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Here's a person that wants to keep the Infested Charger look for the Helminth Charger. Give us the option for this.


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On 1/27/2017 at 3:00 AM, P0Pz said:

Sain so...a infested creature, kubrow, can not be "ignored" as it is the core energy source for the virus within. The virus may take control or manipulate the "hosts" brain and natural given form to a given point. But never delete his host completly before able to spread offspring. ~ suicide.

A virus will never do suicide. Never. It will always make sure it has enough "time" to jump over to as much possible hosts. 

It is impossible to leave a kubrow out in the visual combination of virus + kubrow. It can not create its own mobil organic version. It has to hunt like every predator his victim, to reach a enery source to grow/ reproduce & generate offspring. Lore has nothing to do with it. It is simple said true/could be... or... stupid/impossible trying to explain something that can NEVER happen.

surrogacy, like i said. We are growing a charger. The process, which we dont know, can be that we take out most of the kubrow bits and put in charger bits.

Or it could just be the old fashion way. We could be carrying around a ball sack on your neck for a week and we fertilize a kubrow egg and the charger genes are dominant so the look ends up being charger by the behaviour is kubrow. We know we can change the outside of the kubrow cause the Grineer have their own totally different version of a kub that doesnt really look like any of the other kubs, 

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25 minutes ago, Mak_Gohae said:


So they just changed the charger and offered nothing about keeping the original.

Given that we got no solution for the Prime Valk lore im going to guess that this means we are never going to get the original charger back.

Did you read the patch notes? The old charger skin is available on the market for credits, so essentially free. I was right all along that they would let people use the old look without spending plat.

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31 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Did you read the patch notes? The old charger skin is available on the market for credits, so essentially free. I was right all along that they would let people use the old look without spending plat.


5 minutes ago, Blood_Poppy said:

You can buy the Old Helminth Charger Model for 10K Credits.. Check The Update Notes before Complain.. -_-

I already buy it..

They put it at the end without any flair. I stopped reading after the ability changes because i thought it was just stuff the new ability mods would describe. My fault.


Ok, YYYAAAAAAYYYY!!!! Now fix the Prime Valk Lore.


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Just now, Mak_Gohae said:


They put it at the end without any flair. I stopped reading after the ability changes because i thought it was just stuff the new ability mods would describe. My fault.


Ok, YYYAAAAAAYYYY!!!! Now fix the Prime Valk Lore.


That ok.. I do also Really Want they Fix Valkyr Prime ARMS.. i hate Those Weird Looking Lazy Corpus Armlet on Valkyr Prime.. -_-  

Why they didn't use Valkyr Deluxe Skin As Model..

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2017-01-15 at 1:31 PM, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 said:

I didn't like the original Charger but I understand some people do. There should be a more doggy/kitty version of the pet (skins) that look more like something out of "The Thing." instead of an infested runner with 4 legs and no face. Then DE can make more armor sets for the pets that add more infested-ness to the look of the dogs/cats. More money for the DEvs, more enjoyment for the Tenno... win-win.

What I think the infested pets should look similar to:


What I think the Normal Pets should Look simialr too:



Sorry, no cat examples.

Pic one is the correct look

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