery pieces of the fire base that housed his patrol fired as one and the area where the sniper had last been erupted in geysers of dirt and rock. Even if they didn’t kill him, he would be more circumspect.


“Move scum!” He slammed his Grakata’s butt into the back of one of the prisoners, knocking her down. She got right back up and continued. Strong… He mused. Good for a long time as a slave. He felt relief as they passed the sentries at the gate, all of whom nodded to him. “Prisoners to the pen! I will report!”


He strode from the patrol, sure his orders would be carried out. None of the guards so much as looked at the prisoners. They were chained and helpless. They would serve the Grineer until the end of their days now and that was a good thing. Grineer perfection would dominate as it should. He entered the command bunker and saluted the Grineer in command of the base. “Sir.”


“Report.” The harried Heavy snapped, her ire clear.


“Patrol completed.” The commander said calmly. “Twelve humans located and restrained. Being moved to the pen now.” He did not mention the casualties. They were unimportant. Clones were cheap.


“And the sniper?” The Heavy demanded.


“Unknown.” The commander said with a shrug. “No clear sign. The range was consistently over a thousand meters. Nothing on sensor. Just shots.”


“Tenno?” The Heavy’s single visible eye narrowed.


“Unknown.” The Commander said with a wince. “As stated, no clear sensor readings.”


“You have done well.” The Heavy replied. “Strong Grineer.”


“Grineer will rule.” The Commander replied and left the HQ. As he did, he noted oddities. Where were the troops guarding the prisoner pen? Indeed. Where were the prisoners? Something flashed nearby and he had a bare moment to recognize the long knife that bit right through his armor, to feel excruciating pain before everything went black. He did not have time to sound the alarm.




She pulled the Grineer carcass out of sight, raised her right hand and spun it in a circle. The team assembled as they had trained. She looked at each of the members of her squad and each nodded in turn, sharing her feral smile. She waved towards one of the Grineer shuttles parked nearby and the designated team pilot moved towards it, two others set to guard with weapons they had ‘appropriated’ from the Grineer guards at the prisoner pen. Grineer didn’t think much of edged weapons, but a monomolecular blade did wonders against even the heaviest Grineer armor. Add to that the fact that they did not have a power signature and could be hidden in some very ingenious places and... well…


She held out a hand and one of her subordinates pushed a satchel charge into it. She checked it professionally and smiled before activating it and tossing it in through the open door of bunker that served as the Grineer field HQ. Shouts came and she hit the ‘emergency close’ button on the hatch and took cover. There was a dull rumble but no more except some dust falling from the roof.


Grineer do know how to build bunkers. She thought with a grin as she started for the shuttle that was powering up now. She was halfway there when fire erupted form the bunker. She and her team threw themselves into cover. A tall thin form in smoking heavy armor strode from the hatch, the Gorgon in the Heavy’s hands spewing fire.


“Fools!” The Heavy snapped. “All you do is delay the-“ She broke off and gasped as a form from nightmare simply appeared behind her, the long sword that the Tenno carried slicing deep.


The team leader was in motion even before the Grineer Heavy fell, her lifeblood oozing from the massive rent in her armor. She made it to the shuttle with time to spare as the ship lifted off slightly. She nodded to the shell shocked faces of the other prisoners. Rescuing them hadn’t been part of the mission, but they were not about to leave civvies to the Grineer’s non-existent mercy.


“Go!” She commanded, throwing a salute to the Tenno who returned it before vanishing as other Grineer started swarming. “Sams! Do it!” She shouted as the shuttle’s hull rang with impacts form small and not so small weapons.


“We need to get further away!” Her tech snapped right back.


“If we don’t do it now, they kill us!” She retorted. “Do it!”


She smiled widely as the four massive artillery pieces, the pride of the Grineer fire base, reoriented. Each turned a different direction and fired once. Then the guns reoriented, aiming into the heart of the fire base and depressing as far as they could. The pilot needed no urging to get the shuttle as far from this spot as possible. The four shells were targetted on: A Grineer motor pool, a Grineer landing strip, a Grineer cloning pod facility and a Grineer regional HQ. The Grineer efforts on this planet were about to be seriously hit. By their own ordnance. But that was only the diversion.


“You okay?” She asked a child nearby. No! Not the child. The small gray furred form in her hands!


“What took you so long?” The cat demanded. The little girl holding the cat stared at it and the cat sighed. “It’s okay, Jamisa. You are safe now.”


“You… talk…?” the girl asked weakly.


“Yeah,.” The team leader said with a smile. “And in a bit you will wish she shut up.” The cat hissed at her and she smiled wider. “You got the security codes?”


“Come on, PFC.” The cat snapped. “No, I was bathing myself the whole time! Of course I got the codes… Sheesh…” The girl paled and the team leader sighed.


“Stop scaring her, Bubbles.” The young woman commanded and the cat went still.


Bubbles?” The girl asked, wide eyed.


“Now you done it, PFC…” One of the others said with a wince as the cat glared at the team leader. “We ain’t ever gonna hear the end of this…”


“If you ever call me that again, I will have your stripes, you stupid Marine!” The cat’s irate voice was clear. “My name is Bastet and I-…” The cat stopped speaking as the team leader grabbed it, pulling it from the stunned girl’s hands and starting to pet. “No… I…” Obviously against her will, she started to purr. “I hate you…”


“Mission accomplished.” The team leader said with a smile as she continued to soothe her intelligence liaison. “Bubbles.”


The cat hissed again, but relaxed against her will as the shuttle flew away to the laughter of a squad of Marines and a group of rescued civilians.

Edited by Kalenath
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Plotting away at the next bit for Nyght's current 'chapter', laying out details etc. People like the first bit? It felt as though I chose to post it during a bit of a lull in thread life.


Spikey, I wouldn't say no to more stuff of Sophia's view,


& Kal, why does your 'kooky' spinning version of warframe's universe make me grin so? I swear its almost addictive...

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Plotting away at the next bit for Nyght's current 'chapter', laying out details etc. People like the first bit? It felt as though I chose to post it during a bit of a lull in thread life.


Spikey, I wouldn't say no to more stuff of Sophia's view,


& Kal, why does your 'kooky' spinning version of warframe's universe make me grin so? I swear its almost addictive...


Just little peeks into alternate realities. Nothing to see here. Move along. *Achoo* Fracking cat hair...

Edited by Kalenath
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Not my greatest work, but I really needed to get this out of the way. Extremely short too....



A/N: Hey everyone. Here's a small segment that is supposed to serve as a bridge between the last part and the rest of the story. The next part will be quite action packed and will be definitely longer than this. While I work on that, enjoy this one!


And and all feedback is deeply appreciated. Reviews and criticisms will only help me make this series awesome, so don't feel shy and let me know!


Till next time,










6 years later...



Sergeant Rodrick Taylor's rifle spat flames as he desperately tried to quench the never ending stream of creatures that tried to reach him. Besides him, twelve other soldier stood behind cover, wildly firing rounds into the writhing mass of corpses that sought their blood.


“Keep firing! Don't let them break through!” he shouted over the cacophony of gunshots. He cursed his luck for stumbling across a hive with such few men.


They were tasked with setting up machinery in the middle of the abandoned city, in preparation for an Orokin operation. Something about reclaiming the city. They came out of nowhere, mutated citizens of the same city, infected by Technocyte, and completely out of control. His contingent was thirty men strong, but now, only a dozen or so remained. The men had fallen rapidly, overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of monsters they were faced with. They were now pinned to the wall of a building, with no avenue of escape. Ammunition was expended rapidly as the monster slowly advanced towards his men through a narrow line of vehicles that served as cover.


“Command! I need support! Now!” he shouted into his comms unit, praying to the gods that help would arrive soon. He grimly kept firing, seeing the image of his wife and child as he shredded creature after pitiful creature. His men were losing will fast, but there was truly nothing he could do. Suddenly, his comms unit crackled.


Help is on the way, sergeant. Five minutes out. Two Tenno squads will bolster your numbers. Hold out for a while longer.”


“You hear that! Help is on the way!”. His men looked reinvigorated, working extra hard to suppress the creatures. A small mountain of corpses lay before them, and yet it did nothing but slow the horde ever so slowly. Taylor's hopes soared. Tenno reinforcements would be here soon. Not one, but two squads. Stories of the great Orokin warriors were legends amongst the people of the human coalition.


An entire cell! He exclaimed inwardly, as he calmly reloaded yet another magazine into his rifle. The barrel was smoking slightly, so he controlled his fire with rapid bursts, praying that his barrel wouldn’t melt from the overuse.


The fight felt like an eternity. He lost two more men as a small group of creatures broke through their defenses and viciously mutilated them before his men could respond. Another had been badly wounded, his right leg nothing but shredded flesh held together by sinew. He was injected with morphine and told to save his strength, but the man had opted to prop himself against an upturned car, shooting those infernal sons of *@##$es with his comrades.


Just as Taylor whipped out his pistol to shoot a rushing creature, he heard a roar. The sound held such unimaginable savagery behind it that it stopped his men and the creatures almost immediately. Shaking his head, he continued firing, praying that the source of the sound was not another beast. After blowing the brains out of another corpse, he backed off slightly, wary of his nearly non-existent ammunition.


“Sarge! Up there!” shouted a man to his right, pointing to the top of a nearby building. Taylor quickly looked up to see a truly gratifying sight.


Perched on the top of the building were two forms, their silhouettes clearly showing their alien shapes. With a sudden leap both figures jumped, dropping in between the horde of swarming creatures with ease. Within seconds, all Taylor could see was a maelstrom of glinting metal and shredded bodies and the two Tenno fought the infested beasts head on. Quickly clambering over a car, he clearly saw what was going on.

A giant of a man, clad in a black armour danced through the swarm of monsters, swinging a crimson sword that tore the creatures apart with ease. The blade was almost as tall as Taylor himself and the Tenno was cleaving through the horde of monsters completely unfazed. Behind him, a Tenno clad in white armour was firing a Burston into the crowd. Unlike their weapons, his rifle was spitting incendiary ammunition that soon filled the air with screams of pain. The two Tenno slowly made their way towards the soldiers, unrelentingly decimating anything that came close to them.


The smaller one turned towards him. “You're the lead officer?”


“Yes,” replied Taylor with uncertainty, being unable to look at the Tenno eye-to eye. He fired a few more volleys into the thinning swarm of creatures before turning around again.


“Evac shuttles are on their way. I'll help your men get to the top of that building. Aiden will keep them busy down here. You understand?”


Taylor nodded, before looking at the black Tenno with worry. “All alone?”


Inside his helmet, the Excalibur chuckled. “He'll be fine. That sword will make short work of anything apart from cruisers. Now move!”


Taylor jumped off of his car, gladly accepting the magazine the Tenno threw to him. Chambering a round, he shouted out to his men. They were to form a phalanx and move along the side of the building and into the building. Once inside, they were to quickly ascend the nearly millennia old structure and hold position at the roof.


They managed to push a few obstructing vehicles together, but they soon encountered a tipped over trailer. This city was abandoned at the onset of the 22nd century, when land based vehicles were still the best way to travel. The massive roadblock was tipped on its side and the Tenno in white cursed violently.


“Aiden!” he shouted out over the cacaphony of yelps and hisses as the black Tenno slowly looked back at his ally.


“We need help moving this thing!”


The Tenno in black turned around and unleashed yet another savage roar, and slammed his foot to the ground with insane force. Taylor saw the ground crack with the force of the impact and creatures got thrown away from him. The giant Tenno quickly ran towards the trailer and slammed into it with his shoulder. With an earsplitting screech, the trailer moved enough to give the men space to move. The black Tenno quickly turned around, swinging the sword and shredding yet another wave of corpses. Taylor was surprised at the display of pure strength. Tenno were an entirely different league of soldiers.


“Time to move!” shouted the white Tenno.


As the men clambered into the dim confines of the building, Damien looked back again to check in on his friend. But he had nothing to fear. In the six years of training that he'd seen Aiden fight in, he knew that once he saw red, he was an unstoppable force. He turned around and ran up the stairs that were on the side of the room as he heard the vicious roar of the Rhino once again.


Dat bloodlust. Awesome bit bej, can't wait for the next one.


One question though: It says "Two Tenno squads will bolster your numbers." But only Aiden and Damien show up.......what happened to the other 6?

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Vey Hek's shipyards were crude, filthy. Kevin nearly gagged at the smell but he sucked it up as he and his Cell moved into the facility. Its interior was made of haphazard corridors and had a mix of wide open spaces so the Cell had to adapt. Kevin checked his Soma's clip before looking to Ivan who hefted a Boltor. "Right we're on the doors for this one." Ivan said to his Cell. "So we have to move fast. Yuno, if John gives the order you go and give them cover. Your Gorgon's got the range. And you can blow stuff up with a flick of the finger."


"Yes sir." Yuno was all cool and calm.


It was a joint operation between Ras Al Ghul, The Brotherhood and Bellum Forma. It was quite frankly the biggest operation that Kevin had ever been a part of. Ras Al Ghul was doing their own thing by serving as a distraction for the Brotherhood and Bellum Forma to get into the facility to nab the Formorian Cores and have them sent off into space, right into Grineer ships that were patrolling. If that wasn't enough to anger Vey Hek then no one knew what would.


Problem was the only way to actually move the cores was to power the tram system using the shields on their Warframes.






Janice kicked the explosive away from the core and it detonated, fortunately the explosion was well and away from the core. The Ember turned lobbing a fireball into the chest of the nearest Grineer Lancer. She watched the mongrel roast in his armor before drawing her Sicarus, firing three round bursts to keep the rest of his buddies pinned.


Kelly and John kept moving slow, each using their rifles to pick off faraway stragglers. Emm stayed with them in order to keep their shields up with Blessing and to administer first aid when needed. A Heavy Gunner screamed then toppled as Cell Ivan moved to take positions. Janice saw Kevin make a run for the computer terminal to open the doors.


"Warlord John this is Rorken of the Brotherhood. Our core's heading out to deep space. We're headed back inside to give you support."


"Excellent," John said ducking before returning fire with his Latron Prime. "We're getting our core into position. Meet up with us."


"Roger, moving."


"Ivan!" John gestured to the Grineer platoon taking up arms. Two of them were hulking figures. Napalms. "Take them out!"


The Rhino heard the command as he gestured to Yuno and Kevin to open fire. Soma and Gorgon fired simultaneously, a barrage of heavy caliber rounds took down several Grineer Troopers and the Napalms fired their launchers at the Tenno. While Yuno and Kevin traded fire with the Napalms Ivan took the flank, his Boltor spitting spikes that impaled Grineer to walls.


"Eat it!!" He spat killing Grineer after Grineer with high velocity bolts.

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“I’m clear, you can jump now.”


From the radar console to his left, Skirata was able to see the large vessel that he had just disembarked from pitch to its new heading.  In his own much smaller ship, he watched the mark on the console blink out of existence.  He had already called in his arrival to the Aequitas dojo, and his approach and landing were calculated.  In addition he had requested someone meet him upon his landing.


He was now only a kilometer out from the hangars.  It had been a while since he had seen the sleek blue-silver tinted alloy making up most of the clan station’s external hull.  He had been called to assist on an operation in the void about a week after Zel’s final trial.  He accepted and was collected by the same cruiser that had just brought him back to the system.


Skirata leaned back and dragged his fingers through his close cropped hair.  Inputting a few last minute commands, his ship entered the hangar, and set down on the deck.  He left the cockpit to the main compartment where he gathered a few things.  He paused by the exit, where a light blinked after which he made a gesture over the control panel sensor which opened the underside of the ship onto a ramp that went down to the deck.


Quinn was standing patiently by the threshold leading to the rest of the dojo.  Skirata went to meet him with a small repulsor lift cart following behind him.


“Welcome back, Skirata.”


“Thanks for meeting me here Quinn.”


“No problem.  Woah, is that a Boltor Prime?”  Quinn was looking at Skirata’s cargo now, moving to get a better look at the item atop a crate.


“Yep, one of the things I managed to keep for myself after the operation I was in was done.”


“One of?”


Skirata smirked, “Here.”  After holstering the Boltor Prime on his back, Skirata opened the crate on the repulsor lift and reach inside with both hands.  “Shift fast.”


Skirata’s hands came out of the crate in a whir at Quinn, covered in something that glinted as Skirata twisted his body towards the foundry master in his attack.  Despite being taken by surprise, Quinn managed to dodge the swing for his head and the jab at his kidney.  Quinn slid out of range and took up a defensive stance.  Skirata stayed where he was, enhanced fists raised and poised as if to attack.  The major enhancements were very obvious, both fists doned the Ankyros attachments, the prime versions.


“What’d ya think?” Skirata asked as he relaxed and stood up straight, holding his arms out.


“Wha-WHY did you attack me?!”” Quinn asked in disbelief, staring at the prime weapons.


“Presentation is everything, and I present to you the Prime Ankyros.”  Skirata took a step towards Quinn as he flicked his wrists, unlocking the Ankyros and flipping them over for Quinn to receive.  “Do what you see fit with these, whether that be punishing Grineer or passing it on to a worthy Tenno.”


Skirata bent slightly forward at the waist, arms extending the Ankyros to Quinn’s similarly bowed posture.


Quinn activated and secured the prime gift and admired them on his hands.  “Thank you, Master Skirata.”


“One more thing Foundry Master,”  Skirata said as he turned back to the crate, and took out a palm sized device, “you get those, as well as these for anyone else who might be interested.”  Skirata tossed the device at Quinn, who caught and briefly observed it before looking back up.


“What’s this?”


“Why don’t you find out?”  Skirata strode past Quinn and started down the corridor.  “I’ll see you later.”


Quinn triggered the device’s startup, which caused one side to light up.  In a split second two basic images were projected, they were the prime blueprints of both the Ankyros and Boltor.  Quinn gasped as he started thumbing through the images and detailed lists, everything to know about rebuilding both prime weapons was present on the device.  Quinn turned his head back in the direction Skirata took, just in time to see him bring his hand down from his head, the Pendragon already covering most of his head again.



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