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Weekend Event Feedback: Don't Lead Us Astray.


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Really? You want the devs to have to deal with the S#&$storm of hate and flaming that happens on the forums if the event fails and all those people who killed 20+ drones don't get their BP? Sure, you don't care, but I guarantee you SOMEONE will.  My clan also wants to get one of those drone statues once Update 9 comes, and we've got at least one guy whose got a shot at the Primed Chamber mod (granted, that's my opinion, but hey).

So, I'm telling you yet again, if you care so much about rewards (and your heart is even big enough to also care for devs') -- go ahead and shoot those drones. You know, less forum posting, more drone shooting.

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Wait wat. So you say that this event is not farm and grinding? They said - top 100 players receive super shiny mod, but what is the difference between a regular player and top 100? As far as I've seen, the highest number was 2k+ informers. Most people have real life and they will just abandon the event after 20 kills or will not start it at all. What is the point in competing with players who spend (I don't know) 15 hours ingame? Personally, I will never waste so much time farming the same mission over and over and over. So this event separates most players from hardcore players. Basically, hardcore players will compete for these top 100 places, while others will be soooooo far behind them they don't even have the chance.

I love when people take a post and remove the context of the statement you are making.


It was in reply to the OP. This event is slightly different from the first "global" event with the Fusion MOA, where we all just aimed at participating, there were no defined perks other than Frost Prime.


Here we have both minimum perks that are easy to attain, high level perks and clan based perks. The point is they give us choices. If you want to pursue the minimum, u get the sniperton vandal, you want to be a hardcore player, you're welcome to it.


No one is left out, because we all know the mod is gonna be in circulation as soon as U9 comes out.


They have to try out different scaled events and methods to find what works.


Like the artifact alert, basically a remix of the endless defense or introduction of the infested mobile defense.


Beta is beta, we have to assume everything is to test how we respond to it.


Anyone &!$$ed off about not being able to obtain the Charged Prime mod, hasn't been playing long, DE has expressed they don't want to emphasize exclusiveness and they have proven that by making (other than a hand full of founders/closed beta items) available to every player in some way.

Edited by OrokinNoob
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I believe that this is a great event.I mean, just the experience of being told to go kill 20 drones for a snipertron vandal and then NOT receiving? AMAZING, it would be such a twist! And if we get the snipetron vandal, it better dispense cotton candy and give you back rubs, because i expect no less from DE`s genius minds!

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The competitive nature of the event led a lot of people to simply give up. When you start ranking up the kills past 100 and realize there's people with over 600, with better, easier methods of hunting, you lose hope and just go about doing your thing. Tryhards killed the competition. Same for clans.


This event, to me, was specially annoying because it mixes competitiveness, exploring ad nauseum and deviates me from my usual schedule. I'd be running defense, void, mobile defense instead of running mid lvl missions in a race that I know I'm not gonna win.


Gave up and I'm around 300 give or take. :I

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I honestly hope DE learns something from this, and instead moves into some sort of individual goal system for these events. No sense in punishing the whole community when only parts of the community are willing to work together to complete community goals.


Don't get me wrong, I can understand why a lot of people just stopped caring to whatever extent. It's just kind of a bummer to see people give up so easily, and or not be willing to adjust their game play for a few days. I'd don't know what other games people in this community play, but its events like these (whether they are crappy or good) that throw a wrench in the gears of most peoples daily plan (which often leads to burnout).


I know someone is probably going to say "well why are you posting instead of killing drones" again. So, I'll end by saying, I'm at work right now. But I can say that by the end of this event, I'll have vanquished my goal of one thousand or more dead informer drones.

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This event is S#&$ty one and should be killed with fire!



But now seriously, event is executed in worse way possible. I think they rushed it without to much thinking. We need 20 kills for reward and Warframe have base of active players around what number? Most of the people will kill 20 Baloons and be like"I killed enough for myself, let rest of them farm Baloons for event completion". And clan tiers are also weird to some degree, would be better to divide Baloon kills with number of clan members for some more fair ranking on clans.

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It's just kind of a bummer to see people give up so easily, and or not be willing to adjust their game play for a few days. I'd don't know what other games people in this community play, but its events like these (whether they are crappy or good) that throw a wrench in the gears of most peoples daily plan (which often leads to burnout).

I guess people want to have fun when playing the game. And not attend it like it's their job.


Can you blame them for that?

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I guess people want to have fun when playing the game. And not attend it like it's their job.


Can you blame them for that?


You can still have fun (which covers a broad spectrum) and incorporate the event into whatever it is you are doing. I never said play it like its a job and your life depends on it, nor was I pointing fingers and blaming anyone. I was simply stating my dismay. 


I'm sorry if I'm just misinterpreting you, but I'd appreciate it if you'd contribute to the thread in a constructive manner, rather than just posting like this.

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I've yet to see a developer more in tune with its fanbase than DE, yet all I hear is a bunch of whinning about everything. Seriously, dry up the tears, put on your big boy pants and go kill some Grineer.


This is only the second community event give it a chance. Through trial and error is how we achieve perfection.

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I've yet to see a developer more in tune with its fanbase than DE, yet all I hear is a bunch of whinning about everything. Seriously, dry up the tears, put on your big boy pants and go kill some Grineer.


This is only the second community event give it a chance. Through trial and error is how we achieve perfection.

 Thank you.

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Thats awesum a player that plays a CO-OP multiplayer game does not care if it's events/content is for multiplayer... TADA... nuff said.


you only want your gun and you could not care less if anyone else got it. This shows the sad part of humans. Only thinking of themselves.


gl. with the event.. I did 1300+ kills now and getting sick of people that only got 20 kills and then complains about them not being sure of a reward... GO MOVE YOUR &#! and kill some more it took me 1,5 run of an instance like 30 mins max to get 20 kills and then you expect an reward lol.


now people with 500+ kills should complain their &#! of if they do not get an reward cause of the lazy/selfish Communities. I can only laugh about your complaint you did nothing in this event NOTHING.


rant over.


back to the event being solo minded is Again not cool for a CO-OP multiplayer game where our sweet Lotus says that we can bond together to kill the SPY's .... ohh she just forgot to add +SOLO instance and then help fill a Progress bar with enermies that does not even fight back.

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I never said I straight up did not care, I said "I didn't care so much". Small, but significant difference. I decided to go a somewhat different direction with my topic here, focusing more on relaying that if we didn't complete this event, nobody gets anything.


Of course I want the gun, and I want everyone else to have it too. So what you seem to have missed is that I've said that I'm a little annoyed with that fact that people don't give a damn about the event and wont contribute passed the 20 kills, or just stop shortly after that because they feel its fruitless.


So what if this game is meant to be played with people. Its also set up for solo play. I've agreed that this event is a little messed up in that it forces people to play solo in order to be efficient and effectively contribute to the event. It's what we've been dealt, and I disagree with how people go about dealing with it.


And to add, I've put in my fair share of time, and pushed on passed 1000+ kills. So I've contributed, but I also feel a little let down by those who scoff at us that will push on no matter what the even stipulations are. I've also been working all weekend, so I didn't have the luxury of just hunkering down and pushing out as many kills as I possibly could.

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The reason(which I can reasonably assume)for which this event is SOLO-minded rather than Co-Op is simple: if everyone in a group benefited from one person killing an event mob, then potentially all they'd have to do is have 3 out of the 4 people in the group sit around somewhere safe, and reap the benefits of having one person do all of the work.  Now we can also reasonably postulate that on the flip side of that coin that players wouldn't exploit the system this way, but because there's a chance to do so it is the way it is.  Individual participation is necessary in this case to somewhat accurately determine exactly how many people care/don't care about the rewards, and how far they're willing/unwilling to go for them.


I personally feel that giving the player base an actual number of kills needed to determine whether or not they'd get Snipetron Vandal barring that the community as a whole succeeds was a bad idea.  In this case that number was 20, and regardless of the rest of the stipulations of the event many seemed to go into tunnel vision mode once they saw 20 and decided right then and there that that was all they were going to do because it counted as "participating" in the event.  It's not to say that if all you can muster was 20 because you had other commitments and what not that I'm writing you off in the same category.  That's not the case at all since sometimes that's all you can do.  Obviously DE made the number small so that it was easily in reach for everyone.  The problem there is that while it makes things manageable for everyone, because the number is so small it doesn't encourage people to go beyond it.  The same problem persists if the number were bigger too.  The complaint would then flip and be about that fact that you have to do too much to reach a goal that should be easier and more manageable for all.  This could be easily solved if they just didn't give out an actual number, so players who were enticed by the potential prize(s) would have more of an incentive to keep participating in the event, and actively contribute all weekend long/as much as they could.  While that would probably be the lesser of all evils I can imagine that some people would be upset by that as well because not having an actual number would force them to grind the event, since they wouldn't be able to determine the bare minimum required to skate on by.  Either way someone's cereal is getting pooped in it seems.  Just don't give us an actual number next time DE, that would seem to be best.

Edited by SynthReBorn
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Just to work on your statement, you could easily make kills work like exp, you have to be in certain range to get those drone kills, that would make more people co-op, and would lead to clans working along to have 4 team squad members instead of 4 players going solo for more kills.


Another thing would be a clan kill count, instead of a single player kill count. If you dont have a clan, you get a solo number you have to kill, if you are in a clan, you have to kill X for the clan.


The events need to be better worked on cause this is co-op game, not a solo game. It has solo to extend the player base, but the whole thinking on it is a clan based game.

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