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Players Going Off By Themselves Killing Things Miles Away


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The only real problem I have with people running off and killing stuff not near the objective is Mobile Defense. What they should do is make it so people who kill enemies within the area of the objective should get full/bonus exp and the morons who ignore the objective and run off killing stuff outside of the area would get less exp. This would help a lot with mobile defense since so many people are incompetent idiots who leave the objective for everyone else while they screw up the spawns and rack up kills.

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What they need to do is fix spawns and ai pathing.  There would be less incentive for people to kill stuff miles away if mobs didn't have a long &#! walk to the objective and get stuck en masse at choke points all the time.  This especially goes for mobile defense.  If the objective got rushed by mobs regardless of where players are, there would be little incentive to go to the far ends of the map to kill stuff.

Edited by Aggh
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Problem is that the sense of co-op in this game is already rotten to the roots.

When you can clear 90% of a so called co-op game by playing solo, you know there's something wrong.


Bring more gameplay that requires co-op and the problem will solve itself. Not gameplay where co-op is an option at most, or even where co-op is rewarded. Required. 

A game where roaming around alone leads to a certain and quick death. Where enemies require coordination and focus fire to be killed. Where adapting its frame and build is mandatory.

In short, what a wave 50+ on T3 defense looks like.


The rusher will die as much as the slow-poke in this kind of game. If you move too fast or can't keep up, either way, you're dead weight.


You can't ask the whole game, from beginning to end, to be like that. There needs to be a learning curve of course. But it shouldn't be restricted to end-game either. It should be a complete part of the game. The goal of every progression mechanic in the game. You level up a frame/weapon in the "normal part of the game" (the game as it is now) to be able to participate in the "true game".

Elitist? maybe. But I'm not sure Warframe will last long without something for players to look forward to, like that.


Really looking forward to this nightmare mode honestly, and hoping it's a step in the direction of this kind of gameplay.

If I can solo it, the game is dead for me.

Edited by Thelonious
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Whoah, hold on there OP! You want to penalize solo players for leaving enemies alive behind them? I don't know about you or most people but If I'm using a new frame I can get overrun pretty easily, leaving the only way out for me being running away for a bit to recuperate.


Now if I did this, I'd be losing affinity and leveling my frame and weapons would be even slower!


If you have an issue with people rushing ahead, just don't play with them! You can figure that out can't you? Leave the game, If you happen to be playing a deception mission, grab the data packet right off the bat and just take your time. Force them to wait up for you. Even better, find some people that you like to play with and play with them more regularly; the game has a contacts list for a reason.


I hate that I can't help but bump this thread by posting in it, but I can't see anything here to agree with, except for the disagreements.

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1) this is the internet, get used to being called names, it isnt illegal, and i dont think it it a legitimate claim to report someone for

2)alot of people would abuse this and probably join peoples games just to screw with their xp gain

3) if you are playing solo, penalizing you in order to promote co-op play is just super dumb


1) It is against the tos, toa. And is a legitimate reason for reporting someone.

2) That's just rude.

3) I'm not penalizing anyone for playing solo. They still will gain exp at the same rate as other players in a co-op. This only gives them incentive to slow down and not fly through maps.

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Whoah, hold on there OP! You want to penalize solo players for leaving enemies alive behind them? I don't know about you or most people but If I'm using a new frame I can get overrun pretty easily, leaving the only way out for me being running away for a bit to recuperate.


Now if I did this, I'd be losing affinity and leveling my frame and weapons would be even slower!


If you have an issue with people rushing ahead, just don't play with them! You can figure that out can't you? Leave the game, If you happen to be playing a deception mission, grab the data packet right off the bat and just take your time. Force them to wait up for you. Even better, find some people that you like to play with and play with them more regularly; the game has a contacts list for a reason.


I hate that I can't help but bump this thread by posting in it, but I can't see anything here to agree with, except for the disagreements.



Unfortunately leaving the game is what I actually do, but this reflects poorly in players ranking if they do this.

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So you want me to waste my limited play time waiting for you to explore?


How about you roll solo and do all the exploration you want while I marder everything in sight. I don't have eternity to wait for those who want to take in every texture on a map. I've seen most everything there is to see and have no desire to wait on other players over and over. So instead of me having to alter my play to match yours they can make everyone solo everything (unlock feature) the first time around. After you solo and do your exploring we can do the group thing and kill stuff so everyone can progress rather then being held back by noobs.


I bet when get a job and have to spend weeks just to kill the same boss 50+ times to get all the bits you need to craft an item your outlook will change.

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So you want me to waste my limited play time waiting for you to explore?


How about you roll solo and do all the exploration you want while I marder everything in sight. I don't have eternity to wait for those who want to take in every texture on a map. I've seen most everything there is to see and have no desire to wait on other players over and over. So instead of me having to alter my play to match yours they can make everyone solo everything (unlock feature) the first time around. After you solo and do your exploring we can do the group thing and kill stuff so everyone can progress rather then being held back by noobs.


I bet when get a job and have to spend weeks just to kill the same boss 50+ times to get all the bits you need to craft an item your outlook will change.


If you have a problem with people slowing you down, why don't YOU go solo instead?

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If you have a problem with people slowing you down, why don't YOU go solo instead?


And what if my GROUP wants to faceroll everything in sight which is what happens more often than not?


I would love to hear your solution other then trying to force me to cater to your extremely niche play style.


Why should WE as the MAJORITY as a GROUP be slowed down by noobs?


I offered a solution for the explorers you don't like it then deal with the timer. My time is too valuable and there is no good reason I should be restricted from group play just to appease a minority.

Edited by CrunkTanium
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And what if my GROUP wants to faceroll everything in sight which is what happens more often than not?


 Simple if YOUR GROUP wants to run to the boss and hurry and finish the objective while NOT waiting for other players. Then go private with your group. Simple as that ^.^

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 Simple if YOUR GROUP wants to run to the boss and hurry and finish the objective while NOT waiting for other players. Then go private with your group. Simple as that ^.^


Majority rules mang.


You join a group you do what the group does not the other way around. If you want to run at a snails pace then ask the devs for an optional turtle group mode of sorts. This way all the slow people can hang together and everyone else can do what they do. But what would happen and the devs already know this is the snails will be waiting till the cows come home to fill out a group. Then all the snails will complain in masses and ask for some way or another to force us to group with you until we rage quit the game forever.

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I agree that rushing is a problem, but your solution is bad. It's all stick but no carrot, it won't make people in public games play as a team, it will just make them rage on the forums. Remember what happened when they nerfed slide?


I hate the idea that a squad has to consist entirely of people who all maintain the formation at all times and move forward at the same pace as if they were a single body, this sounds like something out of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. This is a computer game, not an elementary school where everyone has to slow down to the level of the slowest kid around.


Besides, how will your system tell the difference between the ones being left behind and the ones rushing ahead, in a game that features dead ends and - in the future - possibly multiple routes? How will it tell the difference between a sneaky sniper that likes to shoot enemies from a distance and a melee brute that charges straight into combat? How will it recognize a coordinated and friendly team that has simply agreed that some of them care more about resources while others care about kills, and the former will go exploring while the latter will focus on killing and will occasionally wait for the other part of the group?


If you want to truly enjoy the early game of any online game that allows newbies and veterans to mingle - then you go solo or private; this isn't exactly something new or secret. The new player you're talking about will have to learn to be fast too sooner or later, otherwise they might never build their own frame or gather enough resources for their coveted weapon. A game that is all about being fast, efficient and well-geared yet punishes players for being fast, efficient and well-geared is up to a short life.



If you want to fix rushing then fix the cause, not the symptoms. Take away the reasons why people rush and then you will have solved the problems.


- Fix the affinity per enemy level curve, currently it sucks and higher-level enemies take much longer to kill but hardly give more affinity than low-level ones. Make it so it pays off more to turtle through high-level missions than rush through low level ones.


- Automatically rank down people's modules and frames when they enter low level maps. They'll be much more cautious when their Serration drops down to rank 1 and their shields and health get cut down to 200.


- Make it so it pays more to slow down and explore. Add mods and more rare resources to lockers, hide the best stuff behind team doors, platform puzzles, and/or super-elaborate and uncipherable hacking minigames. Void is a step in the right direction and hopefully they are already working on making the other levels be like that.

You have pretty weird ideas about Germany and Russia. Noone asks group to be in single spot. More like to be in reasonable range.

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If anything happens, I would rather it be based on radius to the objective.


Emphasis on IF ANYTHING HAPPENS. I don't really want a change like this, but if one has to happen, make it so that, in escort or defense gametypes, you have to be near your objective to gain xp. Exterminate, Sabotage, Capture and Assaination can stay the same, it'd be all the others that change.

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I disagree with the OP on affinity changes based on group proximity. That's just ridiculous. I say that DE works out a system that increases the difficulty of the enemies further ahead in the level, depending on the number of players in the preceeding map tiles.


4 players: Normal level

3 players: +1 level

2 players: +3 level

1 player: +5 level


If the whole team stays together, then the enemies stay at the same strength as you would expect. The more the team spreads out across the map, the more difficult the enemies become, making one or two player rushes significantly harder.


On a similar note, the further a player is from the objective (takes longer to leave an area, takes the wrong path, etc), the enemies will scale down, but spawn more often. More than once I've found myself making the long run back to the fight from exploring somewhere, only to have nothing to kill on the way. If you take a wrong turn early in the map and aren't paying attention, you pretty much lose all leveling ability that mission just because of this issue.

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1) This lowers the amount of available mobs for everyone else


2) As for solo play,


3) I know this seems harsh


4) If I may offer an anecdote as to how this ruined the game from my perspective:

5) That is my argument and solution as to why players who selfishly gain without consideration of other players need to be harshly and strictly penalized.

1) You still get xp. The only way to assure that you "get" the kills you want and play you want is to play solo.


2) REALLY ?!? Why are you worried about this at all? If I want to play solo standing on my head until my chee reaches over 9000 who cares? If I want to play solo and go afk who cares? If I want to play solo and run to the end who cares? Your suggestion neutralizes sniping you do realize that right?. *facepalm*


3) No it doesn't. You are suggesting a control method to nail down the behavior of every individual who plays the game. What you are suggesting pretty much fits the definition of the word tyranny.


4) This story fits into the same box as "people are ruining my play by using their ults" and "people are ruining my play by rushing/going too slow"

you just need to find like minded players. Here's how. (again :D )


Contact list

1) Play with random people.

2) Add people whose play style you agree with to you contacts list.

3) Do not add people to your contacts list that you disagree with for any reason. (any reason at all it's up to you)

4) After some time you will have a list of players personally approved by you. Play with them.

5) Maintain your list. If you need to boot someone or if someone stops playing you may have to play some more randoms to refill your list.


5) You are attempting to police the internet and control everyone's actions in game. This pursuit is absurd. In any MMO with random people there is always going to be people sooner or later that annoy you for whatever reason. I advise you to deal with it, play solo, use your list, or join a like minded clan.


It still baffles me how you seem to have put some thought into this but still ended up saying screw all sniping of any kind, lets just get rid of the new snipe vandal, and Lex ect.ect. Do you realize the range of these guns? And if in your suggestion the range is going to be far enough to use the full range of the snipe vandal it won't make a difference at all.


also another problem i ran into ide like to bring up is i was playing with a team and this one guy kept stealing all the ammo, but he wouldn't kill anything and just ran away.

Really? I could have sworn that you don't pick up ammo if your ammo is full. That's where the game says "rifle ammo full" in a little message at the bottom center of your screen when you walk over an ammo pack and your ammo is full. I do not believe you can pick up ammo at all unless you have spent ammo. Wait lemme go check, ima jump in game real quick, brb.


*30 seconds later*


Not only do you not pick up ammo drops if your ammo is full, you don't pick up health or energy either if your health and energy is full. If this guy wasn't killing anything what was he shooting? Sure you're not thinking of the credits? (Which go to all team members.) Cause right now your complaint has zero (0) validity.

Edited by Carcharias
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Wall of Text

You went full retard. Never go full retard. Get 3 friends, game is free. 

Some of us are farming when we pub. Some of us have rank 30 warframes already and don't give a crap and don't want to spend 20 minutes on an easy level because you want to check every nook an cranny for the possibility of 100 affinity. Some of us are trying to rank up weaponry.

If and when I feel like searching a map, I rationalize beforehand i'm not going to get a lot of kills because I'm knowingly taking myself out of the action.  

For you to suggest imposing penalties on another play style because you can't have your cake an eat it too is just asinine. Now if you suggested they give more incentive for working as a team I would agree. 

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. If you want to run at a snails pace then ask the devs for an optional turtle group mode of sorts.

If you want to run  like tiger to finish the objective, then ask the devs for an optional tiger group mode. Sorry if i didn't fully explain but when you say your GROUP i thought you mean't. The group you created.

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Also, Like a preivous person said. PEOPLE GET TRAPPED. By walls. By floors. By ceiling. By other places. The radius  "idea" Makes players that get stuck harm them. When devs should have fix it. That radius idea will effect  those who are unlucky and cant do anything about it. You shouldn't be forced to solo or do Co-op. But if you cant handle someone running impatiently or exploring. Well I dont know what to say. But you cant really stop that. Or else it will start a riot

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I disagree with the OP on affinity changes based on group proximity. That's just ridiculous. I say that DE works out a system that increases the difficulty of the enemies further ahead in the level, depending on the number of players in the preceeding map tiles.


4 players: Normal level

3 players: +1 level

2 players: +3 level

1 player: +5 level


If the whole team stays together, then the enemies stay at the same strength as you would expect. The more the team spreads out across the map, the more difficult the enemies become, making one or two player rushes significantly harder.


On a similar note, the further a player is from the objective (takes longer to leave an area, takes the wrong path, etc), the enemies will scale down, but spawn more often. More than once I've found myself making the long run back to the fight from exploring somewhere, only to have nothing to kill on the way. If you take a wrong turn early in the map and aren't paying attention, you pretty much lose all leveling ability that mission just because of this issue.

Increasing enemy level will have opposite effect: it will only stimulate rushing forward. Rushers are not people who are on par with level difficulty - they are able to rush because enemy level isn't any issue for them. If they overestimate their abilities you'll find them lying on the ground anyway. So, increasing enemy level will only promote rushers as higher level enemies will drop loot of higher quality still being no match. At same time it will penalize those who fell back: either a low level layer or player with bad connection - he will struggle to catch up even harder.

All in all, problem is that some guys rush ahead withou thought for others at all. If it's one person there is a chance he'll stuck at closed door that requires two to open (put there specificaly for such cases), but if there are two of them others will struggle to get loot from mission.

Edited by Aedwynn
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Problem is, if you allow all to get loot regardless of reaching end, some players will simply afk at start and get credit doing nothing. If you allow only those who reached goal get stuff, it will penalize those who like to explore/can't move fast cause someone rushed ahead no thinking about others. That's why we have doors and finale requiring two players, and countdown on top of that. Still, 2 rushers in team will ruin it for others. I saw 2 guys in pug on alert with ? specifically rushing ahead and purposely leaving others without reward.

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Problem is, if you allow all to get loot regardless of reaching end, some players will simply afk at start and get credit doing nothing. If you allow only those who reached goal get stuff, it will penalize those who like to explore/can't move fast cause someone rushed ahead no thinking about others. That's why we have doors and finale requiring two players, and countdown on top of that. Still, 2 rushers in team will ruin it for others. I saw 2 guys in pug on alert with ? specifically rushing ahead and purposely leaving others without reward.


As long as you finish you still get the ? reward.

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As long as you finish you still get the ? reward.

But you don't get those 5k+ credits that people sometimes want. When I was low rank tenno I used to run high bonus credit alerts constantly because there were no Void runs then and these alerts were the best place to get credits for mod fusions and what not. Now 2 rushers in a premade team can go and screw over newbies who aren't equipped to deal with the Void

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