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[Warframe Concept] Paradoxys, the Master of Time


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Hello there dear Warframe Players, i would like to introduce my Warframe Concept, as you may read and look at the title, it's a new Warframe which is able to manipulate the Time or Space-Time-Continuum. For First i call him Paradoxys and i will Change his Name(Power Names included) if needed or as result of a Review, Discussion or Contribution with you. The following Points will shortly introduce Paradoxys himself, overview of his Basic Stats, his Powers and Core Role in Warframe. May after time i'll try to add some artwork or if you are interested you are free and welcome to design any for him, i guess and believe there are really great Artist in here so any contribution like kind of that is very appreciated :D.


This is Paradoxys,

Paradoxys is the Master of Time, and as the Time itself, Paradoxys is able to manipulate the flew of Time, and curses chronocially anomalies, known as Paradoxon, he is the main factor when its Time to crush your foes in less than one second or to let your siblings survive more than thousand years.

His Stats:

  • Skill Strength: 100%
  • Skill Range: 100%
  • Skill Duration: 100%
  • Energy Efficiency: 100%
  • Sprinting: 1.00
  • Shield: 100(at Rank 30: 200)
  • Armor: 60
  • Health: 80(at Rank 30: 240)
  • Energy: 100(at Rank 30: 150)

The stats can be increased further by using the specific Mods, independacy Paradoxys Rank would be. So with Mods the Max Stats can be Extended aswell.


His Powers:


Power 1: Accelerator



Let the Time flew for you and your siblings faster over time. You benefit from running, reloading, charging and attacking faster then you normally do. Rush over the map and foes in seconds.Paradoxys hulls himself and your Mates(and the time clone), if they are in the right radius with an icey-blue coloured Aura and a Little clock Icon appears above their heads, that means they are under Accelerators effect and recieve the boost. A second execution of Accelerator cancel the boost effect, and no further Energy will be drawn.

  • Cost Energy to activate: 30
  • Boosting Sprint,Reloading,Charging and Attacking by: 0.8/1.2/1.8/2.7
  • Radius: 10/15/23/34
  • Energy per seconds: 5/3/2/1.5

Power 2: Rewinding



Turn back Time and see the Paradoxon effects occure. Paradoxys will go back in time with Rewinding, after that, his Health and Ammunition will be refilled which he lost the seconds before he went back. In Addition a time clone of Paradoxys will summoned after he rewinds, the Timeclone repeat the Actions Paradoxys did until Rewinding was activated. That includes the movement trail, shooting,attacking and use of powers except Rewinding. Paradoxys's Timeclones can be used as decoys to confuse and Interrupt enemies and can be killed as well by foes or explosions. Another second execution of Rewinding stops further or deeper move, no further Energy will be drawn and the health and ammunition Paradoxys lost exactly the seconds before the first and until the second Rewinding was activated, also a time clone is created.

  • Cost Energy to activate: 30
  • Energy per seconds: 5/3/2/1.5
  • Time clones per activation: always 1 per activation

Power 3: Time Bubble



A hard Situation to solve or you want more easily eliminate a big pack of enemies, then Paradoxys Time Bubble ability will help you. Bow the Time as you command to Stop its flow, a dome will be created around Paradoxys, and within it Paradoxys and his siblings or his time clones can freely move around and are able to Attack in Close Combat, while the enemies in it are frozen, also all projectiles either from you, your siblings or foes will stop in time as they are in the dome or near to enter it. Paradoxys will be used as the radius center whome the dome will build from, after the Dome is placed, Paradoxys cannot only as your Mates (and time clone) move in the dome around, but go outside the dome too. Another execution of Time Bubble will remove the Dome, the time will run normal and no further energy will be drawn.

  • Cost Energy to activate: 50
  • Radius: 10/15/23/34
  • Energy per seconds: 5/3/2/1.5

Power 3 Alternative: Omni-Temporal Roulette( describtion coming soon)

Power 4: Tachyon Burst



You are near lose, or Paradoxys is alone while his siblings are wounded and overhelmed by your foes, then instantly go in rage and let you detonate the Time-Space Continuum with Tachyon Burst. As Paradoxys is the radius Center, Tachyon Burst will, around Paradoxys, immobilize (shields will be disabled and weapons lose their functions) and inflict damage per seconds to all enemies, and refill at the same time all Shield, Health and Munition of Paradoxys and your Mates (except the time clones), even if they lay down or still standing, in the right radius of Tachyon Burst. Your foes taking so long damage as Energy per seconds are drawn, the refilling and immobilizing effect is only once and Tachyon Burst can't be canceled with another execution.

  • Cost Energy to activate: 70
  • Radius: 10/15/23/34
  • Damage per seconds: 10/13/17/22
  • Energy per seconds: 10/6/4/2

Passive Ability: Paradoxic Loop

Paradoxic Loop absorbs 24 Tachyon Orbs automatically when reached the right amount. Those Tachyon Orbs will be formed, if Paradoxys, or his time clone or Teammates, killing or assisting to kill foes while they are under the Dome of Time Bubble or boosted by Accelerator, Tachyon Burst doesn't count this way. After absorbing those 24 Tachyon Orbs, Paradoxys gain a specific, and depending on his Rank, amount of per cent of his Max Energy back. Look in the Excel file for the percentages.

Rework of the stats overview also noted in the Excel file (Playground not available otherwise you know how you would handle it by your own): http://www.filedropper.com/skillstats-rework

His role:


Well as you read through his abilities you might have figured out his main role or his use in the game. Well Paradoxys is a Crowd Controlling Supporter. Which is my imagined concept of him. His unique abilities and powers would be very useful in any Situation which involves teamplay. So hes not meant for Solo Play overall, but he can. He is in one way very destructive and on the other way ultimative supportive. He is a chess figure which tries to set the Mission always in a success, or near lose or fail to strike back fast and massive. His gameplay difficulty would be classified as Hard, due of some Points which i will list below in pro and contra, he is not that easy and expirienced Players would also benefit more with him.


  • Very Flexible
  • At higher Rank the ultimate Support Warframe
  • Multiple configuration types with perks/mods is given
  • Very good on Siege, Looting, Void and Elimination Missions
  • Team Mates won't fear a lost Mission with him in group


  • At beginning very Hard to play
  • Lack at Health and Armor
  • At beginning more Teamplay involved than Solo
  • High Energy cost
  • Expirienced Players required

Note: The pros and contras are imagined, only of my mind and related to the Warframe and Skill stats, there might be other Points possible or not, you think of.


Artworks(in Progress)


Last words are, i hope you read through, maybe enjoying it and if not, i am happy about your Feedback and anything else. Take your Time, cause you Control it.



Edited by DonQuixotteDeFlamingo
Some edits and fixing needed to be done
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Just now, Almighty_Jado said:

Not trying to be rude but the grammar here is atrocious and really hard to read with. You're probably not a native English speaker?

No i am not native English, but it should be comprehensive at all, where have you Problems with the grammar? I tried my best to make my Point and make it easy to understand and fine to read.

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2 hours ago, DonQuixotteDeFlamingo said:

No i am not native English, but it should be comprehensive at all, where have you Problems with the grammar? I tried my best to make my Point and make it easy to understand and fine to read.

It's alright. I get the gist of your idea, and it's really good.

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Oh my, he's faster than Volt with his speed boost. And most people complain about Volt's Speed boost. (Are you sure you want 4.0 speed?). He also has more base energy than Volt Prime with Primed Flow! He also has a lot of armor, health and shields for a Caster frame. But I didn't really look at the ability due to fear and pure shock at his stats

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4 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

It's alright. I get the gist of your idea, and it's really good.

Thanks, meant alot for me :D. Do you suggest to add Augmentations for Paradoxys, well i played quite a bit before really new stuff was added into game, now i am back and Augmentation were noted of some other Players, but i have no plan about it, and if all current warframes Support it or have any use of it.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Oh my, he's faster than Volt with his speed boost. And most people complain about Volt's Speed boost. (Are you sure you want 4.0 speed?). He also has more base energy than Volt Prime with Primed Flow! He also has a lot of armor, health and shields for a Caster frame. But I didn't really look at the ability due to fear and pure shock at his stats

Well i haven't noticed Sprinting increase that much with other Warframes i had played, my Ash had except the Sprinting near the same stats at Rank 30. I might edit it, i used Mirage base Stats as Workaround.

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Scaling works like this:

HP and shields go up by 3.0x when they hit rank 30

Energy goes up by 1.5x at rank 30. Volt Prime has 300 Energy at level 30 and that's the highest in the game. To go from 150 to 450 is ridiculous. Normally, 150 goes to 200 at max rank. Consider that if he does make it into the game, he will be primed so it will be too strong. 

Armor usually doesn't scale but recently we had Nidus so it's probably gonna be a thing.

Sprint does not increase at all. That's why you haven't noticed your frames being any fast. Because they aren't faster than they were when their level 1. Just to prove a point: Use Frost. It's significantly noticeable.

Plus, I can't understand what you're saying in your abilities. I gave up on reading it. But overall seems to be fine.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Scaling works like this:

HP and shields go up by 3.0x when they hit rank 30

Energy goes up by 1.5x at rank 30. Volt Prime has 300 Energy at level 30 and that's the highest in the game. To go from 150 to 450 is ridiculous. Normally, 150 goes to 200 at max rank. Consider that if he does make it into the game, he will be primed so it will be too strong. 

Armor usually doesn't scale but recently we had Nidus so it's probably gonna be a thing.

Sprint does not increase at all. That's why you haven't noticed your frames being any fast. Because they aren't faster than they were when their level 1. Just to prove a point: Use Frost. It's significantly noticeable.

Plus, I can't understand what you're saying in your abilities. I gave up on reading it. But overall seems to be fine.

Could you tell me what you don't understand under the abilities? It doesn't help if you just say it.

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Well the passive's grammar is out of wack and I can't understand a thing. The other abilities are more understandable but not bringing anything new to the "Time Frame" table. This is probably the most popular theme on the forums. There are literally hundreds of time frame Concepts by now. I've made 3 of them I think. Or 2. I'm not sure anymore.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Well the passive's grammar is out of wack and I can't understand a thing. The other abilities are more understandable but not bringing anything new to the "Time Frame" table. This is probably the most popular theme on the forums. There are literally hundreds of time frame Concepts by now. I've made 3 of them I think. Or 2. I'm not sure anymore.

Well the Passive- Paradoxic Loop- is meant to give 50% of your Max Energy back. But you Need 10 Tachyon Orbs which will be automatically absorbed, when you have the amount reached, you gain those Orbs for example when you with Paradoxys or your Team, kills something while they are boosted by Accelerator or under the Time Bubble. Maybe that wasn't clear and i wrote it to complicated, don't worry i will do some Edits, i was just overrated. Well i honestly know a Frame concept with Time Manipulation is at all nothing new and the most Powers which are related to this Theme, like Stopping the Time or go back in Time, will not Change, those are the first imagined ideas for sure, inspired by other games or something else, but i guess that is not the Problem and is also wished by the most Players that something like that might occure and will arrive into the game. In near future we will get of course a Time manipulating Warframe. In the end, the question is how it will looks like then, of Course not as we imagined and presentated here in the Forums. My concept as mentioned is for the supportive nature for some Players and Energy Management, due the powers eat alot over time. So are your concept near the same what is the difference and if so, why we not put some thoughts into one and see what will happen? I'am glad and happy of your Feedback, maybe if i am able i will check out your concept, or you have or remember it somehow and are pleased to send a link into the comments. And hope the Passive ability is now understandable^^.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

One last thing before I leave this Concept for good. Try to stay below 100 energy cost. Anything above will make Flow and Primed Flow a necessity. Plus, the numbers don't go well when paired with Max Power Efficiency.

Yeah i guess that is a good idea to decrease the Energy cost to activate the Powers, alright i'll edit it as soon as possible, and i will rewriting the whole description of each ability as well. Guess to tend it shortly and concrete is sometimes better than big plotting :D.

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Updated the Excel file, which includes now the substraction of the Cost for each Power first, edited the Power section in the main post, it should be now more understandable and better to read, due by some additional Information and structure(grammar). Also i designed some Power Icons which you can find in the main post too.

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Hmm a bit hard to read but I think I get the gist of Paradoxys' kit. 
There are a few programming problems I can see, mostly being with the Mechanics of  the 'Time Clones', as I imagine there would need to be some sort of action/movement recording running in the background of the actions for when Rewinding is activated.

I'm not a programmer of any sort so I'm not sure how this could be done/IF it could be done with the game's current tech. 

Either way, the more ideas out there the better I guess. 

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8 minutes ago, Axelieus said:

Hmm a bit hard to read but I think I get the gist of Paradoxys' kit. 
There are a few programming problems I can see, mostly being with the Mechanics of  the 'Time Clones', as I imagine there would need to be some sort of action/movement recording running in the background of the actions for when Rewinding is activated.

I'm not a programmer of any sort so I'm not sure how this could be done/IF it could be done with the game's current tech. 

Either way, the more ideas out there the better I guess. 

I guess there won't be any Problems within the mechanics, the programmer will find a way, as others did in other games, maybe even better though.

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  • 1 month later...

As you may watched the #88 Dev Stream, the developers revealed a Limbo Rework, and for one Special ability i remind it was the 3rd, they changed it into a cool new aspect and that in the way Paradoxy's Time Bubble or any other Time based Warframe Power would do. Limbo would be able to set foes in stasis and freeze near projectiles around him, literally meant time stopping or freezing. Well that doesn't mean a Time based Warframe isn't worthy now, there are many possible creative way to create new Time Powers, one is my Omni-Temporal Roulette(might Change the Name :D), what Paradoxys is capable to do with this Power will coming soon.

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